UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2011
Being in the bureaucracy of India is like a dream come true. Thus, in order to be a part of this highly des ignited post, one will have to go through an entrance examination conducted by a special panel of bureaucrats of India. The examination is called Union Public Service commission UPSC. This examination is a gateway to many government high level jobs and designation. The posts that are given after one successfully clear this examination have respect which is beyond anyone’s expectations and imaginations. That is the reason why almost every individual of India has a dream of clearing this examination and being a part of this renounced job.
This particular entrance examination is divided in to two parts. One is the mains and the other one is prelims. The candidates are selected for the mains only after they clear the prelims examination. Thus, the prelims are the chief and the primary examination in which maximum short listing is done.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Civil Services Examinations for various Government jobs in the country. Civil Services include 23 services of Government of India and Union Territories. The most aspired services are the Indian Foreign Service(IFS), Indian Administrative Service(IAS), Indian Police Service(IPS) etc. The preliminary examinations for Civil services exam is conducted in a number of cities throughout the country.
Civil Services Exam is conducted every year by UPSC in two rounds: Preliminary & Mains. Those who qualify in the preliminary round are called for mains examination. Preliminary Exam consists of a written exam while Mains exam consists of a written exams as well as Interview. Getting through Civil Services Examination is considered really prestigious as a very large number of candidates apply for Civil Services exam for a limited number of posts and getting through is really tough.
Various Civil Services in which recruitment is made:
• Indian Administrative Service
• Indian Foreign Service
• Indian Police Service
• Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise), Group ‘A’
• Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Revenue Service (I.T.), Group ‘A’
• Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Group ‘A’ (Assistant Works Manager, Non-technical)
• Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Railway Personnel Service, Group ‘A’
• Post of Assistant Security Officer in Railway Protection Force, Group ‘A’
• Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’
• Indian Information Service (Junior Grade), Group ‘A’
• Indian Corporate Law Service, Group ‘A’
• Armed Force Headquarters Civil Service, Group ‘B’ (Section Officer’s Grade)
• Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service, Group ‘B’
• Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakhadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service, Group ‘B’
• Pondicherry Civil Service, Group ‘B’
• Pondicherry Police Service, Group ‘B’
Eligibility Criteria:
A candidate should have a degree from a recognized institute/university or an equivalent qualification. Also a candidate should be between 21 and 30 years of age as on 1st August, 2011. Relaxation in age limit is given to various reserved categories.
Important date:
• Release of Notification: 2011
• Last date of submission of application form: 1st week of February, 2011
• Date of Examination: third or last week of May, 2011
Important Dates:
• Last date for submission of application form: last of January or beginning of February, 2011.
• Date of Preliminary Examination of Civil Service Examination: third or last week of May, 2011.
Availability of Application Forms:
All UPSC Exams have a common form where a candidate has to choose the exam he/she has applied for. UPSC forms are available in various designated post offices throughout the country. Candidates have to fill the application forms according to the instructions given in the admission notification released in newspapers.
Pattern of Preliminary Examination:
There will be 2 papers consisting of multiple choice questions.:
Paper 1:General Studies-150 marks
Paper 2:Optional Subject-450 marks
Optional Subject is to be chosen from a list of optional subjects given below. Detailed syllabus for both the papers is given in the following link:Syllabi for the Examination. There will be 4 options to each question. There will be a penalty of 1/3rd marks for an incorrect answer.
List of optional subjects for Preliminary Examination:
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration
Contact details:
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House, Shahajahan Road,
New Delhi-110069
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5,175 Responses to “UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2011”
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when will be applications issued for IAS prelims exams -2011, and what is the last date for submission??
I am appeared for UPSC Prlims Exam 2010 during 23May 2010.
Roll Number is 293592.
It is requested to inform the result on my emailid( )or my cell No. 9368383857
Thanks and Regards.
my roll no.61624. could you sent my civil exam pre,2010 result on e mail /or mobile no.8955423892,7737777965.
i am doing my final year B.c.A. After my degree complition can i join in this course?
when exam form will release tell date about prelime exam
my result of ias2010 pre niraj sinha
could you send my result on my e-mail adderess/mobile no:9970988775
sir can you tell mewhen my result came.
when did civil services prelimainary results releassed?
please advise me how to study and get through out my premliminary exam?suggest me how i go through/and which subject is easy for premelinary exam? bcoz i am background form arts group.
plz send me ias pre exam result date
hello sir iam apply for first time entrance examinations ias
i want to more informations my age is 15-04-1976 and tamilnadu state community mbc{hindu maraver}so i can apply for ias exam please reply thankyou sir
actually i couldn’t cleared ias pre-2010 , but can i see my marks
when will be applications issued for IAS prelims exams -2011, and what is the last date for submission??
i forgot my roll number of upse pre examination please send my roll number
send IAS pre 2010 result , my roll no is 142761 to my Email
IAS pre 2010 result, Roll no. 142761
sir,i m 28 yrs old gnm with a diploma in general i eligible for the upsc examination?
could u send my result on my e-mail roll no 063010
my upsc exam roll no. is 483828 plz send my result on my email ID
What type of coaching we have to take for civils exam.
