2nd January 2011, 12:17 AM
Geetartha Phukan
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How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

may i know how much probable minimum marks one should get in aieee to get a seat in a good institution(aieee undertaken) for graduation courses in architecture.? And may i know something about placements providing in these institutes?

2nd January 2011, 08:21 AM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

The cut off marks of AIEEE is 50% marks of 432.you could get better college if you are able to get between 300 to 400.The top college must provide 100% placement so you don't need to worry about placements.
2nd January 2011, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

if your AIR is less than 2000 in AIEEE than you can apply to NIT patna. there are many other NITs who provide you B.Arch courses.

best of luck
2nd January 2011, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

which institutes offers correspondance courses of b tech mechanical in india?
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2nd January 2011, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

placement is quite good in these colleges and u need atleast 60 percent in 12 board exam.
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2nd January 2011, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Geetartha Phukan View Post
may i know how much probable minimum marks one should get in aieee to get a seat in a good institution(aieee undertaken) for graduation courses in architecture.? And may i know something about placements providing in these institutes?
around 20000 rank in aieee you should have to achieve.
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2nd January 2011, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

the minimum marks vary acc to the performers...its not specific...I can tell you of last year, with a score of 165, someone got 22789 rank, while with 162, his fren got 23,701...n with 155, approx, 30k rank...which are sufficient go get seat into NITs...unless u have a quota....;)

u can get a decent seat till 22-25,000 rank till biotech, a rank beyond this will fetch lower brances in NITs placed at end...but to have good seat, have a rank atleast till 20,000...Best of Luck..:)
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2nd January 2011, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

This is basically depend on the cut off marks of that year.
If your score is 120 marks then u will surely get a very good arch college. in India, CEPT, J.J, IIT kharagpur are considered 2 be the best arch colleges. try in cept, though idk the cutoffs. refer cept website 4 more details. in maharashtra, MASA (mah arch school assosciation) handles the admission procedure 4 many arch colleges. u need 2 apply 2 MASA with ur NATA score. Raheja is good, u will easily get into it. 4 J.J u need 2 give MAH-AR-CAT on 30 may, application dates r already over 4 mah-ar-cat.
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2nd January 2011, 10:37 PM
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Post Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

these are the
2010 cut off ranks

  • 380 and Above 1-10
  • 350 – 379 11-100
  • 325 – 349 101-500
  • 300 – 324 500-1000
  • 280 – 299 1000-2000
  • 250 -279 2000-5000
  • 220 – 249 5000-10000
  • 195 – 219 10000-20000
  • 175 – 194 20000-30000
  • 160 – 174 30000-40000
  • 147 – 159 40000-50000
  • 125 – 146 50000-75000
  • 108 – 124 50000-100000
  • Less than 108 Above 100000

from 1 to 2500 ranks were called For DCE admission or equivalent NIT's on the first day of their counselling

Note:-AIEEE, 2011 is rescheduled from 24.04.2011 to 01.05.2011 (Sunday) due to Easter festival. All rest of the things/schedule will remain unchanged. The sale of Information Bulletins from all selling centres will start from 22.12.2010 instead of 15.12.2010.
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13th January 2011, 10:36 AM
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Wink Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Geetartha Phukan View Post
may i know how much probable minimum marks one should get in aieee to get a seat in a good institution(aieee undertaken) for graduation courses in architecture.? And may i know something about placements providing in these institutes?
Dear friend,
Minimum 50% of marks are required for applying AIEEE...
If you are able to score in between 300 to 400 then you must be selected for that...
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15th January 2011, 02:40 PM
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It depends on every year competition but still if u get around 250.. it is good for you.
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21st February 2011, 01:11 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

when will the aplication forms of mah ar cat will be issued and what are the mimimum marks to get into jj college and kamla raheja?
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22nd March 2011, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

how much fee i have to pay for b arc course
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26th March 2011, 09:29 AM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Hi All,
Is coaching must for NATA (B.Arch entrance). If yes, then from where can i get good tarining.
I am from Mandsaur (M.P.)
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12th April 2011, 01:12 AM
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Thumbs up Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi All,
Is coaching must for NATA (B.Arch entrance). If yes, then from where can i get good tarining.
I am from Mandsaur (M.P.)
it depends on your preparation.i did my training from CREATIVE CAREER in Delhi they are very good. you can call them at 9313415509. i am from gwalior they have hostels too .
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14th April 2011, 01:24 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

if we get rank in b arch then the admissions are taken in our own state or other states too?
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20th April 2011, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

