29th August 2020, 06:12 PM
Course syllabus and duration of BE(Electronics & Communication Engineering) in Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science Thanjavur?
Respected Sir/Madam, can I know about the syllabus of BE(Electronics & Communication Engineering) offered in Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science Thanjavur? And I also want to know about the course duration. So, please tell me about the syllabus and duration of this course.
30th August 2020, 08:49 PM
BE in Electronics & Communication Engineering is a 4 year duration course and is divided into 8 semesters. The detailed syllabus is given below.
Semester I Engineering Mathematics I & II Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry Programming in C and Data Structures Elements of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Semester II Elements of Mechanical Engineering Basic Electronics & Communication Engineering Basic Electronics Constitution of India and Professional Ethics Environmental Studies Semester III Engineering Mathematics III Logic Design Network Analysis Electronic Instrumentation Field Theory Semester IV Engineering Mathematics IV Microcontrollers Control Systems Signals & Systems Fundamentals of HDL Linear ICs & Applications Semester V Management and Entrepreneurship Digital Signal Processing Analog Communication Information Theory & Coding Fundamental of CMOS VLSI Semester VI Digital Communication Microprocessors Microelectronics Circuits Antennas and Propagation Operating Systems Semester VII Computer Communication Networks Optical Fiber Communication Power Electronics Embedded System Design Semester VIII Wireless Communication Digital Switching Systems |
30th August 2020, 10:38 PM
The duration of Bachelor of Engineering(Electronics & Communication Engineering) in Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science Thanjavur would be of 4 years with 8 semesters each of 6 months duration.
The course syllabus of Bachelor of Engineering(Electronics & Communication Engineering) in Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science Thanjavur is mentioned below:- Year I:- :-Engineering Physics :-Basic Electronics :-Environmental Studies :-Computer Programming Laboratory :-Engineering Physics Lab :-Elements of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics :-Engineering Chemistry Lab :-Computer Aided Engineering Drawing :-Engineering Chemistry :-Constitution of India and Professional Ethics :-Programming in C and Data structures Year II:- :-Electronic Instrumentation :-Fundamentals of HDL :-Field Theory :-Linear IC and Applications :-Analog Electronics Lab :-Microcontrollers Lab :-Logic Design Lab :-Analog Electronic Ckts :-Microcontrollers :-Logic Design :-Control Systems :-Network Analysis :-Signals & Systems Year III:- :-Management and Entrepreneurship :-Digital Communication :-Digital Signal Processing :-Microprocessors :-Analog Communication :-Microelectronics Circuits :-Information Theory & Coding :-Antennas and Propagation :-Fundamentals of CMOS :-Operating Systems :-Advanced Communication Lab Year IV:- :-Computer Communication Networks :-Wireless Communication :-Optical Fiber Communication :-Digital Switching Systems Power Electronics |