8th August 2010, 01:33 AM
CAT vs GATE? Which exam is more difficult?
which one is more difficult to crack for any individual irrespective of his graduation source. CAT or GATE?? I MEAN GETTING INTO IIM AND IIT ??
8th August 2010, 09:13 AM
I tell you one thing that both are the toughest if you not prepare for it. If your preparation is good then you can crack both CAT and GATE. But in my opinion CAT is more difficult than GATE, because CAT includes two phases written and group discussion. If a candidate crack written he work very hard to crack the group discussion. On the other hand if you crack gate then you will get admission in any IIT's simply. |
8th August 2010, 09:44 AM
CAT is at least ten times more tougher than GATE,and it is very tough in getting to IIM when compared to IIT,
8th August 2010, 01:14 PM
Both the exam have equal importance in their respective area. In both of the exams you need hard work to crack the examination and to stand in some position. You just apply for that exam in which you feel that you can show your best on that.If you want to get admission in IIT then go for the gate examination. GOOD LUCK |
8th August 2010, 01:49 PM
Both of these Exams are considered tough to crack. The question, I feel, to be awkward. Both exams are in different perspective and has different goal. It all depends on the interest of the candidate. Whether to consider management or to take MTech!!.. Never plan based on the toughness of the exam. Pursue based on ur interest, where you want to be after the course. What you want to become. Thats it. Good Luck. |
8th August 2010, 04:50 PM
Woah..that itself is a difficult question to answer
![]() I would say that if you are prepared well enough then nothing can be difficult for you. But still i think both are equally difficult but CAT is slight difficult than GATE if you see the syllabus and the no of students attempting and the no of seats. So my vote goes to CAT. For CAT rigorious practice and must have your basics strong plus you should be good at your communication skills etc |
8th August 2010, 05:07 PM
if you look for my opinion, see. "everyone who have done his graduation can appear in CAT exam either he is from arts , science , commerce .engineering , medicals or others. means the candidate of applying CAT is more more and more. since for GATE only that who have done b.e or b.tech. only they can only appear in GATE. so competeion is less. chances are more . so GATE exam is less difficult than CAT. its my opinion . and its all depend on you to choose the line its all your interst. with best wishes. aditya |
8th August 2010, 05:25 PM
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& if u r considering which one is tough then CAT is much tougher then GATE |
8th August 2010, 08:55 PM
dear friend
CAT and GATE both are exams of different fields. i will say that CAT is more difficult than GATE bcoz of the following reasons 1.number of aspirants in CAT is more. 2.graduates from different disciplines apply for it. this makes competition very tough. but if u will work hard then everything will be easy. all the best. |
8th August 2010, 09:03 PM
Hi friend,
It is a good question about which each engineering graduate has to think. I have some statis. by which you can decide about difficulty of the exam. This year GATE exam is taken by more than 11 lakh odd students , but do not forget this fact this number is the sum of all the students which are related to their specific branch of engineering. Like I can say that out of 11 Lakh students 1 lakh and 5 thousand students of electronics and communication branch students appeared for the exam. Hence if a student is of ECE branch he has to compete to other more than one lakh odd students. In case of cat exam, almost 3 lakh students appeared for the last CAT. But you have to think about one more thing, which is that , all students sitting in CAT are not engineers but the overall competition is more than GATE examination. Now about the diffuculty, I would like to say that CAT is little bit difficult because of its competition. And more over luck factor is more dominant in GATE examination. |
8th August 2010, 09:39 PM
Dear friend,
Both of these exams are too much tough competitive in their respective fields. CAT is meant for MBA admissions to reputed IIMs and GATE is for admission to M.Tech courses in IITs and IISc. There are plenty of graduate candidates each year who appear for these exams. Now talking about the fact of difficulty and toughness of the exams, what should i say!! both go side by side... In both exams you need fundamental concepts of the covered syllabus. So in respect of this, CAT is may be harder one,because there are various sections in this exam to be simultaneously prepared for,whereas GATE is concentrated to selected subject topics. If you are there to join any of these two battles, you should prepare your best to survive as competition is getting tougher day by day.. All the best! |
8th August 2010, 10:38 PM
dear friend,
Both the exam CAT or GATE are high profile exam.both are tough but nothing is impossible only you have to work hard for qualifying the exam. For GATE you have to score good percentile of marks and then only you will get admission for M.TECH to good college . And for MBA to get admission to good college you have to qualify in the CAT exam then after you have to appear for GD & PI exam . |
9th August 2010, 12:46 AM
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good luck |
9th August 2010, 03:39 PM
dear student,it totally depends on you .if you are well in your engg subjects then gate may be easy.and if you are well in aptitude test and general Eng then cat may be easy.
