19th July 2010, 09:57 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4

What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

I am a student of b.com.Iyear and i want to take admission in law university so please tell me what is the criteria of getting admission in to law university?

20th July 2010, 03:21 AM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Hello friend,

The minimum eligibility to get admission in the law university for the 5 year BA LLB programme is 10+2 with a minimum of 50% in aggregate. The admission is based on the All India Law Entrance Test conducted by th university.
Following are some of the well known Law university in India.

Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh – 202 002
Uttar Pradesh
Website: www.amu.ac.in

Amity Law School
E-27-Defence Colony
New Delhi - 110024

Balaji Law College, Pune
Building No. C-2, Bramha Estate,
S.No. 1/1 – A, Kondhwa Khurd,
Pune - 411 048

Faculty of Law (University of Delhi)
Chattra Marg,
University Enclave,
University of Delhi,
Delhi -110007

The West Bengal National University Of Juridical Sciences
NUJS Bhavan
12, LB-Block, Sector-III
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 098.

For further details, please visit the official website of the institutes.
20th July 2010, 09:24 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 47
Post Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Dear Friend, It is an earnest request to you, to please inform me about this, as soon as you get to know it. Thanking you, Yours truely PRD
20th July 2010, 10:46 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Himachal Pradesh
Posts: 71
Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Hello Avnika,

I am sending you two sample papers please check it....

Total marks-200……………………………………Total time: 2 hrs

Many of the underdeveloped countries will promote the growth of their economies in one way or another no matter whether they receive substantial outside aid in the process or not. The character of that development, however, is likely to be strongly influenced by the types and amounts of aid available. The outcome is much more likely to be favourable, from the standpoint of the objectives for successful development set up previously, if there is substantial international aid than if there is not.By substantial aid I mean not only large amounts of technical assistance but also of capital. Initially, the capacity of an underdeveloped country to use capital productively maybe surprisingly small—limited by lack of organisation, trained personnel, and other social obstacles. At this stage technical assistance is its main need from outside, with comparatively small amounts of capital, much of which may have to be in the form of grants for non self- liquidating projects in education, health, access roads to rural areas, and the like, if at this stage, substantial capital is available from outside to supplement what can be formed internally (and to stimulate internal capital formation, for it does that too) the rate of economic growth can be considerably increased, and the strains and frustrations and political risks of the development process are likely to be considerably less.

It is possible for underdeveloped economies to modernise themselves with very little capital from outside. Japan's import of capital was small, though some of it came at crucial times. The contribution of foreign direct investments to the advancement of technical know-how, also was greater than would be indicated merely by the size of the investment. The Soviet Union industrialised its economy with practically no aid from foreign investment capital except for the foreign-owned installations confiscated after the revolution, though it imported machinery in the early days on short-term or intermediate- term credits and hired services of foreign experts. Both Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and social framework. The outcome in both cases, from standpoint of the peace of the world and democratic ideals, was highly unfavourable.

In the absence of outside aid, the only way to accumulate capital is to increase production without taking much of the benefit in more consumption, or even while pushing consumption standards down. Where the people are already near the subsistence level this may mean extreme hardship. Somehow the people must be motivated to change their accustomed ways quickly, to work hard, and to forego present consumption so that capital investment can be made.

1. The passage says
(a) Without foreign aid no underdeveloped country can grow.
(b) Underdeveloped countries must refrain from seeking foreign aid.
(c) The economies of underdeveloped countries are more likely to grow faster with
substantial foreign aid than without.
(d) Underdeveloped countries are economically backward because their governments

have not got their priorities right.
2. Substantial aid in this context means
(a) Technical assistance in the form of trained personnel.
(b) Capital in the form of bank loans and overdrafts.
(c) Large amounts of technical assistance and capital.
(d) A cheap and plentiful supply of labour.
3. The availability of substantial capital from outside
(a) Can help to stimulate internal capital formation.

(b) Does encourage wasteful tendencies.
(c) Seldom helps to accelerate the rate of international growth.
(d) Tends to discourage local capital formation.
4. The passage says that
(a) Japan imported substantial capital before it became modernised.
(b) The Soviet Union industrialised its economy with plenty of foreign investment
(c) Japan rejcted offers of substantial foreign capital investment at the early stages of its
economic development.
(d) In the early days of its economic development the Soviet Union imported
machinery on short-term or intermediate-term credits and hired foreign experts.
5. Which of the following points or statements did the writer actually make?
(a) Japan and Russia achieved their development in a democratic framework.
(b) Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and
social framework.
(c) Japan and the Soviet Union would have developed faster had they relied on
democratic methods.
(d) Japan and the Soviet Union are still among the underdeveloped countries of the
In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors. Find out which part of
the sentence has error .
6. The tailor cut the cloth with a scissor that were blunt.

