25th November 2009, 01:54 PM
How to join commandos or other reserch teams like RAW?
I want to know how to join commandos and other reserch teams as raw.
1. Nsg commando (recruitment procedure and entry forms ) 2. Force one commando (recruitment procedure and entry forms ) 3.raw (reserch and analysis wing) 4. Any other secret intelligence organization of government of india. (recruitment procedure and entry forms ) |
1st December 2009, 12:30 AM
NSG is not a child's play,for it you have to be an indian army officer first,after that they will select the best ones from thousand's of officers,after a regorous training and cracking the iron grams,you will appointed as a NSG CAMMANDO.
RAW: the only candidates who have toped the list of IAS exam are selected as a raw officer for a period of 2years which is extendable for upto 5-7years. you can join other agencies like IB,CBI,CID etc by cracking entrances. |
1st December 2009, 10:31 PM
Please tell me when will the exams for cid,cbi and ib will held?
9th December 2009, 03:07 AM
there is no enterance for such confidential agencies.......generally they analyse officers for years and check their performance and then they are confidentially approached for such agencies.......
9th December 2009, 09:34 AM
the government of India takes officers in this group after lots of verifications and tests until they are sure about you,
you have to just apply for this jobs,the notifications appear in all the daily news papers whenever there is any vacancy. |
14th February 2010, 11:07 PM
candidates who have toped the list of IAS exam are selected as a raw officer, there is no need to give entrance. you can join cbi or cid to be a raw or commandos.
16th February 2010, 12:24 AM
you can not chose the raw,
raw will chose you, there is no any seperates exam for the raw, raw is chosen very confidencially from the armed forces, |
17th February 2010, 06:03 PM
there is no entrance exam for RAW. but raw selects the toppers of UPSC . upsc sends the list of the toppers to the raw.
another way is- if u know many languages, specially the local and the foreign, and have a very good command then you can apply. but remember one thing RAW is a confidential organisation and after joining one has to keep his professional totally confidential, |
19th February 2010, 06:30 PM
in my view ..
there is no any separates exam for the RAW... RAW is chosen very confidentially from the armed forces and ministry of defence... first you prepare for I A S exams then think about it....... good luck...... |
9th June 2010, 12:12 PM
To join these forces, you have to qualified for the exam like CDSE, IAS etc. then after going through the exams., you have to work in that particular carree,
and then after some years of service, apply for these special forces provided you have special qualification/record/merit during your normal service. Only then you have the right to aplly. consequently, these special forces will choose you based on your past records/special qualifications/special courses you are holding now. you don't need to choose but they will choose you....You can also join NSG below at officer level while you are in service in armed forces provided you have good records/special requirement for NSG commandos. |
29th July 2010, 09:10 PM
I am 12th passed student.I am really very attracted to this special operation teams. i want to become a NSG cammando. i want to serve INDIA by joining this NSG cammando team. I have passion to become a NSG cmmando team. i am ready to do anything for joining this team. Please sircan you tell me how can i join this NSG cammando team. BY AVINASH NARHE.
30th July 2010, 06:23 AM
Hi friend,
In NSG, there are two recruitment methods, first one is Internal Hiring from Paramilitary Forces & Army. & the second one is Direct recruitment.. Here are some detail about the recruitment eligibility & procedure in Direct Recruitment... The Recruitment of Police Constables to the Commando Wing (Men only) of India Reserve Battalion through a Special Selection Board (NSG). Age limit : Must have completed 18 years (Eighteen) of age and must not have completed 22 years (Twenty Two) of age as on 01.01.2009. No relaxation in age will be allowed for any special category. 7) Educational Qualifications: Pass in S.S.L.C or Equivalent. No relaxation in qualification will be allowed for any special category. 8) Physical Qualifications: (a) 1) Height - 167 cm. 2) Chest - 81 cms with a maximum expansion of 5 cm. No relaxation will be allowed for any special category. (b) Eye Sight : Must be certified to possess visual standards specified below without glasses. Right eye Left eye 1. Distant vision 6/6 Snellen 6/6 Snellen 2. Near vision 0.5 Snellen 0.5 Snellen Note: (1) Each eye must have full field of vision. (2) Colour blindness, squint or any morbid condition of the eyes or lids of either eyes shall be a disqualification. (c) Must be free from apparent physical defects like knock knee, flat foot, varicose veins, bow legs, deformed limbs, irregular & protruding teeth, defective speech and hearing. (d) At the time of Physical Efficiency Test, the Candidates should produce Medical Certificates (in original) in the forms prescribed, here under certifying to their physical fitness and eyesight. The Medical Certificates (Physical Fitness) should be one obtained from a Medical Officer under the Government not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon and that of Eye sight from an Ophthalmologist not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon under the Government. Selection Criteria 9) Endurance Test (Eligibility Test) All candidates who have applied will have to undergo an Endurance test (Physical Efficiency Test) which will be of qualifying nature and shall consist of a road run of 5 Kms to be completed within 25 minutes. Individual memos will not be issued for the test. Candidates can download the admission Tickets for the Endurance Test through a link in KPSC website www.keralapsc.org . Candidates are advised to take a receipt of their online application and the Bar code number should be written down and kept in safe custody for future reference. 10) Written Test / OMR Test Those who qualify the endurance test will have to undergo a written test / OMR test conducted by the Special Selection Board. Marks obtained in the written test will be given weightage of 50% in the ranking for the selection process, subject to such minimum qualifying marks as may be prescribed by the Board depending on overall performance. 11) Physical Efficiency Test On the basis of the marks obtained in OMR Test a Main List and a Supplementary List containing sufficient number of candidates eligible for reservation, will be published. All the candidates so enlisted will be called for a Physical Efficiency Test as mentioned hereunder. Note: Physical measurements of the candidates will be taken at the time of Physical Efficiency Test. Those who do not have the prescribed measurement will not be allowed to participate in the Test. 4 Standard of Physical Efficiency Sl. No Items One Star Two Star Three Star 1)100 Meters run 14 Seconds 13 Seconds 12 Seconds 2) High Jump 132.20 cm (4'6'') 152.40 cm (5') 160cm (5'3") 3 Long Jump 457.20 cm (15') 518.20 cm (17') 579.10 cm (19') 4)Putting the shot of 7264 Grams 609.60 cm (20') 731.50 cm (24') 853.40 cm (28') 5)Throwing the Cricket Ball 6096 cm (200') 6558 cm (225') 8382 cm (275') 6)Rope Climbing (Only Hands) 365.80 cm (12') 426.20 cm (14') 487.7 cm (16') 7)Pull Ups or Chinning 8 times 10 times 15 times 8)1500 Meters run 5 min 44 sec 5 min 15 sec 5 min Those who achieve One Star standard performance for each item will be awarded 3 marks, Two Star standard 5 Marks and Three Star standard 6 Marks. Achieving performance levels 10% better than Three Star Standard in any item will be given a bonus of 1 mark subject to the limit, that the maximum bonus marks awarded will be 2 marks. Each Candidate should qualify in at least 5 items in one star standard and get a minimum of 20 marks to qualify the Physical Efficiency Test. Total points attained in the Physical Efficiency Test will be considered for the remaining 50% weightage. On the basis of the total marks of the written test and Physical Efficiency Test, the final rank list will be prepared. 5)Those who figure in the Ranked list will be subjected to suitable Medical, Psychological, Behavioral & Attitudinal test in such manner as may be decided by the Board in which those found unsuitable will be eliminated. 12) Reservation of Appointment: There shall be reservation as applicable to other public services, but without any relaxation in any criteria. 13) Training Those selected for pre service training as Trainee Police constables of Commando Wing, India Reserve Battalion shall undergo training on a prescribed Syllabus. The total duration of training of those recruited in India Reserve Battalion will be 18 months, which will be divided into two phases of 9 months each. Phase 1 will be the basic training at any of the Training Institutions with in the State or at any place outside the State and phase II will be the attachment to the Army, NSG and other CPMFs where Special Training meant for Commandos will be arranged for them. Phase I training will be again divided into leg-one of 6 months duration and leg-two of 3 months duration. After the completion of phase I of the training, an examination will be conducted for the recruits. Those failing will be liable to be discharged, if they do not clear the test despite two more opportunities given within one year. The Commandos will have to pass Additional Special Training as may be prescribed. Those who complete the training successfully will be appointed as Police Constables (Commando) of India Reserve Battalion. 14) Stipend Trainee Police Constables in Commando Wing, India Reserve Battalion will be paid a monthly stipend equivalent to that of their basic pay during their period of pre-service training or as decided by the Government from time to time. 15) Probation Every person appointed to Commando Wing of India Reserve Battalion shall from the date on which he joins duty after successful completion of pre-service training be on probation for a total period of 2 years on duty with in a continuous period of 3 years. 