17th December 2011, 10:00 PM
Hello Friend,
Yes,Corruption will end in India. When the politicians think about the country and the poor peoples and all those who are jobless. IF peoples , leaders and politicians are educated then corruption will end. When the Black Money came in India then the Corruption will end. Sayyed Shahrukh |
18th December 2011, 10:20 AM
yes. it'll end.
if we all will join hands, then nothing is impossible. after some years, i am going to be included in the above 18+ category and i know that i'll put my best efforts to make a change. we just need each other's support. we are the youth. the future of our nation is in our hands. after sometime, some one from us will be the future president, prime minister, any other respective posts. we will be sitting there. if we will keep thinking that nothing is going to change. then really nothing will change. we are youth. we should rather try to bring the change, instead of grieving on the present condition. present will become past, and this future will become the present. be positive. corruption and all will end. |
26th December 2011, 05:41 PM
Corruption is an issue everywhere. India is not the limit. It the duty of the citizens to build a country for themselves which is corruption free.
28th December 2011, 08:38 PM
Whom will do corruption? We are the Indian citizen we will do the corrupting in day by day,since we stop gaving money or any else the corruption will lendering down..It is the one way to stop the corruption...Don"t say corruption had head over in India we are doing like this,when we understand and do the proper actions its goes down...
29th December 2011, 05:21 PM
i think that corruption will not completly remove but we could stop and ratio of corruption to discorrupation .
solution of reduce corruption:- * gov. law of limited son or child of one person .which stop our population and creat problem is solved early. *a best lokpal bill for our genral person . *at least must important request that all person that please positive think and positive doing. to right angle. |
29th December 2011, 09:15 PM
The best way is to stop yourself and look out for people who are near to you and try to held discussion with the family members. Help those who are less forunate . If you will start at your level the world will or shall be a bette place to live and even to work at
29th December 2011, 09:25 PM
the main reason is money and if the money within the hands of people be secured and helped to be at use on the right time with right person then the chance of making india eligible for the less fortunate to live in. the discussion can be held at home level or even state level..so then there is every possiblity of an corruption free india...
30th December 2011, 08:07 PM
if the talk is about corruption then we will have to see it in a different perspective and act on it also differently...
if we are not going to act in an advanced manner and be socially active then just forget to exclude corruption and become a leading nation.... |
31st December 2011, 11:10 AM
According to newton's third law,every force has its opposite force. So,end of corruption is also there.when the time comes in which everyone would become alert,childrens will ask their parents that where are their salaries going?why am i not able to fulfill my needs?where are your invested money going? Then....we could think that the roots of corruption is going to rotting.
1st January 2012, 04:22 PM
I strongly beleved in correption will stop in india firstly people was realise in which/who is the best in democracy and this people was decided who are direct to the country we know today in india many types of correptions we see 2G Spectrum etc... We are suporting annahazare
2nd January 2012, 05:56 PM
india cn b corruption free only wen we youngster fight for it...... as our freedom fighters like Shivaji maharaj, bhagat sighn,rajguru, sukhdev, gandhiji , nehru, subhash chandra bose , fought for freedom of india from british n mughals...... Den v cn say india has got freedom in real means....... dnt jst think and post about it guys....... nw itz time to take action........
2nd January 2012, 06:03 PM
INDIA cn b corruption free only wen we youngsters fight for it as our freedom fighters like Shivaji maharaj , bhagat sighn, rajguru, sukhdev, nehru, gandhiji, subhash chandra bose fought for freedom of india from british n mughals.......
we r the future of our country....... so guys dont jst think and post comments on it...... itz time to take action....... INQUALAB ZINDABAD...... |
2nd January 2012, 08:25 PM
![]() Quote:
http://www.newsreporter.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/corruption-in-india.jpg [/IMG]In that we never think about that, India will become free from corruption ,In India corruption is spread like a deficiency disease which takes complete India in his hand. If any one can try to done his job with honesty then the system will forced him to become a corrupted person with regard krishnamurariray3165 |
4th January 2012, 01:50 PM
corruption will never be end in india....as it's base is we people and we are thinking that it is from the high class people.
if the corruption will stop at high level it is not sure that india is free from it as population of normal people is much higher than those of rich people.... |
4th January 2012, 09:05 PM
corruption is non pther than a blood cancer especially in politics it has attained its last stage and now can not be controlled ............
in a wide country like INDIA it has taken its perfect shape .......... in INDIA when a common man sleeps he or she dreams on for how to become rich but when an indian politician sleeps he or she dreams on for how to make the entire nation corrupt .... and how to earn more and more profit .................... so this need foe their greed deepens up and it has taken its origional shape so it is difficult to erase that............. ![]() ![]() |
7th January 2012, 03:14 PM
yes ....corruption can end in india from the grass root level also....but it need a hard work...and a public participation in the campaign..
