15th June 2010, 02:05 AM
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Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I have just passed my 12th with 94.5% aggregate.Would doing economics/b.com hons.regular from delhi university and side by side actuarial science a gud and intelligent career option? can one do dat? if yes, then please provide me with all information about actuarial science.From where can i do it? examinations? admission procedure? coaching? every important information about it? looking fwd to a soon rply.thanks

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15th June 2010, 06:00 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

An actuary is an expert who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainity. the job involves a lot of number crunching, so one needs to have a strong bent for maths and statistics.

India needs thousands of actuaries, but there aren't enough qualified people.
So, it is one of the best professional course one can pursue to have great career.An actuary works as an Manager, valuation expert, assesor, Risk manager in Insurance and investment firms with an initial salary of Rs. 25,000 to Rs.40,000.

The minimum eligibility is 10+2, with 85% marks in maths/statistics.
There are 15 subjects, one needs to clear to earn the fellwship.To qualify as an Actuary, a candidate has to pass all examinations in the prescribed subjects and comply with other criteria such as experience requirement and attendance at a professionalism course prescribed for the purpose.

The institutes offering this course are:
Institute of actuaries of India
University of Mumbai
Kurukshetra University
15th June 2010, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?


You have got an excellent score in +2, and you can do Actuarial science course along with B.Com(Hons.)

Actuarial Science is an emerging career in Insurance Sector, and in short they are masters/ experts of Financial sector. They predict the future of financial sense, balance public interest and business management.

If you are 18+, and obtained 85% in Maths and aspire for a career in Insurance Sector then this is the right choice.

Log on http://www.actuariesindia.org/ which provides complete details like who can do this, what is the eligibility, career opportunities.
And there is no Time Constrict or Duration to complete this course.
So, you can do it side-by-side with B.Com.

Institutes offering this course are:
1.Bishop Herber College, Trichy,T.N.
2.Ernakulam Insurance Institute,Kerala
3.National Insurance Academy,Pune,Maharashtra
4.Insurance Training Centre,Kolkatta
5.Alagappa University,Distance Education centre,T.N.

You can also look into the websites
at UK and Australia to know more facts about Foreign Institutes offer.

All the Best.......
15th June 2010, 03:25 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Originally Posted by MANASVI DHANUKA View Post
I have just passed my 12th with 94.5% aggregate.Would doing economics/b.com hons.regular from delhi university and side by side actuarial science a gud and intelligent career option? can one do dat? if yes, then please provide me with all information about actuarial science.From where can i do it? examinations? admission procedure? coaching? every important information about it? looking fwd to a soon rply.thanks
Hi friend..
The duration of actuarial science programs in India is three year. But some of the institutions offers short term courses to the students...Students must complete their 12th with 85% in mathematics/statistics can register in any of the acturial science college of india...and their age should be 18 or more than that..For the commerce students it is an advantage course...You can do acturial training through acturial society of india..
These websites are for more information about this..plz checkout the websites..
This is the list of some colleges which offers acturial science after 12th...
for more information do scrap me again..
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15th June 2010, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Dear friend,
Do hard work and try to get the best results which is possible and you will be automatically selected in a good course. You need to pass out your examinations to move further.
all the best for your future
thanking you.
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23rd June 2010, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I think that you have hit upon a really good idea. Hopefully, you have obtained more than 85% in subjects like Maths and Statistics because only then will you be eligible to pursue Actuarial Science after +2. That being the case, you can visit the site of the Institute of Actuaries of India http://www.actuariesindia.org/ for the details, be it about admission, examinations, syllabus,et al.

Some Distance Education Institutes like Alagappa University, Amity School of Insurance and Actuarial Science (ASIAS) and Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies also offer courses in Actuarial Science.
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11th July 2010, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I Have choosed Statitics course 12th , I feel to join B.se computer science.. Is this course Helpful for me?
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21st July 2010, 12:21 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

after doing b.com can we do MA in economics
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29th July 2010, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I am in S.Y.B.Com which course of Actuaries you will suggest for me. I will be completeing my graduation in commerce faculty. so please reply me.
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5th August 2010, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

sir i am going to complete my 12th in 2011 in commerce acturial science would be good corse?and if what r its terms and conditions?what qualification is needed for that?
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18th August 2010, 07:24 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

