BHEL, Mechanical placement Papers
One of the biggest manufacturing and engineering company in India is BHEL.BHEL is a public sector enterprise of the Government of India. The company was established 40 years back. It was set with an aim to establish country’s own company of heavy electrical equipments manufacturing. Since its conception BHEL has seen a long journey and now has transformed into on of the largest manufacturers and employment generators. Since 1971 BHEL has been making profits always.
The pattern of BHEL placement paper for mechanical engineering is given below.
There are 240 questions in the paper. Out of 240 120 are Technical and other 120 are Aptitude & General English questions. There is a negative marking of 1/5th mark for each wrong answer. Five options are given for each question of which only one is correct.
In Technical part they ask questions which test your basics. The questions are covered from topics like Power Systems, Control systems, Machines. Some of the questions are from power electronics, microprocessor and a few from measurement.
The questions are very simple in Aptitude section and can be answered well if practiced well. Time management is an important factor as you have to answer 240 questions in 150 minutes.
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- BHEL Placement Preparation Tips and Placement Process
- Deputy Manager, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Jagdishpur
- Draughtsman Mechanical, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
- Application Procedure for BHEL ‘Engineer Trainee’ Recruitment
- Hexaware Placement Papers
- Engineer Trainee Recruitment in BHEL
- HAL Placement Papers
- Diploma Engineers, BHEL Bangalore
- Supervisor Trainee (Engineering) - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
- Essar placement papers
- Trainees, BHEL
- ISRO Placement Papers
- TCS Placement Papers
- Ashok Leyland Placement Papers
- IBM Placement Papers
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275 Responses to “BHEL, Mechanical placement Papers”
bhel fitter previous quetion papers pleas send to me
thanking you
Sir im preparing for BHEL for mechinical exam so plz i need model paper thnq u sir
dis is my id
sir i am mechanical final yr student.please send me mechanical placement paper for different companies like bhel, sail, l&t etc to my id ……….
I’m a mechanical engineer final year student plz bhel exam date and other information
please send me some mechanical placement questions …. i will send some qstns like this.. my id is …
training details and appling details please give me sir (santhoshkumar, be final mech)
sir, 5year ke questionpaper pr sent kr do
sir i am doing B.E MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 3rd YEAR if there is any possiblities for me to get job in BHEL
sir,i am currently perusing my degree be mechanical engineering final year . am i eligible for BHEL INTERVIEW?and tell me the interview date.
thanking you . . . . . . .
percentage required for mechanical jobs
sir, please 10 year diploma mechanical engineering question paper
Hi,sir, i am mathankumar, i just going to attend bhel examination. i just currently doing my mechanical engg. 3rd year. so please send all mechanical related questions and model question papers for my references…
thaning you………….
please mail to me mechanical related questions that is ask in company.
pleas send syllabus and name of the book for BHEL MECHANICL PLACEMENT ENTRESS EXAM.
please mail to me mechanical related questions that is ask in company.
i m 3rd year mechanical i want previous year question paper
by mail
sir i am 3rd year studend of ,mechnical engineering ,i want to five year old BHEL qustion paper
My email id is
i applying job in hpcl “Officer Trainee Engineering Disciplines” so i want previous question papers pleasa
what is the meaning SMAW & NDT
Dear Sir,
i am completed I.T.I fitter in 2003
I want bhel old paper solution, please sand me on my id
Thank you
sir i am BE 6sem mechanical eng. student from NRI ENG. COLLAGE BHOPAL . I want to summer training in jhansi end in this sem.please suggest me how to apply.thank you sir
Respected sir.i hve complted diploma mech.engg. I want all solved placement paper and model objective quetions paper.plz give me sir, thank u sir
Sir, i am a 2nd yr mechanial engineering student . I want to training in bhel in this yr of summer holiday .please suggest me how to apply?
sir,my qualification is diploma in me.i want to know about bhel aprintice.
i am studying final year diploma in mechanical engineering sir.send me the all mechanical engg.releted;all solved placement paper.model question paper please give me sir.
