25th February 2011, 12:19 AM
How much is the freshers salary in CMS? What is the CMMI level of CMS company?
hi friends,
I'm srikanth. I want to know about cms computers ltd. What is the freshers salary in cms? And also what is the cmmi level of cms company? Please anyone who know the correct details reply me! |
28th April 2011, 05:01 PM
Email Link Feedback Report Share Articles section CMS Salaries July 12, 2007 Successful companies, as a general rule, don't have an administrator at-large roaming the halls looking for something to do while drawing a six-figure paycheck. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has two, with combined salaries of more than $250,000. What exactly is an administrator at-large, you ask? In this case, they are principals who have been reassigned to new positions but are still in their principal contracts, typically working out of the Ed Shed that change-agent Superintendent Peter Gorman supposedly stripped of all deadwood in his push for decentralization. And about that change agent: Gorman's $250,000 base salary makes him the highest paid bureaucrat in Char-Meck government. That base salary doesn't include benefits or perks attached to his pay package, which tops out at about $310,000 a year. Gorman is eligible to receive a performance bonus of up to $25,000. Given that he's the one crafting the criteria to be used to judge his performance, it's a safe bet he'll see every last dime. But Gorman isn't the only one making big bucks at CMS. This year 25 employees are hauling in $130,000 or more per year compared to only eight last year. There are at least 74 employees paid an annual salary of $100,000 or more, compared to 50 who were paid that much last year. This year's listing of CMS salaries does not include several positions, including six area executive directors, which were approved after this list was compiled June 26. Those folks – Ron Dixon, Linda Kiser, Monique Gardner-Witherspoon, Lory Morrow, Melissa Dunlap and Shelton Jefferies – are still listed in their old positions. Their salaries as area executive directors are: Dixon ($120,922), Dunlap ($85,946), Gardner-Witherspoon ($93,635), Jefferies ($78,550), Kiser ($101,770) and Morrow ($85,328). Two area executive directors also not on the list – Olivine Roberts and Carolyn Mean – will be paid base salaries of, respectively, $115,000 and $95,400. Also, new area superintendent Nancy Bartles is listed as a high school principal. She will make a base salary of $145,232 in her new job. Robert Avossa is listed as chief of staff, but was recently named as a new area superintendent with an annual salary of $130,828. Tyler Ream takes over Avossa's old post and salary of $125,000. Hugh Hattabaugh and Scott Muri are two more area superintendents not on the list. They will be paid, respectively, $140,000 and $130,828 a year. Elva Cooper will make $120,922 as an area superintendent, the same as her listed salary as a regional superintendent. Some interesting salaries of note are Chief Communications Officer Nora Carr, who is paid $131,875 a year, or about as much as two, three or four teachers combined, depending on their experience; and a slew of principals who make $100,000 or more a year – there are 45 of them this year compared to 27 last year. The number of elementary school principals making at least $100,000 per year saw the biggest jump, up from eight last year to 20 this year. There are also several high school principals who are paid at least $100,000 a year and helm schools where less than 52 percent of students are testing at grade level: John Modest at West Charlotte makes $134,301 a year and only 45 percent of students there tested at grade level (which, in fairness to Modest, is a 6.4 point increase from the previous year); Jo Ella Ferrell at Garinger is paid $129,960 a year and only 49.1 percent of students there tested at grade level, which was an increase of 4.1 points from the previous year; and Charity Bell, principal of West Mecklenburg, is paid $109,098 per year, while only 51.1 percent of students under her charge tested at grade level, a bump of 4.1 points from the previous year. Waddell High Principal Stanley Frazier makes $105,984 per year and 46 percent of students there tested at grade level, a drop of 4 points from the previous year. Likewise, South Mecklenburg also saw its percentage of students testing at grade level fall (8.3 points to 63.2 percent), while Principal Maureen Furr makes $145,632 per year, a jump from the $120,930 she made last year. Myers Park Principal Thomas Spivey is paid $132,967 this year, while the number of students there testing at grade level dipped 4.5 points to 78 percent. North Meck Principal Joey Burch's salary increased from $112,153 last year to $117,774 this year, while the number of students at North Meck testing at grade level was 69.9 percent, down from 71.9 percent in 2005. This list of salaries includes CMS employees who are paid $60,000 or more per year and does not reflect any staffing changes that took place after June 26. The listed salaries do not include any bonuses that might be part of pay packages. Are Charlotte-Mecklenburg taxpayers getting their money's worth? Let us know what you think by calling The Sound of the Beep at 704-338-1031. Gorman, Peter Superintendent $250,000 Green, Maurice Chief Operating Officer $195,000 Shirley, Sheila Finance Officer $158,490 Perez, Ruth Chief Academic Officer $158,490 Raymond, Jonathan Chief Accountability Officer $158,490 Furr, Maureen Principal, HS $145,632 Chamberlain, Guy Assoc Supt Auxiliary Services $139,260 Hammond, James Regional Superintendent, MS $139,185 Bartles, Nancy Principal, HS $137,011 Ritchie, Joel Area Superintendent $134,971 Modest, John Principal, HS $134,301 Ellis, Edward Administrator, At Large $133,416 Spivey, Thomas Principal, HS $132,967 Waggoner, Christine Principal, MS $132,511 Carr, Nora Chief Communications Officer $131,875 Clark, Ann Regional Superintendent, HS $130,828 Carroll, Curtis Area Supt $130,828 Mathews, Michael Principal, HS $130,282 Ambler, Maurice Chief HR Officer $130,000 Ferrell, Jo Principal, HS $129,960 Middleton, John Chief Info Officer $129,382 Avossa, Robert Chief Of Staff $125,000 Stickley, Alicia Regional Supt, MS $123,074 Baucom, Angela Principal, MS $122,030 Olshausen, Ynez Principal, MS $121,725 Adams, Diane Principal, ES $120,967 Merritt, Cheryl Principal, ES $120,956 Cooper, Elva Regional Supt, ES $120,922 Dixon, Ronald Asst Supt, MS C&I $120,922 Morris, Linda Asst Supt, ES C&I $120,922 Rhyne, Mary Asst Supt, EC Srv $119,654 Laborde, Charles Principal, HS $119,135 Cox, Alan Administrator, At Large $118,448 Burch, Joseph Principal, HS $117,774 Carpenter, Martha Principal, ES $116,509 Witt, David Principal, ES $116,509 Jones, Mary Principal, HS $115,462 Johnson, Susie Principal, ES $113,459 Espinosa, Pamela Principal, HS $113,264 Morris, Michele Counsel, (Temp) $110,985 Hammond, Catherine Principal, ES $110,523 Brinkley, Anne Principal, ES $110,395 Ritchie, T. Principal, ES $109,234 Bell, Charity Principal, HS $109,098 Hicks, Nancy Principal, MS $109,055 Meehan, Myrna Principal, ES $108,604 Berman, Phillip Exec Dir Facilities & Mainte $107,831 Brown, Pamela Principal, ES $106,714 Lockley, Gifford Principal, MS $106,435 Frazier, Stanley Principal, HS $105,984 Hall, Steven Principal, ES $104,373 Gimenez, Suzanne Principal, ES $103,600 Hopkins, Theresa Principal, HS $103,385 Petrea, Maria Principal, ES $103,029 Menser, Jackie Principal, MS $102,827 Rea, Katherine Principal, HS $102,333 Graham, Edieth Principal, ES $102,032 Bohlen, Charles Principal, ES $102,019 Mintz, Linda Principal, ES $101,774 Wilson, Duane Principal, ES $101,547 Cockerham, Teresa Principal, HS $101,439 Stamper, Carol Exec Dir, Transportation $101,431 Guzman, Nancy Principal, ES $101,259 Sheppard, Rosemary Principal, ES $101,074 Mayes, Lawrance Principal, ES $101,001 Comeaux, Denise Principal, MS $100,335 Sigmon, Sherry Principal, HS $100,314 Harrill, Tracey Principal, MS $100,099 Nixon, Mark Principal, HS $100,078 McCaskill, Janet Principal, ES $99,742 Burnett, Mary Principal, ES $99,635 Johnson, Alicisa Principal, HS $99,369 Winston, Albert Dir, Educ Plan Facilities $98,961 Lamb, Dale Asst Principal HS $98,782 Collins, Katherine Principal, ES $98,360 Burnham, Diane Principal, ES $98,123 Brandon-Phelan, Celia Principal, ES $97,629 