sir i am pursuing ca and b.com hons can i further procee d with actuaries
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26th September 2010, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

can we do acturial studies in corrus?should we write the entrance exam for tht?
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10th December 2010, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

what you mean by actuaries and when it offered this course?
I am jeishankar from tamilnadu.I have finished UG in economics and so I
search for job seeking in economics line
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11th January 2011, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

i have a confusion in choosing b/w master in quantitative finance , and acturial science course.which is better to pursue? please suggest.waiting for your reply.
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15th March 2011, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

i am doing economic honours. du 1st yr. i wud like to noe which side course should i opt for that wud help me enhance my graduation degree. plus it would make me enter in corporate world. not acturial science plz
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15th March 2011, 01:48 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

i am doing economic h frm du,1st yr. i wud like to noe which other course shud i take up that wud enhance my graduate degree. plus it wud make me enter in the corporate world. it wud be appreciated if some course in comp is dere . nt acturial science
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13th May 2011, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

we wil do CA after completing b.com acturial management.?
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15th May 2011, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

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13th June 2011, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Can we do actuaries with b.com hons or eco. hons ,,, after 12th with 96 % in maths and 90.5 % as a whole ,, and iam 17 year and going to be 18 this december ,, is there any entrance exam for this proffesion
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15th June 2011, 03:40 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Hello everyone. I got 92 % in 12th, have done bcom hons. from kmc in 2010. I am regreting a bit that i did not do anything alongside like CA.
What should I be doing now, I would like to do MBA so I will take the CAT, but my aim is top 5 institutes only and till I get there I would not stop giving CAT.
Firstly.. have I done a blunder not to have done CA alongside graduation ? If yes, how can I overcome the wasted time & insure I dont land backward than others doing/done CA.
and what can I do in the meantime till I get my admission in my desired b-school ? I thot to do CFA but got mixed opinions.
Can any 1 guide me plzzzzzzz. You may email me also : [email protected]
Tons & Tons.. Of thanx
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18th August 2011, 12:26 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

sir,i am doing my b.com(actuarial management) but sir i have olny 67% with me and i am not good in maths.i want to do asi what i want do sir.....,give some tips pls.......
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26th September 2011, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

can i do acturial science at a age of 21?
is it a gud choice?
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7th March 2012, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am doing economic honours. du 1st yr. i wud like to noe which side course should i opt for that wud help me enhance my graduation degree. plus it would make me enter in corporate world. not acturial science plz

I'm also pursuing economics hons. and i'm in my first year.
I've the same question..Is CS a good option?
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11th October 2012, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

can we pursue actuarial science along with CA?
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10th December 2013, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I am doing bachelor in management studies from du. I scored 95.6% in class 12. I want to know what should i do side by side so as to increase my career prospects. Also; is doing actuarial science a good option with my course?
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17th September 2014, 10:17 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I am an MA(Eco.), MBA (finance). Though, my educational scores are not very high, still I want & love to study actuaries and pursue it as my career option. In Class X board and MBA, I've scored 70% , however, in 10 2, BSc, MA-it is between 47%--50%. With economics, I've studied maths and stats also as combination papers. MBA passed from 'Sikkim Manipal University-distance education' . Pls guide. I want to start it ASAP. [email protected]
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31st March 2015, 02:39 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

I am doing b.com hons from sol du n will be pursuing actuarial science ..!!!!
Is there a bright future for me....????
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2nd September 2015, 02:32 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Sir / mam
I have passed 12th with 85% agreegate msrks and i m persuing bsc h maths from MR university
Can i do acturial science side by side. is actuarial science a gud and intelligent career option? can one do dat? if yes, then please provide me with all information about actuarial science.From where can i do it? examinations? admission procedure? coaching? every important information about it? looking fwd to a soon rply.thanks
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8th February 2016, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Actuarial Science course along with Economics/B.Com. Honors after 12th? Is it allowed? Is it a good career choice?

Sir, i am currently doing B.com with Accountantcy and Basic Statistics, i have got 85 marks in statistics in Std 12th commerce. Am i eligible for Acturial Science? Is there a University in Ahmedabad for the same?
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