7. If I had an opinion I could-have left the scene.

8. The mistake was oblivious but they did not spot it

9. The electric defeat of the incumbent party was expected.

10. Among birds, the parrot is known for its lone life.

11. The massages of the scriptures are relevant even today.

12. Goa is famous for its natural sceneries.

13. The boys and girls had their teas and walked on.

14. Manali is more beautiful than any other hill stations in India.

15. He won several awards during his carrier in the army.

Pick out the most appropriate word/preposition from those given to fill in the blank in each
of the following sentences to make the sentence meaningfully complete:
16. On account of his inefficiency, the officer was………….
(a) promoted (b) rewarded (c) depromoted (d) demoted.

17. The comedian made many good ………..
(a) funs (b) jokes (c) laughter (d) laugh

18. The man……………
to the police that his bicycle had been stolen.
(a) declared (b) complimented (c) complained (d) complaint

19. She has………….every misfortune with fortitude.
(a) borne (b) born (c) bear (d) bore

20. The house was………….during the owner's absence.
(a) stolen (b) robbed (c) pilfered (d) thieved

21. None of the food was wasted, …….. ?
(a) wasn't it (b) was it (c) were it (d) weren't it

22. Bread is made…….. wheat.
(a) of (b) in (c) from (d) on

23. A lot of people died……… Tsunami.
(a) of (b) for (c) from (d) on

24. I am much senior to you, ………. ?
(a) amn't I (b) am I (c) are I (d) aren't I

25. Everybody can't come in first,………?
(a) can't they (b) can they (c) can he (d) can she

Directions In the following questions a word is given in capital letters followed by four alternative words marked a-d. Select from the alternatives a word which conveys more or less the same meaning as the word in capital letters.

26. ANNUL (a) renew(b) expire (c) cancel(b) stop
27. DESIST (a) resist (b)stop (c) reluctant(d) persist
28. DILAPIDATED (a) broken (b) ruined (c) weak (d) (d) lowered down
29. INFIRM (a) dull(b) sticky(c) slim(d) unyielding
30. AVENGE (a) guess (b) retaliate (c) retard(d) hamper
Direction Select from the answer choices a word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the
word given in capital letters.
31. DILATE (a) allow (b) disallow
(c) contract
(d) expand
32. CONSPICUOUS (a) important (b) insignificant (c) bravery (d) dangerous
33. ARDUOUS (a) strong (b) shady
(c) easy (d) difficult
34. FALLACY (a) mistake (b) cheating (c) truth
(d) weakness
35. HARBOUR (a) inject (b) digest
(c) eject (d) assimilate

Directions:-, sentences have been split into six parts. The first and last parts have been numbered 1 and 6 and remaining parts named P, Q, R and S. While parts 1 and 6 are in proper sequence, parts P, Q, R and S are jumbled and not in proper sequence. Rearrange the jumbled parts to make meaningful sentences.

36. 1. Thirty-seven years later,
P to reiterate that the highest
Q. to farming, to food and agriculture
R. the time has come for us
S. national priority must be given
6. as the corner-stone of our economy.
(a) RSPQ

37. 1. It is on the basis of
P. that we have been able to
Q. a deeply democratic domestic-policy,
R. build a self-reliant economy,
S. self-reliance in agriculture
6. and an independent foreign policy.
(a) SPRQ

38. 1. In order to enable
P their cropping pattern
Q. Kisans to rationally determine
R. notified by the Government
S. support prices are being
6. in advance of the sowing.
(a) QPSR

39. 1. First, we shall determine the wage costs
P. minimum wage for agriculture
Q. on the basis of the statutory
R. labour notified by the
S. state or the actual wages paid
6. whichever is higher.
(a) P R S Q
(b) Q P R S
(c) P S Q R
(d) S R P Q

40. 1. Second, we shall include in the
P. labour input of the kisans
Q. the managerial and
R. at a higher wage reflecting
S. cost of production the
6. entrepreneurial role of the kisan.
(a) QRPS

41. The age for retirement of High Court judges is
(a) 65 Years
(b) 75 Years
(c) 62 Years
(d) No age limit

42. First Chief Information Commissioner of India is
(a) Rehman Khan
(b) Wajahat Habibullah
(c) Hamid Ansari
(d) Shashi Taroor

