21st July 2019, 06:55 PM
Course syllabus of BSc(Renal Dialysis Technology) in Manipal Scool of Allied Health Sciences?
Hi friends, I am looking forward to study BSc(Renal Dialysis Technology) course. I just want to know about the syllabus of BSc(Renal Dialysis Technology) course which is available in Manipal Scool of Allied Health Sciences. Can anyone of you please provide me the course syllabus asap.
23rd July 2019, 11:18 PM
The course syllabus of BSc(Renal Dialysis Technology) in Manipal Scool of Allied Health Sciences are given below.
FIRST YEAR => Human Anatomy => Physiology => Biochemistry => Pathology-Clinical Pathology, Haematology & Blood –Banking => Microbiology SECOND YEAR => Applied anatomy & physiology related to dialysis technology => Pharmacology related to dialysis technology => Concepts of renal disease & its management => Applied aspects of pathology & microbiology THIRD YEAR => Applied Dialysis Technology Paper I => Applied Dialysis Technology Paper II |
24th July 2019, 02:57 AM
The duration of Bachelor of Science(Renal Dialysis Technology) in Manipal School of Allied Health Sciences is of 3 years and is full time.
The course syllabus of Bachelor of Science(Renal Dialysis Technology) in Manipal School of Allied Health Sciences is given below:- Year I: =)Human anatomy =)Physiology =)Biochemistry-I =)Pathology & Microbiology =)Fundamentals of computer =)Foundation English =)Human anatomy =)Physiology =)Pathology & Microbiology Year II: =)Applied anatomy & Physiology related to dialysis technology =)Pharmacology related to dialysis technology =)Applied Pathology & Microbiology related to dialysis technology =)Sociology =)Applied anatomy & Physiology related to dialysis technology =)Applied Pathology & Microbiology related to dialysis technology Year III: =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper I =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper II =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper III =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper I =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper II =)Applied dialysis technology - Paper III You can check the website https://manipal.edu for more details. You can visit the website https://manipal.edu for more details. |
24th July 2019, 07:19 PM
BSc in Renal Dialysis Technology is a 3 year duration course. This course is the study about an advanced level of basic medical science of the kidney, fluid and electrolyte balance, infectious diseases, dialysis systems and equipment.
The detailed syllabus is given below. Year I Human Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Pathology - Clinical Pathology, Hematology & Blood Banking Microbiology Year II Applied Anatomy & Physiology Related to Dialysis Technology Applied Pathology & Microbiology Related to Dialysis Technology Pharmacology Related to Dialysis Technology Concepts of Renal Disease, Dialysis & Nutrition Sociology Constitution of India Health Care Year III Applied Dialysis Technology - Paper I Applied Dialysis Technology - Paper II Applied Dialysis Technology - Paper III |