28th September 2014, 02:01 AM
Syllabus for Diploma to Degree entrance exam of Jharkhand?
from which paper or topic question are asked in diploma to degree entrance exam jharkhand.
my branch is ''Electrical''.I wiil complite my diploma in 2014,so please give the information in detail. Also tell me if the question are asked mostly of intermediate or branch paper. are question also asked from diploma ist and 2nd sem. please give me a brief information. Thanks in advance. |
13th October 2014, 10:47 PM
Detailed syllabus of LEET exam of Jharkhand is given below.
Physics Heat Black body radiations Kinetic interpretation of temperature Measurement of temperature Mechanical equivalent of Heat Modes of heat transfer Searle’s method and Lee’s method for thermal conductivity Stefan’s law Temperature scales Thermal expansion Thermoelectric thermometers Wien’s law Acoustics Wave motion Velocity of sound Doppler Effect Intensity of sound waves Reverberation Acoustics of buildings Production and detection of ultrasonic waves Optics Chromatic aberration Diffraction Huygens principle Lens makers formula Magnifying power Optical fibre Optical instruments Polarization of light Refraction Resolving power Total internal reflection Young’s double slit experiment Electricity and Magnetism Ammeter Applications of Kirchhoff’s laws Current Electricity Dielectrics Electric dipole Electric field Electric potential Gauss’s law Potentiometer Slide Wire Bridge Voltmeter Electromagnetism Biot-Savart law Electromagnetic induction Lorentz force Magnetic effects of current Moving coil galvanometers Mutual and self-inductance Modern Physics Bohr’s model and hydrogen spectra Photoelectric effect Matter waves Mathematics Algebra Quadratic Equations Progression Arithmetic progression (AP) Geometric progression (GP) Binomial Theorem Calculus Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Series of natural numbers Partial fractions Trigonometry Multiple and sub-multiple angles Ratios of some standard angles Solution of triangles Trigonometric Ratios Trigonometric Relations Co-ordinate Geometry Cartesian Co-ordinates Intersection of two straight lines Angles between two lines Distance formulae Equation of a circle Chemistry Structure and bonding Chemical Equilibrium Oxidation and Reduction reactions Faraday’s laws of Electrolysis Electrochemistry Redox Chemistry Colloids and Water Organic Chemistry English Idioms Phrases Sentence Correction Tenses Parts of speech Synonyms Antonyms Voices Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Three Phase Induction Motor Capacitor Torque-slip characteristics Methods of producing starting torque Shaded pole and reluctance motors Single Phase Induction Motor Slip, torque & their various relations Torque/Speed characteristics Measuring Instruments Wattmeter Moving iron instruments Deflecting, controlling and damping torques Moving coil instruments Multi-meter Indicating, integrating and recording instruments Sources of errors extension range Dynamometer type Energy meters-single phase and three phase Maximum demand indicators Earth tester Power factor meter Poly Phase System Speed control of D.C. motors Production of rotating magnetic field in electrical machines Shunt series and compound types Characteristics of D.C. machines Equivalent circuits Testing Losses Parallel operation Regulation Efficiency Maintenance Transformer Single phase Three phase Phase diagrams AC Series Motor, Universal Motor V curves Speed/frequency relation EMF equation Regulation Winding coefficients Synchronous machines Synchronous impedance concept Parallel operation Transmission System Inductance Capacitance Selection of voltage Electrical features of transmission line Resistance Conventional sources of energy Comparison of A.C. and D.C. systems Distribution system L.T distribution system H.T distribution system Comparison of overhead and underground distribution system Non-conventional sources of energy Switchgear system Types of power stations Different types of power stations Concept of regional and national grid Circuit breakers Electronic Instruments Measurement of capacitance CRO Electronic multimeter Digital meters VTVM Analog multimeter Measurement of inductance |
20th January 2015, 12:42 AM
Please tell me the syllabus of diploma to degree for jharkhand my branch is cse.
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