List of Colleges in Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai
The seed for the formation of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University shortly called as TANVUS was propagated as early as 1876. This is because only during this year, the Madras Veterinary College was begun as a School for agriculture in the capital city of the state of Tamil Nadu for the purpose of offering certificate and diploma courses in the field of animal and veterinary sciences.
The institution was awarded the status of a college in the year 1903 for offering three-year diploma course. On the basis of the recommendation of the Royal Commission of Agriculture, the college was developed to render degree in veterinary science. Even though, this was the first veterinary college to be started in India, it was the first to be affiliated to Madras University in the year 1935.
Later, this college was recognized as the centre for post-graduate education by the University of Madras. After this, in the year 1969, the college was offered the status of Directorate of Veterinary Education and Research. Then, it was educationally affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in the year 1974 and then it was converted as a constituent unit of the university in the year 1976.
After this, the Government of Tamil Nadu has converted it as the first veterinary and animal sciences university of Asia in the year 1989 on the 20th of September, by bringing the following colleges under its jurisdiction:
Constituent Colleges:
• Madras Veterinary College, Chennai
• The Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal
• Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi
• Institute of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduvalli, Chennai
TANVUS was established as a university with the objective of ensuring development of learning and conducting of research, to impart education and to undertake extension of rural people in co-ordination with the departments of the government in various branches of veterinary and animal sciences.
- List of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry Institutes
- Best colleges for doing Bachelor of Veterinary Science
- List of Courses in Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai
- TANUVAS 2011 B.V.Sc/B.F.Sc.
- Best Colleges for Doing B.V.Sc
- Madras Veterinary College, Chennai
- B.V.Sc Colleges
- Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal
- List of Veterinary Science Entrance Exams
- List of M.V.Sc Entrance Exams
- List of Animal Science Entrance exams
- Higher Study Options after M.V.Sc (In India & Abroad)
- Higher study Options after B.V.Sc (In India)
- List of Courses in Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana
- List of Universities in Tamil Nadu
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59 Responses to “List of Colleges in Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai”
My aim is to become veterinary doctor and how much cutoff need for it sir….
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dear sir, I want to last 2 year(2012,2013)cut off marks list in tamil nadu veterinary colleges
What is the last day of admission in vetenary
My cutoff is 193.50. I belongs to mbc . Can i get a seat in tn veterinary college? Please help me ,
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my medical cutoff marks is 181.25 and i belong to mbc category . pls tell can i get a in tamilnadu veterinary collages ?
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What is the cut off for the veterinary college?
my med. Cutof is 183.5 and i secure 1120. I ha
ve ex.servicemen quota. If i eligible to apply. Please tel me sir.
How to apply to study in veterinary colleges in Tamilnadu.Where to download the application forms.I will be really grateful if you send the information to my mail id.
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minum cutoff marks - 2012 for BC catagory
what is the cutoff to join veterinary?,when and where i will buy application form?
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i like to become a veterinary doctor.i score 1045 medical cut of is i join this.what is the fees
cut off for BC
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What is the eligibility for joining in vetenery college’s
When will be the entrance exam and where do i get application?
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My aim is become a forest officer. so, what course I can take for ranger?
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name and number of vetenary colleges in tamil nadu….What is the procedure to apply for these colleges
!. Admission procedure 2. Date of entrance exam. 3. Fee structure. 4. Job opportunities.5.Food and Dairy Technology,Koduvalli, Chennai—Location please.
what s the cut off to join veterinary college?
I wish to apply veterinarian field:-) what are all the studies available for that:) how to apply for that:-) what is the eligibility for that sir:) please send me the detail for these sir..![:-)](
what is the eligibility for joining in vetenary coll
admisson Bvse&AH prosess
Where and when shall I able to get the Application form for the Vetenery Science and what would be cost. Also I would like to know the cut of marks of last year’s admission.
What is the cut off for BC to join veterinary college?
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My brother’s daughter desires to join vetrinary science;please sendthe details regarding the last date for receiving application’entrance test etc
Request guide for admision into your long distance mode courses.
because i love animals