IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers


Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers conducts Computer Architecture Papers for the three year part time course. The computer architecture paper deals with the fundamentals of computer architecture. There are plenty of candidates appearing for this examination every year. It is known to be a well renowned institution.

Qualification for appearing in this exam:

The lowest qualification required for the IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers is one should have to be graduated in M.Sc. in math/biosciences/computer science etc.

Scoring and negative markings:

Scores of the questions are indicated against every question for the IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers. There is no negative marking in this paper. The entire question carries same number marks.

Mode of examination:

As the all examination of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers are equal. The examination of IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers is pen/pencil mode.


The format of almost every papers of this institution is same. The questions are generally deals with the subjective and theoretical based from the ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers.

Paper pattern:

The paper pattern of the IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers holds a maximum of seven questions out of which the first question is compulsory for each candidate. One should have to attempt only four questions from rest of the six questions. Every candidate required to answer the part wise question in a specific manner.


The IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers is basically includes a total of 100 marks.


The time span allotted for the IETE ALCCS Computer Architecture Papers appearing candidates to solve the entire paper is three hours.

Recommended books:

Computer System Architecture (3rd Edition) [Paperback], by M. Morris Mano

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    Explain Basic Concepts & Output Knowledge Representation of Data