4th November 2010, 07:50 PM
How to Get Into CBI and CID?
This is anjaneyulu gandesri i having llb 2nd year 3-years course and i want to do CBI or CID officer, what is procedure for this type of steps to this jobs. please give me suggestion. thank u sir |
6th November 2010, 10:30 PM
how to get into cid and cbi?
7th November 2010, 10:10 AM
hiiiiiii i think they publish for requirement for job in CBI so keep check for this and apply for it ......so keep check and prepare they will give syllabus too.....and ALL THE BEST.......
11th November 2010, 07:56 PM
dear friend
complete your bachelor degree first. You can join CBI AND CID through staff selection commission and UPSC. SSC conducts combined graduate level examination for it and through ICS and IAS from upsc. For more information please visit WWW.UPSC.NIC.IN WWW.SSC.NIC.IN or keep viewing employment news weekly hope for the best of your future |
2nd November 2011, 10:06 PM
To join CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation) officer you have to appear for Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam conducted by SSC(Staff Selection Committee)
* Candidates should have a graduation from a recognized university. * The age limit must be within 20 to 27 for general category. * The age limit must be up to 35 years for SC/ST candidates. * The age limit must be up to 33 years for OBC candidates. Attempts: For General category - 4 attempts. For SC/ST category - No limit For OBC category - 7 attempts Best wishes |
23rd January 2013, 08:59 AM
To join CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation) officer you have to appear for Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam conducted by SSC(Staff Selection Committee)
* Candidates should have a graduation from a recognized university. * The age limit must be within 20 to 27 for general category. * The age limit must be up to 35 years for SC/ST candidates. * The age limit must be up to 33 years for OBC candidates. |