1st November 2018, 06:16 PM
Study materials to prepare for CEED 2019
Hello everyone, I am searching for a study materials for CEED 2019 for MDes course admission. I want to get some study materials so that I can prepare and score good marks in CEED. Can you please provide me the study materials for the upcoming CEED?
31st March 2023, 01:56 PM
Best books for preparation of CEED Examination:
There are several various books available in the market and the best of them are given below: Name of the Examination - CEED >> Cracking CEED and UCEED 2022 Edition by Ashok Goel and Arjun Kamal Click here for the book link >> Question Bank for NID, NIFT, CEED and UCEED by Ashok Goel and Arjun Kamal Click here for the book link |