23rd April 2011, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir can i join merchant navy with 65% marks in 10
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27th April 2011, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

my % in 10 is 60 then ican joint merchant navy
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6th May 2011, 11:08 AM
mahavir dewan
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

how to join merchant navy as deck cadet if i have secured 81% in 12(hsc). & can i join it now or its too late.[/QUOTE]
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9th May 2011, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

is there any seats available for girls also ? If yes, what are the requirements?
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11th May 2011, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir i have to join merchant navy i have given 12 th and result not declared yet so plz inform me
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14th May 2011, 01:12 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

i have scored 50% in 12 sci am i eligiable to join any courses of merchant navy
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15th May 2011, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Dear Sir,

I have done DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGG. on the Basis OF 10th also I have done 12th in arts But its correspondence. I am passout in 2007. my age is 23 years. Can I join merchant navy? And wat will be future benefits for me. Actually I love to Travel. Pls privide information.
Email [email protected]

Waiting For A reply....
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16th May 2011, 12:50 AM
Rohit Vashisht
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

You can join Merchant Navy as deck cadet if you are having Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at 10+2 standard.

IGNOU conducts OPEN-NET examination every year to provide admission to the candidates in Deck Cadet course which ultimately leads to BSc Nautical Science. It is 3 years course- one year off- board training in the institute and 24 months ship training. You can appear in the exam to get a good reputed Marine Collage otherwise there are also many private institutes which also provide placement.

Application forms are available in between January to April of every year. You can contact IGNOU in this respect.
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16th May 2011, 12:54 AM
Rohit Vashisht
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Arrow Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Originally Posted by aks171 View Post
Sir please tell me overall training fees from any institutes as adeck cadet in merchant navy
Deck cadet couse or BSc Nautical science course fee may vary from one institute to another, however there is no much diffrence in fee between private and goverment institutes.

Generally fee for the training is Rs. 1,70,000. Many marine institute provide scholarship to the candidates.
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16th May 2011, 12:59 AM
Rohit Vashisht
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Arrow Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Originally Posted by aks171 View Post
Sir please tell me overall training fees from any institutes as adeck cadet in merchant navy
Generally fee may be Rs. 1,70,000 ( Aquatech Institute Of Marine Studeies, New Delhi) for a private institute any there is no much diffrence in fee structure of government or private marine institute.
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18th May 2011, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?


My name is Mamta...I have a friend Abhishek who was looking for jobs on cruise..he is a B.Com graduate and has now stumbled upon a reference who has offered him a job in the Merchant Navy...he says it is a company in Hong Kong named Agnelo..He has also asked to apply for CDC and the procedure will take around a week and the CDC if approved will be dispatched and received in 40 days. My main concern here is that as my friend and I are both not aware of how the entire procedure works for application for jobs or the work pattern in Merchant Navy, I would like your guidance on the same. Also, if the package is 1500 USD, wht might be the position offered? what are the future growth options? Also, he has been categorized as an NCO and hence was told that as of now his package would be 1500, but once certified, package will increase..when does the NCO get his certification, i mean how many years or what kind of courses are available to certify? Kindly get back to me at [email protected] or [email protected] for clarifications on the above said.

Will appreciate your quick response as the procedure of CDC will start within 2 days and I would like to know the maximum information I can get during these 2 days.

Thanking you,
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6th June 2011, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir i want to join merchant navy as a deck cadet am i eligible if i have 55% in pcm,68% in english and overall 64% aggr. in 12th std if yes plz suggest me some good institutes and their approx. payment as well as fees. thank you hope u reply as early its urgent
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17th June 2011, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

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22nd August 2011, 05:15 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

i want to join merchant navy through indian maritme university as a deck cadet after 12th .so please tell me the date of the next
exam and form date of the enterance test.
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28th September 2011, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

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25th October 2011, 11:05 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir i have recently done my 12th with pcb but i want to join merchant navy i m doing 12maths from nios these year next in april i had my exam so please tell me what should i do, to get sponsership for deck cadet .or what course i do these year related to shipping....?please tell me ... [email protected] / my no. is this - 09897765696
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9th November 2011, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

You have'nt provide us the complete detail of your education so that I can guide you accordingly

However,the minimum requirement for joining the merchant navy as a deck cadet is candidate should have passed 12 months,which is offered by various institutes across India.The minimum requirement for which is the candidate must have passed class 12 (PCM) with at least 60% aggregate or some institutes also have 55% as minimum requirement.

Duration of full training is 12 months,and the course fees varies from institutes to institutes.however inticatively it will cost at least 70,000 for one year only course fees.

However,private institutes can demand anything between 1,20,000 - 1,50,000.
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15th November 2011, 11:51 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

You have'nt provide us the complete detail of your education so that I can guide you accordingly

However,the minimum requirement for joining the merchant navy as a deck cadet is candidate should have passed 12 months,which is offered by various institutes across India.The minimum requirement for which is the candidate must have passed class 12 (PCM) with at least 60% aggregate or some institutes also have 55% as minimum requirement.

