7th November 2011, 01:00 PM
How can I get information about a student studying in RV College of Engineering Mysore Raod, Bangalore?
Dear sir, I wanted to know about a student studying in RV college of engineering in mysore road, Bangalore. Is Keerthi Raaj Aithal a student of RV College of Engineering Mysore road, Bangalore. Please help me out in this regard.
22nd May 2019, 04:41 PM
As you want to know about a student studying in RV college of engineering You can get few information about it as given below : ==>LIST OF STUDENT ADMITTED TO 1ST YEAR 2016 - 2017 :https://rvce.edu.in/sites/default/fi...20-%202017.pdf ==>LIST OF STUDENT ADMITTED TO 1ST YEAR 2015 - 2016 : https://rvce.edu.in/sites/default/fi...20-%202016.pdf ==>LIST OF STUDENT ADMITTED TO 1ST YEAR 2014 - 2015 : https://rvce.edu.in/sites/default/fi...20-%202015.pdf I hope this information may help you |
22nd May 2019, 06:14 PM
RV college of Engineering which is in Mysore road Bangalore which is well known college in Bangalore as well as in Karnataka also they have college official blogs and Facebook pages there they write about there students who are giving good performances and if the student participate any college activities and Events you can easily get in college sites. you can directly consult to college management you can ask the person to meet.