13th September 2011, 11:15 AM
Yes. You are very well eligible to do ME/M.Tech after your MCA. After finishing ME/M.Tech, you are eligible to teach to B.E/B.Tech students in any engineering college. To teach to ME/M.Tech students, you may need to do Ph.D.
13th September 2011, 11:19 AM
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As per UGC-AICTE norms, With MCA and Ph.D, you can teach to B.Sc/BCA/M.Sc/MCA [i.e courses that come under arts and science stream]. To teach to B.E/B.Tech, you need a masters degree in engineering stream. (i.e ME/M.Tech) But these rules are not strictly followed by many institutions (like other such rules...!). Now the decision is yours! |
26th September 2011, 07:06 PM
YES. After completing MCA, You can do ME (Computer Science & Engineering).
Eligibility Qualifications for admission to M.E. Computer Science and Engineering: M.C.A. (10 2 3 3 years pattern) or M.Sc. 5 years integrated (IT / CS / Software Engineering) or B.E./ B.Tech. (EEE/ ECE/ Electronics/ IT/ CSE/ I&C/ E&I/Instrumentation) NOTE %u2022 M. Sc. (2 years) course is NOT eligible for admission to M.E. %u2022 Candidates admitted through Lateral Entry in Degree Courses are NOT eligible except, B.E./B.Tech. degree. %u2022 B.E./B.Tech. or M.C.A. degrees obtained through Distance Education Mode / Week end Courses are NOT eligible. |
26th September 2011, 07:12 PM
YES. After completing MCA, You can do ME (Computer Science & Engineering).
Eligibility Qualifications for admission to M.E. Computer Science and Engineering: M.C.A. (10+2+3+3 years pattern) or M.Sc. 5 years integrated (IT / CS / Software Engineering) or B.E./ B.Tech. (EEE/ ECE/ Electronics/ IT/ CSE/ I&C/ E&I/Instrumentation) NOTE • M. Sc. (2 years) course is NOT eligible for admission to M.E. • Candidates admitted through Lateral Entry in Degree Courses are NOT eligible except, B.E./B.Tech. degree. • B.E./B.Tech. or M.C.A. degrees obtained through Distance Education Mode / Week end Courses are NOT eligible. ------------------------------------------------------------- MCA with B.Sc. (Computer Science) background is equivalent to ME (Computer Science and Engineering). B.Sc. Computer Science (3 Yrs) + MCA (3 Yrs) = 6 Years. BE Computer Science (4 Yrs) + ME (2Yrs) = 6 Years. MCA and ME both are equal. Companies are giving equal priority to both MCA and ME. Two Master’s Degrees, MCA and ME, are treated Same for jobs and there is no difference in the competence ratings. Both MCA and ME (Computer Science and Engineering) Professional Degree courses, the contents of theory and practical syllabus are Same. MCA and ME Degree holders are Equal to each other. MCA – Master of Computer Applications. ME – Master of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering). |
12th November 2011, 10:05 PM
sorry to say you are not eligible for Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering.
because you have already complete you MCA fine and that is equivalent B.tech now rule is that you if wanna to lecturer in B.tech college you must have qualification at least M.tech and eligible for Assistant professor M.tech with P.hd plus Experience. i think that depend upon college which lecturer will be selected for Assistant professor so if you want to lecture in Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering please complete at least M.tech, otherwise many of the colleges accept 80% marks in MCA or B.tech and GATE score also, can job in other college or company or bank........so on. if you want to complete M.tech then you must appear GATE exam after qualify this exam then you can chance to do M.tech |
13th November 2011, 11:31 PM
I have qualification MCA, M.Tech and currently doing PhD and working as lecturer in an Engineering Coolege. Am I not eligible for sixth pay scale. Answer the query at the earliest. |
14th November 2011, 12:48 AM
sorry to say you are not eligible for Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering.