Pratt, Paul Principal, ES $97,488 Hamilton, Vivian Dir Of Athletics $97,449 Bucci, Anthony Asst Supt $97,442 Blackwell, Jacqueline Principal, ES $97,393 Owen, Carol Principal, MS $96,727 Mangieri, Deborah Principal, ES $96,706 Gardner, Deirdra Principal, MS $96,470 Cauthen, Philip Principal, HS $96,198 Taylor, Ralph Exec Dir, Alt Ed/Safety $95,898 Damare', Sharon Principal, ES $95,877 Campbell, Byron Principal, ES $95,739 Evans, Diana Principal, ES $94,717 Kiser, Linda Principal, ES $94,030 Cannaday, M. Principal, ES $93,893 Purcell, Richard Exec Dir, Fed & State Prog $93,708 Atkinson, Denise Principal, HS Int $93,635 Brown, Jerry Principal, Essential School $93,635 Elling, Kathleen Principal, ES $93,579 Alcala, Michael Principal, ES $93,205 Fennoy, Donald Principal, HS $93,162 Johns, Dean Dir, Arts Eduction $93,162 Kale, Robbie Dir Of Magnet Schools $93,162 Baldwin, Phyllis Principal, ES $92,969 Carr, Kevin Principal, MS $92,561 Davidson, Janice Principal, ES $92,303 Brown, Terry Principal, MS $92,247 Miller, Gloria Dir, Media Srv $92,239 Robertson, Mark Principal, MS $91,817 Cox, Robert Asst Principal, HS $91,652 Villella, James Asst Principal, HS $91,590 Gray, Valerie Principal, ES $90,950 Ansaldo, Anthony Dir Of Architecture $90,714 McCorkle, Glenn Asst Dir, Technical Srv Op $90,617 Hinton, Shelley Principal, MS $90,079 Hearne, Denise Principal, ES $89,834 Ruiz, Barbara Manager, Student Data $88,867 Willis, Sara Asst Principal MS $88,833 Webb, Wanda Dir, EC $88,811 Paige, Kevin Principal, ES $88,760 Covington, Dennis Exec Dir, Budget $88,438 Raible, Mike Exec Dir, Facilities Planning $88,438 Richard, Luellen Exec Dir, Accounting $88,438 Smith, Thelma Principal, ES $88,330 Dula, Katy Coord, Assoc Supt $87,987 Newsome, Beverly Principal, ES $87,901 Ayano, Tekle Exec Dir, Assessment $87,772 Chancey, James Dir, Career And Tech Ed $87,665 Clinton, Ann Dir, Extended Day $87,665 Schmidt, Bonnie Principal, ES $87,287 Todd, Valerie Principal, ES $86,827 Babb, Mary Dir, Pre-K Srv $86,591 McCully, Scott Exec Dir, Student Placement $86,505 Roberson, Lynn Exec Dir, Cmps Foundation $86,505 Hall, Kay Dir, Business Systems $86,183 Shumate, Earl Dir, Telecommunications $86,183 Eaker, Katherine Spec, Avid $85,989 Manning, Susan Dir, Data Center Operations $85,775 Hall, Linda Asst Principal, HS $85,682 Knight, Rosa Asst Principal, MS $85,679 Gaither, Carolyn Dir, Social Workers $85,418 Gentry, Billie Principal, ES $85,345 Wade, Stephanie Principal, MS $85,173 Wilson, Olivia Asst Principal, MS $85,047 Ashford, Vanessa Principal, ES $84,989 Moreira-Garcia, P. Principal, ES $84,937 McCarley, Leslie Principal, ES $84,537 Aiken, James Principal, ES $84,529 Chisholm, Bettie Spec, Compliance $84,151 Sears, Melody Principal, Essential School $83,992 Wallace, Virginia Asst Principal, HS Int $83,647 Butler-Davis, Alexis Asst Principal, ES $83,626 Shepardson, Jerry Dir, Tech Srv $83,477 Featherstone, Willie Asst Principal, ES $83,397 Adamson, Darius Principal, MS $83,305 Carlton, Beryl Asst Principal, MS Int $83,185 Mcinnis, Connie Asst Principal, ES $83,013 Agurs, Crystal Principal, ES $82,875 Laws, Patty Spec, English Crclm $82,777 Kohl, Shirley Spec, Talent Dev $82,639 Webb, Lynwood Coord, Elem P&I $82,562 Meads, Katherine Dir, Esl Student Ed $82,561 Sturge, Mary Principal, ES $82,489 Winkeljohn, Jerry Principal On Assignment $82,124 Riemer, Timothy Principal, ES $82,081 Trela, John Asst Principal, HS $82,060 Marshall, Eric Principal, ES $82,004 Givens, Olivia Principal, ES $81,694 Brown, Peter Principal, MS $81,522 Anderson, Mark Principal, ES $81,501 Pipkin, Todd Principal, Essential School $81,437 Fallin, Kathy Spec, EC $81,265 Hicks, Victoria Principal, ES $81,265 Ward, Naia Spec, EC $81,265 Gardner-W., M. Exec Dir, Staffing $81,179 Smith, Vincent Exec Dir, HR Admin $81,179 Gallegos, Berlinda Spec, Preschool Title I Crclm $81,071 Gray, Margaret Spec, Pro Dev $81,071 Gurski, Grant Spec, Career And Tech Ed $81,071 Laborde, Brenda Spec, Instructional Tech $81,071 Skinner, Thomas Spec, Foreign Language $81,071 Smith, Gina Dir Of EC - Ed $81,071 Saville, Vicki Architect, Senior Facilities $80,857 Houston, Rhonda Asst Principal, MS $80,654 Buchanan, Paul Asst Principal, ES $80,614 Huff, Denise Asst Principal, ES $80,614 Stafford, Mary Coord Dir, Extended Learning $80,513 Glass, Doris Coord, Elem P&I $80,479 Martin-Tanner, J. Principal, MS $80,286 Irby, Harry Dir Of Maintenance $80,277 Paquin, Diane Asst, Regional $80,277 Aiken, Pamela Asst Principal, HS $80,261 Foard, Cheryl Principal, MS Int $80,127 Williams, Valerie Principal, MS $80,113 Fahl, Judith Principal, ES $80,105 Kales, Tonya Principal, ES $80,105 Foxx, David Asst Principal, HS $80,064 Williams, Brennen Asst Principal, MS Int $80,044 Barkemeyer, Nancy Principal, MS $79,899 Koenig, Mary Principal, ES $79,877 Seagle, Ann Asst Principal, HS Int $79,875 Finley, Dolores Asst Principal, MS $79,847 Harris-Chavis, Jessie Asst Principal, MS $79,650 Dohn, Adrienne Spec, EC $79,590 Kleto, Nicholas Spec, Student Placement $79,590 Seifert, Angelique Spec, Health $79,590 Karney, Jo Principal, MS $79,534 Barker, Darla Spec, Literacy $79,396 Goodman, Phillip Dir, Property & Quality Srv $79,117 Ammons, Lynne Asst Principal, MS $79,060 Rudolph, Ayinde Principal, Essential School $79,040 Shipp, Lenora Principal, ES $78,924 Lockhart, Joyce Asst Principal, HS $78,902 Abernathy, Dora Asst Principal, ES $78,824 McFadden, Glenice Asst Principal, ES $78,824 Ray, Harry Spec, JROTC $78,795 Williams, Lawanda Principal, ES $78,731 Newman, Joan Asst Principal, HS Int $78,705 Frederick, Pamela Principal, ES $78,559 Smith, Joanna Principal, MS $78,387 Harris, Sharon Principal, ES $78,365 Hamilton, Janet Exec Dir, Employee Relations $78,258 Lewers, Vera Asst Principal, MS Int $78,253 Dillingham, Audrey Spec, EC $78,237 Turner, Rosebud Dir, Instructional Excellence $78,172 Ivory, Darnell Asst Principal, ES $78,036 Riska, Patricia Principal, ES $77,979 Turner, Cheryl Principal, ES $77,979 Smith, June Asst Principal, ES Int $77,827 Cummings, Maria Principal, ES $77,786 Blair, Barry Principal, Essential School $77,528 Hayes, Matthew Principal, Essential School $77,528 Thompson, Natasha Principal, Essential School $77,528 Feaster, Gloria Asst Principal, MS $77,465 Watson, Virginia Asst Principal, MS $77,465 Artis, Larry Asst Principal, HS $77,367 Joyner, Ronnie Coord, Program Dev $77,227 Richardson, Janice Dir, HR Info Systems $77,227 Hambacher, James Asst Principal, HS Int $77,190 Hanners, Richard Spec, Student Srv $77,146 Hillis, Stephen Psychologist, Staff $77,146 Thorneycroft, Charles Spec, Career And Tech Ed $77,129 Osborne, Marilyn Principal, ES $77,055 Rosen, Shirley Liaison, YFS $76,970 Scott, William Spec, Math $76,905 Spigner, Sharon Spec, Preschool Title I Crclm $76,905 Blackwell, Karen Asst Principal, HS $76,619 Logan, Beverly Asst Principal, HS Int $76,619 Moore, Troy Asst Principal, HS Int $76,619 Clark, David Teacher, Physics $76,567 King, Cynthia Principal, ES $76,476 Lowe, Natalie Principal, ES $76,476 Ballard, Connie Coord, Career And Tech Ed $76,363 Wilson, Fayetta Asst Principal, ES $76,284 Jenkins, Kate Asst Principal, HS $76,225 Mitchell, Avery Principal, MS $76,132 Munnerlyn, Doretha Asst Principal, MS $76,127 Gipson, Alvin Principal, ES $76,110 Henry, Latarzja Exec Dir, Public Info $76,003 Rouleau, Iris Spec, EC $75,982 Hurt, Lisa Liaison, YFS $75,969 Matthews, Brenda Asst Principal, ES $75,930 Clark, Mary Spec, Avid $75,788 Linker, Jeffrey Spec, Magnet School Program $75,775 Jeffries, Cecelia Spec, EC $75,388 Doerer, Brian Principal, ES $75,380 Robertson, Halina Principal, ES $75,380 Lowder, Nancy Asst Principal, ES $75,221 Ward, Nancy Asst Principal, ES $75,221 Brooks, Judith Liaison, DSS $75,045 Steadman, Brenda Principal, ES $75,015 Stover, John Principal, ES $75,015 Talbert, Hubert Principal, ES $74,895 Kidd, Judy Teacher, 9-12 Science $74,802 Staples, Carol Teacher, Talent Dev $74,802 Fellows, Catherine Principal, ES $74,800 Little, Tiffany Principal, Essential School $74,800 Nichols, Aimee Principal, Essential School $74,800 Sennett, Timothy Principal, Essential School $74,800 Ducote', Thomas Asst Principal, HS $74,768 Yakin, Fred Asst Principal, HS $74,768 Thomas, Ronald Lead Teacher IB $74,647 Hickman, Marianne Exec Dir, Pro Dev $74,611 Bender, James Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Dubose, Molly Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Ellis, Williams