30th September 2012, 12:12 AM
What is the syllabus for BSc IInd year Botany from OU?
what is the syllabus for bsc ii yr botany from ou
27th March 2013, 01:47 PM
Here is the syllabus for B.Sc.botany: SEMESTER I BIODIVERSITY I (Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Viruses) UNIT I: Origin and Evolution of Biodiversity General account on Darwin’s theory of evolution; The evolution of populations; Concepts of species; Mechanism of speciation. Three Domains of life–Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota; Evolutionary relationship among the three domains. UNIT II: Bacteriology Ultra structure of bacterial cell Comparison of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Gram positive and Gram negative Bacteria Bergey's Classification of Bacteria Shapes of bacteria Reproduction- vegetative, asexual, sexual (conjugation, transformation and transduction) Bacterial genome and plasmid Economic importance of Bacteria UNIT III: Phycology Cyanobacteria: Cell structure, thallus organization, Structure and life history of Nostoc and Anabaena. Outlines of Fritschs classification of algae Types of alternation of generation Range of vegetative and reproductions in Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae Important features of life cycle of Oedogonium, Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, and Polysiphonia Economic importance of Algae UNIT IV: Mycology General characters and classification of Fungi Range of vegetative structure and reproduction in fungi Important features of life cycle of Pythium, Erysiphe, Aspergillus, Puccinia, Agaricus, and Alternaria. General account of Lichens Mycorrhizae, UNIT V: Virology Discovery of Virus Replication, lytic (T4 phage) and Lysogenic cycle (Lambda phage); Types-DNA virus (coliphage T32), RNA virus (TMV), Retro virus (HIV); Virioids and Prions . SEMESTER II BIODIVERSITY II (Archegoniatae) AND PALAEOBOTANY UNIT I: BRYOLOGY General characteristic of Bryophytes Classification of Bryophytes (Proskauer, 1957) Distribution, Structure (Morphological and anatomical), reproduction, life cycle and affinities of following: Marchantia (Hepaticopsida), Anthoceros (Anthocerotopsida), Funaria (Bryopsida) Economic importance of Bryophytes . UNIT II: PTERIDOLOGY General account of Pteridophytes Origin, Telome theory General Classification Evolution of stele, Heterospory and Seeds habit Life cycle of Psilotum, Selaginella, Equisetum and Marsilea. UNIT III: GYMNOSPERM General account, Classification of Gymnosperms (Sporne’s, 1965) Morphology and Anatomy of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum. Economic importance of Gymnosperms. UNIT IV: REPRODUCTION IN GYMNOSPERM Reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum. Affinities of Gymnosperms with Pteridophytes and Angiosperms. UNIT V: PALAEOBOTANY Geological time scale Fossil types and their formation, General account of dominant fossil flora of different ages, Palaeobotany in relation to exploration of fossil fuels. SEMESTER III MORPHOLOGY, ANATOMY AND ANGIOSPERMIC TAXONOMY UNIT I: VEGETATIVE MORPHOLOGY Plant Habit Root: Types, Modification for Storage, physiological and mechanical purposes. Stem: Habit, types modification of stem for food, mechanical and underground modification of stem. Leaves: Types, phyllotaxy, Venation, lamina; parts, shapes and modifications, leaf surface features and appendages. Fruits: Structure, types and classification with examples Detail Seed structure: dicot and monocot, albuminous and exalbuminous. UNIT II: FLORAL MORPHOLOGY Types of inflorescence and specialized inflorescence Flower: Flower as a modified shoot Detailed structure of flowers Floral parts, arrangement, relative position, numeric plan, cohesion and adhesion of floral parts, Types of aestivation and placentation Floral diagram and floral formulae UNIT III: PLANT ANATOMY-TISSUES Classification and structure of tissues; Simple tissue: Structure occurrence and function (parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma) Complex tissues Definition Structure, Origin and function (Xylem & Phloem, tracheary elements and Sieve elements) Secretory tissues: (glands, glandular hairs, nectaries, hydathodes, schizogenous and lysigenous ducts, resin ducts, mucilage ducts, kinoveins, laticifers) Vascular bundle: Types (conjoint, collateral, bi-collateral, open closed, radial, concentric amphicribal and amphivasal.) Stomatal complex UNIT IV: PLANT ANATOMY-STEMS AND ROOTS Shoots: Theories on apical organisation (Apical cell theory, Histogen theory, Tunica-corpus theory) Shoot chimeras Arrangement of primary tissues in the Dicots and Monocots stem and leaves Secondary growth and anomalous secondary growth (Amaranthus, Mirabilis and Dracaena.) Roots: Organization of root apex (apical cell theory, Korper-kappe theory) Root cap; Arrangement of primary tissues in the Dicots and Monocots roots Secondary growth in roots UNIT V: ANGIOSPERMIC TAXONOMY Principles of systematic Concept of species, genus and family Nomenclature Overview on types of classification; Sexual, natural, phylogenetical and modern system of classification Comparative study of classification systems of i. Bentham and Hooker, ii. Engler and Prantle iii. and Hutchinson. Taxonomic studies of the following families (Bentham and Hooker) Dicots: Rununculaceae, Malvaceae, Leguminaceae, Compositaceae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae Monocots: Orchidaceae, Gramminae . Thank you. |
27th March 2013, 03:24 PM
Hi there,
The Syllabus for Botany in OU is revised and it can be found at OU world. Check this link: http://forum.ouworld.net/index.php?topic=85.0 Thanks! |
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