22nd July 2017, 10:34 PM
If school declares me fail in class XI, do I have to repeat XI?
If a student scores 35/100 and being detained in class XI because the passing criteria is 40%. Does one have any other choice but to repeat class XI?
22nd July 2017, 11:48 PM
With regret I have to inform you that yes you have to repeat class XI standard if school declares you fail.However you can opt for supplementary examination if it is available in your school for class XI standard.You are advised to contact your head of school regarding this matter and I hope he/she will suggest you the best option.
23rd July 2017, 03:10 AM
No, the student has not choice other than to repeat 11th standard all over again. If the school promotion norms are not fulfilled, the candidate will have to repeat 11th standard again and then after completion of his/her 11th grade, he/she will be very much eligible for admission in 12th boards and appear for it in the concluding year.
23rd July 2017, 01:25 PM
Yes, if your school declared that you have failed in class XI then, you need to repeat class XI again. You can clear class XI by appearing in supplementary examinations which are conducted by your respective school board. So, you need to repeat your class XI to be eligible to pursue class XII.