Psychologist, Staff $74,606 Fenelon, Christine Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Hohrmann, Lynn Psychologist, Staff $74,606 Pendleton, Anne Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Perkins, Sandra Psychologist, Beh $74,606 Purcell, Lucy Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Weinstein, Alexander Spec, Student Srv $74,606 Cox, Jayn Asst Principal, ES $74,493 Green, Brenda Asst Principal, MS $74,473 Grossek, Henry Asst Principal, MS $74,473 Ijames, Sheila Asst, Regional $74,435 Maxey, Sylvester Asst Principal, MS $74,296 Burford, Barry Principal, ES $74,264 Lamb, Anita Dir Of EC - Admin $74,264 Thomas, Karen Dir, School Guidance $74,264 Jeffries, Colette Exec Coord, Chief Academic $74,242 Morrow, Lory Principal, ES $74,143 Cotney, Kay Asst Principal, ES $74,138 Greene, Florence Asst Principal, ES Int $74,138 Keenan, Richard Teacher, Physics/Chemistry $74,132 Fowler, Katherine Coord, Catg & Automation $74,070 Rollins, Jane Asst Principal, HS $74,040 Cockerham, Shari Counselor, MS $74,027 Moran, Cheryl Asst Principal, ES $73,961 Spears-Ellis, Celeste Principal, ES $73,920 Chow, Mariano Engineer, Sr Mechanical $73,898 Temple, Barbara Spec, Nat Board Standards $73,791 Blakeley-Shule, P. Asst Principal, ES $73,784 Klem, Eileen Asst Principal, ES $73,784 Folk, Robert Principal, MS $73,770 Meadows, Darrell Asst Principal, MS $73,764 Morgan, Valerie Spec, EC $73,619 Griffin, William Dir, Lawson Integration $73,555 Barnhill, Howard Asst Principal, HS $73,508 Brown, Rebecca Spec, Student Srv $73,476 Gladden, Deborah Spec, Student Srv $73,476 Mobley, Cynthia Psychologist, Staff $73,476 Moore, Madelon Spec, Student Srv $73,476 Turner, Donald Asst Principal, MS Int $73,410 Watts, Sharmel Principal, MS $73,404 Hobbs, Cynthia Dir Of Child Nutrition $73,362 Adams, Nina Asst Principal, HS $73,331 Callaway, Alverette Coord, Career And Tech Ed $73,327 Washington, Donna Asst Principal, ES $73,311 Moss, Cindy Spec, Science Crclm $73,305 Coker, Barnabas Teacher, Ag/Hort $73,210 Evans, Samantha Dir, Office Of Strat Partners $73,190 Payne, Sandra Spec, Literacy $73,082 Tanger, Patricia Spec, EC $73,082 Sharpe, Starkie Asst Principal, HS $72,977 Brenner, Martha Asst Principal, ES $72,957 Kendrick, Brenda Coord, HS P&I $72,919 Lee, Raynard Principal, MS $72,889 Hartsell, Patricia Asst Principal, MS $72,878 Johnson, Susan Asst, Regional $72,825 Anderson, Elizabeth Psychologist, Staff $72,711 Washington, Juanita Coord, Program Dev $72,631 Nash, Susan Teacher, EC Resource $72,618 Watkins, Fredia Asst Principal, MS $72,504 Elkins, Judith Spec, Student Srv $72,358 Loiseau, Jennifer Psychologist, ESL Program $72,358 Shaw, Susan Spec, Student Srv $72,358 Wilson, Sharon Psychologist, Staff $72,358 McGee, James Engineer, Construction $72,352 Moore, Jacqueline Spec, Pre-Kindergarten $72,352 Steffes, Philip Principal, ES $72,309 Bosco, Mark Principal, MS $72,296 Gurski, Camelia Teacher, Tech Resource $72,263 Hafer, Sabrina Resource Teacher, Bilingual $72,263 Wolf, Richard Teacher, ROTC $72,263 Snyder, Deborah Asst Principal, ES $72,229 Maney, Cheryl Spec, Visual Arts $72,180 Switzer, David Principal, MS $72,159 Mauldin, Beverly Coord, Court & Student Disc $72,094 Edmonds, Darlene Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Harley, Frances Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Harrold, Starr Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Hendry, Carl Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Hendry, Janis Audiologist $72,086 Henry, Bonnie Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Hensley, Betty Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Hitchner, Janet Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Hultin, Susan Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Kirschner, Neil Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Ledoux, Leonelle Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Lockhart, Sarah Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 May, Thomasena Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 McLean, Linda Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Pittman, Frankie Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Roland, Nancy Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Sherard, Rosemary Speech/language Pathologist $72,086 Sloan-Clontz, Martha Audiologist $72,086 Nisco, Elizabeth Asst Principal, MS $71,992 Dickerson, E. Asst Principal, HS $71,894 Dirr, Anne Asst Principal, ES $71,874 Eybl, Amy Asst Principal, ES $71,874 Belfield, Angela Spec, Instructional Excellence $71,837 Meyer, Candice Asst Principal, HS $71,783 Ellis, Sally Spec, Physical Ed $71,651 Williams, Lizzie Asst Principal, HS Int $71,638 Dunlap, Melissa Principal, ES $71,622 Earp, David Dir Of Safety $71,601 Allsup, Marjorie Teacher, Business Ed $71,507 Bentley, Kathryn Teacher, K-3 $71,507 Berry, Treda Teacher, 7-12 Choral Music $71,507 Blair, Jane Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Blue, Janee Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Bosc, Lawrence Teacher, Social Studies $71,507 Boyd, Carolyn Teacher, ES General Music $71,507 Crowley, Margaret Teacher, EC Resource $71,507 Ducote', Sandra Teacher, 9-12 Math $71,507 Eglody, Kristi Counselor, HS $71,507 Evans, Joann Teacher, ES General Music $71,507 Frank, Carol Teacher, ES Language Arts $71,507 Garrison, Barry Teacher, 7-12 Band $71,507 Geer, Dianne Media Spec $71,507 Harry, Loretta Counselor, MS $71,507 Hughes, Marybeth Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Hutsell, Patricia Teacher, Business Ed $71,507 Malave, Eddy Teacher, Computer Engin $71,507 McDuffie, Mary Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 McGinty, Susan Teacher, 4-6 $71,507 Miales, Carolyn Counselor, HS $71,507 Moore, Karen Media Spec $71,507 Norfleet, Mary Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Overton, Dianna Teacher, EC Resource $71,507 Perry, Helene Teacher, MG Math $71,507 Pettis, Karen Teacher, K-3 $71,507 Rackley, Kathleen Teacher, Title I - Preschool $71,507 Ross, Betsy Teacher, Social Studies $71,507 Ross, Sandra Teacher, K-3 $71,507 Ryder, James Teacher, Chemistry $71,507 Sehorn, Kay Teacher, MG Language Arts $71,507 Shellenberger, G. Teacher, K-6 Computer $71,507 Smith, Sheila Counselor, MS $71,507 Summers, Kathleen Teacher, EC $71,507 Talbert, Susan Teacher, 4-6 $71,507 Taylor, Olene Counselor, MS $71,507 Ullem, Barbara Teacher, K-3 $71,507 Vaughan, Julianne Teacher, F&C $71,507 Watson, Patricia Facilitator, MS Academic $71,507 Webber, Nancy Teacher, Social Studies $71,507 Williamson, Sharon Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Withrow, Elizabeth Teacher, 9-12 Science $71,507 Wright, Fifi Teacher, Preschool $71,507 Thomas, Linda Teacher, 9-12 English $71,507 Mark, John Manager, Regional Property $71,493 Caldwell, Jacqueline Asst Principal, MS $71,461 Yates, Toni Asst Principal, MS $71,461 Crowder, Selestine Principal, ES $71,450 Alles, Duane Engineer, Senior Network $71,429 Giovanelli, Raymond Principal, ES $71,394 Yancey, Cathy Asst Principal, ES $71,362 Graham, Priscilla Principal, ES $71,278 Mauney, Henry Project Manager $71,257 Ghant, Joyce Spec, Student Srv $71,252 Little, Myra Spec, Student Srv $71,252 McCullough, Valorie Psychologist, Staff $71,252 Miller, Yaffa Psychologist, Staff $71,252 Prevatt, Frank Psychologist, Staff $71,252 Robertson, Virginia Speech/language Pathologist $71,252 Ritchie, Deborah Spec, Title 1 $71,149 Greene, Ronald Dir Of Supply Srv $71,085 Shipman, Teresa Dir, Licensure Admin $71,085 Poston, Sharon Asst Principal, HS $71,048 Marcela, Michael Spec, EC Accou $70,964 Bozeman, Angela Principal, MS $70,956 Huff, Lou Audiologist $70,956 Clifton, Candace Dir, Financial Syst Support $70,913 Fuller, Walter Manager, Custodial Srv $70,913 Redder, Elizabeth Asst Principal, ES $70,851 Lamb, Thomas Principal, MS $70,784 Mcdonald, Tyrone Principal, MS $70,784 Springs, Alicia Principal, MS $70,784 Weckbacher, Glen Engineer, Senior Electrical $70,741 Thornton, Christy Teacher, Ag/Hort $70,672 Hampson, Phyllis Asst Principal, HS $70,516 Bardsley, Keith Manager, Project $70,441 Covington, Rhonda Psychologist, Staff $70,329 Johnson, Andrea Spec, Title 1 Community Srv $70,269 Boyd, Barbara Coord, Career And Tech Ed $70,174 Bissell, Barbara Teacher, Math Consulting $70,174 Dixon, Karen