23rd November 2009, 04:05 PM
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BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Dear Friends,

I am going to attend Bhel Supervisor trainee writtern exam in mechanical major. so, i am preparing for the test. if anybody have the previous bhel exam question papers, please inform it to me,..or you have any other study materials relates with my requirement please inform it to me,....

Thanks & Regards,

30th November 2009, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question pape


for previous year paper visit this link:
BHEL: 600 Engineer Trainees, 600 Supervisor Trainees – September 2009 | G J Tutorial

best of luck....
5th January 2010, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

3rd February 2010, 03:23 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

for the previous year question papers you can check the under mentioned websites which may be useful to you:---
i hope here you can find exactly the material you have been looking for and i hope you get success in the exam best of luck ...
7th February 2010, 02:48 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Hi .. Dear want to tell you that you can find the study material from google bye entering the keywords bhel exam question papaer. I think so.because i get all the information from google.google can also provide you the address of other site providing the question papers of previous years. .ok dear .good luck. .
8th February 2010, 02:39 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

you can get the BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major written exam previous question papers on the following sites :-

16th February 2010, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hey..really nd heartly.i want job in BHEL...nd i can do anything for that.anything..really...............just sagges me how can i will get job in BHEL..plz plz...this is my email id [email protected] ..if anybody really want to do something gud..so plz mial me nd help me.thank u..
7th March 2010, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Friend you can get the books related to the exam from the bookstores and to get them online visit the below site:
30th March 2010, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear friend
please visit to the site given below:
from here you can get the writtern exam previous question papers
good luck.
30th March 2010, 11:30 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hey friend,
you can download it from the following websites
o k
all the best
30th May 2010, 07:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi im m.renuga. im graduated m.sc geography in queen marys college. i want to know how i can get job in bhel company.
1st July 2010, 12:22 AM
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Posts: 773
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

though i cant give you sites,yes there are books of g.k,arihant publications.
seek them to get sample papers
23rd July 2010, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear sir
I am MR Manoranjan patra now working in jindal steel &power ltd. now i m going to attend superviser trainee exam in bhel so please to send the previous question paper on e- mail id of [email protected]
10th August 2010, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

check this link out
you will get all require info
best of luck for the future
11th August 2010, 03:11 PM
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Thumbs up Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

I Have to written the test for superviser trainee so i want superviser tainee model queistion paper
1st September 2010, 09:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi friends this Ramesh vadeyear..i want attend the supervisore trainee ....if you find any queastion papers please let me know...my email id is [email protected]
2nd September 2010, 09:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

previous solved peper bhel supervisor trainee exam
4th September 2010, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

what are the recommended books for supervisor trainee of bhel for mechanical engineering
5th September 2010, 01:24 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear sir/madam
iam going to attend supervisor trainee exams for mechanical trade i need previous question paper or other materials which is essential for that plz mail me to this address [email protected] plzzzzzz help me
6th September 2010, 09:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi sir
first time will to write BHEL Exam for mechanical BE plz tell formate, books and model question
plz mail sir/friends
email: vsjravi@gmailcom

thank you
7th September 2010, 11:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi sir/madam
i am going to attend supervisor trainee exam for electronics and communication trade i need material and previous papers which helps in gettng my dream job so if you knw abt anything
kindly post me my mail id is [email protected]
7th September 2010, 12:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

BHEL Supervisor Trainee mechanical major, old Question papers ,hi friends this Ramesh vadeyear..i want attend the supervisore trainee ....if you find any queastion papers please let me know...my email is [email protected]
7th September 2010, 12:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Next month i have a exam in BHEL for supervisor Trainee . so please send detail about that and also send some model question paper also. my email id [email protected]
7th September 2010, 05:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear sir,
i am gorelal yadav, i want to
job in bhel company and my qualification is
diploma in electronics and telecommunication
from IETE NEW DELHIwith 56.5 %. can i apply for the post of trainee supervisior.
please help me and reply on [email protected]
with best regards
gorelal yadav
8th September 2010, 09:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear sir,
i am chari please send previous superviser trainee questions papers for EEE
MY EMAIL ID IS [email protected]
9th September 2010, 12:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

sir / madam
iam going to attend written exams of supervisor trainee for mechanical
plz send some previous question paper with answer other also in this scheme u send me plzzzzz
10th September 2010, 04:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi i am nandakumar sir i want supervisor trainee syllabus and model qustion yuo know send me my mail ID;[email protected]
11th September 2010, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

BHEL Engineer Trainee written test in Mechanical stream. They conducted for four brances in Engineering: Comp sci, ECE, EEE and Mech. In Mechanical stream there were a total of 240 questions.