Duration of full training is 12 months,and the course fees varies from institutes to institutes.however inticatively it will cost at least 70,000 for one year only course fees.

However,private institutes can demand anything between 1,20,000 - 1,50,000.
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16th November 2011, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

I am suryabhan gautam i have scored 64% in 12th but after 12th five years gap so plz sir suggest me what i do to join merchant navy and tell me any college give relaxation 1year age for deck cadet course plz sir i will waiting ur replies
suryabhan gautam
[email protected]
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18th November 2011, 02:42 PM
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Default Deck cadet

Respected Sir,
I am Pritish P. Verulkar. I passed out of Sailors
Maritime Academy, Visakhapatnam(2010-2011),INDIA. I have completed 1
year Pre-sea training(DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL SCIENCE). I am searching for a deck cadet job onboard the ship.
Please kindly inform me about the same.
Thanking You
Contact No. 8007597852
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20th November 2011, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

I have selectd in ipmtindia as a deck cadect traine in 4th merit list so can i join ?becouse i donot no about merchant? plese tell fee & duration,how is training?plese help me to giving suggestion.
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6th December 2011, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Sir ,what is the best institutes of Deck Cadet course and duration and 3rd offier rank pay?This course time ?
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7th December 2011, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Which is the best institue for merchant navy???
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5th January 2012, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

i am abhishek my graduation quali is complet. i know sir how i becom a cadet
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23rd January 2012, 08:11 PM
zaheer abbas
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

What is the syllabus for the imu-cet exam..?
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30th January 2012, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

helo sir. its vaibhav frm d.dun. i have scored 54 per. in 12 up board and in pcm i scored 53. per . am i eli. for deck cadet if not then plz give some address of academy where i can get admision. email id [email protected]
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13th February 2012, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir ,i had scored 64.5% in 12th with pcm ,i wanna know that how i can be a deck cadet in merchant navy,what is the duration of study and amount to b paid for it?
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30th March 2012, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Maximum salary deck cadet post at GMU
pls inform(9628132378)
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31st March 2012, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

The basic eligibility for joining Merchant Navy is candidates need to have a +2 qualification in science and a degree in marine engineering or must have completed your pre-sea training.....Then you can join the Indian Shipping companies or join a foreign shipping company. If you join the Indian Shipping company you need to travel mostly the Indian Continental. However there are some shipping companies which have requirements to travel to the western side. The foreign shipping companies do have there offices set up in our country, mostly in Mumbai. which mostly offer better pay scales compared to Indian Shipping companies. Either ways you need to approach them with your qualifications. If found suitable they will have a contract with you.
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4th April 2012, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

I have secured 61.66% marks in PCM and overall i have secured 58.6% marks in 10 2 exam. can i have able to join merchant navy.
hemant kumar
id:[email protected]
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16th April 2012, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Dear friend,
Information regarding Merchant Navy after B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering is...

Two year course for Diploma Holders.

One year course for Graduate Mechanical Engineers.

you go through the website
please visit www.namacindia.com

You can also join merchant navy, merchant navy also needs computer engineer.
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22nd May 2012, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir, my brother has done 12 from PCM with 65 %...pls tell me how can he join merchant navy as an deck cadet???does he need to give entrance of CET first or join any college or thru this exam he will get college???wot will be the duration of the course and the fees structure???
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22nd June 2012, 04:24 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

hello dear
You have'nt provide us the complete detail of your education so that I can guide you accordingly

However,the minimum requirement for joining the merchant navy as a deck cadet is candidate should have passed 12 months,which is offered by various institutes across India.The minimum requirement for which is the candidate must have passed class 12 (PCM) with at least 60% aggregate or some institutes also have 55% as minimum requirement.

Duration of full training is 12 months,and the course fees varies from institutes to institutes.however inticatively it will cost at least 70,000 for one year only course fees.

However,private institutes can demand anything between 1,20,000 - 1,50,000.

Best of Luck
thank you
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22nd June 2012, 08:37 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

hello dear
You have'nt provide us the complete detail of your education so that I can guide you accordingly

However,the minimum requirement for joining the merchant navy as a deck cadet is candidate should have passed 12 months,which is offered by various institutes across India.The minimum requirement for which is the candidate must have passed class 12 (PCM) with at least 60% aggregate or some institutes also have 55% as minimum requirement.

Duration of full training is 12 months,and the course fees varies from institutes to institutes.however inticatively it will cost at least 70,000 for one year only course fees.

However,private institutes can demand anything between 1,20,000 - 1,50,000.