Spec, Student Srv $70,171 Giunta, Jeanne Speech/language Pathologist $70,171 Haigh, Linda Spec, Student Srv $70,171 Smith, Tamara Asst Principal, HS $70,162 Blanton, Julie Literacy Facilitator, ES $70,098 Brigman, Marsha Facilitator, MS Academic $70,098 Carter, Theresa Teacher, K-3 $70,098 Curry, Debbie Teacher, 9-12 Math $70,098 Ford, Vernelle Teacher, K-3 $70,098 Fritsch, Susan Teacher, 9-12 Math $70,098 Helms, Donna Teacher, K-3 $70,098 Hester, Carolyn Teacher, K-3 $70,098 Johnson, Sheila Teacher, K-3 $70,098 Maxen, Delores Teacher, 9-12 Math $70,098 Mendez, Debra Teacher, EC $70,098 Morris, Donna Teacher, 9-12 English $70,098 Morrow, Harvey Teacher, Spanish $70,098 Ritchie, Mary Counselor, MS $70,098 Miranda, Carrie Dir, Comp And Benefits $70,054 Sessoms, Annie Analyst, HR $70,033 Marshall, Charmaine Asst Principal, ES $69,984 Fish, Sandra Dir, Inventory Management $69,882 Crosby-Morell, C. Speech/language Pathologist $69,838 Felton, Louise Speech/language Pathologist $69,838 Glenn, Mary Speech/language Pathologist $69,838 Huneycutt, Susan Speech/language Pathologist $69,838 Patin, Mary Speech/language Pathologist $69,838 Bunadin, James Asst Dir Tech Help $69,603 Crawford, Jamal Principal, MS $69,582 Watson, Cindy Asst Principal, MS $69,571 Neal, Gerald Asst Principal, MS $69,539 Barnes, Colleen Asst Principal, HS $69,460 Mitchell, Cheryl Asst Principal, MS $69,413 Clapp-Horne, C. Principal, ES $69,388 Scott, Ronnie Principal, ES $69,388 Stein, Pamela Spec, Student Srv $69,382 Galmon, Sandra Asst Principal, HS Int $69,335 Hager, Jeffrey Asst Principal, HS $69,335 Grier, Carol Facilitator, Literacy $69,322 Hayes, Linda Facilitator, HS Academic $69,322 Holden, William Teacher, Physical Ed $69,322 Johnson, Debra Dean Of Students $69,322 Thompson, Paula Asst Principal, MS $69,236 Isenberg, Karen Coord, Support Srv $69,221 Gill, Ivy Principal, ES $69,217 Munson, Michael Data Base Admin $69,195 Bailey, Ronald Asst Principal, HS $69,158 Armistead, Rhonda Spec, Student Srv $69,102 Estes, Joseph Spec, Student Srv $69,102 Hadden, Catherine Spec, Student Srv $69,102 Houck, Deborah Psychologist, Staff $69,102 Lancelin, Carol Speech/language Pathologist $69,102 McCarthy, Randall Spec, Student Srv $69,102 Pompey, Pamela Psychologist, Staff $69,102 Bonner, Julianne Teacher, K-3 $69,072 Camburn, Keith Teacher, Biology $69,072 Clifford, Margaret Teacher, ES Art $69,072 Duvall, Carolyn Teacher, Career Facilitator $69,072 Fitzgerald, William Teacher, EC $69,072 Greene, Alice Literacy Facilitator, ES $69,072 Halford, Brenda Teacher, ES Physical Ed $69,072 Harrigan, Cindy Teacher, K-3 $69,072 Heath, Paula Content Coach - Science $69,072 Jones, Gloria Literacy Facilitator, ES $69,072 Loeffler, Mary Teacher, K-3 $69,072 McKenzie, Gloria Facilitator, MS Academic $69,072 Montgomery, M. Teacher, Homebound $69,072 Mullineaux, Sandra Teacher, EC $69,072 Orji, Nathaniel Teacher, EC $69,072 Passe, Mindy Teacher, AG $69,072 Yaged, Dale Teacher, K-3 $69,072 Brazzell, Kimberly Admin, HR $69,045 Woods, Cynthia Coord, Safe Schools $69,023 Leach, William Principal, MS $68,916 Carter, Kenneth Teacher, Chemistry $68,902 Davidson, Lewis Teacher, 9-12 Math $68,902 Desai, Sharvari Teacher, Bilingual / Esl $68,902 Diesterhaft, Martin Teacher, Chemistry $68,902 Kinsey, Chauncey Teacher, 9-12 English $68,902 Majeski, Robert Teacher, Chemistry $68,902 Plotseneder, Hans Teacher, Business Ed $68,902 Poris, Barry Teacher, Physical Ed $68,902 Riggs, Joseph Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $68,902 Stclair, Stephen Teacher, ES Physical Ed $68,902 Waiters, Josephine Teacher, Business Ed $68,902 Ward, Cecelia Teacher, Math - 6th Grade $68,902 Griffin, Martha Asst Principal, ES Int $68,803 Mingo, Adriane Teacher In Residence $68,788 Bender, Kathleen Speech/language Pathologist $68,732 Campbell, Sharon Audiologist $68,732 Davis, Debra Speech/language Pathologist $68,732 Grimmett, Sandra Speech/language Pathologist $68,732 Meeks, Shirley Speech/language Pathologist $68,732 Reed, Susan Speech/language Pathologist $68,732 Watson, Ricke Asst Principal, MS $68,732 Adams, Aundra Asst Principal, HS $68,665 Shropshire, Linda Counselor, HS $68,657 Wynn, Patricia Asst Principal, ES $68,646 Harkey, Suzanne Spec, Routing And Scheduling $68,615 Willis, Dail Writer, Sr Editor $68,615 Ruppenthal, Jeffrey Principal, ES $68,551 Giles, Helen Asst Principal, MS $68,547 Ganzert, Ann Coord, Direct Instruction $68,529 Yarborough, Dave Psychologist, Staff $68,434 Thiel, Andrew Principal, MS $68,422 Shannon, Gwen Asst, Regional $68,379 Vandiver-Tate, C. Principal, ES $68,207 Harmon, Steven Teacher, MG Science $68,191 Davis, Gerald Asst Principal, HS $68,154 Beatty, Norma Teacher, MG Language Arts $68,059 Blackford, Barbara Literacy Facilitator, ES $68,059 Council, Evelyn Teacher, K-3 $68,059 Frazier, Sharon Teacher, ES General Music $68,059 Harkins, Lea Teacher, AG $68,059 Huggins, Carla Teacher, 4-6 $68,059 Jordan, Nancy Teacher, EC $68,059 Kumerow, Dana Teacher, K-3 $68,059 Marshall, Julia Teacher, K-3 $68,059 Morris, Thalistine Counselor, MS $68,059 Munday, Belinda Teacher, 4-6 $68,059 Nofsinger, Patricia Counselor, MS $68,059 Oudin, Ivalynn Teacher, EC Resource $68,059 Richardson, Pamela Teacher, 4-6 $68,059 Roberts, Debra Teacher, K-3 $68,059 Ziemba, Sara Teacher, 9-12 Math $68,059 Cesena, Vincent Dir, School Law Enforcement $68,035 Bahnweg, Nicholas Engineer, Senior Systems $68,014 Cline, Lisa Asst Principal, HS $67,976 Howard, Almeader Asst Principal, ES $67,957 Hamby, Laura Spec, EC $67,928 Russell, Patricia Asst Principal, ES $67,799 Ghant, Jane Spec, Student Srv $67,789 McCarter, Robert Psychologist, Staff $67,789 Shaw, Cynthia Spec, Student Srv $67,789 Tate, Robert Spec, Student Srv $67,789 Washington, Sylvester Asst Principal, MS $67,740 Gray, David Principal, ES $67,713 Shapcott, William Principal, ES $67,713 Goins, Judy Resrce Teacher, Early Chldhd $67,709 McRae, Deborah Lead Teacher IB $67,709 Camilleri, Kathryn Speech/language Pathologist $67,651 Greene, Kathleen Speech/language Pathologist $67,651 Smaston, Sharon Speech/language Pathologist $67,651 Byrd, Deborah Teacher, EC Resource $67,643 Drye, Steven Principal, ES $67,563 Shepard, Jacquelyn Spec, Instructional Excellence $67,559 Pinson, Jennifer Analyst, Sr Computer Systems $67,542 Tobin, Betsy Coord, Career And Tech Ed $67,257 Siebert, Klaus Teacher, ROTC $67,257 Libro, Charles Teacher, ROTC $67,257 Spurr, Arthur Teacher, ROTC $67,257 Brown, Brigitte Asst Principal, MS $67,248 Lewis, Janice Principal, ES $67,219 Wilson, Kenneth Dir Storage And Distribution $67,219 Bonner, Paul Asst Principal, MS $67,090 Blaisdell-Buck, G. Media Spec $67,080 Brooks, Theresa Teacher, K-3 $67,080 Craig, Carolyn Teacher, EC $67,080 Fielding, Adele Teacher, 9-12 Math $67,080 Huber, Jane Teacher, 7-12 Choral Music $67,080 Jaynes, Melvin Teacher, 4-6 $67,080 McFadden, Cheryl Literacy Facilitator, ES $67,080 Monroe, Vickie Teacher, K-3 $67,080 Peace, Joyce Teacher, MG Language Arts $67,080 Shaddock, Reed Teacher, Bilingual / Esl $67,080 Sunstrom, Grace Counselor, HS $67,080 Warfel, Elizabeth Teacher, 9-12 Math $67,080 Whitley, Sandra Teacher, Mg-career $67,080 Williams, Cathy Teacher, EC Resource $67,080 Thomas, Chad Principal, ES $67,069 Underhill, Patricia Dir, Assessment $67,069 Hankinson, Warrena Asst Principal, ES $66,992 Bruce, Susan Coach, PBI&S $66,969 Templeton, Diane Hearing Officer $66,919 Carden-Smith, Lisa Spec, Student Srv $66,842 Fleming, Stephanie Spec, Student Srv $66,842 Garrett, Melodie Psychologist, Preschool $66,842 Hutaff, Susan Speech/language Pathologist $66,842 Kuhn, Marilynn Speech/language Pathologist $66,842 Maio-Steading, Debra Speech/language Pathologist $66,842 Salvi, Patricia Spec, Student Srv $66,842 Wyatt, Denise Spec, Student Srv $66,842 Royal, Jane Lead Teacher IB $66,760 Wilbanks, Ronald Teacher, ROTC $66,760 Christian, Arthur Principal, ES $66,747 Roth, Christopher Teacher, Psychology $66,735 Schickel, Norbert Teacher, Social Studies $66,735 Percy, David Computer Systems Analyst $66,726 Davidson, Deborah Speech/language Pathologist $66,582 Higgins, Roy Hearing Officer $66,575 McAllister, Joseph Manager, Transp Operations $66,575 Wolfe, Joseph Dir, Assessment $66,575 Efird, Jill Liaison, DSS $66,554 Tsintzos, Bill Asst Principal, HS $66,500 Hess, John Teacher, Ag/Hort $66,375 Allred, Vickie Teacher, MG Math $66,362 