because you have already complete you MCA fine and that is equivalent B.tech now rule is that you if wanna to lecturer in B.tech college you must have qualification at least M.tech and eligible for Assistant professor M.tech with P.hd plus Experience. i think that depend upon college which lecturer will be selected for Assistant professor so if you want to lecture in Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering please complete at least M.tech, otherwise many of the colleges accept 80% marks in MCA or B.tech and GATE score also, can job in other college or company or bank........so on. if you want to complete M.tech then you must appear GATE exam after qualify this exam then you can chance to do M.tech |
13th February 2012, 02:05 PM
To teach in an engg college"BE/B Tech and ME/M Tech with first class or equivalent to either BE or B Tech, or ME or M Tech" as per AICTE norms. What is that "Equivalent to BE or ME"? |
5th April 2012, 02:03 PM
HI i am a MCA ME graduate and i want to know am i eligible to work as a
Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. some persons are saying that only BE with ME is eligible according to the latest AICTE guidelines 2010. I dont know what to do if somebody could able to help me i will be thankful for them ever please................ if anybody knows about that please send me to [email protected] |
9th April 2012, 01:06 PM
HI i am a MCA ME graduate and i want to know am i eligible to work as a
Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering. some persons are saying that only BE with ME is eligible according to the latest AICTE guidelines 2010. I dont know what to do if somebody could able to help me i will be thankful for them ever please. yuvaraj |
9th April 2012, 04:02 PM
I have finished MCA and ME both degree. One college said you are not eligible to take classes in Engineering dept but you are eligible for taking classes in MCA dept and also they said very low salary even If I have 10 year experiecne both industry aswell as college. But one BE with ME fresher get More salary than me. What is the slab AICTE allocate between MCA with ME and BE with ME. If the say means ME is useless degree with MCA? Pls reply anyone. |
10th April 2012, 06:43 PM
AMIE could be equivalent to BE/BTech. For ME/M.Tech, I have no Idea
10th April 2012, 06:47 PM
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But many private institutions who hire people at their disposals (Because in the IT boom in India, its hard to get quality people with such high qualification for the field of teaching), they just engage people with MCA-M.Tech. But just because of that, we cannot think that AICTE accepts this qualifcation. In many private engineering colleges still recruit B.E with MBA people to teach for BE students. But they are all illegal according to AICTE standards. |
10th April 2012, 06:49 PM
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11th April 2012, 02:36 AM
MCA is basically Masters in Computer Application. In this course basically the candidate gains theoretical knowledge in both software and hardware. The B.tech course is basically related to the application of the concepts. BE on the other hand involves developing new and improving on the existing concepts. In terms of value Bachelors degree is more valuable in job front. The pay scale is also higher than MCA candidates. Job profiles for these candidates are almost the same though. To be an MCA you need to first of all complete BCA course or BSc in Computer application. But a candidate can go for the B.Tech/ B.E course right after 12th. The number years to become an MCA including 3 years of Bachelors course but for B.Tech/B.E only 4 years are required.
27th April 2012, 05:46 PM
i am B.Sc(CS),MCA graduate. i'm going to complete my ME in 2012. As per the AICTE norms i'm eligible to teach for BE & BTECH students for anna univetsity affiliated colleges
3rd May 2012, 01:54 PM
Is MCA ME eligible for Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering
as on 03/05/12 AICTE norms? |
3rd May 2012, 11:25 PM
Hello my dear friend.............