success never comes overnight..it need a time. success always goes from down to up...so to fight against a social evil of corruption we have to stop the corruption from the smallest level first... how ...how it can be possible to end corruption in the country like india where more than 90% officer directly or indirectly do the corruption or support it...? my answer isn't practically possible.... this question and think may arise in everyones mind.. i have the answer of it... i didnt tell it's easy it need's public intrest first and for that first public must be educated so they can vote to the right candidate in the election...so leader do their work properly... about corruption india and how to solve.... in india corruption happens in three levels...like triage the upper most part of triange is the first class gazette officers,ministers etc...these level corruption is the 20% of all corruption... the base which is 20% corruption part incledes a peon, clark,watchman,secuirity gard etc... the most part about 60% is about the middle officer like police inspecter, rto police,bank officers etc... for apex officer lagislative work can stop the corruption 100% by making a bill like jan lokpal... for the down most part if goverment increse their salary and pay scale it can be satisfy by them salary and can to a some lagislative function for other part.. the major corruption part can be handled by a good policy, transparancy of goverment service, and majorly a common public AWARENESS....where to complain and when to complain about that... with that some legislation should be made... nothing is impossible....it just needs strong workout.. thanking you all reading my view |
9th January 2012, 11:33 PM
to think globally,act locally.so until each one in the society is not determined to remove corruption,it will never end in india.one of the reasons for difficult vanishing of corruption is it's deep-rootedness in the society.youth can play the most important role in curbing corruption.
13th January 2012, 04:12 PM
Ya,that day will come very soon when corruption at its end postion.we don't try teach to stop corrpution. 'CORRUPTION' is not a word ,it is the latest issue now-a days. But we have the solution to stop this ,that is in us.we first try to stop corruption in our life,ya govt should take the responsibility. But first responsibility "we never tolerate any corruption in our society"
20th January 2012, 11:35 PM
Yes..corruption can in india but i don't think that it will end . As you can see that as even in case of Anna hazare , the government is pressurize him and his topic of corruption . Many ministers...not only them also many government officials are corrupt , its just if we try to knock them off these bribetakers then only it can reduce.
21st January 2012, 01:58 PM
I do not know whether it will end totally but it will definitely get erase to large extent if people become aware of it's ultimate effect which will be quite disturbing in long run.
every person or large number of people should become aware of the fact that it is actually destroying the nation to a large extent. |
21st January 2012, 04:23 PM
I truely believe believe that it comes to an end, but it takes much time to be realised by each and every person, it almost takes years together to come to an end. The only way to overcome it is each and every field an youths, well educated and a perfect an person have to be elected. so the govt should come to a judgement that only educated person should have the right to vote, so that they can realise that for what purpose this decision is been made. So that the next generation can atleast enjoy life without corruption............................... LET US ALL SAY GOOD BYE TO CORRUPTION |
24th January 2012, 10:21 PM
India means corruption...not only here where ever the country runs in corruption only..
Probably in India we dont have words to say..a single day passes without money we can"t do it anything.. A men who join a prilimanary school and yet complete his higher education without money he cant do anything,thy ask donation,funds,assessments and lot of things....so,we wanna a new world without corrupting... |
26th January 2012, 07:41 PM
It will definitely end if each individual tries upto one's level best. Everyone say that because of politicians and other officers.Why cant we start from the base level and try to remove corruption?? We can do it.If evey individual is sincere,honest then there wont be any corruption.And why do we support the leaders who dont have minimum knowledge of anything.There are many great people like APJ Abdul Kalam , the former president of our country.He is a very good person and a great leader.Like him many may be there.But we should recognise them and when such people become leaders one day our nation will be a corrupt free nation.
29th January 2012, 02:29 AM
why you all discuss on corruption ever end or not....?if we really want to remove or if we should want do then go head take a action on it what are we waiting for remove the corruption from our country!
5th February 2012, 12:51 AM
Never, corruption cannot be stopped, but if efforts are taken, it can be minimised to the lowest. Since the world has faced corruption since its formation.and the world is balanced with corruption. If suppose a railway broker earns Rs 100 a day by corrupting a official.who is found to ae guilty. A broker or an official...no one. Since the formation of india we are facing the problem of corruption due to materialism. Let we forget that money has value more than life. Let we not consider to die than to be poor.
6th February 2012, 11:29 PM
yes corruption will definately be ended only if one should avoid giving bribe to the ministers or officials to get our work done. In ever pacing world we dont have enough time to wait for our work to be done with legal procedure we dont hesistate to give bribe as it only makes easy for us as well as for corrupted officials. So in order to end corruption we should start at our owns first
14th February 2012, 08:42 AM
These are the following solutions for your question....
