26th December 2009, 06:14 PM
Certificate of CSIR-UGC NET? When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand
Respected sir,
I am Anupam Banerjee from Howrah district,West Bengal. I have passed M.Sc exam(specialisation in Inorganic Chemistry) from Jadavpur University,Kolkata in the year 2007.I have appeared in the joint UGC-CSIR NET exam held in 20th june 2009.My Roll number in the said exam was 114648, and I have qualified in the examination.My rank in the said examination has been shown to be 0066(sixty six). As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth. Now I have two questions,Sir. they are: 1) When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand!! 2) Shall my rank,as is displayed in the website, be mentioned in the Certificate also! Please help me by answering my questions. thanking You, Yours affectionately,Anupam Banerjee |
15th January 2010, 08:38 AM
Dont worry you will recieve it soon,lacs of students appear for it that why it takes some time in approving and proccessing of certificates,because even a single mistake will get you in trouble.
Ya the clearance certificate will show your rank. Best of luck ![]() |
15th January 2010, 06:20 PM
don't worry you will be receiving it very soon......
In the case of non-receipt of NET certificate you are advised to correspond with/contact the Head, NET Bureau, UGC, South Campus, University of Delhi, Benito Juarez Marg., New Delhi 110 021.In their covering letter, they must state their Roll No., the date of UGC-NET in which they have appeared and UGC-Ref. No. (in case known to them). generally it is not the case , you will receive it....... best of luck |
11th February 2010, 11:01 PM
dont worry yaar , you will get it soon, this will take some time because manny students can apply for this. and they will check and thend send it. so dont worry you will get it soon.
28th February 2010, 11:18 PM
Every government process takes time for effective functioning,and thousands of candidates appear for NET exam oviously it will take time to dispatch it to candidates individualy.
Dont worry be patients. |
13th April 2010, 11:50 PM
I have qualified in ugc-Net ,held in 28th june,2009 with JRF.my subject is English. my roll number is 1100726. when shall i get my net clearance certificate? if i send d certificates to the Head office can i get the certificate in a hurry. Bithika from west bengal |
15th April 2010, 02:10 PM
I do have the same problem as faced by Anupam Banerjee. I appeared for CSIR-UGC NET Dec'09 EXAM . I cleared the exam and my rank is 23 for Lectureship. I am from Tamilnadu, our Government called for Asst. Prof. in Arts and Science Colleges for which I need my Net Clearance Certificate. I haven't received yet , even after two week of submission of attested copies of mark statement and date of birth. Please, do answer my question yours , J.DURAIKANNAN |
19th April 2010, 03:17 PM
sir, i have passed csir net december 2009.im really scared because ive made a big mistake while filling
my application form.ive mistakenly filled my year of birth as 1986 instead of 1985.im really worried.please help me |
27th April 2010, 02:38 PM
sir, i have passed csir net december 2009.im really scared because ive made a big mistake while filling
my application form.ive mistakenly filled my year of birth as 1986 instead of 1985.im really worried.please help me |
28th April 2010, 01:26 PM
Respected sir,
I am MD Rayeesuddin from hyderabad andhra pradesh I have passed M.Sc exam(specialisation in mathematics) from osmania University,hyderabad in the year 2008.I have appeared in the joint UGC-CSIR NET exam held in 20th june 2009.My Roll number in the said exam was 406427, and I have qualified in the examination.My rank in the said examination has been shown to be 0057. As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth. Now I have two questions,Sir. they are: 1) When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand!! 2) Shall my rank,as is displayed in the website, be mentioned in the Certificate also! Please help me by answering my questions. thanking You, Yours affectionately,rayeesuddin. |
1st June 2010, 01:48 PM
I have also cleared UGC NET (LS) JUNE 2009, bu ill now i hant got the certificate..I just wanted to nw how do u get to knw yr rank? its just the roll number which is published in the results Thanks |
5th June 2010, 11:42 AM
respected sir.
i am Arun kumar pradhan, MSc 4th sem student in KIIT university ,Bhubaneswar. I have cleared CSIR NET (LS) held on 20th dec 2009 with the rank -018. I have sent all the documents (except final semeter mark sheet) for verification one month ago.but till now I could not get my LS rank card. sir, How can I get my rank card which is needed very soon? please sir help me by answering my question. |
9th June 2010, 01:55 AM
I have qualified NET(Dec-2009)in math, my criterion JRF(UGC)-Rank 108.My roll no.
in that test is 410432.When can I expect my certificate?How long will it take for someone to realize that he have a special problem-"non-receipt of certificate". |
20th June 2010, 01:08 PM
UCG NET Certificate not Recieved.! What to do now?
