23rd July 2019, 12:41 PM
How to clear Polestar LLP Noida Business Intelligence Software Engineer Interview?
Can anyone of you kindly let me know what is the process for selection in Polestar LLP Noida for the post of Business Intelligence Software Engineer? I am interested to attend an interview with this company for this post so I need to know about the selection procedure.
13th November 2022, 08:42 AM
Polestar LLP Noida Business Intelligence Software Engineer recruitment process:
The detailed information about the Polestar LLP Noida Business Intelligence Software Engineer recruitment process is given below, Name of the Company- Polestar LLP Name of the Job Position- Business Intelligence Software Engineer @ The recruitment process shall include the following rounds and they are, * Aptitude and Technical Round * Technical Interview * HR Interview @ In order to prepare for this recruitment, you may gain some good knowledge on Data Structures and Database. Having strong foundation in Statistics and Mathematics would be an added advantage. @ After selection, you should be able to Design and develop the data ware houses, dashboards and reports..etc , @ In the Aptitude and technical round they may ask you |