43. “Voice of Justice” is a book written by
(a) Justice A R Lakshman
(b)Justice V.R.Krishnaiyer
(c) Justice A.S.Anand
d) None

44. Which constitutional amendment makes education a fundamental right for all children
between 6 and 14 under Article 21A
(a) 73rd
(b) 83rd
(c) 93rd
(d) 63rd

45. The most literate Union territory
(a) Delhi
(b) Ponidcheery
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Lakshadeep

46. 2010 World cup Football will be held at
a) London
b) Brazil
c) South Africa
d) France

47. As per planning commission figures the poorest state in India
a) Assam
b) Bihar
c) Punjab
d) Orissa

48.India singed ABUJA DECLARATION with -
a) China,
b) Russia,
c) Nigeria,
d) Germany.

49. Human Rights day is observed on
a) December-5,
b) December-10,
c) October-10,
d) October-24

50. Mr. Al Gore shared the Nobel peace prize 2007 with
b) UN top climate panel (IPCC),
c) Red Cross International,
d) WHO

51. “Science Express” is a special train put together by India and_____
a) Germany,
b) Russai,
c) China,
d) USA

52. 13th Finance Commission will be headed by
a)K.C. Panth,
b) Vijay Kelker,
c) Ranzarejan,
d) Y.V. Reddy

53. “Darfar” is situated on
a) Libya,
b) Iran,
c) Sudan,
d) Somalia

54. The last state which ultimately decided to introduce VAT replacing trade tax
a) UP,
b) Bihar,
c) Tripura,
d) W.B.

55. First Batsman to score 15000 runs in one day cricket.
a) Lara,
b) Tendulkar,
c) Inzamamul Haq,
d) Jayasoorya

56. King fisher Airlines bought 26% stake in______
a) Jet Airways,
b) AIR deccan,
c) Sahara,
d) Spice jet

57. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at
a) Lahore,
b) Karachi,
c) Ravalpindi,
d) Peshwar

58. The President Pratibha Patil is from the state of
a) UP,
b) Maharashtra,
c) Haryana,
d) Utharanjal

59. The Chairman of National Human Rights Commission
a) Justice A.R. Lakshman,
b) Justice Rajendra Babu,
c) Justice Santhosh Hegde,
d) Justice A.S. Anand

60. Malbar 2007 is
a) Cultural Festival of SAARC Nations,
b) Five Nation Naval exercise held at Bay of Bengal
c) A. Trade fair,
d) None

61. The Simon Commission which placed the recommendation regarding dyarchy which
had to be abolished in the Provinces and also proposed enlargement of the Provincial
Legislature was appointed in
(a) 1930
(b) 1931
(c) 1925
(d) 1927

62.Without legislative interference an "Ordinance" remains in force for
(a) 3 months
(b) 1year
(c) 9 months
(d) 6 months

63. Which was the first state created on linguistic basis in India?
(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Andhra Pradesh

64. Right to information Act came into force on
(a) 12th October 2001
(b) 12th October 2005
(c) 12th November 2003
(d) 1st April 2004

65. The structure of the Constitution of India is
(a) Flexible
(b) Unitary
(c) Federal in form and Unitary in spirit
(d) Rigid

66. Which of the following natural resources is often called black gold?
(b) Petroleum
© Diamond

67. Imbalance between income flow and goods flow is called…………
(b) Stagflation,
(d) None

68. Kumbha Mela is celebrated once in
A) Ten years
B) Five years
C) Twelve years
D) Every year.

69. Expand SIM
A) Subscriber Ideal Mode
B) Subscriber in Mobile
C) Subscriber Identity Module
D) Subscriber Immediate Memory.

70. A writ issued by the, Supreme Court compelling a quasi-judicial/public authority to
perform its mandatory duty is
(A) Quo Warranto
(B) Mandamus
(C) Certiorari
(D) Prohibition

71. The lens used to correct the defect of short-sightedness is
(A)Con cave,
(B) Convex,
(C ) Double Concave,
(D) Double Convex

72. The Capital of Lakshadweep is…….
(A) Portblair,
(B) Aizwal,
(C )Kava ratti,
(D) Sivakhashi

73. Bharatha Ratna was introduced in the year
A) 1950
B) 1955
C) 1954
D) 1960

74. No. 10, Downing Street, London, is the official residence of
(b)British queen
©Speaker of the House of Commons
(d) Prime Minister of UK

75. National Judicial Academy is at
A) Bhopal
B) Delhi
C) Madras
D) Banglore

76. The demand for partition of India was conceded by the British, under
(a) Mountbatten Plan, 1947
(b) Cabinet Mission Plan
(c) Cripps Mission
(d) None of these

