6th August 2012, 07:16 PM
Can I get a seat in BSc Agriculture in SV Agriculture University Tirupati after securing 32000 in EAMCET?
By Securing 32000 rank in EAMCET 2012 - any chances are there to get a seat in B.Sc., Agriculture in S V Ag., University, Tirupati. I belongs to B C-D catogory. When will be counsilling date. If, there is no chance- Pls., provide me the management quota details.
Regards Parant |
5th June 2013, 11:26 PM
Can i get a seat in Bsc Agriculture after scoring 49804 ?
8th June 2013, 08:11 AM
I am achieving 28000 rank in emcet can I have chances to get admission in agriculture bsc in sv university tirupathi
11th June 2013, 01:50 PM
I get 32104 rank in eamcet and local rank is 705 is there any chance for me to get saet in Bsc agriculture college in tirupathi.If not in which course i will get a saet.
25th June 2013, 04:23 PM
By Securing 15897r ank in EAMCET 2013 - any chances are there to get a seat in B.Sc., Agriculture in S V Ag., University, Tirupati. I belongs to B C-D catogory and female. If, there is no chance- Pls., provide me the management quota details.
26th June 2013, 09:38 AM
By Securing 36253 rank in EAMCET 2013 - any chances are there to get a seat in B.Sc., Agriculture in S V Ag., University, Tirupati. I belongs to B C-A category and female. If, there is no chance- Pls., provide me the management quota details
7th August 2013, 05:39 PM
sir,i got 28052 rank in eamcet 2013-any chance are there to get a seat in B.sc.,agriculture in SV Ag.,University,Tirupati.I belongs to BC-A category and female.if there is no chance-Pls.,provide me the management quote details
5th July 2014, 05:43 PM
Sir i got 15000 rank in eamcet .i want to join in ag .b.sc /b.vsc .am i eligible for getting a govt seat .please send me the details about about getting 2014 online application form and joining dates as the last date is not so far ....
31st March 2017, 11:38 AM
B.Sc in Agriculture is an undergraduate Agriculture Science and Technology course. The duration of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture course is four years.
Candidate must have passed 12th class in Science stream with Physics Chemistry and Biology as subjects. The minimum percentage required for Bachelor of Science in Agriculture is 50%. As per my knowledge, you are not eligible to get a seat in BSc Agriculture in SV Agriculture University Tirupati after securing 32000 in EAMCET. My suggestion to you is that you can apply for admission in private college which accept your score because as per your rank you are not eligible to get admission top govenrment college. |