Anderson, Brenda Social Worker $66,362 Bibb, Mary Teacher, Homebound $66,362 Browning, Sandra Teacher, Career Dev Coord $66,362 Dowdy, Patricia Teacher, Title I - Preschool $66,362 Edmonds, Joyce Social Worker $66,362 Gary, Carolyn Social Worker $66,362 Long, Josephine Teacher, Montessori (Elem) $66,362 Sanders, Kathryne Facilitator, HS $66,362 Smith, James Teacher, Marketing $66,362 Watrous, Mary Teacher, K-6 Computer $66,362 Weinstein, Gloria Literacy Facilitator, ES $66,362 Whitlatch, George Teacher, Latin $66,362 Willis, Craig Teacher, AG $66,362 Wilson, Susan Asst Principal, ES $66,323 Baldwin, Kenneth Spec, Budget $66,317 O'Hare, Gina Principal, ES $66,274 Moss, Janet Asst Principal, MS $66,264 Austin, Brenda Counselor, Student Assist $66,252 Linton, Patricia Counselor, ESL $66,252 Wallace, Calvin Dir, Leadership Academy $66,235 Baber, Karen Teacher, Spanish $66,137 Henry, Sarah Teacher, K-3 $66,137 Hunt, Nancy Literacy Facilitator, ES $66,137 MacMillan, Nancy Teacher, 9-12 English $66,137 McLean, Mattie Facilitator, Math $66,137 Reese, Evelyn Teacher, 7-12 Band $66,137 Reicher, Jill Teacher, AG $66,137 Shaddock, Phyllis Teacher, AG $66,137 Skriloff, Barbara Teacher, ES Physical Ed $66,137 Trent, Susan Teacher, Social Studies $66,137 Langenfeld, Nancy Dir, Coord School Health $66,081 Auten, Jennifer Asst Principal, ES $66,008 Price, Kelly Dir, Title I Srv $65,909 Berrier-Tate, Jean Spec, Student Srv $65,894 Hamilton, Diane Spec, Student Srv $65,894 Taylor, Diana Psychologist, Staff $65,894 Wesley, Amy Psychologist, Staff $65,894 Vandeventer, Larry Teacher, Health Occupations $65,826 Watson, Jennifer Counselor, HS $65,826 Day, Peggy Coach, Early Reading $65,771 Addington, Kathleen Asst Principal, ES $65,693 Garvin, James Asst Principal, ES $65,693 Boger, Martha Asst Principal, MS $65,602 McConnell, Preston Engineer, Senior Systems $65,587 Easter, Calvin Asst Principal, HS $65,555 Hamilton, Jeffrey Asst Principal, ES $65,504 Hatley, Ronald Asst Dir, Budget $65,501 Sweet, Gary Asst Principal, MS $65,476 Lajoie, Heather Lead Teacher IB $65,474 Jefferies, Shelton Principal, ES $65,458 Vardell, Guyla Principal, ES $65,458 Parker, James Dir, Student Apps Dev $65,437 Brown, Kathy Asst Principal, ES $65,378 Burton, Gisele Asst Principal, ES $65,378 Diggs, Max Asst Principal, ES $65,378 Lamb, Betina Teacher, Science $65,305 Sutton, Bobbie Counselor, HS $65,305 Edmond, Acquanetta Principal, ES $65,286 Hoyle, Joyce Speech/language Pathologist $65,269 Jenkin, Cynthia Speech/language Pathologist $65,269 Kramer, Heidi Speech/language Pathologist $65,269 Davis, Alan Analyst, Senior Programmer $65,265 Martin, Michael Asst Dir, Payroll $65,179 Mattos, Betty Asst Dir, Accounting $65,179 Stemkowski, Mary Asst Principal, MS $65,161 Galleher, Nancy Social Worker, ES $65,103 Andrews, Kimberly Asst Principal, HS $65,083 Wunder, Marjorie Spec, EC Behavioral Srv $65,029 Leeson, Billy Asst Principal, MS $65,004 Cosper, Martil Dir, Community Srv $64,986 Coston, Evelyn Dir, Recruitment $64,986 Rosenfeld, Rachel Psychologist $64,983 Wilcox, Susan Spec, Student Srv $64,983 Shuford, Michael Teacher, Ag/Hort $64,975 Patterson, Susan Resrce Teacher, Early Chldhd $64,975 Casciani, Robert Teacher, Chemistry $64,952 Strehle, Elizabeth Teacher, MG Language Arts $64,952 Thomas, James Teacher, Tech Ed $64,952 Honeycutt, Rebecca Asst Principal, ES $64,905 Clifford, Thomas Manager, Regional Property $64,878 Parker, Alvin Manager, Regional Property $64,878 Beasley, Roland Teacher, ROTC $64,863 Davis, Leah Principal, ES $64,664 Brown, Tamala Literacy Facilitator, ES $64,645 Clampitt, Maurice Teacher, Physical Ed $64,645 Conroy, Kathleen Teacher, ES Language Arts $64,645 Hofmann, Noreen Teacher, ES General Music $64,645 Lawrence, Kathleen Teacher, French Immersion $64,645 Pellechia, Loretta Teacher, EC Resource $64,645 Pressley, Joni Teacher, EC $64,645 Putnam, Susanlynn Teacher, 9-12 English $64,645 Roseman, Betty Teacher, Mg Career Facilitator $64,645 Ryder, Judith Teacher, MG Math $64,645 Scheick, Sandra Teacher, K-3 $64,645 Miracle, Ted Asst Principal, ES $64,598 Collins, David Asst Principal, HS $64,590 Gomez, Rhonda Asst Principal, ES $64,460 Pickney, Lynda Teacher, Strings/Orchestra $64,450 Wood, Stacey Asst Principal, MS $64,354 Fastenau, Juliana Speech/language Pathologist $64,322 Harver, Nancy Speech/language Pathologist $64,322 Mayhew, Marianna Speech/language Pathologist $64,322 Monroe, Cynthia Speech/language Pathologist $64,322 Smith, Cheryl Speech/language Pathologist $64,322 Ballard, Kathy Asst Principal, ES $64,256 Prybylo, David Asst Principal, ES $64,256 Williams, Ellis Spec, Career And Tech Ed $64,256 Ratcliffe, Jane Asst Principal, MS $64,197 Campbell, Jessie Teacher, 9-12 English $64,195 Currie, Penelope Social Worker $64,195 Jordan, Louise Social Worker $64,195 Metz, Linda Teacher, EC Resource $64,195 Walser, Marianna Media Spec $64,195 Johnson, Thomas Manager, Transp Operations $64,191 Thomas, Janet Manager, Transp Operations $64,191 Aaron, Ethel Teacher, Career Dev Coord $64,170 Cowart, Sharon Teacher, 4-6 $64,170 Day, Judith Teacher, K-3 $64,170 Desmond, Susan Teacher, 9-12 English $64,170 Fanning, Anne Teacher, 4-6 $64,170 Gillis, Marcia Teacher, 9-12 Math $64,170 Hagler, Linda Teacher, 9-12 English $64,170 McDonald, Rebecca Teacher, Physical Ed $64,170 Moore, Jennifer Teacher, Chemistry $64,170 Parker, Alice Teacher, MG Language Arts $64,170 Schneider, David Teacher, Tech Ed $64,170 Wallace, Frances Teacher, 4-6 $64,170 Feeney, Cheryl Teacher, Physical Ed $64,122 Garner, Ginger Liaison, EC Behavior Support $64,122 Oates, Sheila Teacher, Beginning Support $64,122 Somerville, Brigette Facilitator, HS Academic $64,122 Greene, Richard Teacher, Chemistry $64,113 Huber, Larry Spec, Student Srv $64,108 Kleinschrodt, Robert Spec, Student Srv $64,108 Schmidt, Donna Spec, Student Srv $64,108 Driggers, Hendrika Spec, Media Center $64,105 Kobylecky, Joseph Manager, Project $64,105 Propst, Mark Spec, Performing Arts $64,105 Little, Loraine Exec Coord, Chief Operating $64,041 Wrights, Dana Dir, Assessment $64,041 Mabry-Crawford, T. Spec, Student Srv $64,036 Grant, Nicolette Asst Principal, ES $63,960 Callanan, Paul Teacher, ROTC $63,942 Dula, Antony Resource Teacher $63,942 Gyant, Myrick Asst Principal, MS $63,882 Abraham, Sheila Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Aizenman, Benjamin Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Anderson, Karen Teacher, Language Arts $63,842 Arcaini, Ronald Teacher, Math $63,842 Arnold, Iva Teacher, AG $63,842 Atkins, Catharine Media Spec $63,842 Atta, Gary Teacher, Tech Ed $63,842 Baltrucki, James Teacher, 9-12 Science $63,842 Barber, Linda Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Barnes, James Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Beg, Mirza Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Bellamy, Linda Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $63,842 Bennett, William Counselor, MS $63,842 Benzenhoefer, Janice Teacher, Spanish $63,842 Bishop, Patricia Teacher, Homebound $63,842 Blakeney, Joyce Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Blanton, Steve Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Booth, Danny Teacher, ES General Music $63,842 Booth, Judith Teacher, Strings/orchestra $63,842 Boothe, John Teacher, Marketing $63,842 Bost, Linda Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Bostic, Patricia Teacher, F&C $63,842 Bouler, Carolyn Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Boulware, Deborah Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Brenner, Sandy Facilitator, HS $63,842 Bricker, Kathlyn Facilitator, HS $63,842 Briles, Troy Teacher, Homebound $63,842 Britt, Lynn Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Brooks, Delories Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Brooks, Dianna Teacher, Coord Secondary $63,842 Brown, Mabel Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Brown, Sallie Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Bryant, Tricha Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Burris, Julia Counselor, MS $63,842 Byrd, Doris Teacher, EC Autistic $63,842 Caldwell, Julia Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Cavender, Carolyn Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Chappell, Deborah Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Cheek, Velma Facilitator, HS $63,842 Chisolm, Celia Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Coaxum, Vivian Teacher, Math $63,842 Coffey, Delores Teacher, Coord Compliance $63,842 Cohen, Michael Teacher, 7-12 Art $63,842 Coleman, Delores Social Worker $63,842 Cooper, Barbara Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Cox, Claudia Facilitator, MS Academic $63,842 Crump, Addie Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Cureton, Peggy Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,842 Daughtry, Kay Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Davis, Margaret Teacher, HS Vocats Coord $63,842 Davis, Steven Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Deal, Rebecca Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Devries, Linda Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $63,842 Doby, Mary Teacher, F&C $63,842 Durden, Betty Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,842 Eckardt, Kevin Teacher, EC $63,842 Edwards, Lillie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Edwards, Linda Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Edwards, Melba Teacher, AG $63,842 Estock, Robert Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Eudy, Shawn Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Faddis, Susie Teacher, Mg-career $63,842 Ferguson, Susan Teacher, ES Physical Ed $63,842 Foley, Lucinda Teacher, Language Arts $63,842 Footman, Brenda Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Forsythe, Brenda Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Frederick, Marcia Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Frye, Joann Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Gatewood, Hazel Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Gathman, Bonnie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Gentry, Nettie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Gilchrist, Vergie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Gilliam, D'Andrea Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Glass, John Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Goebel, Arthur Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Goode, Barbara Teacher, Mg-career $63,842 Grady, Carl Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Granderson, Lucy Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Graves, Eva Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Greenstreet, Ellen Counselor, HS $63,842 Gupton, Charles Resource Teacher, Health $63,842 Halbert, Linda Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Hall, Mary Media Spec $63,842 Hambright, Karen Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Harrelson, Linda Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Hartford, Sallie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Hayes, Nadine Teacher, ES Physical Ed $63,842 Henderson, Rita Teacher, Math $63,842 Hendrix, Marion Media Spec $63,842 Herskowitz, Pauline Media Spec $63,842 Hess, Susan Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Hinshaw, David Teacher, Career Dev Coord $63,842 Hipp, Frances Media Spec $63,842 Holmes, Joann Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Holtzclaw, Elizabeth Media Spec $63,842 Hoover, Josephine Teacher, MG Math $63,842 Houser, Stephen Teacher, AG $63,842 Howie, Nancy Teacher, EC $63,842 Hoyle, Alan Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Hoyle, Vickie Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Hungate, Wanda Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Hurst, Julianne Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Irish, Joy Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Irwin, James Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Jackson, Shirley Teacher, Special Populations $63,842 Jackson, Thomas Teacher, ES Art $63,842 Jacobs, Cathy Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Jenkins, Barbara Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Jensen, Dorothy Counselor, MS $63,842 Johnson, Anthony Counselor, HS $63,842 Johnson, Elizabeth Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,842 Jones, Deborah Teacher, Health $63,842 Katzel, Mary Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Kerr, Frieda Teacher, EC $63,842 Kilpatrick, Nellie Teacher, EC Visually Impaired $63,842 Kinney, Vicki Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Kritzer, James Counselor, HS $63,842 Kube, Rahab Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $63,842 Ladd, Thelma Teacher, Special Populations $63,842 Laney, Susan Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Langston, Alma Counselor, MS $63,842 Latham, Judith Teacher, German $63,842 Legros, Lucy Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Lindly, Douglas Teacher, EC $63,842 Lineberger, Jacqueline Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Littlejohn, Donald Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Lock, Grace Teacher, F&C $63,842 London, Jacquelyn Teacher, EC $63,842 Luttrell, Richard Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Lynch, Gloria Counselor/Social Worker $63,842 Magee, Rogers Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Marlowe, Rudene Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Matteo, Karen Teacher, K-3 $63,842 McCall, Donald Coord, EC Plac $63,842 McClary, Brenda Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,842 McClelland, Eva Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 McCorkle, Gloria Teacher, Reading $63,842 McDowell, Jennifer Teacher, ES General Music $63,842 McDowell, Rose Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 McGahee, Jewel Teacher, MG Science $63,842 McGraw, Yolanda Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 McKeithan, Robert Teacher, Tech Ed $63,842 McManus, Dianne Media Spec $63,842 Miklos, Mary Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Miller, Bobbie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Miller, Mattie Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Mills, Lynda Teacher, MG Math $63,842 Mills, Marian Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Mohassanelbey, Ziraili Counselor, MS $63,842 Montgomery, Sharon Counselor, HS $63,842 Mooney, Gwendolyn Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Moore, Brenda Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Moore, Pamela Social Worker $63,842 Morris, Laura Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Moses, Nell Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Mullen, Martha Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Murphy, Richard Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Newkirk, Linda Teacher, Instr Coord $63,842 Nichols, David Teacher, 7-12 Art $63,842 Nixon, Reginald Teacher, Health $63,842 O'Boyle, Patricia Teacher, F&C $63,842 O'Bryant, Anne Counselor, HS $63,842 Ochogu, Patricia Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Osborne, Beverly Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Overlander, Carla Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Pankey, Margaret Teacher,Special Populations $63,842 Peeples, Linda Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Perry, Renda Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,842 Pharr, Janet Teacher, EC $63,842 Polk, Donald Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Poulton, Thomas Teacher, Spanish $63,842 Proctor, John Teacher, Marketing $63,842 Pruett, Joyce Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Pryor, Geneva Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Pyant, Glenda Teacher, MG Math $63,842 Radzicki, Thomas Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Reed, Ira Teacher, AG $63,842 Reeves, Gladys Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Reid, Henrietta Counselor, HS $63,842 Reid, Ida Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Reinhardt, Cynthia Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Reiser, Donna Teacher, Coord Secondary $63,842 Renfro, Barbara Media Spec $63,842 Rettew, Lynda Media Spec $63,842 Revier, Jeffery Teacher, ES Physical Ed $63,842 Richardson, Olive-C. Counselor, HS $63,842 Rider, Ann Teacher, ES Art $63,842 Romano, Anthony Teacher, Special Populations $63,842 Rounds, Beverly Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Ruby, Pamela Teacher, EC Hearing Impaired $63,842 Rutherford, Linda Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Sams, Sue Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Schuh, Judy