77. The Constitution of enshrines………………number of Fundamental Rights
(a) Six
(b) five
(c) eight
(d) ten

78. The science of Ornithology deals with

79. The Attorney-General of India is
(b)Fall S. Nariman
(c)Milan Banerji
(d)Ram Jethmalani

80. The minimum age of a voter in India is_ years.
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 21
(d) 24

81. Which Article of the Constitution of India empowers the Parliament to amend the
(a) 352
(b) 368
(c) 324
(d) 356

82. Panchayats system was set up according to the recommendations of
(a) Swaran Singh Committee.
(b) Sarkaria Commission
(c) Ashok Mehta Committee
(d) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

83. International Day of Non-violence is observed on the birth day of
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Indira Gandhi
(C) Rajiv Gandhi
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

84. Indian National Calendar is based on
(a) Buddhist era,
(b) Christian era,
(c) Saka era,
(d) None of these.

85. Where were the first commonwealth games held
(a) Dhaka,
(b) London,
(c) Canberra,

86 Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State
Policy ?(A) Part I
(B) Part III
(C) Part IV
(D) Part V

87. Electron was discovered by
(a) Rutherford
(b) Bohr
(c) J.J. Thomson
(d) Ramsay

88. Which of the following rights was considered by Dr. Ambedkar as the "Heart and
Soul" of the Indian Constitution ?
(a) Right to Equality
(b) Right to Freedom of Religion
(c) Right to Freedom of Speech
(d) Right to Constitutional Remedies,

89. In banking terminology, CRR
a. Credo Reserve Ratio
b. Cash Reserve Ratio
c. Credit Rating Ratio
d. Cash Rating Ratio

90. Who gives recognition to political parties in India ?
(a) Parliament
(b) President
(c) Supreme Court
(d) Election Commission
Legal Aptitude

91. ‘Inquiry’ means every inquiry conducted under the Criminal Procedure Code by a
bPrivate detective
cMagistrate or court
dPolice officer

92. Any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being is called
c.Criminal case

93. Jurisdiction to grant anticipatory bail under section 438 of Cr.P.C. vests with;
a.The Court of Sessions and the High Court
b.The High Court
c.The Court of Sessions
d.The Court of Magistrate

94. Right to speedy trial is guaranteed under
b.Article 21 of the Constitution of India
c.Article 22 of the Constitution of India
d.In special Laws

95. Any proceedings in the course of which evidence is taken on oath is called
a. Inquiry
b. Investigation
c. Sworn statement
d. Judicial proceedings

96. An agreement is
a. Contract
b. Offer + acceptance
c. Offer + acceptance + consideration
d. Offer

97. Borrowing of money against pledge land as security . This system of arrangement
is called
(c )Pledge
(d)None of the above

98. A written statement in the name of a person by whom it is voluntarily signed and
sworn to is called;
(c)sworn statement

99.A previous judgement cited by court to decide on a similar set facts
(a)Judicial dicta
(b)Obiter dicta
(c )Precedent

100. Who was responsible for introduction of Public Interest Litigation in India ?
(a)Justice Fathima Beevi
(b)Justice A .M. Ahamadi
©Justice P.N . Bhagwati
(d)Justice C.R .Krishna Iyar

101. Union territory of Andaman Nicobar Island is within the jurisdiction of
a.Madras High Court
b.Calcutta High Court
c.Gauhathi High Court
d.Delhi High Court

102. Dowry Death is incorporated as an offence in the Indian Penal Code under which
section of the Indian Penal Code
A 304A
B 304 B
C 304 Part I
d. 304 Part II

103. The first law officer of the country is
(a)Chairman of Law Commission’
(b)Solicitor general
(c)Chief Justice of India
(d)Attorney General of India

104. The Law of Torts has largely developed through
(c)Judicial decisions
(d)None of the above

105. The first chief Justice of Independent India was

2nd Sample Paper

This sample question paper on Legal Aptitude is based on previous questions papers for law and LLB entrance exams. This is based on the pattern specified for CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) conducted by institutes like NALSAR.

1. "No action lies against the Government for injury done to an individual in the course of exercise of its sovereign functions". All of the following actions are covered by the above provision, except

1. improper arrest, negligence or trespass by police officers.

2. loss of movables from government custody owing to negligence of its officers.

3. injury due to the negligence of servants of the government employed in a railway or a dockyard.

4. administration of justice.

