1st June 2018, 09:28 PM
How many vacancies are available in Engineers India Limited Junior Accountant 2018 recruitment?
Hello friends, I am going to apply in Engineers India Limited Junior Accountant recruitment 2018. I just want to know that how many vacancies are there in this recruitment? Kindly tell me about the vacancies asap. Waiting for your response!
2nd June 2018, 08:11 PM
Number of vacancies available for Engineers India Limited Junior Accountant Recruitment 2018:
Number of vacancies of this Engineers India Limited recruitment are given below, >> Total Number of Vacancies - 141 vacancies Here is the break-up of vacancies, @ Engineer/ Officer - 59 vacancies @ Dy Manager - 71 vacancies @ DGM - 1 vacancy @ Junior Accountant - 10 vacancies Again the break-up of Junior Accountant vacancies are given below, Total Vacancies for Junior Accountant - 10 vacancies * UR Category - 7 vacancies * SC Category - 1 vacancy * OBC Category - 2 vacancies Click here for Official Notification Click here to Apply - On or before 20th June, 2018 |