1st December 2011, 07:11 PM
How to get the CPT admit card for December exam?
Sir , Plese Help Me to How Can i get CPT Admit Card for December 2011 Still I didnt get So I Am Worried about it
1st December 2011, 11:35 PM
firstly contact the officials at chennai and enquire, they will ask you to login through the icai site, i.e www.icai.org and to take a print out of the admit card. You need not worry as the examination centres accept the printout of the admit card.
6th December 2011, 12:57 PM
I have still not received my admit card but i have taken the printout of the same. Do the examination centres accept the printout of the admit card in mumbai? Plz sir reply asap.
14th December 2011, 12:43 AM
i have not received the admit card of CPTexam 2011and i don't have any print out.i am unable to download the admit card.i am also tried in icai.nic.in/admit.php. i am submit my reg.no and PIN but there is no happening of download please help me