Actually gate coaching is enough for this exam or not.
How do I get to to see the question paper of previous year? Also, how many optional papers can we choose?
sir, i gave UP PCS combined state upper subordinate services (prelim.)examination , held on 2nd may 2010…when is the result expected to be declared???? my roll no is 096096, can u plz send me the result on my e-mail.
sir when is the preliminary exam result2010. Plz reply
whay are the new chages in upsc exam pattern
could you sen my result on my e mail /or mobile n. 9927680236
ias pre exam result 2010 roll no 117335
Civil Services(prel.) Examination - 2010 results
My roll no. is 149263 civil services pre examination 2010(IAS)
My roll no. is 149263 civil services pre examination 2010(IAS) & uttar pradesh public services pre examination 2010 Roll no.are 072014 pls send result on my email address
thanking you
Sir, when will be the results of Civil Services (Preliminary)Examination 2010 is going to declared.
please tell me the date…its a request from u please sir
I am student of BCA, can i Prepare for upsc examination?
what is the next date of upsc exam for year 2010
hi can you please email me the result of I.A.S Preliminary exam 2010. my roll no is 171281
sis,please send my csp 2010 result
Mu daughter-in-law,Mrs. G.Pritha Naidu appeared for UPSC Prlims Exam 2010 during May 2010.
Her Roll Number is 009311.
It is requested to inform the result.
Thanks and Regards.
Capt. Prakasa Rao.
Sir,Please see my UPSC prelim result on date 23may2010 and send my email id My exam no is 535093
who eligible
is there any change in pattern in IAS pre test
next year civil exam date please
sir,i want to know about my preliminary result roll no 488439
sir, please inform me about my upsc (csp) result on dated 23rd may2010
ias pre 2010 result Pls. send information my mail id.
Kindly send me IAS exam syllabus.
plz send my I.A.S. prelimary result on my mail ID.
My roll no is -500189
sir/madam,please see my upsc(csp) prelim result on dated 23may2010 and send my email id
my roll no. is 173746
how can i prepare for civil service examinations and which books i need to read for optional examination?
i forgot my roll no. please send me
respected sir/madam,
firstly i give my great thanks for provide this great service for all civil service(IAS)student.
sir i want to know my civil service pre.exam.2010 result(condect on 23.05.2010).my roll no. is 331754.
pls send my result on this email id:
when will issue upsc preliminary exam result?
plese send me my sister ias result
roll no is 159030
plese sir
i lost my prelims hall ticket and i am not able to check me prelims 2010 results what should i do……… p
I am written indian cevil servises prilimenary exm in 2010
when will relese results plese send me information
iam thank full to u sir.
i lost my prelims hall ticket and i am not able to check me prelims 2010 results what should i do………
can u inform me sir when civil service preli results’10 will be declared? plz inform my results, my roll no is 419574
i am lawrence aged 28 years
i am B com,mba in international business i need to appear for IAS exam for 2011 please let me the areas i could focus and when are the exams held , am i eligible.
thre is any optional subject related to computers background
Sir I want to know the new pattern of IAS exam
result of civil service preliminary examination 2010
As i want 2010 upsc(cse)priliminary number is 084485
I forgot my civil services roll no. Pls provide me link so that i can find.
sir,please see my upsc(csp) prelim result on dated roll no is 478323.
i want to know the result of someone.i know his name but not the roll no…is there any source of checking reult like that
please send my civil service preliminary exam result at my email id my roll no.032630
please send my civil service preliminary exam result at my email id
Dear Sir,
My Form No is 37664970.
Please send me my result for UPSC Prelims 2010.
ias pre 2010 result
sir,please see my upsc(csp) prelim result on dated 23may2010 and send my email
when will the result of the upse ias prelims 2010 be declared? please inform me.
pls pls see my result upsc(csp) rollno. 150688
my id is send me my result pass/fail.
pls help me.
Details as given below
Name —Dharmjit S/o Ram Parkash
#1/289, Surjit Nagar, Morinda
Distt– Ropar, ( punjab )
Pl. conform my ROll No. of Pre civil service exam 2010.
