26th September 2019, 10:19 PM
How many Specialist Officer vacancies are available in Punjab and Sind Bank?
Hello everyone, I have applied for Specialist Officer recruitment of Punjab and Sind Bank. I need to know about the vacancies available for this particular post in this PSB. Please let me know immediately.
29th September 2019, 04:31 PM
There are total 168 vacancies available for Specialist Officer in Punjab and Sind Bank.
Candidates who are interested to apply for the recruitment can visit the official website below and submit the online application form by 10th October 2019. Web; https://www.psbindia.com/content/recuitment |
29th September 2019, 07:00 PM
The total number of vacancies to apply for the post of Specialist Officer in Punjab and Sind Bank is 168.
29th September 2019, 07:01 PM
Number of vacancies available in Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment:
The detailed information about the number of vacancies available in Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment is given below. Name of the Bank - Punjab and Sind Bank Name of the Job Position - Specialist Officer Total Number of vacancies - 168 vacancies @ Division of above mentioned vacancies is as follows, * AGM - Law - 1 vacancy * Company Secretary - 1 vacancy * Rajbhasha Adhikari - 1 vacancy * Law Manager - 10 vacancies * Fire Safety Officer - 1 vacancy * Security Officer - 15 vacancies * Agricultural Field Officer - 50 vacancies * Chartered Accountants - 50 vacancies * Software Developer/ IT Programmer - 30 vacancies * Rajbhasha Officer - 5 vacancies * Technical Officer - Civil - 2 vacancies * Technical Officer - Electrical - 2 vacancies Click here to apply Click here for more detailed information Click here for official notification |
29th September 2019, 10:58 PM
The important details of recent vacancies released for post of Specialist officer in Punjab and Sind Bank is given as below:
1. The total number of vacancies related to different streams is 168. 2. Starting date of online application is 26th September 2019. 3. Last date to complete application process is 10th October 2019. You can apply online at Click Here. |
29th September 2019, 11:35 PM
Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment:
>> Vacancies are available in this recruitment is 168 posts. For more information, you can visit their Official Website. |
30th September 2019, 01:20 AM
Total no of Specialist Officer vacancies are available in Punjab and Sind Bank are -
Total - 168 posts Important dates for this post - Online application starts from - 26/09/2019 Online application ends on - 10/10/2019 |
30th September 2019, 02:34 AM
Various vacancies of specialist cadre in Punjab sindh bank :
1.Assistant General Manager : 01post 2.Company secretary : 01 post 3.R rajhabasha adhikari : 01 post 4.law officer : 10 posts 5.Fire safety Officer : 01 6.security officer :15 7.Agriculture field officer : 50 8.c chartered accountant : 50 posts. |
30th September 2019, 09:33 AM
The total number of vacancies for post of Specialist officer in Punjab and Sind Bank is 168. It is further divided into different post streams like:
>>Law Manager: 10 posts. >>Fire Safety Officer: 01 >>Security officer: 15 >>Chartered Accountant: 50. >>Company Secretary: 01 post. >>Rajbhasha Adhikari: 01 post and so on. Online applications are going on. The last date to apply for this application is 10th October and to received hard copy is 17th October 2019. |
30th September 2019, 12:32 PM
Post-wise vacancies available for Specialist Officer in Punjab and Sind Bank are as mentioned below:-
AGM Law - 1 vacancy Company Secretary - 1 vacancy Rajbhasha Adhikari (SMGS-IV) - 1 Vacancy Law Manager - 10 vacancies Fire Safety Officer - 1 vacancy Security Officer - 15 vacancies Agricultural Field Officer - 50 vacancies Chartered Accountants - 50 vacancies IT Programmer/ Software Developer - 30 vacancies Rajbhasha Adhikari (JMGS I) - 5 vacancies Technical Officer (Civil) - 2 vacancies Technical Officer (Electrical) - 2 vacancies Total vacancies - 168 posts |
30th September 2019, 01:02 PM
Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment -
Total 168 vacancies of specialist officer is available under Punjab and Sind Bank. For more information log on to official website www.psbindia.com. |
30th September 2019, 02:20 PM
Vacancies are available in Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment is 168 posts. Post name wise vacancies details:
For Law Manager (MMGS-II): 10 posts. For Fire Safety Officer (MMGS-II): 1 post. For Security Officer (MMGS-II): 15 posts. For Agricultural Field Officer (JMGS-I): 50 posts. For Charted Accountant (JMGS-I): 50 posts. For Software Developer/ IT Programmer (JMGS-I): 30 posts. For Rajbhasha Officer (JMGS-I) : 5 posts. For Technical Officer (Civil) (JMGS-I): 2 posts. For Technical Officer (Electrical) (JMGS-I): 2 posts. For AGM-Law (SMGS-V): 2 post. For Company Secretary (SMGS-IV): 1 post. For Rajbhasha Adhikari (SMGS-IV): 1 post. For more information, you can visit their Official Website https://www.psbindia.com/. |
30th September 2019, 02:59 PM
Vacancies are available in Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment:
~~ 168 nos. AGM-Law - 1. Company Secretary - 1. Rajbhasha Adhikari - 1. Law Manager - 10. Fire Safety Officer - 1. Security Officer - 15. Agricultural Field Officer - 50. Chartered Accountants - 50. Software Developer / IT Programmer - 30. Rajbhasha Officer - 5. Technical Officer - 4. For more information about this recruitment you can visit their official website. |
30th September 2019, 07:47 PM
Total number of Specialist Officer vacancies are available in Punjab and Sind Bank are as follows:-
AGM Law- 1 post Company Secretary- 01 post Rajbhasa Adhikari (SMGS- IV)- 1 post Law Manager- 10 post Fire Safety Officer- 1 post Security Officer- 15 post Agricultural Field Officer- 50 post Chartered Accountants- 50 post IT Programmer/Software Developer- 30 post Rajbhasa Adhikari (JMGS I)- 5 post Technical Officer (Civil)- 2 post Technical Officer (Electrical)- 2 post |
1st October 2019, 04:51 PM
Punjab and Sind Bank Specialist Officer recruitment
** Total Number Of Jobs: 168 posts. Detailed Punjab & Sind Bank Specialist Officer Vacancies 2019: AGM-Law: 1. Company Secretary: 1. Rajbhasha Adhikari: 1. Law Manager: 10. Fire Safety Officer: 1. Security Officer: 15. Agricultural Field Officer: 50. Chartered Accountants: 50. Software Developer/ IT Programmer: 30. Rajbhasha Officer: 5. Technical Officer – Civil: 2. Technical Officer – Electrical: 2. |