There is nothing to worry about it.....! If you have'nt recieved your Certificate then just follow the Instructions given by UGC in case of Non-Reciept of Certificate. Read the whole Guideline by UGC fron its offical website given Here:- http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/net.html Just follw the instruction there and do as said, and dont worry about it this problem is with every 6 Aspirants out of 10. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
20th June 2010, 06:11 PM
Hi, do not take tension and dont worry if you have cleared your exam means you are shortlisted but the only problem might be is population due to large number of candidates this would be the reason for delay but take it for granted that you will receive your certificate soon keep patience and try your best to know the actual delay problem.
You also visit the website of CSIR regularly for any updates. |
1st July 2010, 07:41 PM
what is the procedure of getting the CSIR NET lectureship certificate as i have qualified December 2009 CSIR NET lectureship exam? would have i to sent mark sheet of M.Sc. which i have not got yet? and where to sent? please tell me the entire process soon
6th July 2010, 08:16 PM
I am Dinesh Kumar Varma from Jaipur. I appeared in the CSIR NET exam held in 20th Dec. 2009.My Roll number in the exam was 406167. I, and I have qualified this examination.My rank in the said examination has been shown to be 0190. As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth, an attested copy of cast certificate and admit card.
Now I have two questions,Sir. they are: 1) When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand!! Please give approximately date Please help me by answering my question. thanking You, Yours affectionately,Dinesh Kumar Varma |
8th July 2010, 10:02 PM
dear sir,
i need my lectureship NET certificate on dec 2009 in physical science. my roll no is 510533. plz provide me the list of qualified candidate of december 2009 CSIR-UGC Net exam who had submitted their documents in physical science. i am in west bengal. when i get NET clerence certificate? or, how i downlode this. |
12th July 2010, 03:56 PM
Dear sir,
I've qualified JRF, december 2009 in Earth Science. My rank was 018 & roll no. was 202101. how can i get the JRF clearance certificate? my name is S.Rajalingam from A.P. my email id is [email protected] |
13th July 2010, 02:40 PM
Respected sir,
I am Kadlag Amol from Sangamner Dist- Ahmednagar (Maharashtra).I have qualified in the CSIR-NET examination in Chemical Science held on 20 Dec 2009.My Roll number in the said exam was 124272.My rank in the same examination has been shown to be 0143. As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth. Now I have two questions,Sir. they are: 1) When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand!! Please help me by answering my questions. thanking You, Yours affectionately,Anupam Banerjee |
21st July 2010, 03:26 PM
dear all
This is Shivakumar rayavara from bangalore. I have qualified in the CSIR-NET examination in Life Science held on 20 Dec 2009.My Roll number in the said exam was 302788.My rank in the same examination has been shown to be 0143. As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth. when shall i get my NET clearence certificate in hand. What if something had happened when i posted it ? |
27th July 2010, 02:01 PM
Respected sir,
I am MD Rayeesuddin from hyderabad andhra pradesh I have passed M.Sc exam(specialisation in mathematics) from osmania University,hyderabad in the year 2008.I have appeared in the joint UGC-CSIR NET exam held in 20th june 2009.My Roll number in the said exam was 406427, and I have qualified in the examination.My rank in the said examination has been shown to be 0057. As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth & cast certificate but after 6 month they are informing me that my cast is not in the central list. later i come to know that my cast is in state list & yet to be centralised Now I have two questions,Sir. they are: 1) Will i get my NET Clearance Certificate . 2)What is the procedure to get it thanking You, Yours affectionately,rayeesuddin. Reply With Quote |
18th August 2010, 05:56 PM
I am T.Deepthi from Bhimavaram,Andhra Pradesh and I have passed M.Sc 1st year (specialisation in Biotechnology) from Andhra Univers ity,when I have written the CSIR NET exam held in 20th june 2009.My rollnumber in the said exam was 319283 and I have qualified as JRF in the exam.My rank in the examination is 0442. 1. When will I get my NET clearance certificate 2.What is the procedure to get it. Thanking You,Yours faithfully,Deepthi. |
31st August 2010, 12:05 PM
sir, i filled net form in august only ,dat time my result was not out so i wrote RA but i forgot to sign mmy form by the director and i posted.so my form will not be accepted.nd if i fill 2nd form whether dat will be accepted not?