thanking you sir
i am studying final year diploma in mechanical engineering sir.send me the all mechanical engg.releted;all solved placement paper.and model question paper sir.
thanking you
Dear Sir,
Iam studying diploma Mechanical in 4th sem
I want 5years question paper,please sand me on my ID
Thank You
salim gadinglej
Mail ID
syllubus of exam for mech. Stream graduate.,i just want.
hi sir, i am pursuing in Mechanical Engg. I am in 6th sem, next sem of mine is for training, I want training at BHEL , my degree is of 75% uptill now, plz suggest the chances oof mine
sir/madam, i want diploma mechanical engg. previous 5 years questions of HAL for my preparation. I will be very grateful to you,if you can provide.
send me the all mechanical engg.releted;all solved placement paper.
i’m studying BE mechanical third year i want previous bhel placement exam questions papers please send to my mail.
i want to read some qution paper of BHEL for Draughtsman Mechanical. pls send me last 5 year question paper for reference.
sir am completed iti fitter in 2007. i want bhel, drdo,hal, old papers solusction ple send me.
thank u sir
Sir main fitter se iti(91%) kar chuka ho.mujhe bhel me puche jane wale questions pepar chahiye.kis link se main net par fitter pepar dekh sakta ho. Thanks sir
please solved question paper in mechanical trade.
thank you.
Dear Sir,
Iam completed diploma Mechanical in 2011
I want BHEL old paper solusction,please sand me on my ID
Thank You
Mahesh Kumar
Mail ID
Sir am complet Iti welder and doing diploma in mechanical engineering . So I want iti welder BHEL model question
Dear Sir,
i am completed i.t.i fitter in 2003
I want bhel old paper solusction, please sand me on my id
Thank you
AnwarBasha A
i want to read some qution paper of BHEL for Draughtsman Mechanical. pls send me last 5 year question paper for reference.
i want bhel model question pepar for draughtsman (mech)
dear sir,
i have applied for Draftsman please send last 5 years questions paper for my reference.
My mail id.
Rajesh Verma
i am trying to artisan recruttment in welder last 5 years.
please give me a last 5 years Q & A on my id
if i can download the sample papers for draughtsman mechanical regarding to bhel enterance exam
i am completed i.t.i fitter in 2003
I want bhel old paper solusction, please sand me on my id.
i am completed i.t.i fitter in 2003
I want bhel old paper solusction, sand me.
Sir,I have done ITI welder.pls send Me Old bhel artisan written test exam solved paper my gmail
I have done iti. Fitter ..& completed Apprenticeship in BHEL BHOPAL . Plzz send me BHEL Previous Question Papers solved
now i am doing mechanical engineering. i wish to work in BHEL.. so pls send all old question papers……..
sir, what is the careteria to get job in bhel?????
dear sir,, nw i m doing mechanical engineering from vtu university and i want to do work in ur prestigious company…. so,i request u to please furnace ur all the required careterie to get job in ur company………
i.t.i fitter objective all question with answer my email id
dear sir
i m going to appear in bhel st exam so pls send me old bhel sup trainee papers atleast 5year back.
Thank you
dear sir,
i have applied for supervisor please send last 5 years questions paper for my reference
thank you sir,
syllabus and previous Question paper for the supervisor trainee
please send me some sample placement papers for mechenical in BHEL
Please help as below.
I want to know the syllabus for the ISRO PRACTICAL TEST for the post of Draughtsman ‘B’Mechanical.
please send me previous years placement papers with answer of BHEL for mechanical engineering for the post engineer trainae to my email id
please send me last 5year question paper my e-mail id
sir, i need the old question paper bhel engineer trinee for mechanical branch
bhel main supervisor treening ka kaisa question paper aata hain please send me bhel paper my email
Rispected sir, i need superviser trinee mechanical solved quection paper last 5 year pleace sent my e mail id thank u
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical question paper & sylabous please send to my email id.b
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical question paper & sylabous please send to my email id.