What is the sylabus of B.arch
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22nd April 2011, 09:23 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

how to apply for b arch in ANNA UNIVERSITY??
plzz help...
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24th April 2011, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

how is b-arch in bit-mesra ?? and what rank should i get for getting admission into it
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29th April 2011, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

is negative marking present in B.architecture
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1st May 2011, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

what air ranks should we get to join in top 20 colleges of architecture
what college do i get for 280/360
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2nd May 2011, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

my name is sakti and i'm from orissa i m expecting around 215 marks in aieee barch examination will i get any seat in nit's if not will i get a seat in bit mesra!!
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3rd May 2011, 11:45 AM
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Smile Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by rohitbhugra View Post
around 20000 rank in aieee you should have to achieve.
for b.arch,you need to score within 2000 atleast (AIR) if ur state has an nit,which has architecture course,then you can get preference,owing to HS quota
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3rd May 2011, 11:52 AM
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Smile Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi All,
Is coaching must for NATA (B.Arch entrance). If yes, then from where can i get good tarining.
I am from Mandsaur (M.P.)
since you are from MP,I guess,you can go for icres (www.architecturalaptitude.com) or you can go for DQlabs.(www.dqlabs.in).
but to be true,you dont need training as such to score above 100,thats quite a good score.
I myself got 109 in Nata,last year..All i did was study the book for b.arch,by Pk Mishra.And dqlabs provide free drawing sheets,You can just practise drawing those..Mind you that,you must have some aptitude in drawing,or atleast the basic sense of sketching for that..If you lack that,i guess you must take some coaching,else its not gonna be easy!
for the online part,practise solving papers online,keeping in mind the time..coz in the online test part,the sooner you answer,the more marks you get..
all the best!
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3rd May 2011, 11:54 AM
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Smile Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my name is sakti and i'm from orissa i m expecting around 215 marks in aieee barch examination will i get any seat in nit's if not will i get a seat in bit mesra!!
since this year,the net marks has come down,you can expect the nits,i guess..but you may have to wait till some rounds..
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3rd May 2011, 12:00 PM
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Smile Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what air ranks should we get to join in top 20 colleges of architecture
what college do i get for 280/360
out of top twenty colleges,if you mean nits and spa,delhi..then you must get a rank less than 300 for Spa,delhi,which is the best...for nits,you can rank within 2000..and if your state has an nit,with b.arch course,you can gain from HS quota.
If you are 100% sure that you have answered 280 marks,then you will definitely get in to SPA delhi or NIt trichy atleast,which comes after spa..

btw,let me warn you that dont expect full marks in drawing and secondly,dont go for SPA bhopal or spa hyderabad..those campuses got nothin to do with spa delhi n they dnt evn hv proper faculty or infrastructure.
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3rd May 2011, 08:02 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

hi sir....my name is VAGEESH......i am expextng 160 in aieee b.arch 2011..........................what may b my rank nd i hav reservation in obc...........can u plz tell me .......plz
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5th May 2011, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

is frm dis year, there will be a sub wise cut off in b.arch???
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6th May 2011, 11:59 AM
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wat is the expected cutoff for aieee 2011 paper 2(b.arch)???
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9th May 2011, 02:56 AM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

Could you please tell me that with a score of 108 in Aieee- 2011, what rank may I expect?
and how will the ranks made this year as there are 3 different Sets of Question papers. Those who gave Online test had different Questions, those who gave the Paper-Pen exam on 1st May,2011 had different paper and the ones who will be taking the exam on 11th May will have another Question paper. So, how will the merit rank be made?? Won't it be unfair for all the students. Some might have found the Online Paper easy and some the Paper-pen based paper.

