9th February 2010, 04:17 PM
sagar joseph
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Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?


sir ,
i have MSc(software engineering) 5 year integrated (regular)
from periyar university.And M.C.A from panjab tecnical university (correspondance). Am i eligable for join for ME(computer science) under
ANNA university ?

also please sent me the issue date of ME entrance exam(coimbathore)?

yours faithfully

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9th February 2010, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Actually they will take M.Sc students but you have done correspondence.So contact any corresponding person of ANNA university.
9th February 2010, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Eligibility Criteria / Entry Requirements
BE/BTech (EEE/ECE/Electronics / IT / CSE / EI / IC/Instrumentation) (Or) MCA
Admissions are based on rank obtained in Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) conducted every year generally during the month of May.best of luck
9th February 2010, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Eligibility Criteria / Entry Requirements

BE/BTech (EEE/ECE/Electronics / IT / CSE / EI / IC/Instrumentation) (Or) MCA
10th February 2010, 12:50 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

You can get the information from the below sites:
www.indiastudycenter.com/Univ/.../AnnaUniv/.../ME-Computer-Science-Engineering.asp -
10th February 2010, 11:12 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

for mca , The candidate should have studied Core Mathematics either at +2 level or Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Oriented subject as one of the subjects at the degree level .
10th February 2010, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

hi salem,,
the Eligibility Criteria / Entry Requirements for anna university are::---
BE/BTech (EEE/ECE/Electronics / IT / CSE / EI / IC/Instrumentation) (Or) MCA
but i really dont know will they accept students with corrospondence education and if you are a engineering graduate then you can definitely apply for it ..go for it dear,, all the very best and good luck hope you get a seat...bbye take care do write to me for more details i will be glad to help you....
1st May 2010, 11:33 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

im finished my mca degree from bharadhidasan university (arts mca from 2 years).can i join ME(comp science)
2nd May 2010, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

dear ,
the eligibility clause clearly says that you can apply for the course as you have done your mcs .......
apply for the course from the official website of ANNA university,.......

best of luck
3rd May 2010, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i have completed MCA((LE) duration is two years) at MKU. now i will apply an ME as anna university. find the result, i am an eligible
candidate or not
3rd May 2010, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i have completed MCA((LE) duration is two years) at MKU. now i will apply an ME as anna university. find the result, i am an eligible
candidate or not
2nd July 2010, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

I have completed MCA((LE) duration is two years) at Annamalai University. now i will apply an ME as anna university. i am an eligible candidate or not
13th July 2010, 02:25 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

14th July 2010, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

The candidate should have studied Core Mathematics either at +2 level or Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Oriented subject as one of the subjects at the degree level . You can get the information from the below sites:
14th July 2010, 08:33 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Dear friend,
For information regarding Eligibility to join for
ME(computer science)under ANNA university after MCA
you go through the website :www.annauniv.edu
14th July 2010, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Dear friend,
For information regarding Eligibility to join for
ME(computer science)under ANNA university after MCA
you go through the website :www.annauniv.edu
28th July 2010, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i finished my mca through distance education(3 years bharathiar universtiyt)am i eligible for M E (computer science)?
thanks for the response
29th July 2010, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

hello friend

definately you are eligiable to do ME in computer science.

but to do ME from ANNA university ,you have to appear and qualify a exam.which is GATE.

if you got good rank in GATE then you will eligiable to do ME from ANNA university .

best of luck......
31st July 2010, 01:39 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?


Eligibility Criteria / Entry Requirements

BE/BTech (All Branches) / MCA / MSc (Computer Science, Computer Technology, Software Engineering, Information Technology), MSc (Mathematics & Electronics). For detailed eligibility information, please refer to University Admissions Application Instructions form.

Therefore, you are eligible.

For further details kindly visit:


Good Luck!
31st July 2010, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Originally Posted by sagar joseph View Post

sir ,
i have MSc(software engineering) 5 year integrated (regular)
from periyar university.And M.C.A from panjab tecnical university (correspondance). Am i eligable for join for ME(computer science) under
ANNA university ?

also please sent me the issue date of ME entrance exam(coimbathore)?

yours faithfully
yopu will get full information about anna univercity at the site
so search here
4th August 2010, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

7th August 2010, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?


I am Vinodha, i am Completed my MSC (SW) Engg, I Apply For ME Counselling in Anna University, but my score is 20.437, if it's possible to joi
to get ME(CSE/ SW) in any good college in chennai or trichy. I need what are the best college in chennai.,
9th August 2010, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

M.E. with "computer Science and Engineering" specialization is an appropriate branch for B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) ?
16th August 2010, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

the syllabus is as follows:
Theory of Computation: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Undecidability; NPcompleteness.
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits; Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point).
Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data-path, CPU control design, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction pipelining, Cache and main memory, Secondary storage.
Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.
30th August 2010, 02:12 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

I am B.E comp what is eligibilty to M.E comp under mumbai university after B.E
31st August 2010, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

I have completed BE(Information Technology) on 2003. Currently am working as a Senior Software engineer in MNC. I plan to move teaching line. For this, i plan to study ME in
Distance Education. Any one can tell, how to apply, what is the procedure, where we have to get the application form.. details.