Iam prepare for supervisour traniee exam.for mech
so please send previous year question papers.
to my email id
respected sir,i need engg trainee and supervisor trainee mechanical question papers and syllbus pil send to my email id.
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical question paper & sylabous please send to my email id
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical question paper & sylabous please send to my email id
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical questions syllabus $ paper please send to my email id
{ }
respected sir, i need superviser trainee mechanical question paper & sylabous please send to my email id
Respected sir, i need supervisior trainee mechanical question papers plz send to my email id
I am gunaseelan i am preparing for BHEL examnation so if you have any model question please sent
sir im going to write bhel engr trainee entrance exam,i need a previous year question paper for preparation
i have applied for engineer trainee in the recent recruitment opened by bhel..kindly can you send me previous years papers.
thank you
sir i am bc d candidate ,, so is it nessasary to submit obc form with mro sign,, if am sending it
without mro sign what happen
sir i need previous year papers of mechanical engineering
for ET of bhel recruietment THIS IS MY MAIL ID
Hi sir, I want previous year BHEL superviors trainee question paper. Pls send to my email id.
Sir , i need supervisior trainee mechanical 10 year previous question papers plz send to my email id .
Sir , i need supervisior trainee mechanical 10 year previous question papers plz send to my email id
Respected sir, i need supervisior trainee mechanical question papers plz send to my email id
i want syllbus for superviser trainny exam in bhel
Sir, i am belongs to OBC(non-cremy layer). you mention that candidate should send self declaretion form, is it original copy or xerox copy.
i’m in need of sample question papers also…, please kindly send to me.
thanking you sir.
Respected Sir,
My brother will be writing the entrance exam for BHEL this year.
Please post me the previous year papers of mechanical engineering for BHEL recruietment
i am doing my final year mech&production engg now when i want to write bhel exam send me the previous module mechanical papers pls
sir,i am a diploma holder in mechanical engineering.i want the important quiestions of the BHEL examinations.pls send me the important quiestions of the last 5 examinations
Sir, i need to know…. whether any mark difference will be there for GEN/OBC and the SC/ST.
Suppose - OBC have to get more than 80 %
- SC/ST have to get atleast 60%
likewise anything there? huh?
sir i need previous year papers of mechanical engineering
for et of bhel recruietment
please sir send the papers in my email id-
I want bhel mechanical engineer privious five years pl send to my e mail id.
Sir i am a Mechanical Engineer and i want last Syllabus of BHEL-2011. Which book should i read for it and please mail me last 10 years question papre and there answers.
sir please send syllabus and trienee previous papers.
Sir pls send me privious qustion papder of bhel for mech.engg(diploma holder)
my email
sir i want last five year question paper for supervisir tranni for mechanical engg
i want to previous year question paper for diploma in mechanical engg.
please send me previous years placement papers with answer of BHEL for mechanical engineering for the post engineer trainee.
i want the syllabus of mechanical engineering of bhel
sir i want last five year question paper for supervisir tranni for mechanical engg
Sir,I have completed B.E. Mechanical Engineering.I need syllabus and previous5 years question papers of bhel. kindly send to my email id. Thank You.
please send last 10 years previous bhel papers for mechanical trainee engineers
My mail id is
Sir we required last five year solved papersof st(electrical)
please send me five year question papers of mechanical engg for ET in bhel to my mail id sir
please send me five year question papers of mechanical engg for ET in bhel
sir i want previous fiver year question papers for engg trainee B-tech( electrical engineering) please send it to my mail id
Sir,I am studying B.E. Mechanical Engineering.I need syllabus and previous5 years question papers. kindly send to my email id. Thank You.