16) Bond Those who get selected for appointment as trainee India Reserve Battalion Constable (Commando Wing), shall execute a bond to the effect that they will serve in the India Reserve Battalion for a period of 5 years after completion of training, failing which they will have to remit an amount of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only). 17) Special Allowance The personnel in the Commando Wing will be eligible for such Special Allowance and Special Diet Allowances as may be decided by Government from time to time in addition to their normal pay and allowances. 18) Service Area Those recruited will be liable to serve any where in India or under the Government of India or Government of other States, if required. 7 19) Transfer from Commando Wing to Regular Wing Personnel from Commando Wing are allowed to opt for Regular Wing / District Armed Reserve of their choice on completion of 10 years of satisfactory service in the Commando Wing counted from the date of joining for training but excluding period of leave without Allowance. They will also be eligible then, to be transferred to any Police Training Institution or to any Security related Special Unit without loss of rank, pay or seniority. Constables can continue in the Commando Wing till they attain 40 years of age after which they may be posted in other wings in the India Reserve Battalion. 20) Transfer to Armed Reserve Constables in Commando Wing, India Reserve Battalion will be considered for appointment to the District Armed Reserve of their choice on transfer, after completing 10 years of actual service which will include all eligible leave except leave without Allowances. On such Armed Reserve transfer, they will be assigned seniority with effect from the date of effective advice of the Special Selection Board. 21) Promotion They will be eligible for promotion to the rank of Head Constable in India Reserve Battalion on completion of 3 years of service and passing the prescribed test. The Constables in the Commando Wing will also be eligible for promotion as Head Constable in the Regular Wing in the India Reserve Battalion. Special Attention to the candidates Candidates will be required to continuously undergo special training which will be quite arduous and demanding. They will be required to work in dangerous conditions anywhere in India as may be necessary and will have to knowingly expose themselves to life threatening situations in the course of duty. Best of Luck Vishal Chaudhary |
25th August 2010, 01:32 PM
dear friend,
basically commandos are the best police personals.they are chosen from top paramilitary forces.every paramilitary forces has its own squad of commandos. also army has its own commandos.they are well trained,healthy and fit for the job.they are always ready to do their jobs. they become ready quickly. so at first become the part of any above forces. after that based on your performance you cam join any forces as a commandos. best of luck. |
8th October 2010, 02:18 PM
![]() Quote:
as far asi know there is not a seperte exam or entru for RAW agents.only those who are ranked top in IAS(UPSC civil service),this option is open to them only. and NSG commando ranking is not simple,this is choose among the army or defence officers.more than thousands officers are compit for each post. first you prepare for I A S exams then or defence service examinations then thin of it. nothing is impossible. good luck. |
8th October 2010, 09:29 PM
![]() All About R & AW R & AW is an independant body, it has the power to select candidates as they wish, sometime R & AW recruits there agents and officers from Army, IPS, IAS, IB, CBI, or sometimes directly from Universities (very rare case). There is no permanent job in R & AW,top chief for R & AW are selected from IB,CBI,ARMY,IAS etc. who are serving India from atleast 20 years. And there tenure as a R & AW chief is for 2 years. Present R & AW chief is P K Hormis Tharakan, who is 1968 batch IPS and was Directorate General of Police. In the same way previous R & AW chief was Mr. K.C.Verma he was the chief of IB. Now the thing would be clear to you, that there is no direct recruitment policy for it. Like wise IAS, IPS etc. R & AW service is known as RAS (Research and Ananlysis Service). The whole tenure of a R & AW agent is of nearly 2-5 years, after that they are allowed to back to there old service of weather IAS, IPS etc. If you want to join R & AW directly then I have four ideas strucking in mind. 1) Deputy Field Officers (DFO): Are appointed directly at the junior levels and then the field officers and senior field officers. DFO are recruited for General Duty (GO), basically in telecom, technical and economics. As we know other than GO, the rest are promoted to FO and then RO (Resident Officers) in their respective cadres. We know (General Knowledge) that Field officers (equivalent to inspector) and senior field officer (equivalent to DSP) are appointed on seniority. You need to work for a minimum of eight years as a DFO to be promoted to the next level, that is a FO. Similarly after minimum five years FO is promoted to senior field officer (SFO) (Class I) rank. Foreign postings are only for General Duty FO and SFO, under, secretary, deputy secretary, director, joint secretary and additional secretary. However Cabinet Secretary heads the whole one. Before reaching to PM (Prime Minister) or Defence Mnistry, Home Ministry, Officers and Agent should have to go through “Cabinet Secretary”. (Don’t be confused just for General Knowledge). 