2. To secure the enrichment of Hindi, the Constitution, among other things, directs the State to give-primary importance to one of the languages included in the VIII Schedule for the purpose of drawing upon it. This language is

1. Bengali

2. Marathi

3. Sanskrit

4. Urdu

3. Disagreement between the two Houses of Indian Parliament is finally resolved through

1. a joint committee of the two Houses for the purpose.

2. mediatory efforts by the presiding officers of the two Houses.

3. a joint committee of the two Houses for the purpose.

4. mediation by the President.

4. Which of the following Articles of Constitution cannot be amended by a simple majority in both the Houses of Parliament?

1. Article 2

2. Article 3

3. Article 4

4. Article 15

5. Which one of the following Directive Principles is a socialistic principle?

1. Equal pay for equal work to all

2. Protection of the health of workers

3. Prevention of concentration of wealth and the means of production

4. All of these

6. Originally it was laid down in the Constitution that English shall continue to be used for all the official purposes of the union for a period of

1. 15 years

2. 20 years

3. 25 years

4. 30 years

7. As per Article 100(3), the quorum to constitute a meeting of either House of Parliament is

1. one-fourth of the total number of members of that House.

2. one-fifth of the total number of members of that House.

3. one-tenth of the total number of members of that House.

4. one-third of the total number of members of that House.

8. The age of retirement of a Judge of a High Court in India is

1. 58 years

2. 60 years

3. 62 years

4. 65 years

9. The Rule of Law means

1. existence of written rules to regulate the conduct of government officials.

2. that no person can be punished unless his guilt is established by a fair trial.

3. that the power to make laws vests in the elected representatives of the people.

4. independence of the Judiciary

10. In a particular case, the advice tendered by the Council of Ministers is sent back by the President for reconsideration. If the Council of Ministers adhere to their earlier advice, the President

1. can ask for reconsideration of the advice once more

2. can ask for reconsideration of the advice any number of times

3. has no option but to accept such advice

4. must seek the advice of the Supreme Court before rejecting the advice.

11. The writ by which a High Court or the Supreme Court can secure the body of a person who has been imprisoned to be brought before it is

1. Certiorari

2. Habeas Corpus

3. Mandamus

4. Quo Warranto

12. The number of writs that can be prayed for and issued by the Supreme Court and/or a High Court is

1. 3

2. 4

3. 5

4. 6

13. The term of which of the following Lok Sabha was extended beyond the normal period of five years laid down in the Constitution?

1. Fourth Lok Sabha

2. Fifth Lok Sabha

3. Sixth Lok Sabha

4. Seventh Lok Sabha

14. The High Courts at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were established under the

1. Indian High Courts Act, 1861

2. Indian High Courts Act, 1865

3. Indian High Courts Act, 1911

4. Government of India Act, 1919

15. In which of the following situations can the President promulgate an Ordinance?

1. There is disagreement between the two Houses of Parliament over a bill.

2. Both Houses have refused to pass a Bill sponsored by Government with the previous sanction of the President.

3. A Bill has been pending in Parliament for a long period.

4. Parliament is not in session

16. Which of the following events made Gandhiji to launch, for the first time, Civil Disobedience Movement?

1. Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919

2. Killing of peaceful agitators at Chauri Chaura by the British troops in 1922

3. Promulgation of the Rowlatt Act of 1919

4. Failure of talks with the Cripps Mission in 1942

17. Dyarchy as the form of Government at the provincial level was introduced by the

1. Government of India Act, 1919

2. Minto-Morley Reforms

3. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms

4. Government of India Act, 1935

18. Which of the following Acts of British Parliament envisaged for the first time a closer association of Indians with the administration?

1. Indian Councils Act, 1861

2. Indian Councils Act, 1892

3. Indian Councils Act, 1909

4. Government of India Act, 1919

19. For how long can the President's rule in a State imposed initially?

1. One year

2. Six months

3. Two years

4. Three months

20. In accordance with the provisions of our Constitution, new all-India Services can be created only by the

1. Parliament

2. Process of amendment of the Constitution

3. Union Government in consultation with the U.P.S.C.

4. President on the advice of the Council of Ministers

21. Who presides over the joint session of Parliament?

1. The Speaker

2. The Vice-President

3. The President

4. The deputy chairman of the Rajya Sabha

22. The reference to Hindus in Article 25 of the Constitution does not include

1. Parsees

2. Sikhs

3. Jains

4. Buddhists

23. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha is

1. nominated by the President

2. elected by the two Houses of Parliament

3. elected by Parliament and the legislatures of the States jointly

4. elected by the members of Rajya Sabha

24. In India, a tax on agricultural income can be levied by

1. both the Central and State Governments

2. neither the Central nor the State Governments

3. only the State Governments

4. only the Central Government

25. By which amendment, were the Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens added to the Constitution?

1. Forty-forth Amendment

2. Forty-third Amendment

3. Forty-second Amendment

4. Forty-first Amendment

26. Financial allocation for Education was made for the first time by the Charter Act of

1. 1833

2. 1813

3. 1793

4. 1773

27. There is no provision in the Constitution for the impeachment of

1. the Chief Justice of a High Court

2. the Chief Justice of India

3. the Governor

4. the Vice-President

28. In the event of non-enforcement of Directive Principles of the State by the Government, a citizen of India can move the