Teacher, French $63,842 Seale, Jerry Teacher, Biology $63,842 Shaughnessy, Stephen Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Shaw, Juliann Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Shepard, Willie Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Sills, Joan Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Sims, Xyzomenia Teacher, EC Pre-K $63,842 Smith, Deborah Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Smith, Jeanne Teacher, Chemistry $63,842 Smith, Larry Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Smith, Leonard Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Smith, Mary Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Smith, Reba Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $63,842 Snodgrass, Charles Teacher, MG Social Studies $63,842 Soltys, Michael Teacher, 7-12 Band $63,842 Spears, Doris Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Spears, Margaret Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Sperling, Sheldon Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 St. Clair, James Teacher, Tech Ed $63,842 Stoner, Linda Teacher, MG Social Studies $63,842 Sullivan, Lynn Facilitator, Math $63,842 Swisher, Kathryn Teacher, 9-12 English $63,842 Talley, Barbara Teacher, MG Science $63,842 Taylor, Jacqueline Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Thomas, Olivia Teacher, Coord Compliance $63,842 Thompson, Corria Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Thompson, Fayon Facilitator, Preschool Lit $63,842 Thompson, John Teacher, Math $63,842 Thompson, Linda Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Tinsley, Alice Teacher, MG Science $63,842 Torrence, Lloyd Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Twitty, Margaret Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Underwood, James Teacher, Psychology $63,842 Underwood, Wendy Media Spec $63,842 Vanhellemont, Barbara Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Viccellio, John Teacher, 9-12 Science $63,842 Warren, Beth EC Teacher, Coordinating $63,842 Watkins, Peggy Teacher, Biology $63,842 Webb, Addie Teacher, EC $63,842 Webster, J. Teacher, Physical Ed $63,842 Wentz, Charlotte Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Werr, Fayez Teacher, 9-12 Science $63,842 Wertz, Vicki Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Whitmire, Dorothy Teacher, Instructional Coord $63,842 Wilcox, Wilhelmenia Teacher, 4-6 $63,842 Wilkerson, Linda Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,842 Williams, Barbara Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Williams, Dalphaline Counselor, HS $63,842 Williams, George Teacher, MG Language Arts $63,842 Williams, Johnsie Teacher, Business Ed $63,842 Willson, Elizabeth Teacher, EC Resource $63,842 Wilson, Harriett Teacher, Language Arts $63,842 Wilson, Sterlie Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Windell, Fleta Teacher, ES Physical Ed $63,842 Wood, Glenna EC Teacher, Resource $63,842 Wood, Judy Teacher, K-3 $63,842 Woodward, Jeanette Counselor, HS $63,842 Woolsey, Carolyn Teacher, MG Science $63,842 Wright, Althea Teacher, ES General Music $63,842 Yarborough, Eric Teacher, 9-12 Math $63,842 Yarborough, Martha EC Support Teacher $63,842 Yurko, Vicki Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $63,842 Zemcik, William Teacher, Social Studies $63,842 Thomas, Elma Teacher, MG Social Studies $63,842 Durinick, Lawrence Asst Principal, MS $63,744 Bockweg, Lucy Teacher, 4-6 $63,732 Booth, Georgia Teacher, EC $63,732 Brown, Susan Teacher, K-3 $63,732 Burns, Constance Teacher, ES General Music $63,732 Butckovitz, Elizabeth Teacher, 7-12 Art $63,732 Griffin, Sharyn Teacher, ES Language Arts $63,732 Kinney, Gale Media Spec $63,732 Medlin, Amy Teacher, 7-12 Band $63,732 Melcher, Rebecca Teacher, 6-8 Computer $63,732 Meleones, Eva Literacy Facilitator, ES $63,732 O'Kane, Geraldyne Teacher, Instructional Coord $63,732 Rutherford, Mary Teacher, ES Art $63,732 Savage, Carol Media Spec $63,732 Sherrard, Leslie Teacher, Math $63,732 Springs, Patricia Teacher, ES Physical Ed $63,732 Stanley, Robin Teacher, Social Studies $63,732 Little, Merita Asst Principal, ES $63,488 Salls, Linda Asst, Regional $63,397 Silleman, Donald Asst, Regional $63,397 Tate, Donald Manager, Station CMS-3 $63,397 Boatwright, Glenda Speech/language Pathologist $63,374 Denson, Anna Speech/language Pathologist $63,374 Schaer, Patricia Speech/language Pathologist $63,374 Tomei, Robin Speech/language Pathologist $63,374 Cummins, Tresa Asst Principal, ES $63,350 Parker, Laponda Spec, Pro Dev $63,311 Altschuler, Sandra Social Worker, Title I $63,286 Bowersox, Jayne Social Worker, ES School $63,286 Dimenna, Frederick Teacher, Drafting $63,286 Funderburke, Jewell Social Worker $63,286 Jackson, Gwendolyn Teacher, Special Populations $63,286 Debiase, Christopher Spec, Student Srv $63,233 Smith, Gerry Spec, Student Srv $63,233 Marder, Lynn Psychologist, Staff $63,222 McCoy, Fatima Asst Principal, ES $63,193 Long, Jeffrey Asst Principal, MS $63,134 Allison, Evelyn Lead Teacher IB $63,099 Huntley, Geoffrey Teacher, Ag/Hort $63,099 Cunningham, Camilla Manager, HR $63,096 Tapley, Ronald Analyst, Sr Computer Syst $63,096 Gallo, Merry Resource Teacher, Health $63,075 Williams, Tangela Asst Principal, ES $63,063 Hoskins, Donevin Asst Principal, HS $63,055 Plaisance, Andre Asst Principal, HS $63,055 Montgomery, Scott Asst Principal, MS $62,976 St. Pierre, Cecilia Asst Principal, MS $62,976 Mitchell, Cecil Spec, Transportation $62,946 Cantrell, Lisa Asst Principal, MS $62,905 Bartlett, Mary Teacher, Mg Career Facl $62,905 Lawrence-Davis, E. Asst Principal, ES $62,826 Allen, Pamela Teacher, AG $62,785 Allen, Sandra Teacher, MG Math $62,785 Brinkman, Gloria Teacher, 7-12 Art $62,785 Cox, Kay Teacher, Business Ed $62,785 Foushee, Kathy Media Spec $62,785 James, Doris Literacy Facilitator, ES $62,785 Kilgo, Angela Teacher, K-3 $62,785 Lassiter, Judith Teacher, K-3 $62,785 Lewis, Judith Literacy Facilitator, Pre-K $62,785 Robinson, Andrea Teacher, K-3 $62,785 Rogers, Pamela Teacher, 9-12 English $62,785 Shoemaker, Anne Teacher, EC $62,785 Tucker, Lawrence Counselor, HS $62,785 Wallace, Cynthia Teacher, Physical Ed $62,785 Windle, Donna Teacher, EC Resource $62,785 Dawkins, Harold Asst Principal, HS $62,760 Allgood, Sandra Lead Teacher, Swim $62,712 Norwood, Susan Spec, Talent Dev Secondary $62,709 Arim, James Teacher, 9-12 Science $62,583 Aulette, Albert Teacher, 9-12 Math $62,583 Bowman, Teresa Social Worker $62,583 Bradshaw, Jane Counselor, MS $62,583 Burwell, Cheryl Teacher, MS $62,583 Carroll, Elizabeth Teacher, EC Resource $62,583 Chapman, Beverly Teacher, 7-12 Choral Music $62,583 Clarke, Greg Teacher, Business Ed $62,583 Crane, Cathy Literacy Facilitator, ES $62,583 Dryden, Deborah Literacy Facilitator, ES $62,583 Flansburg, Veronica Literacy Facilitator, Pre-K $62,583 Flash, Renee Media Spec $62,583 Fleming, Thomas Teacher, Business Ed $62,583 Garwood, Cathy Teacher, Spanish $62,583 Geiger, Eileen Teacher, K-3 $62,583 Gross, Rebecca Teacher, MG Social Studies $62,583 Hari, Veena Teacher, AG $62,583 Hull, Lynne Teacher, MG Math $62,583 James, Carolyn Teacher, EC Resource $62,583 Jones, Gloria Teacher, Coord Compliance $62,583 Jones, Yvonne Teacher, 4-6 $62,583 Mager, Barbara Teacher, Theater Arts $62,583 Mason, Annette Teacher, MG Language Arts $62,583 Mastran, Carmel Teacher, Coord Secondary $62,583 Mawardi, Nemat Teacher, Physics $62,583 McMurray, Marlena Teacher, 4-6 $62,583 Neese, Martha Media Spec $62,583 Newsom, Lynn Teacher, ES Art $62,583 Norris, Laura EC Support Teacher $62,583 Owens, Linda Teacher, Mg-career $62,583 Phillips, Nancy Media Spec $62,583 Plummer, Patricia Teacher, EC Resource $62,583 Ricke, Susan Literacy Facilitator, ES $62,583 Roberson, Angela Teacher, K-3 $62,583 Rorie, Wyndale Teacher, Social Studies $62,583 Salem, Rosalyn Counselor, MS $62,583 Scott, Peggy Teacher, Math $62,583 Slusser, Marie Teacher, Physical Ed $62,583 Smith, Roy Teacher, MG Social Studies $62,583 Spake, Karen Literacy Coach, MS $62,583 Spencer, Moultre Counselor, HS $62,583 Spencer, Susan Counselor, HS $62,583 Stocker, Brenda Teacher, 4-6 $62,583 Veronen, Janet Teacher, EC Resource $62,583 Williams, Susan Teacher, Spanish $62,583 Williamson, G. Counselor, HS $62,583 Wilson, Genie Facilitator, HS $62,583 Wright, Patricia Teacher, EC $62,583 Grimm, Robert