19th July 2019, 03:24 AM
How many rounds are there in Directi Mumbai Software Engineer interview?
Hi friends, I am looking forward to attending an interview of Directi Mumbai for the post of a Software Engineer. I would like to know how many are there in this interview? If you know then please tell me asap.
22nd July 2019, 03:12 AM
There would be total 4 rounds of interview for the selection of Software Engineer in Directi Mumbai:-
1)Online aptitude test. 2)Technical knowledge test 3)Operational manager round. 4)HR interview You can visit the website https://www.directi.com/ for more information. |
22nd July 2019, 12:17 PM
Directi Mumbai conducts 5 rounds to select freshers as Software Engineer in their organisation is given below :-
1)MCQ Round (In additional for Operation Engineers) 2)Coding Round 3)Technical Round 1 4)Technical Round 2 5)HR-cum-Technical Round For more information visit on https://www.directi.com/ |