Please help me out. Don't you think we students should raise our voice against this?
Moreover, few of my friends are unable to give their BITS-2011 tests as it is clashing with the new AIEEE test date of 11th May, 2011. I know it is their hard luck that they chose the 1st slot of BITS on 11th May...but it is not their fault either! We didn't know all this will happen!

Please help all the students who might be having problems regarding this.
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10th May 2011, 09:34 PM
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hey...m sharvari!!!!!....m in klass 12....living in mp....nd i want to prepare for architecture aieee nd m bit confused dat shud i join ne klass as mah ol frendz r joining it nd my dad iz an architect he says dat join it!!!!!.....for xactly know d pattern of paper or corse wat shud i do.....nd i m lill bit scared dat wat rank shud we need to get in a top 10 college.......
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11th May 2011, 01:35 PM
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sir where can i get answer key for aieee b.arch 2011 ???? plzzzzzzzz tell me
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14th May 2011, 02:37 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

i got 130 in nata
can i get spa delhi
230 aieee expected
which is the best place i can get with this marks if not spa
i live in kolkata
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20th May 2011, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir,I am sandeep..Could you please tell me that with a score of 120 in Aieee- 2011, what rank may I expect?
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23rd May 2011, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir i"M expecting 150 marks in b arch wat rank can i expect
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25th May 2011, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

I m expecting 120-150 marks in b.arch wht rank can i expect with these marks and can i get good college with these marks
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27th May 2011, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

i am epectng 170 in aieee b arch exam n i am from general category , can i expect any college wit this marks and wat would be my all india rank??
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29th May 2011, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir,,how much do i need to score in aieee b.arch 2011 to get spa,delhi?i m lining in kolkatta.
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1st June 2011, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir,, m scorng 120-150 marks..... n im frm sc quota.... is der any chce of getting admitted in in SPA delhi.??? plz rply me soon....
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5th June 2011, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir i have score 109 in b.arch may i get bit mishra
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5th June 2011, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

i got 9137 AIR in aieee b-arc can i get good college
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5th June 2011, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir i got 140 marks in b.arch and also i got 6585 rank in air . can u please tell me am i eligible?? and can i get seat in any college ?? please help me in this!!
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6th June 2011, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir i have scored 155 marks in AIEEE B.Arch 2011 can i get a seat in good college? in which college would i get the seat?
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7th June 2011, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

How much should i score in NATA to get seat in anna university.
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7th June 2011, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

sir, i have scored 177 marks in AIEEE b.arch 2011 and my all india rank is 11199. which college can i get admission into? please help me...please.
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8th June 2011, 05:23 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

hi.. i'm aradhana from bhubaneswar,orissa. i hav got an aieee rank 3227 with 204 marks in b.arch. what is the admission procedure for jj school of architecture? is there any chance of me gettin a seat in jj school if i get some decent marks in the mah-ar-cat? plzzzzzzzzzzz replyyyy plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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8th June 2011, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: How much marks required in AIEEE B.Arch exam to get a seat in a good college for B.Arch course? How are the placements of these institutes?

hi.. i'm aradhana from bhubaneswar,orissa. i hav got an aieee rank 3227 with 204 marks in b.arch. what is the admission procedure for jj school of architecture? is there any chance of me gettin a seat in jj school if i get some decent marks in the mah-ar-cat? plzzzzzzzzzzz replyyyy plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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8th June 2011, 05:29 PM
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How we fill the MAH-AR-CAT 2011 form plz tell me.
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8th June 2011, 05:35 PM
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how we fill the MAH-AR-CAT 2011 form.
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8th June 2011, 08:32 PM
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i ve scored 133 mrks in aieee b.ach xam...... can i get a gud college wid sch mks?????
if yes den wch colleges??
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