25th August 2020, 11:21 PM
How can I prepare to crack the Technical Envangelist interview in ABB Bangalore?
I am going to attend the interview of ABB Bangalore for the post of Technical Envangelist. I want to crack this interview so I need to know how to prepare for it? Please tell me about this asap.
28th August 2020, 09:01 PM
To prepare for Technical Evangelist Interview in ABB Bangalore follow given steps.
1. Prepare for aptitude , reasoning thoroughly. 2. Improve your communication skills. 3. Prepare for GD by attending some mock GD. 4. Update your technical knowledge. 5. At the time of HR interview don't try be overconfident or over smart . |
30th August 2020, 03:38 PM
You have to prepare very carefully and smartly to crack the Technical Envangelist interview in ABB Bangalore. The following are the rounds, interview, Tips and solutions to crack the interview are as follows-
** Selection processes and steps- 1). Technical written 2). Technical interview 3). HR interview 4). Group discussion 5). Topic presentation ** Interviews and rounds are taken to judge candidates knowledge overall- 1. As Technical Interviews are held to judge a candidate's technical subject strength. So, focus on your core subjects and most of the questions asked will be related to your graduation subjects and from your technical projects. 2. Talking about the Interview round, The interview panel might also ask some questions which are out of the syllabus but are important to know, this is done to check your interests out of your curriculum. 3. A special tip given to you is always try to answer in such a way that you will benefit the organization in all possible ways. 4. Always try converting your weaknesses into strengths. **For more preparation of these interviews you can visit here- https://www.glassdoor.co.in/Interview/ABB-Bangalore-Interview-Questions |
30th August 2020, 05:07 PM
Tips to prepare to crack the Technical Envangelist interview in ABB Bangalore are as follows:-
1. Strong programming skills for C#\WinForms\WPF\.NET development tasks. 2. Good communication skills. 3. Strong problem-solving and analytical skills. 4. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills. 5. Troubleshooting skills. |