1. District Court

2. High Court

3. Supreme Court

4. None of these

29. The member of a State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of misbehaviour only after an enquiry has been conducted by the

1. Supreme Court of India

2. High Court of the State

3. committee appointed by the President

4. committee appointed by the Governor of the State

30. Who can recommend abolition or creation of the Legislative Council in a State?

1. Governor of the State

2. Advocate-General of the State

3. Legislative Assembly of the State

4. The State Council of Ministers

31. The purpose of the Ilbert Bill was

1. to take away the right of the native magistrates to try Europeans and Englishmen

2. to take away the right of the European magistrates to try Indians

3. to remove an anomaly in the Criminal Procedure Code of 1873, according to which no magistrate or sessions judge could try a European or British subject unless he was himself of European birth

4. None of the above

32. The Constitution of India borrowed the concept of the Directive Principles of State Policy from the Constitution of

1. Ireland

2. USA

3. UK

4. Canada

33. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1. There is no provision of referendum in the Indian Constitution

2. The State Legislatures do not possess the right to initiate the amendment of the Constitution

3. The proposal for amending the Constitution can only be initiated in Lok Sabha

4. The Indian Constitution is partly flexible and partly rigid

34. Which one of the following Articles has declared untouchability in any form as unconstitutional?

1. Article 14

2. Article 17

3. Article 44

4. Article 45

35. Which one of the following is not among the sources of revenue for the Union?

1. Land revenue

2. Custom duties including export duties

3. Duties of excise on tobacco and other goods manufactured or produced in India, except alcoholic liquors, opium, Indian, except alcoholic liquors, opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs

4. Taxes on income other than agricultural income

36. Under which one of the following Articles, the Supreme Court has been given the powers to review any judgement pronounced or order made by it previously?

1. Article 130

2. Article 137

3. Article 138

4. Article 139

37. A member elected to Lok Sabha as a candidate of a party crosses the floor of the House. In such a case,

1. his continued membership of the House is not affected in any way

2. he ceases to be a member of the House whether or not he resigns his membership

3. he can continue to be a member of the House if the party on whose symbol he was elected has no objection

4. he will continue to be a member of the House if the Speaker permits

38. The Right to Property was excluded from the Fundamental Rights during the tenure of the Government headed by

1. Charan Singh

2. Morarji Desai

3. Indira Gandhi

4. Rajiv Gandhi

39. Which of the following statements in regard to the Directive Principles of State Policy is correct?

1. Fundamental Rights constitute limitations upon State action, while Directive Principles are in the nature of instruction to the Government to achieve certain ends

2. They are justiciable in certain respects

3. They enjoin on the State to secure a living wage to all workers within a specified period

4. The courts can compel the State to implement some of the important directives

40. The First Official Language Commission, as required under Article 344 of the Constitution, was constituted by the President in

1. 1950 with K.M. Munshi as its Chairman

2. 1955 with B.G. Kher as its Chairman

3. 1960 with M.C. Chhagla as its Chairman

4. 1965 with Humayun Kabir as its Chairman

Answer Key

1. 3 2. 3 3. 1 4. 4 5. 4 6. 1 7. 3 8. 4 9. 2 10. 3

11. 2 12. 3 13. 2 14. 1 15. 4 16. 3 17. 1 18. 3 19. 2 20. 1

21. 1 22. 1 23. 2 24. 3 25. 3 26. 2 27. 3 28. 4 29. 2 30. 3

31. 3 32. 1 33. 3 34. 2 35. 1 36. 2 37. 2 38. 2 39. 4 40. 2

Have a great day ahead.....

Vishal Chaudhary
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20th July 2010, 11:21 AM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Most of the Law colleges conduct Entrance test for selection of candidates.