Best of Luck
thank you
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19th July 2012, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

I've passed 10 2with sc with 54% (pcm).and also ve I.T.I Passed with fitter trade with 78%.
can i get job in marchent navy or any shiping work.
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19th July 2012, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

i have completed my 12th with 67% in PCM... wanna join merchant navy as deck cadet. wht is d procedure, wht xam i hv to clear???
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6th September 2012, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

i am amar i have done my 12th with pcm. i hv scored 79% . i want to join merchant navy.please tell me how i can join merchant navy and what will be the best career in merchant navy for me ?
plzzzz contact me
[email protected],
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15th September 2012, 01:00 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Dear sir/mam,
I want to join merchant navy as a Deck Cadet . I passed 10 2 with PCM 55.11% .
so pls inform me abt our course as well as our placement and time duration of course ,
I can join as soon as possible .
So inform me .
Deepak chhteri
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16th September 2012, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Hi dear,

You have'nt provide us the complete detail of your education so that I can guide you accordingly

However,the minimum requirement for joining the merchant navy as a deck cadet is candidate should have passed 12 months,which is offered by various institutes across India.The minimum requirement for which is the candidate must have passed class 12 (PCM) with at least 60% aggregate or some institutes also have 55% as minimum requirement.

Duration of full training is 12 months,and the course fees varies from institutes to institutes.however inticatively it will cost at least 70,000 for one year only course fees.

However,private institutes can demand anything between 1,20,000 - 1,50,000.

Best of Luck
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19th September 2012, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Good evening sir myself pankaj from dehradun i have been passed out class 10th with 80% marks now i have been selected for the post of seamen in merchant navy but i m not happy due to it because i want to be a deck cadet but at this time i m studying in class 12th, sir give me a suggestion can i appear for deck cadet after the post of seamen or should i join the merchant navy for the post of seamen without completing the 12th pls sir give me few advices i will be grateful to u thanku.
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14th December 2012, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Sir what is the procedure to join merchant navy as a deck cadet? I am 2 appearing student and I'm sure I can obtained surely more that 60%
this year(2013)
Which test is prefer for me?
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24th December 2012, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

is post of deck cadet is an officer post
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16th January 2013, 12:49 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

hi sir! i'm Ravinder from Haryana and i have done 10 2 with science side with 68.8% of mark.i want join marchant navy as cadet ship so please tell me all prosuder of joining and tell me when will be new batch start and how much money spent duration on course.please give me all detailes of cadet ship course.

Thanks and best regard


Email ID:- [email protected]

Mob No. - 08053385465,0946723839
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11th February 2013, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

please inform that imu cet dns exam can held and which month the form will be comes?
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18th March 2013, 03:31 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir Iam Narinder,
i have done 2 with arts..
how to join marchant navy..
answer me..
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21st March 2013, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Merchant Navy Institute in India
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Merchant Navy Placement And Job Prospects
career-in-merchant-navy-in-indiaIf talk about placement you are in a dilemma and under doubts always for various placement agents active on internet. We ensure placement not verbally on your phone only. We provide an opportunity to candidates who are searching job holding their certificates in hand. We provide you opportunity to fix a meeting with us for your placement. Then only we ensure you about our guaranteed placement to each and every student enrolling for this particular Deck Cadet course, or seeking for placement only. On successful completion of this course the candidate will be able to join as a Direct Entry Deck Cadet or Crew on Foreign flagships. With a stipulated sailing and qualification requirements, they can be promoted to the officer's level.

Our placement cell is working for five years. It highly networked in global level for placement in esteemed Shipping Companies. Many shipping companion (Indian and Foreign) are tie up with SMAMN for recruitment. The placement for cadets passing out the Institute is fully assured. Cadets passed out from the institute are employed with various Foreign Shipping companies. If you are hard worker and willing to learn there are much chances for advancements in career for you also.

To sum up, Siroi Maritime Academy has widely placed more than hundred seamen's and cadets in foreign going ships and they are sailing around the world with handsome salary. Over the years, not only our students, but the students from other Academies also believed us and placed in foreign going ships very successfully.

If you are the one who believe, you can make a request to us through mail for our latest record of placement.
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10th April 2013, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

sir,im shubham ranjan gupta and i had given my exam just few days back. and i am assured that i can achive more than 75% . then please suggest me how can i join merchant navy.
[email protected]
mob no.9235563952,
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11th April 2013, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

It is compulsory to do BSC IN Nautical science for deck cadet
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23rd April 2013, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

hey everyone..!!
this is garvit and i've compleed my 12th grade with 81% overall and 73% aggregate in pcm from new delhi..!
i want to know the best institutes for persuing nautical engineering
though i've cleared tmi's online TMISAT test and the interview but i'm still confused as i dont really know if it's a good institute or not? is it a good one? i dont know about its placements too?
plzz do help
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12th June 2013, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: What is the procedure of join merchant navy as Deck Cadet? duration of course and placements prospects?

Sir i am rohit keot i secured 73% in 10 2[arts] and i want to join marchant navy as deck cadet so please give me info how to join.
My i.d [email protected]
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