11th June 2023, 12:06 PM
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Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

I have just passed 10th from cbse board. Is bihar board betterfor class 12th for IIT

12th June 2023, 08:34 AM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

Both the Bihar Board and CBSE Board have their own merits and considerations when it comes to choosing a board for 12th grade in preparation for IIT (Indian Institutes of Technology). Let's discuss the key points about each board:

1. CBSE Board:
- National level board recognized across India.
- CBSE syllabus is designed to provide a strong foundation in science and mathematics.
- The curriculum is comprehensive and prepares students for national-level competitive exams like JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) for admission to IITs.
- CBSE offers a wide range of subjects and provides ample resources for exam preparation.
- The board is known for its standardized evaluation process, which can be advantageous for competitive exams.

2. Bihar Board (BSEB):
- State board primarily recognized in Bihar, although it has gained some recognition at the national level.
- The Bihar Board syllabus is aligned with the national curriculum framework, but some variations might exist.
- The board's resources and infrastructure may vary across different schools in Bihar.
- The evaluation process of the Bihar Board might differ from CBSE and may not be as standardized.
- Bihar Board students have also achieved success in competitive exams, including IIT-JEE, but the overall number of successful candidates may be comparatively lower.

Considering the popularity and recognition of CBSE across the country, it is generally perceived as a more preferred board for students aiming for competitive exams like IIT-JEE. CBSE provides a comprehensive curriculum, resources, and standardized evaluation processes, which can be advantageous for IIT preparation.

If you have access to good schools affiliated with CBSE and feel comfortable with the CBSE curriculum, it may be a suitable choice for your IIT preparation.
12th June 2023, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

When comparing the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), there are several factors to consider when determining which board may be better for you. Here are some points to consider:

1. Curriculum and Syllabus: The CBSE curriculum is considered more standardized and consistent across schools in India. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and well-structured education. On the other hand, the BSEB curriculum may have a more regional focus and may vary in terms of depth and coverage.

2. Recognition and Acceptance: CBSE is recognized nationwide and has a broader acceptance in colleges and universities across India. The certificates issued by CBSE are widely accepted and acknowledged. The BSEB, while recognized in Bihar, may have more limited recognition outside the state.

3. Competitive Exams: If you have aspirations to appear for national-level competitive exams like the JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) or NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test), the CBSE syllabus aligns closely with the exam patterns and is more commonly followed by coaching institutes. CBSE students may have an advantage in terms of familiarity with the exam structure and preparation material.

4. Teaching Approach: The teaching approach and methods can vary between schools and teachers within each board. It's important to consider the quality of education, teaching faculty, and resources available in the specific schools you are considering, regardless of the board.

5. Personal Preference: Consider your personal learning style, strengths, and preferences. Some students may find one board's approach more suitable for their learning style, while others may thrive in a different board's environment.
12th June 2023, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

CBSE board is better option than Bihar board for class 12th as Bihar board has Hindi as language subject which is compulsory but, CBSE board has English which will help you in preparation for 12th and IIT. As you studied your previous class from CBSE board so you must be familiar with it. so, I recommend you to choose CBSE board for your future studies.
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13th June 2023, 02:51 AM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

When comparing the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), it's important to consider various factors before determining which board is better for your needs.

National Recognition: CBSE is a national-level board that is recognized and accepted across India. It follows a standardized curriculum and evaluation system, making it easier for students to transition between schools and states.

Regional Relevance: BSEB curriculum is designed specifically for the students in Bihar, incorporating state-specific syllabus, language, and cultural context. This can provide a deeper understanding of Bihar's history, culture, and society.
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13th June 2023, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

Percentages, Percentiles and Grades! If you're wondering about the leniency in marking schemes, Bihar Board is very strict while the central board is generous in that aspect. On the other hand, Bihar Board provides you with a better percentile due to lesser students, but the central board, a better percentage.
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14th June 2023, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

It is not possible to give the best out of two board as students from both the board (cbse as well as bseb ) have large number of students who appears and qualify in IIT JEE.

Syllabus for the board examination is same. So, students hard and smart work help them in qualifying IIT JEE. So, select as per your comfort.
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14th June 2023, 03:59 AM
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Default Re: Which board is better either Bihar board or cbse board?

1. CBSE is a national board and follows a standardized curriculum across the country. It is known for its comprehensive and well-structured syllabus.

2. On the other hand, the Bihar Board follows its own curriculum and syllabus, which may be more focused on the state-specific requirements.
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