Eligibility critieria: !0+2, with minimum 55% marks in aggregate
If you are doing B.Com in regurlar stream, then finish it and then go for Law

Some of the Best Law colleges in India are:

Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law college www.law.bharatividyapeeth.edu
Amity Law School www.amity.edu
Faculty of Law, Delhi University
KLE Society Law College, Bangalore
T.N.Dr.Ambedkar Law College, Tamilnadu
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20th July 2010, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Candidates who wish to study law should be minimum 21 years of age.For SC/ST it is 23 years.They should pass 10+2 with atleast 50% marks.Foreign students should have atleast 65% marks. Amity university;National law university Jodhpur; Government Law College, Mumbai; Campus Law Centre, Delhi University
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20th July 2010, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

first you will have to give CLAT ( common law admission test).
it's eligibility: The eligibility percentage in 12th standard for giving clat is 50%
for further details on clat visit http://clat.ac.in
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20th July 2010, 03:41 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

dear friend

If you are interested to get admission in the best Law universities, then for this you have to appear in the Common Law Admission Test . If you have passed in the
12th class Or in your graduation with minimum 50% marks, then you are eligible
to appear in the CLAT exams.

If you have clear the CLAT exams, then you have definately get admission in good Law colleges of India. So, please appear in the CLAT exams and scored good marks.

CLAT Exams Pattern -

Total Marks - 200
Total number of questions - 200

Subject areas with weightage -

English including Comprehension - 40 Marks

General Knowledge - 50 Marks

Elementary Mathematics - 20 Marks

Legal Aptitude - 45 Marks

Logical Reasoning - 45 Marks.

Best Law Colleges of India -

National Law University, Delhi

Aligarh Muslim University

Symbiosis Law School

Christ University, Bachelor of Laws

KIIT Law School.
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20th July 2010, 04:12 PM
mini rani
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?


If you want to take admission in LLB programs of national law universities throughout the country then you have to appear in CLAT(Common Law Admission Test) exam.The details of this exam is as follows:

1. Eligibility: 10+2 Examination or equivalent with not less than 50% marks (students taking qualifying examination in March / April 2010 are also eligible to apply)

2. Age limit: 20 Years as on 1st July, 2008

3. Pattern: The test paper will consist of 5 Sections with objective type questions only

However if you don't want to appear in CLAT exam or scored less than 50% marks in your 10+2 exam you are still elligible to take admission in LLB course.
There are some law colleges & universities where the minimum educational qualification required is to have a under graduate or graduate degree with 40% marks.
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20th July 2010, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

If you are interested to get admission in the best Law universities, then for this you have to appear in the Common Law Admission Test . If you have passed in the
12th class Or in your graduation with minimum 50% marks, then you are eligible
to appear in the CLAT exams.

If you have clear the CLAT exams, then you have definately get admission in good Law colleges of India. So, please appear in the CLAT exams and scored good marks.

CLAT Exams Pattern -

Total Marks - 200
Total number of questions - 200

Subject areas with weightage -

English including Comprehension - 40 Marks

General Knowledge - 50 Marks

Elementary Mathematics - 20 Marks

Legal Aptitude - 45 Marks

Logical Reasoning - 45 Marks.

best law colleges in india

National Law School of India University
Address : Nagarbhavi Bangalore-560072
Phone:+91 80 2321 3161, 2316 0532/533/535

NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad
Address : City Office : 3-4-761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad 500 027
Phone : 040 – 27567955 / 27567960
Campus : Justice city, Shameerpet
Phone : 08418 – 245417 / 244461 / 245160
Fax : 08418 – 245161 / 245174

Symbiosis Law College, Pune
Address : Senapati Bapat Road ,
Pune Maharashtra - 411004
Phone: 91 - 20 - 565 5114, 565 1495
Fax: 91 - 20 - 565 17 11

ILS Law College,
Address : Law College Road, Pune - 411004.
Phone: 91-20-25678678, 25656775

Faculty of Law, BHU, Banaras
Address : Varanasi -221005 Uttar Pradesh
Phone :-91 - 0542 – 316558

Faculty of Law, DU, Delhi
Address : Chhatra Marg (North Campus)
University of Delhi
Delhi-110 007.
Phone : 27667483

The Government Law College, Mumbai
Address : ‘A’ Road, Churchgate
Mumbai – 400020 Maharastra
Phone: +91-22-22041707
Fax: +91-22-22851315

Faculty of law, Chandigarh University
Address : Sector 14, Chandigarh 160014
Phone : 541945, 541716

Amity Law School
Address : M-44, Amity Campus, Saket, New Delhi-110017
Phone : 6569204,6529207
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20th July 2010, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Please tell me is there any possiblity for an ST category aged 29, passed B.A. with 35.4 %, passed B.Ed with 56% and M.A. with 53.3 % to join/ study LL.B??? Since I've not secored 40 can I still join LL.B with my per centage in B.Ed or M.A.?????
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20th July 2010, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

hi friend you need to get admission for the law colleges means you have to face the admission test ... The competition to get into law school is fierce—there are more applicants than seats.... Doing well on your undergraduate coursework, standardized tests, and personal statements will help you get accepted into law school.......

