30th July 2011, 12:17 PM
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How may I get my admit card for Air-force group Y exam?

Dear sir ,
i am rajkumar pandeys/o dayashankar pandey.town-baldeo dist-mathura tahseel-mahavan add-jawahar road near the bombay wali dharamshala .mob-8909245267

27th August 2016, 05:05 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 2
Default Re: How may I get my admit card for Air-force group Y exam?

Hello...If you insert your phone no.than they will send you the website to download the admit card..Howsoever you can also log onto www.joinindianairforce.nic.in There you must search by putting the batch number in which you are applying.Afterall please keep the registration number for use.
28th August 2016, 03:53 AM
Junior Member+
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ranchi, India
Posts: 63
Default Re: How may I get my admit card for Air-force group Y exam?

For download admit card of IAF ny form you have applied you must have:

1. Registration Number
2. Password

There may be possibilities of rejection of application form due to these reasons and you will be unable to download the admit card:

1. Not short listed - Your % marks is below cut-off marks
2. Not fulfilling Eligibility Criteria
3. Hard Copy of application not received
4. Incomplete Application Form

To download your admit card you can go to the indian air force officail website or go to this link: https://airmenselection.gov.in/OARS/oars/downloadAdmitCard
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