2) Senior level appointments are made in two ways: A) On the campus recruitment of Civil Service candidates at the foundation course. Candidates who TOP IAS exams are invited by RAS to join them. But its not so easy. RAS conducts its own entrance even tougher then IAS, followed by Personality test etc. Then begins training ..........! Training at RAS is very different from those of any other Security services. Basic training conssist of "PEP TALK" this is to increase the level of confidance of the officer. Which contains various case studies of reputed National and International Security organisations etc. Then comes new training of 1 or 2 years, which is normal. B)Recruitment of university graduates. The general criteria followed is a 1st class from Class X onwards (till selection). Final selection is made through interviews. Remember one thing all these are quite interesting to read but not easy to achieve. One of the quality of R & AW officers is that sometimes they are also TOP level "White cap Hackers" are also recruited in R & AW in very rare case if they dont find good 'Hackers" from ARMY or IPS. 3) Special appointments: Are made in technical or scientific field through campus interviews at such institutes. R & AW prefers persons who have had some experience of working in government organisations. Interview panels include experts and selectors from UPSC. 4) Language specialists: They find employment with R & AW because it deals with foreign countries and is involved in the study of foreign service materials characteristics. R & AW recruits interpreters who are promoted to assistant foreign language examiner and then to deputy foreign language examiner. Interpreters are recruited directly to the language cadre. NOTE: There is no SC/ST quota or reservation for any of these jobs. About NSG
There is no Recruitment policy for NSG or Black Cat Cammado's all these are Army personels. Generally A Young "Major" rank officer is appointent to head a team of NSG or Black Cat Cammado's Head is nothing but an Major, and the rest of members are of rank lower then it. Candidate who are already an Army officer and Medical Fit in all respect and satisfying few other criterias are selected for be a NSG or Black Cat Cammado's then they are given strict trainging in Gorila Combats, Tactics etc. Regards ~Faiyaz~ Last edited by faiyaz; 8th October 2010 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Added All Details After Persuing a Long Research. |
8th November 2010, 05:03 PM
Dear Sir
I am Senthil. I am completed B.Com. in 2007. i'm NCC 'C' Certificate Holder... and i like to join any uniform services... and also i know about NSG.. can u please tell me how can i join the NSG... & Mode of the recruitment...??? Sir please reply me... Constable or SI Cadre... i was to join... Please reply |
10th November 2010, 04:42 AM
Dear Sir
I am Santanu. I am doing my graduation & completed NCC 'C' Certificate. But I have knock knee & flat foot. Please let me know am I eligible to join Kolkata Police, West Bengal Police or West Bengal Police Service? Please reply. |
8th January 2011, 01:50 AM
I want to know how to join commandos and other reserch teams as raw.
1. Nsg commando (recruitment procedure and entry forms ) 2. Force one commando (recruitment procedure and entry forms ) 3.raw (reserch and analysis wing) 4. Any other secret intelligence organization of government of india. (recruitment procedure and entry forms )[/QUOTE] and etc things |
5th March 2011, 01:20 PM
Hello sir this Arunkumar.S from Tamilnadu. I want how to join NSG commando. Already saw your advice 1. NSG commando can't recruitment directly and Indian army person only selected to direct NSG commando.So pls infor first how join Indian Army
5th March 2011, 01:28 PM
Hello sir this is Arunkumar.S from Tamilnadu .I want how to join NSG commando.Already i saw your advice 1. NSG commando can't recruitment
directly. Indian army member's only recruit directly.So pls tel how to join INDIAN ARMY. JAI HIND |
20th March 2011, 05:46 PM
21st March 2011, 07:11 PM
Dear sir/
I am Arunkumar.S from Tamil nadu. How to join NSG commando.Pls help me and my mail id : [email protected] and [email protected] HAI HINDU |
2nd April 2011, 04:12 PM
2nd April 2011, 04:38 PM
5th May 2011, 01:36 PM
Iam pradeesh from kerala palakkad ...........i inculding the INDIA RESERVE BATTALION COMMANDO WING 2009 ,Rank no:842, I loving in the Job ,OTHER DETAILS OF HIGHT CHEST ETC.... allredy called 200trainee in kerala.is any chance call next batch? I love you india ..... please replay sir E mail: [email protected]. Thanku sir............ |
22nd June 2011, 04:50 PM
sir please infrom me RAW new from my Email [email protected]
with warm regard Vimal kumar Jai hind....... |
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