7th October 2010, 09:38 PM
Respected sir, i have qualified dec 2009 joint csir net exam. my register no is 348471. I got 0121 rank in lectureship. I didn't got my award of certificate. I had send my certificate along with caste certificate for verification, when shall i get my certificate pls reply me
14th October 2010, 07:07 PM
I appeared in the CSIR NET Mathematics exam held in 2003 and haven't checked the result(Since I moved to software field). I forgot the date and roll number of the exam. But now I am very much want to know the result and want to appear for the exam Is there any way to know my result. Please reply me |
19th October 2010, 11:47 AM
at the time of fill online application form there was some mistake in my father name. Is this create any problem in my getting net cleration certificate? i will send all the certificate that will prove my father name correct. |
25th October 2010, 01:27 PM
I am a student under North Eastern Hill University, I have qualified for LECTURESHIP in the joint CSIR-UGC NET exam held in december,2009. Due to the current strike goimg on in NEHU,I havn't received my 3rd and 4th semester marksheets.I have already sent my 1st and 2nd semester marksheets during the time specified.Will i still be able to get my NET clearance certificate? |
25th October 2010, 01:34 PM
respected sir,
i am a student of Biotechnology in the North Eastern Hill University(NEHU),Shillong and i have cleared the joint CSIR-UGC NET exam held in December 2009 for JRF LS under UGC.Due to the ongoing strike in NEHU,i havn't received my MSc. 3rd and 4th semester marksheets.I have sent my 1st and 2nd sem marksheets alongwith the specified documents during the month of june,2010.Will i still be able to get my NET clearence certificate and if so,when? |
31st October 2010, 01:28 AM
I have cleared NET and JRF 2010 conducted on June 27th, 2010...My Roll number is: 09170007...Kindly help me out in knowing when I will get the certificates and the JRF Award Letter...How should I register for Research Scholarship? Will I have any restriction in applying for JRF, because of not having the cerficates..Is this JRF valid from the date of the net exam result been announced (i.e.,) on Oct 8th, 2010 or is it valid from the date of Date of issuing the JRF Award letter... I am now working in a corporate...Is there any opportunity of doing JRF through part time...in which way i can continue to get my corporate experience(since, i feel corporate experience to be significant for Management faculties).... Pls help me out by answering the above questions and also with further details pertaining to NET and JRF .... |
27th November 2010, 07:35 PM
I have cleared NET and JRF 2010 conducted on June 27th, 2010...My Roll number is: 09170007...Kindly help me out in knowing when I will get the certificates and the JRF Award Letter...How should I register for Research Scholarship? Will
I have any restriction in applying for JRF, because of not having the cerficates..Is this JRF valid from the date of the net exam result been announced (i.e.,) on Oct 8th, 2010 or is it valid from the date of Date of issuing the JRF Award letter... I am now working in a corporate...Is there any opportunity of doing JRF through part time...in which way i can continue to get my corporate experience(since, i feel corporate experience to be significant for Management faculties).... Pls help me out by answering the above questions and also with further details pertaining to NET and JRF .... |
29th November 2010, 08:57 PM
Candidates doesn't recieved there Certificates for exam held in 2009 are need not to worried, few days before UGC has released official notice confirming that all the certificate of all successful candidates of 2009 has been dispatched, and all will recieve it soon.
So, who doesn't recieved there Certificates there is nothing to worry about it. All will recieve it soon. |
10th December 2010, 11:27 AM
.................................................. .................
11th December 2010, 08:08 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Deepthi.T. im glad to see the reply for my question on delay of receiving my rankcard. it is mentioned that they were dispatched few days before but still i have'nt received it.i have completed my M.Sc Biotechnology successfully and im waiting for it to continue my studies. will you please let me know how much time does it take to into hands from despatch time.hoping for your quick reply. |
14th December 2010, 07:05 PM
I have cleared my ugc net in management in 1993 , but due to some reasons I couldnot persue my career as a lecturer. Now I would like to persue it , what is the validity of my certificate ? can I use it now?
15th December 2010, 06:02 PM
I have cleared NET and JRF 2010 conducted on June 27th, 2010...My Roll number is: 36580083Kindly help me out in knowing when I will get the certificates and the JRF Award Letter...How should I register for Research Scholarship? Will
I have any restriction in applying for JRF, because of not having the cerficates..Is this JRF valid from the date of the net exam result been announced (i.e.,) on Oct 8th, 2010 or is it valid from the date of Date of issuing the JRF Award letter. |
21st December 2010, 01:13 PM
Respected sir,
I am JAGADEESHA.M.KATTIMANI. I have passed M.Sc exam(Applied geology) from Bangalore University, Bangalore in the year 2010.I have appeared in the joint UGC-CSIR NET exam held in 20th june 2010.My Roll number in the said exam was 200015, and I have qualified in the examination .My rank in the said examination has been shown to be CSIR_UGC lecturship 102(Rank). As required, immediately after the result was published, I have sent,by post, an attested copy of my M.Sc final result along with one attested copy of my secondary examination admit card as proof of my date of birth and cast certficate. Now I have one question,Sir. they are: 1) When shall I get my NET Clearance Certificate in Hand!! Please help me by answering my questions. thanking You, Yours affectionately, JAGADEESHA.M.KATTIMANI |
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