15th February 2016, 03:17 PM
Admission between Anand and BVM after scoring 90.64% percentile in GSEB and 105 in JEE?
I got 90.64 percentile in gseb exam and 105 in jee where I get admission in anand or bvm?
15th February 2016, 10:51 PM
Nothing concrete can be said about the admission as it depends upon the level of competition and the cut-off marks set. Therefore, you should wait for the counseling session to start and if your score is adequate enough, you will probably get admission in the above mentioned Institutes.
15th February 2016, 10:54 PM
Only your score cannot determine your admission in any Institute. It depends upon the cut-off per Institute and the level of competition that very year. Therefore, you cab even get admission by scoring the least marks and couldn't get admission by scoring top in your boards. You should however wait to see as to which colleges are offered to you according to the marks you have scored.