Asst Principal, HS $62,582 McKenzie, Rachel Asst Principal, ES $62,563 Miller, Jerome Manager, Regional Property $62,559 Beck, Candy Speech/language Pathologist $62,463 Chickering, Heidi Speech/language Pathologist $62,463 Davis-Liseski, Luann Speech/language Pathologist $62,463 Gallagher, Lynn Speech/language Pathologist $62,463 Kuhn, Donald Asst Principal, HS $62,425 Parker, Richard Asst Principal, HS $62,425 Wood, Sandra Manager, Non Instr Recr $62,409 Ford, Harriett Spec, Student Srv $62,395 Parrish-Nowell, Caron Spec, Student Srv $62,383 Peters, Brenda Speech/language Pathologist $62,383 Stevenson, Monica Spec, Student Srv $62,383 Waller, Sandra Spec, Student Srv $62,383 Gebhardt, Marylou Analyst, Sr Computer Syst $62,344 Clewis, Layton Teacher, Special Populations $62,275 Maruca, Mona Coord, Magnet Schools $62,275 Daddona, Patricia Asst Principal, ES $62,267 Edwards, Laney Asst Principal, ES $62,267 Pratt, Lisa Asst Principal, ES $62,267 Lindo, Dionisio Engineer, Network $62,258 Lukanov, Stefan Engineer, Network $62,258 Edmonds, Gilda Coord, Career And Tech Ed $62,208 Works, Claudia Coord, EC $62,208 Marshall, Thomas Teacher, ROTC $62,208 Powell, George Teacher, ROTC $62,208 Carpino, Suzanne Manager, Instr Recr $62,108 Glover, Nancy Therapist, Occupational $62,047 Lofton, Kristine Therapist, Physical $62,047 Schwarz, Jennifer Therapist, Occupational $62,047 Efird, Chi-ya Spec, Pro Dev $62,044 Bowker, Marilyn Teacher, Social Studies $61,996 Lambert, Phyllis Teacher, ES Art $61,996 McComb, William Teacher, Drafting $61,996 Sutton, Susan Teacher, K-3 $61,996 Wells, Sara Teacher, ES Art $61,996 Wilkie, John Teacher, Social Studies $61,996 Johnson, Tonya Asst Principal, ES $61,972 Mullins, Marsha Asst Principal, ES $61,972 Lampros, Peter Teacher, Social Studies $61,966 Doran, Susan Asst Dir, Athletics $61,958 Albright, Sharon Teacher, 4-6 $61,919 Badami, Donna Teacher, ES Physical Ed $61,919 Gray, Michelle Teacher, Business Ed $61,919 Harris, Sandra Teacher, K-3 $61,919 Hern, Vera Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $61,919 Hoppe, Susan Teacher, ES Science $61,919 Jones, Janet Media Spec $61,919 Lashley, Lisa Teacher, ES General Music $61,919 McDaniel, Lea Media Spec $61,919 Neale, Kristine Teacher, French $61,919 Norris, Christine Teacher, EC Autistic $61,919 Patterson, Susan Literacy Facilitator, ES $61,919 Rosiak, Edmund Teacher, MG Math $61,919 Spencer, Neta Teacher, K-3 $61,919 Jackson, Billy Dir, Lawson Integration $61,915 Heath, Cara Asst Principal, ES Int $61,815 Oliphant, Angel Asst Principal, ES $61,815 Schoeneberger, Jason Analyst, Sr Assmnt Program $61,786 Lefko, Michael Asst Principal, MS $61,756 Lightsey, Andrew Asst Principal, MS $61,756 Fruendt, Kurt Asst Principal, ES $61,677 Howes, Lou Asst Principal, ES $61,677 Nelson, Sharon Asst Principal, ES $61,677 Alston, Cynthia Teacher, ES Language Arts $61,675 Baker, Danita Counselor, MS $61,675 Bartlett, Michael Teacher, EC Resource $61,675 Brown, Madeline Teacher, K-3 $61,675 Carroll, Janelle Teacher, ES General Music $61,675 Carter, Phillip Teacher, MG Science $61,675 Closner, Marcy Teacher, ES Physical Ed $61,675 Cole, Elizabeth Teacher, Social Studies $61,675 Connor, Carol Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Coyle, Karol Teacher, EC $61,675 Crespo, Joan Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Cunningham, Deborah Teacher, Career Dev Coord $61,675 Edwards, Velma Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $61,675 Erby, Gloria Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Fleming, Sara Teacher, Social Studies $61,675 Foster, Patricia Teacher, MG Math $61,675 Fountain, Shirley Teacher, MG Language Arts $61,675 Gisonna, Rose Teacher, K-3 $61,675 Graddy, Marsha Teacher, K-3 $61,675 Graham, Lillie Teacher, Reading $61,675 Grifenhagen, Gloria Teacher, EC Resource $61,675 Hager, Betty Counselor, MS $61,675 Harrison, Robert Teacher, 9-12 Science $61,675 Hawkins, Eugene Teacher, Mg-career $61,675 Higginbotham, D. Teacher, Instructional Coord $61,675 Jones, Mary Teacher, EC Resource $61,675 Key, Julia Teacher, ES General Music $61,675 Kinney, Jane Content Coach - Science $61,675 McBroom, David Facilitator, Math $61,675 Milton, Arlean Teacher, Coord Secondary $61,675 Nesbitt, Donna Teacher, AG $61,675 Nettles, Frances Teacher, K-3 $61,675 Pharr, Lisa Teacher, EC Resource $61,675 Price, George Teacher, ES Physical Ed $61,675 Ryals-Bynum, Joyce Facilitator, Preschool Literacy $61,675 Sappio, Ramona Facilitator, Preschool Literacy $61,675 Silden, Sally Facilitator, Preschool Literacy $61,675 Sinclair, John Media Spec $61,675 Smith, Donna Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Smith, Nellie Teacher, 9-12 Math $61,675 Spence, Sue Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Stamper, Pamela Teacher, 4-6 $61,675 Vandyne, Jeri Literacy Facilitator, ES $61,675 Walker, Stephanie Teacher, Special Populations $61,675 Woodley, Caserta Teacher, F&C $61,675 Kirby, Kristy Speech/language Pathologist $61,588 Alexander, Carol Counselor, HS $61,573 Gordon, John Social Worker $61,573 Fox, Kathleen Asst Principal, ES $61,519 Levi, Stacie Spec, EC $61,507 Arlas, Caren Spec, Student Srv $61,496 Donato, Elisabeth Spec, Student Srv $61,496 Range, Stephanie Dir, Advanced Studies $61,442 Jones, George Manager, Regional Property $61,356 Dancy, Karin Dir, Grant Dev $61,292 Rattley, Kondra Asst Principal, HS $61,244 Strejc, Susan Therapist, Occupational $61,135 Danchenka, Gary Teacher, ES General Music $61,123 Phelps, Ricky Asst Principal, ES $61,086 Edwards, Sally Teacher, 4-6 $61,076 McLaurin, Edith Teacher, F&C $61,076 Pickering, Judith Teacher, 9-12 Math $61,076 Siglar, Susan Teacher, EC Resource $61,076 Simmons, Karen Literacy Facilitator, ES $61,076 Adams, Michelle Teacher, Math $61,041 Baker, Celeste Teacher, Spanish $61,041 Bryne, Carol Teacher, ES Physical Ed $61,041 Graham, Margaret Media Spec $61,041 Honea, Barbara Teacher, Business Ed $61,041 Inabinet, Susan Media Spec $61,041 Lange, Dawne Teacher, 9-12 English $61,041 Liachoff, Crystal Teacher, 7-12 Choral Music $61,041 Matthews, Shelley Teacher, 9-12 Math $61,041 Reddig, Kim Teacher, EC Resource $61,041 Tinker, Susan Teacher, Mathy $61,041 Whitley, Joanne Teacher, 9-12 Math $61,041 McIver, Margaret Asst Principal, ES $60,929 Hammond, Rebecca Liaison, EC Behavior Support $60,917 Lynch, Maureen Teacher, Language Arts MS $60,888 Legrand, David Asst Principal, MS $60,870 August, Agnes Teacher, EC $60,766 Barrett, Mary Teacher, 9-12 English $60,766 Beacham, Jean Teacher, Career Dev Coord $60,766 Boal, Barbara Teacher, Bilingual / ESL $60,766 Braxton, Jean Teacher, Biology $60,766 Brown, Luck Teacher, Career Dev Coord $60,766 Brunschwyler, Pamela Teacher, 4-6 $60,766 Bryant, Elizabeth Teacher, K-3 $60,766 Coble, Elizabeth Teacher, ES Language Arts $60,766 Colbert, Sue Counselor, HS $60,766 Copeland, Vernell Teacher, K-3 $60,766 Demary, Shirley Teacher, K-3 $60,766 Diggs, Wayne Teacher, Social Studies $60,766 Dimeo, Marion Teache Email Link Feedback Report Share Reader Feedback A thought from a Yankee. February 11, 2009 | 12:32 AM I see that as usual you folks in North Carolina are complaining about the salaries of everyone in the profession. It would shock you all to learn that in New York State, health insurance for the teacher and their family has little or no premium paid by the teacher in every district statewide - yet in NC, a teacher has to get tenure to have district paid health benefits for themselves? Ridiculous. Moreover, New York teachers are paid far better than NC teachers. My point? How the F your state can hang onto any new teachers when you are paying them under $40,000 to start is a miracle and don't you think it isn't! Yankee Boy Salaries... August 07, 2007 | 10:25 AM I keep hearing criticism of salaries in CMS...and some people thinking TEACHERS are making the huge bucks. It just isn't true. My wife, with 16 years experience and a Master's degree makes 50K per year. Don't blame teachers. Frankly, I'm sick of it. These are special people that do a job that most of us wouldn't dare try. Are the administrators overpaid? Not hardly. This is a huge district with a myriad of issues. Most of the schools are doing a great job. Some are not, but then again, the things those schools deal with on a daily basis are mind boggling. |
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