Sir, I need syllabus and previous5 years question papers in Mechanical Engineering. kindly send to my email id. Thank You.
sir i want previous fiver year question papers for B.E( mechanical engineering) please send it to my mail id
Thank you sir
Sir I completed B.E MECHANICAL.I would like to work in bhel. How to prepare to select bhel and previous question paper send for me for preparation use.when will you call for this year
hi sir i want BHEL exam’s Last ten year question paper for Engineer Trainee..
sir i am complete 3year diploma in mechanical engg.i want to 10 year question paper for supervisor tranee(je).please
Recently i hv finished my 2nd yr in btech. (mech). I want to a part of bhel. Fr dis firstly i wanna hv syallabus fr it. Secondly sm sample papers to overview d pattern. Thirdly i want to knw d step wise procedure i do follow to become d part of bhel.
Help me plz.
Kindly mail me .
Ur prmpt actn shall be highly appreciable.
Recently i hv finished my 2nd yr in btech. (mech). I want to a part of bhel. Fr dis firstly i wanna hv syallabus fr it. Secondly sm sample papers to overview d pattern. Thirdly i want to knw d step wise procedure i do follow to become d part of bhel.
Help me plz.
Hi im smruti im diploma holder in mechanical branch. I want previous 5 years competative que papers with answear
Dear sir
I want 2 sm fitter question paper pls send me sir.
sir,i want last six year question paper for trainee mechanical engg.send the question to my email as soon as possible sir.
sir,plz send me bhel mechanical engg last 10 years tec question papers and aptitude question papers
I want to do diploma engineering please send sample papers
please send me exam pettern,date,criteria and syllabus for mechanical engg.
please send BHEL previous year qustion paper
Sir i am pursueing diploma in tool and die making . Want to join in bhel plz suggest me which subject i have to prefer more & send the syllabus of bhel.
when was upcomming recruitment of bhel
Please send me last 10 yr solved bhel(last 10 yr solved) papers for mechanical(engineering trainee).
thank u
diploma in automobile engineering model question paper 2006 up to 2010
as i am prepare to BHEL .if u have previous yr question paper for MECHANICAL TRAINEE please send to me email
as i am prepare to BHEL .if u have previous yr question paper for MECHANICAL TRAINEE please send to me email .
thanks for your contribution towards my progress
send me exam pettern,date,criteria and syllabus for mechanical engg.
how can i join bhel ? what part of my subject i should study more as i am 2nd year mechanical student.
please snd bhel syllabus 4 mechanical engg. and some papers..
what is the salary of mechanical engineer in bhel
sir i am studying B.E mechanical engg third year . i wish to work at bhel so could you give me information to join bhel….
i m in 2nd yr btech mech. mi drm is to join bhel bcoz ……my bro is also in bhel. so tell me how can i join this??
Hi i want to join in bhel. Please give me the information of the written.this the aim of my life. this my mail id
sir…! i want solutions also…
atlest send me link 4 solutions
in power plant cycle if we connect turbine to pump not condenser used
it is possible or not
can u please tell me cuttoff scores of bhel written test for et’s in 2010 and please tell me some tips how to prepare for BHEL interview
plz send me the previous 10 year solved question papers of mechanical placement papers
cud u plz send me all the sample question papers…….
respected sir, cud you please send me recent question papers solved and tell how about the recruitment for ece department student, and how far would be the questions?
please send last 10 years previous bhel papers for mechanical engineers solve papper….
please send last 10 years previous bhel papers for mechanical engineers solve papaer….
can a car be driven by using water as a fuel?
why alchohol cant be used as a fuel in diesel engine?
as i am prepare to BHEL .if u have previous yr question paper for MECHANICAL TRAINEE please send to me email .
thanks for your contribution towards my progress
I have attended 110 to 120 questions out of 240 questions in BHEL ET 2010. In that i am sure that 115 questions were correct. Is it possible for me to select in the written test. Please ans….
i want to know about details of an internal combustion engine
wht is horse power ?
braking horse power ?
is it possible to construct a camless 4 stroke engine ?
Why Carnot cycle is not used as an idle cycle for steam power plant?
pls snd tht sample question papers for bhel mechanical trainee engineers exam
Please send me last 10 yr solved bhel(last 10 yr solved) papers for mechanical(engineering trainee).
thank you!
can u plz send the previous year mechanical placement papers.
thank you