120- Technical questions in Mechanical Engineering
120- General Apptitude questions. (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, Logical thinking, English usage)

The questions were mainly asked in
Engineering Mechanics
Theory of machines
Production tech
If you have strong fundas, u can really do well in this session...

Following are the questions asked: (I will try to give you as many questions as i remember)
[One Mark for correct answer, 1/5th for wrong answer. Five choices were given]

1)Unit of Entropy (J/kg K or kJ/kg K)

2)A mass of 100kg is falling from a height of 1 m and penetrates the sand into for 1 m. What is the resistance force given by sand.

3)Ratio of specific heats of air. (1.41)

4)A body weighs 3 kg in air. If it is submerged in a liquid, it weighs 2.5 kg. What is the specific gravity of the liquid.

5)Two cars travell in same direction at 40 km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in a opposite direction in 60km/hr. It meets each car in a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance between them?

6)A simple problem involing in hoops stress. For sphere: M= [3/2]*p*V*[density of pressure vessel material/Maximum working stress it can tolerate] For Thin walled pressure walls: Hoops stress or stress in the radial direction =p*r/2t

7)A problem in force calculation in a body moving in a inclined surface.

8)Composition of bronze. (Copper+zinc)

9)Compostion of stainless steel.(iron+chromium+nickel+carbon)

10)CI is manifactured in which process. (cupola process)

11)What percentage of carbon is preset in pig iron. (4.5 to 6%)

12)Water is available at 10m height. What is the pressure available? (pressure=density*g*height; p=1000*9.81*10; p=98100N/m2) Che tanaS

13)What will happen if the speed of the centrifugal pump doubles.

14)The unit eV is widely used in ? (Nuclear and atomic physics)

15)What will happen to the resistance, when the diameter of the conductor is doubled?

16)The power comsumed by a electrical device is 1000W at 250V, What is the resistance in the device?
(Power= Voltage*current; Current=Power/Voltage, Current,I=1000/250=4
amps. V=IR, Therefore R=250/4=62.5 ohms)

17)Why DC current is not used in transformer.

18)On what principle the sonar/ radar works?

19)Bending moment diagram for the UDL is in what shape?

20)Function of the distributor in petrol vehicles? (Spark timing)

21)Which is not present in CI engines? (carburrettor)

22)What will happen if one cylinder recieves more amount of fuel spray from injectors than other injectors?

23)Purpose of draft tube in hydraulic turbines? (The purpose of a draft tube is toconvert some of the kinetic energy of the flow from the runner (the rotating part of the turbine) intopressure energy and thereby increase the efficiency ofthe hydro power turbine.)

24)What is the effect or reheater in the gas turbine? (The advantage of reheater is significantly increased thrust; the disadvantage is it has very high fuel consumption and inefficiency) http://www.ChetanaS.org

25)Problems involving with fricition coefficient.

26)Factor of safety = Yeild stress/Working stress.

27)Which is the example of non parallel power transmission (Universal coupling)

28)For perpendicular shafts worm gear is used.

29)A planet gear with 25 teeth is meshed with a sun gear of 100 teeth. Both are connected using a arm. How many rotations are needed for planet gear to complete one rotation around the sun gear?

30)What is equivalent spring constant for spring in parallel?

31) Some questions was asked related to boundry layer and vortex flow.

32) 5 questions were asked in PERT, Process planning, Product planning, Break even analysis.

33)How are tungsten and sintered composite materials are machined? (Electro Discharge Machining, EDM)

General Apptitude:
All the sections were very easy. Basic knowledge is sufficient to attend all the questions. But Keep time factor in mind and increase your speed. There are 120 questions like this!!

