3rd February 2011, 09:47 AM
Can I appear in Delhi pre medical test? What's quota available for UP candidates? I'm from Noida
i am a noida student and living in noida can i apper in delhi pre medical test what is quata of uttar predesh
send details... |
13th March 2012, 07:49 PM
![]() Quote:
ALL THE BEST Medical Colleges and Hospitals Guru Nanak Eye Centre Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Aruna asaf Ali Hospital Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital University College of Medical Sciences Maulana Azad Medical College Maulana Azad Medical College Course at Maulana Azad Medical College Complex Diploma Courses Diploma courses are available in the following specialties : Anesthesia , Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Child Health , Medical Radio-diagnosis and Venereology and Dermatology . BDS Degree Course 20 students are admitted every year for the four year Bachelor of Dental Surgery ( BDS) course . MBBS Degree Course 180 students are admitted every year for the five year MBBS course . Postgraduate Degree Courses ( MS / MD ) Postgraduate Degree Courses ( MS / MD ) are available in the following disciplines of medical sciences : Medicine , Anesthesia , Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Pediatrics , Pathology , Radio-diagnosis , Physiology , Dermatology , Radiotherapy , Biochemistry , Microbiology , Pharmacology , Preventive and Social Medicine , Forensic Medicine , Psychiatry , Anatomy , General Surgery , Orthopedics ,Ophthalmology ,and Otorhinolaryngology . Superspecialty Courses ( DM and MCh. ) Superspecialty courses are available in the following subjects : DM : Neurology , Cardiology and Gastroenterology . M Ch : Paediatric Surgery , Plastic Surgery , Neurosurgery , Cardiothoracic Surgery and Surgical Gastroenterology . Eligibility and Admission Procedures for MBBS and BDS Courses There are two routes by which a student can gain admission to MBBS / BDS course at Maulana Azad Medical College Complex . A . ALL INDIA Pre-medical / Pre-dental Entrance Examination . B . DELHI Pre-medical / Pre-dental Entrance Examination . ALL INDIA Pre-medical / Pre-dental Entrance Examination (Conducted by CBSE, New Delhi) The Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi conducts the All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Examination as directed by the Supreme Court of India exclusively for the 15 per cent merit positions for all the Medical Colleges given in this Section. Eligibility Condition Age : The candidate must have completed 17 years of age on or before December 31 of the year of admission to the 1st MBBS / Dental Course. Qualifications : The Higher Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination, which is equivalent to 10+2. Higher / Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years’ study, the last two years of study comprising of Physics , Chemistry , Biology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) with English at a level not less than the Core Course for English as prescribed by the NCERT after the introduction of the 10+2+3 years educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education . Candidates for admission to the Medical / Dental Course must have obtained not less than 50 per cent (40 per cent for SC/ST) of the total marks in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the qualifying examination. All those candidates who have appeared or are appearing at the qualifying examination and expect to pass the examination with required percentage of the total marks in aggregate are also eligible to apply and appear in the Competitive Entrance Examination ( CEE ) . Entrance Examination: The Examination will have one paper, consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) of 2 hours and thirty minutes duration. There will be 200 Objective Type Questions carrying a maximum of 800 marks. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded Four marks. Negative marking will be adopted for incorrect responses. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect response. Answers where the candidate and where the responses are not clearly marked give more than one response will be treated as incorrect responses and shall be negatively marked. Answers without any response shall be awarded Zero marks. Medium of Examination: Both Hindi and English. Examination Centres : Itanagar , Agartala , Port Blair, Shillong , Imphal , Panaji , Pondicherry , Patna , Chandigarh , Lucknow, Ahmedabad , Bombay, Nagpur, Bangalore, Trivandrum , Madras , Guwahati, Calcutta, Bhubaneshwar , Jaipur , Bhopal , Shimla , Delhi. Selection: A Merit List of all successful candidates shall be prepared by the CBSE. The Board in order of Merit shall also prepare a Waiting List. The result shall be published by the CBSE in leading Newspapers . After getting the result from the CBSE, the Directorate General Health Services shall separately prepare a Collegewise Merit List of candidates and intimate the result to various Medical / Dental Colleges / Institutions and also to each of the candidate appearing in the Merit List. Option / Allotment for the Medical / Dental Colleges : Candidates are not required to give any option for college/course at the time of filling up the application form or later on. The allotments will be made by personal appearance as per the selection made by the candidate from amongst the seats available in his / her rank. How to apply : The Bulletin of Information containing Application Form can be had during January / February on cash payment of Rs.135/- (Rs.60/- for SC / ST) from specified branches of Canara Bank and from Regional Offices of Central Board of Secondary Education situated at : (1) Plot No 1630A, J Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai -600040. (2) Rajgarh Road, Rajgarh Tinali, Guwahati-781003. (3) Todar Mal Marg, Ajmer-305001. (4) State Institute of Education Building Sector-32C, Chandigarh-160031. (5) 1/ 1 Neem Sarai (Transport Nagar), Akram Building , Allahabad - 241001. The Bulletin of information containing the Application Forma can also be had by post by