all d best..... |
25th August 2010, 02:01 PM
CAT is much tougher than GATe because CAT exam has various types of general apptitude ,DI papers thats cannot be read or mugged up...you need to learn and remember many tricks to solve CAT exam papers...on the other hand GATE exam is a test on basically technical subjects wwhich are easily available in different kinds of books..
good luck !! |
26th August 2010, 07:28 PM
dear friend,
both are very tough, but if you compare between these two then I will say that CAT is more difficult than GATE... CAT is one of the toughest exam in the world.. it is very difficult to crack these type of exam.. for that you have to do lots of hard work, you have to study seriously... in case of CAT you have to learn english as well as mathematics... you have to increase your stock of vocabulary by reading news papers, magazine, story books etc.. you can also join in coaching classes preparing for CAT.. you can join in MBA through CAT.. BUT GATE is different thing , you can join in Mtech through GATE.. now you decide for which exam you want to go.. all the best.. |
27th August 2010, 12:12 PM
It all depends on the interest of the candidate.but according to me CAT exam is tougher than that of the GATE,you have to do lots of hard work, you have to study seriously,you can also join in coaching classes preparing for CAT.to get admission to good college you have to qualify in the CAT exam then after you have to appear for GD & PI exam .
GATE exam is a test on basically technical subjects. |
28th August 2010, 12:18 AM
dear friend...........
both are different courses....... 1.CAT exam is fully based on mathematics,english.this exam is for management courses..... 2.GATE is fully based on technical courses.this course is for master digree in technology..... but i think CAT is very difficult........ best of luck......... |
28th August 2010, 09:29 AM
well i think both are completely different exam and comparing them is not possible,
because of competition getting into iim is more tough than getting into iit through gate because the number of students writing cat is really huge |
28th August 2010, 12:14 PM
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so there is do question for doubt comparison best of luck dear. |
28th August 2010, 09:33 PM
nothing is difficult its based on ur practice nd ur mindset to achieve the goal...all the best
28th August 2010, 10:45 PM
dear friend,
i think both exams are tougher.but it is very difficult to say that which exam is more tougher.you can better feel by participating in both exam. it may happens that for someone CAT is more easy with respect to GATE and vice-versa.so it totally depends upon individual capabilities. but i want to say that both exams are known for its tougness in the world.only best brains are get selected. all the best. |
29th August 2010, 11:14 AM
Hello Friend
I think u r confused. But as you have mentioned that you are doing engineering so , if u r engineer why should go for CAT, try to study your courses well and get a good score in GATE. With this GATE examination u have also an opportunity to join masters outside the India also. After cracking the exam you can join join Any IIT, and then u can keep ur research continue.. Or u can also do a good job. but if you go for the preparation of the CAT then you wil be diviated from your path and you will have to put the effort an that also that will take more time and you will not be able to creack any of the exam so bettr to prepare for the GATE exam which contain all the syllabus of your courses.. All the best.. |
23rd October 2010, 01:07 PM
CAT and GATE are totally two different examination. both are very difficult to crack.
but personally i think CAT is very much difficult. because for CAT examination you should have a good knowledge in english. also after written examination group discussion for CAT is very difficult to crack. also competition is very high in CAT. on the other hand in GATE you have to compete with only the student who have appeared in your paper only. also if you can clear the GATE examination you will get the minimum scholarship. so it is comparable easy. |
23rd October 2010, 01:14 PM
CAT and GATE are totally two different examination. both are very difficult to crack.
but personally i think CAT is very much difficult. because for CAT examination you should have a good knowledge in english. also after written examination group discussion for CAT is very difficult to crack. also competition is very high in CAT. on the other hand in GATE you have to compete with only the student who have appeared in your paper only. also if you can clear the GATE examination you will get the minimum scholarship. so it is comparable easy. |
23rd October 2010, 01:37 PM
CAT and GATE are totally two different examination. both are very difficult to crack.