--- Detect the words with wrong spellings (5 questions)
--- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(5 questions)
--- Two reading comprehensions were given(10 questions)
--- Find the error in the sentence (8 questions)

--- Seating arrangement problems
--- Find the relation between them

Quantitative ability:
All the questions were very easy.
--- 50% of the questions are from basic geometry.
--- Remaining were very general and easy. But as there is a total 120 questions you have to be really quick.
13th September 2010, 11:12 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

I am ex-serviceman of indian navy and i want to apply for bhel supervisor trainee exam. Kindly i need the previous year question papers. Pse, email on the following:
[email protected]
14th September 2010, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

november 2009 question for st
14th September 2010, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Next month i have a exam in BHEL for supervisor Trainee . so please send detail about that and also send some model question paper. my email id [email protected]
14th September 2010, 06:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

I have applied for the post of Supervisor Trainee 2010 in Mechanical Trade. I want some questions on both Technical and Non-Technical of previous year questions and some more for my preparetion. My E-mail ID: [email protected]
15th September 2010, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

I have applied for the post of Supervisor Trainee 2010 inMechanical Disclipline. please kindly send me both trade & nontrade of previous years questions & some tips for my preparation. my e-mail ID: [email protected]
16th September 2010, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

please i want electrical model question paper for supervisor trinee
17th September 2010, 04:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

sir / madam
iam going to attend written exams of supervisor trainee for mechanical
plz send some previous question paper with answer other also in this scheme u send me sir.
20th September 2010, 04:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

where can i get the Mech coaching for BHEL in hyderabad
20th September 2010, 11:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Sir / madam
I am going to attend written exams of supervisor trainee for mechanical
pl z send some previous question paper with answer other also in this scheme u send me sir. my email id: [email protected]
21st September 2010, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

BHEL Exams don’t have a particular syllabus. You need to be clear on all the subjects of your bachelor’s degree specialised subjects. Please refer the following links for the sample papers:
22nd September 2010, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hi this is srinu ,i need bhel supervisour trainee mechanical model papers if found plez send to my e-mail [email protected] you for read my request.
25th September 2010, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Please help me to provide the previous question papers of Supervisor Trainee in BHEL or all friends are welcome to send the reply with some sort of good efforts.
25th September 2010, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Sir/ madam,
I requst you, please send me previous or model question papers of Supervisor Trainee in BHEL at ID [email protected] as I am going to appear in the same exam during next month. Thanx.
29th September 2010, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

Hello Sir,

My Friend(Mechanical Engg.) has applied for BHEL, He is working in BEML(two years experienced) now.
Please send us the Model question papers and also some tips also.
He is appearing for the exams next month.
One more suggestion needed, he has got color Blindness, will it affect him in the selection process.
30th September 2010, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

hello friend

see, bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee syllabus is equivalent to gate syllabus.so it will be better to take gate syllabus as a bhel exam syllabus for engineer trainee.

you can get Gate syllabus in the given below sites



all the best...............
4th October 2010, 02:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

sir / madam
iam going to attend written exams of supervisor trainee for mechanical
plz send some previous question paper with answer .
5th October 2010, 12:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

SIR Iam KRISHNA KISHORE i am appearing first time for the entrance exam for the post of supervisor traineefor MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.
so, SIR i request you to please send me the syllabus for the examination as well as the previous years question papers.
SIR my email is [email protected]
SIR hoping for a fast and quick response in this regard.
thanking you
10th October 2010, 03:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

sir i am tinku kumar i am appearing first time for the entrance exam for the post of supervison trainee for mechanical
so sir i request you to plese send me the syllabus of examination
my email [email protected]
16th October 2010, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

sir from where i can get bhel sample paper?
or please send mi on [email protected]
18th October 2010, 01:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

dear sir,
i am manish please send previous superviser trainee questions papers for ECE
MY EMAIL ID IS [email protected]
23rd October 2010, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

[QUOTE=sarvenkatg;1539]Dear Friends,

I am going to attend Bhel Supervisor trainee writtern exam in mechanical major. so, i am preparing for the test. if anybody have the previous bhel exam question papers, please inform it to me,..or you have any other study materials relates with my requirement please inform it to me,....

Thanks & Regards,
22nd March 2011, 02:00 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,196
Default Re: BHEL Supervisor trainee, in mechanical major writtern exam previous question papers

for the previous year question papers you can check the under mentioned websites which may be useful to you:---
i hope here you can find exactly the material you have been looking for and i hope you get success in the exam best of luck ...
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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