13th July 2019, 09:59 PM
Procedure to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment? Cost of application?
Hello, I am interested to apply in Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment. Can you please tell me how can I apply for this recruitment? I also want to know about the fee of the application. Please help me to know about this. Thank you!
15th July 2019, 02:35 PM
The procedure to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment is given below.
** First of all, you should visit the official website of Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment. ** Here you should go for the registration process. ** Then you should log in the ID and Password. ** Then you should select the post which does you want to apply. ** Then you should fill the application according to given instructions and pay the application fee and then click on the submit option. APPLICATION FEE: Rs.350 |
15th July 2019, 05:56 PM
Candidates who are going to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment, will have to visit the official website below and fill up the online application form as per the guidelines provided. They have to attach all the educational certificates, with scanned copies of their photographs and signature. Now they have to pay the application fee of Rs. 200/- and submit the form. For SC/ST/PWD candidates there is no application fee.
15th July 2019, 06:22 PM
Procedure to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment is as follows:-
1.Initially candidates log in to the official website of Cochin Shipyard Limited @ cochinshipyard.com 2.Cochin Shipyard Limited main page will open. 3.Go to Careers option and click on it. 4.A page will open about all recruitment notification related. 5.Read all available data on the Notification and click on apply online option. 6.Fill all the important details in the required fields. 7.Make the payment through online and hit on submit button. |
15th July 2019, 08:09 PM
To apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment, you are required to fill its online application form by referring to the link www.cochinshipyard.com.
Applicants should send print out of online application (with registration number) duly signed, with their recent passport size photograph affixed thereon to “The Chief General Manager (HR & Training), Cochin Shipyard Ltd, Perumanoor P.O, Kochi-682015” by Registered post / Courier ONLY, along with self-attested copies of certificates towards proof of age, caste, educational qualification, experience, disability (if any) etc. Applicants shall retain one copy of the online application print out with them for their reference. The envelope containing the online application print out and certificates should be super scribed on top as “Application to the post of Senior Project Officer (Discipline)/ Project Officer (Discipline) on contract basis, Registration Number……………..". Further, the cost of filling the application form for the same recruitment is Rs 200/- which should be remitted using Online payment options (Debit card/Credit card/Internet Banking). Applicants from SC/ST and PwBD categories are fully exempted from application fee. For details regarding the same recruitment, you can refer to the link https://cochinshipyard.com/career/Va...ication-PO.pdf. |
15th July 2019, 08:42 PM
You can apply for the recruitment online.The application fee is Rs 200 + bank charges.
The candidates can fill the application form till the 30th July 2019. Selection will be on the basis of interview and academic qualification + experience etc. |
15th July 2019, 09:24 PM
Procedure to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment is Interested candidate can apply online through their Official website which is given below.
Cost of application form for Unreserved category is Rs. 200 and for reserved category candidates need not to pay application fee. For more information, you can visit their official website https://www.cochinshipyard.com/. |
15th July 2019, 11:09 PM
Procedure to apply for Cochin Shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment:
The detailed procedure to apply for Cochin shipyard Limited Project Officer recruitment is given below. Name of the Organization - Cochin Shipyard Limited Name of the Job Position - Project Officer >> You are requested to go through the "User Manual" published on website or the same is given below, before filling up the application form. If you meet the required eligibility criteria then you need to apply on or before 30th July, 2019. Click here for user manual Click here for official notification Click here for more detailed information |
15th July 2019, 11:20 PM
How to apply for Project Officer in Cochin Shipyard Limited :
1.Make sure to satisfy the eligibility criteria and then go through the www.cochinshipyard.com careers page. 2.Application fee of Rs.200/- for General categories and no application fee of reserved candidates. 3. You just fill the online application form with accuracy .Once click on submit you will get the unique regs number. 4.Take the print out of the application form and send it to the HR dept at Cochin Shipyard. 5 last date to recipt of Online application form along with self attested photos and self declaration copies is 30th april 2019. |