but personally i think CAT is very much difficult. because for CAT examination you should have a good knowledge in english. also after written examination group discussion for CAT is very difficult to crack. also competition is very high in CAT. on the other hand in GATE you have to compete with only the student who have appeared in your paper only. also if you can clear the GATE examination you will get the minimum scholarship. so it is comparable easy. |
31st October 2010, 11:09 PM
ello dear
you see, if you are interested to work with your engg field then you must do mtech. and you must appear in the gate exam. specially if you want to do research oriented jobs, then MTech is compulsary. but if you are not interested to work in your engineering field, then it is essential to do MBA. so you appear in the CAT exam. but one things you shoud remember, for getting promotion in company, MBA is essentially required. all the best........ |
7th February 2011, 10:16 PM
i m studnt of electronics comm. engg ,i have knowedge about but not about language like c,c ,java.it is require for me or not as long
plz reply([email protected]) |
3rd March 2011, 08:06 PM
it is rubbish to compare these two exams as they are for separate streams......but
CAT: in this we have english n quants we dont have to read anything extra apart from concentrating on these two subjects but the difficulty level of questions are really tough,also exam tests speed,but yes we face a tough GD and PI after exam GATE:we need to have deep knowledge of 11 specified technical subjects in the syllabus which is not a cakewalk,and here subject knowledge is important rather than speed and even after qualifying gate IITs conduct written tests(not all IITs) and technical interviews(all IITs) which have 30% weightage for admission but both are tough....decide on ur interest |
24th March 2011, 05:55 PM
Both the exams are of different kinds. cat exam tests your analytical ability,logical ability.this exam tekes you to do MBA.but gate exam is to join m.tech. the queries are based on the technical knowledge on the branch of studies
23rd April 2011, 01:29 PM
Number of students appearing in GATE is almost double the students appearing in CAT. All the candidates appearing in GATE are from Engg background. GATE Exam(cse,ece,eee,me) is tougher than CAT. Syllabus of GATE is almost double that of CAT Syllabus.
Number of Candidates appeared in GATE 2011 CSE : 136027 ECE : 137853 EEE : 72680 ME : 81175 Number of Students appearing in CAT 2010 : 1.95 LAKHS |
23rd April 2011, 02:30 PM
GATE Exam is more tougher then CAT Exam for branches in CSE,ECE, EEE and ME. The competition for entering a top specilisation in IIT/IISc in these branches is tougher than entering IIMs. Moreover a carrer in research is much tougher than a carrer in management.
Number of Students appearing in GATE 2011 ECE : 137853 EEE : 72680 CSE : 136027 ME : 81175 Number of candidates applying for IIT EE Dept is more than 2.2 lakhs(ece,eee,in) for approx 300 seats. Number of Students appearing in CAT 2010 : 1.95 LAKHS for 1800 seats. Syllabus of GATE : Engg, Maths, QA,DI,LR and English Syllabus of CAT : QA,DI,LR and English. Standard of CAT Question paper is tougher than GATE. Admission process of IIT : GATE, Interview Admission process of IIM : Academics,Exp, CAT, GD, Interview CAT is easier for a guys who has done good schooling, where as GATE is easier for guys who excels in Engg. |
27th May 2011, 12:02 AM
comparison doesnt make any sense........both are in each own league.......myself i cracked GATE 2011....but i didnt give CAT not because i feel it tougher....but am more of a technical......"its like comparing a man and a woman".....
1st June 2011, 12:57 AM
Hi dear,
that itself is a difficult question to answer I would say that if you are prepared well enough then nothing can be difficult for you. But still i think both are equally difficult but CAT is slight difficult than GATE if you see the syllabus and the no of students attempting and the no of seats. So my vote goes to CAT. For CAT rigorious practice and must have your basics strong plus you should be good at your communication skills etc Thanks |
31st October 2011, 08:08 PM
Hello Friend,
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India test. If You have backlogs in B.Tech you are not eligible to write GATE exam. The following are the ways to Eligible to write the Gate exam: >Candidates should have the second year or more in the Integrated Master’s degree course (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering and Technology. >Candidates should pass in the tests carried out by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE. >Post graduates in Science/statistics/maths/computer students who are in the last year of these courses can apply. >The candidates who finish B.E/ B.Tech/B.Arch course can also apply . >candidates who are in the third or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master’s degree course and Dual Degree course in Engineering/Technology can also apply. These are the eligibility's required to attempt GATE entrance exam. To Get seat in Top universities like IIT'S and NIITS you need to work very hard. You have to take coaching for gate exam definitely because the coaching will be given in different way .The gate coaching will be given by professionals . If you work hard you will definitely get seat in Top IIT'S,NIIT'S. >There are no limit of age to appear in the GATE examination. >There are no limit of number of attempt in the GATE examination. >There are no limit of percentage to appear in the GATE examination. All The Best... |
28th October 2014, 10:12 PM
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25th July 2015, 12:58 PM
I think both the exams are tuff there is nothing like that which is tough or which is easy. You ahve to work hard in both the papers. If you want to crack the GATE exam you should have clear knowledge of your respected core subjects. And if you want to crack the CAT exam you should have good command in english, maths and you should also be able to solve the apptitude questions. Work hard in both and you will be able to crack the whichever exam you want to crack it. |
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