15th March 2013, 07:31 AM
BEst books of PCM to crack IIT? I have cleared 11th class
Sir, I've just cleared XI class and I want to appear in IIT. So please suggest me some best books of PCM to crack IIT and also how should i manage my time with both my XII board and IIT preparation.
28th April 2013, 07:18 PM
I am the student of 12th std. Is i am cover the iit syallabus
22nd December 2013, 11:06 PM
Which r the best books of PCM to crack iit?
6th November 2014, 01:05 PM
If you are looking for the best PCM books for the preparation of IIT JEE 2014, you don’t need to look here and there and get in touch with DISHA publication. These books have been drafted by the subject experts and have the detailed explanation of each and every topic that is included in IIT JEE. Apart from this it also offers useful statics, diagrams, solved question papers of previous years IIT JEE exam and students can check their preparation level by practicing the Mock question papers. Go to http://www.dishapublication.com/entr...ing-exams.html to get relevant books for the PCM section of IIT JEE.