# 1) My Simple answer is do your service in government honestly if you need to change the specific department in indian government. # 2) If you need to change the government as a civilian, pay your taxes properly if you're a simple common man, if you're a Millionaire, do more Charity services. # 3) To change the whole India, The best thing in today's era is there are more social networks like (faccbook/orkut/twitter/linkedin) form a group technically, involve in politics. The advantage in social networks is you can connect to the people who has common desire and common aims to change this whole india as a well developed nation without the term "Poverty and Unemployment", if these two terms eradicated then there will not be any terrorism in the state......... |
14th February 2012, 08:44 AM
![]() Quote:
# 1) My Simple answer is do your service in government honestly if you need to change the specific department in indian government. # 2) If you need to change the government as a civilian, pay your taxes properly if you're a simple common man, if you're a Millionaire, do more Charity services. # 3) To change the whole India, The best thing in today's era is there are more social networks like (faccbook/orkut/twitter/linkedin) form a group technically, involve in politics. The advantage in social networks is you can connect to the people who has common desire and common aims to change this whole india as a well developed nation without the term "Poverty and Unemployment", if these two terms eradicated then there will not be any terrorism in the state......... |
14th February 2012, 09:37 PM
Yes..there is no end for corruption in india. In Recent survey ....india was ruling by some families..which we just count in numerals.
The no.1 is gandhi family..and so on...there is no end until they will be eliminated... |
15th February 2012, 03:59 PM
yes its possible....!!!
Common people ::::> Pay your taxes properly... Rich people::::::::::> do some charity for the people who really suffer. Educated people::::> Serve Indian government Loyally... Educated youths::::> Join in Indian Politics by forming a party comprises of students and retired honest IAS/IPS officers like Kiran bedi...!!!! |
15th February 2012, 08:18 PM
Gone are the days when people used to blame officials for corruption and sit idle. Now they are willing to strive for a better nation. The procession in support of Anna Hazare's fast was a proof of that.
Along with that officials are also changing their mind-sets. The verdict of 2G case is a standing example. But the change cannot come at once . It will take time but of-course the time has come for the change |
16th February 2012, 09:28 PM
The question is not about corruption but about population. Its becoz of the population explosion that economic condition is so poor. Corruption surfaces from needs then becomes a habit then gets stuck to perpetual greed. So the basics should be cleared to attain the ultimate.
17th February 2012, 11:20 AM
yes, definitely we will see an end to corruption in India in near future.
The only solution to this problem is character development. No policy can change us , only if we want we can change ourselves . If a person gets the right teachings from the very beginning then he will never indulge in malpractices like corruption. If every person of this country understands his duty and have enough moral values then corruption can be uprooted entirely.... |
21st February 2012, 08:49 PM
yes corruption will end in Idia one day. I may take a long time but i am sure it will end. As we can see the changes nowdays many people are coming out and are raising their voices against corruption and it is also increasing in number. in present Anna hazare is the role model as he is trying to fight against corruption and thousands of people of India are supporting him and are standing by him.
24th February 2012, 11:04 PM
today every one is irresponsible like teachers politicians public also responsible for it all of them run towards money today teachers who wecall it our children future maker they also make differences between children between rich & poor they give more preference to rich children .teachers who are our future builder &see them right path his aim is only money and money in india so many colleges & schools are open you see in every path his aim is only money not education what is the future of our future children and what is the future of poor children they are not people . so lastlycorruption can be ended from india when school teachers give more preference to education politicians give more preference to our work then create violence if all do our duties with full responsibility then one day corruption ended
25th February 2012, 12:26 PM
its true that every day we got to hear some newz or the other retated to corruption but we need to be positive about it.We the Youth of the country has to bring a change in society by changing ourselves a bit.
28th February 2012, 01:59 AM
It may be reduced but its impossible that it would end .
Everyday we can hear the same news of corruption in our Govt. or any local area!!! It couldn't have end point !! |
1st March 2012, 06:07 PM
Yes. It can be possible. We dont have any rights to talk about others even for politician.
''Youngster are the backbone of our country'' if youngster started to live in a good post after compliting any education without wasting time, and after getting job, they should join in politics and must try to change the grades of poor without worrying expecting money. Then only corruption. JAI HIND |
2nd March 2012, 11:13 AM
corruption is not because of bad government or because of bad officials it is us who are encouraging corruption by bribing them.
So, to end the corruption in India immediately it is the duty of every Indian to not to bribe any official for any reason and finally i want to say that it is we who have to take the initiative for stopping corruption in our country. |
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