Being a graduate you can give CDS exam C.D.S. stands for Combined Defense Service Examination this exam is conducted U.P.S.C. twice in a year. ELIGIBILITY:- For INDIAN MILITARY ACADEMY:- * Candidates must have completed a degree from a recognized university or equivalent course. * Candidate must be a graduate degree holder. * Only unmarried male candidates can apply for this exam. * Candidates must not born before 2ND January 1989 and not after 1ST January 1994. * Candidate must be Indian Citizen. FOR NAVAL ACADEMY:- * Only Unmarried male candidates can eligible to apply for this exam. * Candidates must not born before 2ND January 1989 and not after 1ST January 1994. * Candidates must completed B.Sc. degree with Physics & Mathematics as main subjects from a a recognized university. * Candidates who have done Engineering course are also eligible to apply. For Air Force Academy:- * Unmarried male candidates are allowed to apply. * Candidates must not born earlier than 2nd January 1990 and not later on 1 January 1994. * Candidates must be a degree holder. * Candidates should have also passed 10+2 level with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects. For Officers Training Academy- SSC course (Men/Women):- * Candidates must not born earlier than 2nd January 1988 and not later than 1 January 1994. * Candidate must be a degree holder. * Candidate must be physically fit. * Candidate must be Indian citizen. HOW TO APPLY FOR THE EXAM:- Candidate can apply in 2 ways. Online Offline For offline:- Candidate should fill the form by black/blue dot pen. Form should be filled up by the candidate. Should fill up all relevant columns. Category, signature, photo, thumb impression of the candidate must be clearly mentioned. For Online:- just fill up the form. Then submit the form by clicking submit button After submitting you will get an acknowledgement for future reference. thank you......... |
20th June 2012, 11:07 PM
hello Dear friend
Its not true that only BTech students are eligible for Asst professor post. An MCA also can be an Asst professor. But one needs to have a PhD degree in his field to apply for the professorship. You can do your PhD in any university wherever applicable or You should go for NET (Natinal Eligibility Test) for PhD degree and then only you can apply for Lectureship. After some years' experience in Lectureship you would be eligible for Asst Professor. For NET details visit: http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/net.html Thank You good luck |
23rd June 2012, 07:27 AM
Masters is always MORE and HIGH VALUE than a Bachelors.
It’s really very Wrong to Compare BE / Btech to MCA, because, as you all know that BE / Btech is NOT Eligible for doing Ph.D (CS/IT), as MCA degree is Eligible for Ph.D The Person, Who Compare BE / Btech to MCA should study about the Difference between a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree. MCA is a Post Graduate (PG) Professional Degree, Where as BE / Btech is just an Under Graduate (UG) Degree. So, MCA Degree Holders usually get MORE Respect and Recognition than a BE / Btech. MCA is Equivalent to ME (Computer Science and Engineering) . Particularly, MCA with Only B.Sc. (Computer Science) background is Equivalent to ME (Computer Science and Engineering). B.Sc. Computer Science (3 Yrs) + MCA (3 Yrs) = 6 Years. BE Computer Science (4 Yrs) + ME (2 Yrs) = 6 Years. MCA and ME both are Equal. Companies are giving Equal priority to both MCA and ME. Two Master’s Degrees, MCA and ME, are treated Same for jobs and there is no difference in the competence ratings. Both MCA and ME (Computer Science and Engineering) Professional Degree courses, the contents of theory and practical syllabus are Same. MCA and ME Degree holders are Equal to each other. MCA – Master of Computer Applications. ME – Master of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering). Thanks and best regards to you all. |
24th June 2012, 02:01 AM
i am asking one question is the persons who declared the eligibility for a faculty in engineering colleges are having the correct degree in their career they are now in respectable and high positions and declaring the rules for the young generation it is too bad because computer science is the branch any one can enter and any one can teach and any one can guide but ultimate teaching is only given by the MCA and MTech(CSE) candidate only because he learned computer subjects 3+2 = 5 Years as a masters degree any other candidates will not give. one more point B.Tech is a graduate degree they are not eligible to teach to be frank my request to AICTE and other members donot confuse the people, do you have a right qulification to sit in your chair ??? go past and think and take decision
24th June 2012, 02:09 AM
good my questions : is all software engineers completely study the computer science ?