Dharmjit Bali
sir mera dob 11/01/1985 hai mera last oppr kab tak hai gen cat mai abhi tak is exam ke liye test bhee nahi dia
from when can i get the application form?
i want to know my ias pre result 2010
sir kindly inform me the exam syllabus and study materials for UPSC entrance exam
please sent the result for upsc result 2010
plz send my ias pre result2010
my roll no.343844
Sir Please send my Entrance Exam Pre (IAS) result on my email id at the earliest. thanks
today the result for CSP 2010 EXAM announced…….
when the result of civil service pre examination 2010 will come.
my name is Moti lal Meena please send my result on my cell
number 09873429502
My roll nu. is 281664 for IAS pre.2010
Have you puvlished I.A.S.2010 pre exam ?
when can i expect the prelims 2010 result?
my roll no is 186668.plese see the result OF CIVIL SERVICES 2010 PRELIM RESULT AND LET ME KNOW IN THIS NO 9289822063.
when the result of civil services preliminary exam 2010 wil be published
Sir When will b the result of prelims conducted on 23rd May 2010 will be declared
civil service exam in upsc please send my result in my email address .
thanking you
please inform me when the UPSC preliminary results will come through net….
my upsc(ias) prelim exam 23may2010 result please send my email adress
i want result for civils preliminary exam 2010 and please send information when the results is come….
please see my result,i want my result for my civils preliminary exam 2010 and please send my result to my e mail id
my upsc(ias) prelim exam 23may2010 resulte please send my email adress
application pattern
pleasde tell me my civil service pre exam (2010)result and my roll no is 000977.
Sir, Pls say when is UPSC going to publish the IAS Preliminary Examination 2010 results.. Pls send the date to my mail id.
23 may 2010 upsc exam (commerce) result will declare in future please mail me or coll me.
When will the IAS pre exam held on 23-05-2010 will be declared
wen r d CIVIL SERVICES (PREL.) EXAM., 2010 result going 2 b declaredd pls pls pls tell me..
plese reply soon….
my upsc(ias) prelim exam 23may2010 resulte please send to my email adress
dear sir/madam. i am unable to confirm whether ias prelims 2010 result has been declared or not. please inform me if the result has been declared.
When will be the IAS Preliminary exam results-2010 will be announced?
Dear I want to know the date of publication of results of the civil services prelimenary exam conducted on 23.05.2010
I m not able to confirm that ias prelims 2010 result out or not……….Tell me on my mail please….
sir please send my upsc prelims result 2010 on my email my roll no is 389503
pls tell me d result of upsc prelims 2010 at my e-mail:
result kab aayega prelim ka?
today is 18th of Aug, so when can we expect the result of Civil Services prelims? Could you plz confirm sir?
civil service pre 2010 results
any idea?
when are results of upsc prelim 2010
when upsc cse (prelims.) - 2010 result will going to be published? plz. send probable date on my email.
sir please tell me the date when the result of prelims exam of the year 2010 will be declared and which side ? pls pls pls
I dont see any replies for the requests below.
I am also waiting for UPSC Civil Services Examination Prelims 2010 Results.
Please send us the reply in this forum itself so that everyone could see that.
can anyone tell me when will be the mains exam?
when can we expect ias prelims 2010 result .
when the result will come out
sir when u r going to declare results of civil service (prelims)2010 july 23.
Pls.Reply erlier
Thankyou Sir
shivani H. Sharma
when ur going to declare the result of CSE PRE 2010.
open results
plsss send me the date when upsc result 2010 civil services preliminary is going to be declared
dear sir, i am unable to confirm whether ias prelims 2010 result has been declared or not. please inform me if the result has been declared.
when result of UPSC civil services pre 2010 will come?
Hi All,
i have given an exam on 2nd may 2010 in Ghaziabad.
my Roll number is 97259.
Can you please tell me that when can i get the result about it?
Thanx & reagards
Jatin Arora
when does ias prelims result is going to be declared,pls give me the actual date.
Respect sir,
Firstly i give thanks for provide this service for IAS student. It is very helpful for student.
Sir i want to know my IAS(Pre. exam-2010) result.
my exam condect on 23/05/2010 & my roll no. is “529097′.
Plz send my result on this ( Email Id.
is upsc 2010 preliminary exam result out.
when will the result of civil service preliminary 2010 exam declared
Let me know the arrival of results of upsc prelims 2010.
dear sir/madam
I appeared CSP exam held on 23/05/2010.I want to know when will the result published. I kindly request you to inform my result through my E-mail ID
Sir,when will be upsc pre2010 results going to declare? please sent my result on my email, my roll no is 120439
Sir, i want to khow does the prilim examination results are declared if not than when it will be
plz,tell me where& when i can get my result of ias pre may 2010 thank you
when will civil services preliminary results for 2010 published
when will my ias pre result may 2010 going to declare ,plz tell me sir thank you
halo friends,assalamu alaikum,csp results may be published in a day or two for knowing your results call me on 9848043713 or mail me at
when will the IAS prelims result 2010 will be declared, which was held on 23.05.2010.
i want to know my result of ias pre ……. my roll no is 28710
sir i want to know when will the ias pre 2010 result will declare IAS result normally declare within the 2nd week of august the third week of august will almost finish what about result
Sir, i want to know about my cse prelim 2010 result. my roll no. 02995
I want to know that when will the next Civil Service exam be conduct ? Could anybody help me out for this ?
Dear Sir/Madam,
Will u please tell me the date of declaration of CSE prelims result for the year 2010.
Thanking You,
when are the civil services(prelims) 2010 results going to be declared? Please inform me.
Dear sir/ Mam, Pls informed me the date when the result of civil service prelims 2010 will be declared.