sending a MICR Bank Draft of Rs.147/- (RS 72/- for SC/ST) payable to Canara Bank A/c CBSE, New Delhi, along with a self-addressed unstamped envelope (12" X 10") from the All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination Unit, (CBSE), 17-B, IP Estate, New Delhi-110002. If the candidates fail to enclose the self-addressed envelopes of appropriate size, the CBSE shall not be responsible for non-despatch of Bulletins of Information & Application Forms. Please note that the cost of the prospectus , dates of submission of application forms , dates of entrance tests and the reservation policies of the government may change from time to time . Students are therefore advised to refer to the latest prospectus issued by the Colleges / Institutions for an uptodate information . Last Date. The last date for receipt of Application Form / fee by Registered post is usually in 1st or 2nd week of February. DELHI Pre-medical / Pre-dental Entrance Examination ( conducted by Faculty of Medical Sciences , University of Delhi ) This is a joint Competitive Entrance Examination for three medical colleges in Delhi namely, Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), University College of Medical Sciences, (UCMS) and Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC). Controller of Examinations conducts this Examination , North Delhi Campus on behalf of Faculty of Medical Sciences , University of Delhi . The details of seats and other relevant information is as follows : Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC). New Delhi-110002 No. of Seats : 180 Management : Delhi Administration ; affiliated to University of Delhi . University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS). Shahdara, Delhi -110095 No. of Seats : 100 Management : Delhi University. Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC) New Delhi - 110001 No. of Seats : 130 Management : Central Government , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Out of total number of seats in three Medical Colleges as noted above , 15 per cent of the seats are filled by the DGHS on All-India Basis . Entrance Test is conducted by CBSE , New Delhi directly on behalf of the Medical Council of India , New Delhi as per direction of the Supreme Court of India . Other seats are filled in directly by the University of Delhi. The distribution of all the 410 seats in the three Medical Colleges is as follows: Group A (Non-Reserved Seats) : 262 Category (I) : To be filled in by CBSE : 62 seats (MAMC 27, UCMS 15, LHMC 20) Category(ii) : To be filled in by Delhi University : 200 seats (MAMC 97, UCMS 58, LHMC 45) Group B (Reserved Seats) : 148 Category (I) : SC / ST : 92 seats (MAMC 41, UMCS 22, LHMC 29) Category (ii) : Children / Widows of Armed Personnel killed / disabled in action : 20 seats (MAMC 9, UCMS 5, LHMC 6) Category (iii) : Government Nominees : 36 seats ( MAMC 6 , LHMC 30). Distribution of 20 BDS seats General seats : 12 Reserved Seats : 5 ( SC 3 , ST 2 ) Seats to be filled by DGHS ( 15% quota ) : 3 Qualifications : 12 years Senior Secondary under 10+2 system conducted by CBSE / Council for the Indian School Certificate Exam / Jamia Islamia, New Delhi (except Patrachar Vidyalaya and Open Schools) with Physics, Chemistry (including Organic Chemistry) , Biology (Botany & Zoology) and English (Core or Elective) securing 50 per cent (40 per cent for SC/ST) aggregate marks in these subjects from the recognised schools conducting regular classes situated within the National Capital Territory of Delhi only. Female SC/ST candidates who have passed the qualifying exam (10+2) from outside Delhi are eligible to appear in the entrance examination for admission to Lady Hardinge Medical College only. Comparmental candidates are not eligible. Candidates should be medically fit. Age: 17years on December 31 of the year of admission. Selection : The University of Delhi conducts the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) in the month of May/June of the year of admission at Delhi only. There is only One Paper is of three hours duration . The examination shall consist of one paper in Physics & Chemistry ( combined ) and Biology ( Botany & Zoology ) . All the 200 questions in the paper are of Objective-Type; (ii) The medium of examination is English and the standard of examination is indicated in the Prospectus. How to apply : The Bulletin of Information containing the conditions for admission, Application form and Syllabus for the CEE is available during February / March of the year of admission on submission of a Bank Draft of RS. 50/- (by post) drawn in favour of the Registrar, University of Delhi payable at State Bank of India, Delhi University Branch (Code 1067) and on cash payment of RS 50/- from the Office of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, VP Chest Institute Building, 6th Floor, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 and from the Principal / Dean of the respective Medical Colleges. Please note that the cost of the prospectus , dates of submission of application forms , dates of entrance tests and the reservation policies of the government may change from time to time . Students are therefore advised to refer to the latest prospectus issued by the Colleges / Institutions for an uptodate information . Diploma Courses and Postgraduate Degree Courses Candidates must have satisfactorily completed one year of Compulsory Rotating Internship after passing the final MBBS examination from the University of Delhi on or before the 31st of March of the year and must have Full Registration with the State Medical Council or the Medical Council of India . Superspecialty Courses The concerned department every year conducts an entrance examination . The entrance examination consists of a written examination and a clinical examination . The candidates wishing to get into a superspecialty course must possess a recognised postgraduate degree . |
27th April 2014, 02:22 PM
Are the student who is pass out from patrachar or private cbse board ' eligible for medical entrance test ?
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