how it is possible to recruit non computer people in computer industry ? if i know the fundamentals in Medicine am i eligible to surgery this is foolish |
22nd July 2012, 11:34 AM
i had completed my mca mtech(regular).i am currently working with an engg.college but nw the private engg colleges gave less salary to mca mtech in comparison to btech mtech but y?is one person with two masters degree is less matured than one masters degree.i dnt agree y aieee eligible for mca students for mtech.but not eligible for doing job in engg college.i request to all of u plz understand ths things and plz reply at [email protected]
10th August 2012, 02:09 PM
I have completed my MCA (college affiliated to Anna Univ) in 2007. My under gaduation is B.Sc in PHYSICS. Now I am working in a private company nearly experienced 4 years. Now I want to move to my home town by having a lecturer job with good package.
I think - I need M.Tech. How many semesters are there. Can I apply for the post after completion of the 1st year. Is PART TIME available. When will be the entrance examination conducted. How is the syllabus. |
2nd November 2012, 05:29 PM
I have completed Master of Arts in Distance Education (MADE)from IGNOU. Please let me know weather i am eligible for Asstt. Professor for distance education.
11th December 2012, 01:01 AM
I have a question....
I have done B.tech [4 years] in computer science and engineering then I completed M.Sc.[2 year] in computer science from Canada. Am I eligible to teach as Lecturer in engineering university to teach Btech students? |
5th January 2013, 06:00 PM
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11th January 2013, 05:00 PM
Hi friend AICTE and UGC norm is accept MCA ME and Msc Mtech guys work as asst professor in eng colleges,but some useless fellow tell like this ...you are not eligible, you are not eligible ,you are not eligible
11th January 2013, 07:33 PM
For Assistant Professor post,you are not eligible.For this post,as per new guidlines M.Tech or M.PHil/P.hd degree be must.But you are eligible for lecturer post.
23rd March 2013, 07:03 PM
Dear All,
I have completed My M.E-CSE in the year of 2010.AICTE persons are saying ME-CSE 2009 passed out are eligible to work as Asst.Professor. How ? Pls reply me. |
3rd April 2013, 12:44 PM
Sir, I have done by B.Sc Physics, M.C.A., M.Phil., M.E.,(CSE) and registered for my Ph.D (CSE) in
Anna University. I have 13 years of teaching experience in Anna University Affiliated Engineering College working in MCA department. Am I eligible to work in CSE / IT Department affiliated to Anna University. I need a clear guidelines as per Anna University & AICTE with proof. Kindly do help me. My mail id is [email protected] With regards, A.Kalaivani |
4th April 2013, 10:01 PM
Dear friends AICTE is very strict in ts norms. Why you people prefer to teach engineering students rather than MCA students? Because Engineering college give you more salary? If u r prepared for Engg. Why you didnt u choose BE in the beginning itself. See people teaching is noble profession. Teach for service not for money.
14th May 2013, 12:03 AM
18th June 2013, 03:56 PM
i have completed M.sc (Software engineering-integrated)& M.E (software engineering). am i eligible to work as an assistant professor in engineering college in department of CSE. I want to know about anna university and AICTE,UGC norms. |
17th July 2013, 04:41 PM
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If you do M.Phil, you need to do Ph.D (without M.Phil also you can do Ph.D) or should target NET/SET/SLET examination to land into a teaching job (with a decent pay) in an arts and science college (to teach to M.Sc-CS, MCA etc). With mere PG and M.Phil you are eligible to teach to UG in arts and science colleges (B.Sc-CS, BCA etc) Now the choice is yours |
7th October 2013, 04:36 PM
The query is whether a candidate with MCA, M.Tech and pursuing PhD in CSE is eligible for Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science with 12 years of teaching experience. Reply to [email protected] |
7th March 2014, 01:11 PM
is mca but not ME eligibe for Assistant professor in an Engineering college in the department of Computer Science and Engineering
13th March 2014, 04:49 PM
I am having MSC and and mtech in computer science regular degree is I m eligible to work as assisant professor in Cse and Ise dept
21st March 2014, 06:24 PM
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