An important determining factor in getting into law school is the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Be sure to take your initial LSAT in your junior year to ensure that you have time to retake the test. Consider taking as many practice tests as possible.

Undergraduate Courses
Law schools look for specific courses on your transcript (political science, philosophy, sociology, and history); however, it's just as important to be a well-rounded individual.

Law schools also look for applicants with quantitative courses such as economics, business, math, and finance. Once you’re out of school, you will be dealing with the business world daily and you will need to understand it.

Carefully consider the courses you take at the undergraduate level. While your LSAT score is critical, a commendable GPA and course load are important. An admissions board is more likely to look favorably on an applicant that has double majored in biology
and philosophy with a GPA of 3.25 than someone who majored in political science with the same GPA.

Personal Statement
Let the admissions committee know who you are through your personal statement. Don’t just tell them why you want to be a lawyer or simply rehash your resume. Tell them your significant life accomplishments and what sets you apart from the other applicants.

This will be the admissions committee first true impression of you, so make it count. Once you’ve written your statement, have several people review it. Choose tough reviewers who will truly critique your essay.

Law School Curriculum

First Year: During this time, students take all the required (core) courses. These courses include civil procedure, contracts, constitutional law, criminal law, legal writing, professional responsibility/ethics, property law, and torts.

Second and Third Year: This time is occupied mostly with electives and any remaining core courses. Specialized courses begin now. Students gain hands-on experience
by working in law firms, participating in mock court sessions and practice trials, researching and writing for the school's law journal, and/or participating in law clinics.



* Chanakya National Law University, Patna
* Patna Law College ,Patna University, Patna
* C M Law College ,Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Patna

* Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, madras
* Saveetha School of Law, Chennai

* Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow

* University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,Delhi

* National Law University, Delhi

Amity Law School, New Delhi (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)
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31st July 2010, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

hello friend

the criteria to get admission in LAW University is given below

for 5-years LLB course +2 pass and minimum 50% marks in +2 is require.

for 3 years LLB course graduation qualification is require. with 45% mark in graduation.

all the best.....
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18th August 2010, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

what is criteria to get admission in law university for phd
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19th August 2010, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

here is the some list of the good college from where you can take admission.
these are as following...

University School of Law and Legal Studies,

Guru Gobind Singh university

Indraprastha University ,delhi

The Government Law College, Mumbai

Faculty of law, Chandigarh University

Amity Law School ,delhi
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19th August 2010, 04:08 PM
Bishwajit Giri
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

dear friend,
all door are open to u for admission in LAW University
i think u are meritorious ,so u will face no problem in their criteria
each colleges have apptitude test for admission

1>Amity Law School(Est: 1999)
Yasho Bhawan, Okhla road,

2>Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (Est: 1924)
Tel: 011-27667765
Website: www.du.ac.in
E-mail: [email protected]
Seats: 1,500
Cut-off: Entrance Test

3>Bharati Vidyapeeth's New Law College (Est: 1978)
Erandwane Cumpus, Paud Road, Pune-411038
Tel: 020-25230855
Website: www.law.bharatividyapeeth.edu
Seats: 320 (For a three-year course), 240
(For a five-year course)
Cut-off: Entrance Test
Best of luck
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8th November 2010, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

what is the procedure to join law course after completing M.A
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28th January 2011, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

Sir, i am currently pursuing my t.y.bcom and will be appearing for the exams this march, i want to pursue my career in law and c.s
please guide me with full information about the entrance exam for law for graduates and how to go about with the registration procedure, fees and its syllabus for the same and when will it be held ?
i also wanted to know whether i can pursue law and c.s. simultaneously after my graduation and how will i be benefitted with this combination. please guide me through this m really confused. need ur help. ( for law entrance and also c.s. registration and other procedures )
u can even mail me : [email protected] OR [email protected]
please reply asap
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9th February 2011, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

criteria to get admission in judicial academy of bhopal
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21st November 2011, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: What is the criteria to get admission in LAW University?

i am of B.A. Of M.G.S. University rajasthan and want an admission in law college of hydrabad/secundrabad.what to do
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