Sathya bama T
31st August 2010, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Dear friend,
the eligibility criteria to join Anna University for ME(Computer Science) is you should be BE/B.Tech in Electronics,Computer Science,Information Technology or MCA.but i really dont know whether they will accept any correspondance degree or not.
All The Best!!!
9th September 2010, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

my percentage is 59% in mca can i eligible for ME if i pass out tancet pls reply
11th September 2010, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i finished mca by correspondence course, am have eligibility to join ME, any one of chennai college
24th September 2010, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

hello sir,
i finished mca by correspondence course, am have eligibility to join ME?
24th September 2010, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i finish my mca (duration:2yrs)in correspondence course , am have eligibility to join ME under anna university?
27th September 2010, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i finished mca by correspondence course, my percentage is 59% in mca can i eligible for ME
27th September 2010, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

28th September 2010, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i want to know M.Sc. computer science is eligible to join in M.E. computer engineering
28th September 2010, 12:57 PM
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log on to this site
9th October 2010, 02:22 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

sir, i would like to know how to download the application form for M.phil course in 2010-2011
22nd November 2010, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

sir, i had completed Msc (IT) in alagappa university distance education. I would like to join ME computer science in anna university for the coming year.
please mail me am i eligible for ME or not.
my mail id [email protected]
11th December 2010, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Iam B.e eee after Study M.E computer science engineering.
29th December 2010, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

I did M.sc computer science Bharathiar university through distance education. I want to know i am eligibile for ME computer science in anna university for the next year(2011).

Mail me am i eligible for ME or not.
my id: [email protected]
24th January 2011, 07:55 PM
Mayank Shekhar
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

You can get all your information at -
www.indiastudycenter.com/Univ/.../AnnaUniv/.../ME-Computer-Science-Engineering.asp -
2nd February 2011, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

I S.Subha, have completed my M.Sc(CS)., as well as MBA( HR, Marketing). Am I eligible to do ME(Computer Science or Information Technology)...........
4th February 2011, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

i want to know M.Sc. computer science is eligible to join in M.E. computer engineering
20th March 2011, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?


What is the expected TANCET score to join M.E Computer science in Anna University ? Plz do reply .
28th March 2011, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

currently am working in an MNC company as a software engineer as wel as am doing my MCA parallely in Annamalai University(TamilNadu) . As i did my ug as BCA i straightly studying lateral entry of MCA of 2 yrs.Do am i eligible to do M.E(C.Sc) in regular after this?? please send the reply as soon as possible.

Thanking you,
29th March 2011, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

respected sir i am Tamil selvan,
i want know more informations about the cut-off marks for Msc integrated course[5years] 2011-2012. and also i want to know where i can get the application form for integrated courses.

Thanking you,
your's faithfully
Tamil selvan.R
1st April 2011, 03:29 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

mai Graduation complete kiya hoon Computer science se aur ab MCA krna chahta hoon so kaun college better hoga mere liye plz send the advise inmy email ID ([email protected])
1st April 2011, 09:27 PM
ME Degree
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

2011 Eligibility Qualifications for admission to M.E. Computer Science and Engineering

B.E./ B.Tech. (EEE/ ECE/ Electronics/ IT/ CSE/ I&C/ E&I/Instrumentation) or
M.C.A. (10+2+3+3 years pattern) or
M.Sc. 5 years integrated (IT / CS / Software Engineering)


• M. Sc. (2 years) course is NOT eligible for admission to M.E. (Computer Science).

• Candidates admitted through Lateral Entry in Degree Courses are NOT eligible except, B.E./B.Tech. degree.

• B.E./B.Tech. or M.C.A. degrees obtained through Distance Education Mode / Week end Courses are NOT eligible.
14th April 2011, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

What is the difference between B.Sc(CS)&M.Sc(CS) and M.Sc., CS(integrated course)?

I have finished B.Sc, M.sc & M.Phil computer science Bharathidasan university with teaching experience. I want to know wheather I am eligibile for ME computer science in anna university for the next year(2011).

Mail me am I eligible for ME-CSE.
my id: [email protected]
6th May 2011, 01:58 PM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Originally Posted by sagar joseph View Post

sir ,
i have MSc(software engineering) 5 year integrated (regular)
from periyar university.And M.C.A from panjab tecnical university (correspondance). Am i eligable for join for ME(computer science) under
ANNA university ?

also please sent me the issue date of ME entrance exam(coimbathore)?

yours faithfully

You have full eligibility.
14th May 2011, 03:18 AM
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Default Re: Eligibility to join for ME(computer science) under ANNA university after MCA? ?

Hi dear,
the Eligibility Criteria / Entry Requirements for anna university are::---

BE/BTech (EEE/ECE/Electronics / IT / CSE / EI / IC/Instrumentation) (Or) MCA

but i really dont know will they accept students with corrospondence education and if

you are a engineering graduate then you can definitely apply for it ..go for it dear,, all

the very best and good luck hope you get a seat...bbye take care do write to me for

more details i will be glad to help you....

Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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