16th December 2010, 09:48 PM
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How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

How to study the Physics Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE competitive examinations? is there any trick to solve them correctly in very short span of time?

17th December 2010, 12:04 AM
Garima Khandelwal
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

For CET, go through your 12th board course thoroughly. For AIEEE, study through good books like arihant for chemistry,etc
17th December 2010, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

now u solve more & more MCQs till board exams and afterthat just read out formulas daily,,,,,physics is the simplest subject if u got it properly while chem. is the most scoring one
17th December 2010, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

You must be working hard by this time! But studying in a proper
manner is also important. My subject is Mathematics, so I will cover topics in this

For Board Exam (HSC) there is a fixed weightage for each topic. You can keep
one particular subtopic for an option and can still score full marks. But in MHT-
CET exam, there is no fixed weightage as such! So any number of questions can
be asked on a particular topic. Again, all questions are compulsory so you have
to prepare all the topics thoroughly. If you ask me, MHT-CET exam is easier than
the Board Exam. This is because shortcut methods can be used in most of the

My observation is that most of the questions in MHT-CET are asked in the board
exam. So you should first prepare all board questions. You have to make a
list of sums on each topic, which are worth remembering! That does not mean
you have to mug up all the sums. If somebody asks you to prove a concept,
you should be able to prove the same! While solving sums in MHT-CET, it is
important to remember the tables from 1 to 30 and trigonometric results. When
you decide to solve MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) on one particular topic
you should know all standard results (formulae) in that topic. Most of the sums
are based on formulae, so you just have to substitute values in that formulae.

You should solve at least 10 MCQs of each subject every day. Do not refer to
solutions immediately, first try at least for 10 minutes. Prepare that topic in such a
way that you are going to explain it to your friend! Of course for this you have to
be thorough in preparation as you have to face questions after you finish! Also try
to prepare 10 MCQs of your own and give them to your friends to solve!

Starting next week, we will be discussing 2, 3 chapters in every post, till then
happy learning!


The AIEEE consists of two papers; first paper comprising objective type questions from subjects like, mathematics, physics and chemistry; second paper consisting of objective type questions from mathematics, aptitude test and drawing test. The first paper is meant for getting the B.E. / B.Tech admissions and the second paper is for B.Arch. / B.Planning. Some of the important aspects of preparing for the exam involve the following points:

* Now the online services are improved a lot and there are many free online tests available; one can use those services in their leisure time to enhance their knowledge; but finding the best sites, which one could trust is really significant!
* Working out on time is a very important concept; it would be really appropriate to allot time to each question, while preparing for the exam. Try to get solved, half an hour before the actual timings; i.e. while practicing the sample question papers, try to complete within two and a half hours; hence the remaining half an hour would be ample enough for revising and verifying the answers.
* If you are stuck up with a question, then leave the question and move on to the next one. But later, make sure that you are giving attempt to all the left out questions.
* Try practicing the sample questions in the same format of the original question paper, i.e. the shading part of the question paper, etc. this could be done only through imagination, but practicing such small things would ease the exam pressure and it would also make you familiar to such practices; when one’s mind is familiar to some things, or concepts, then it is likely to make one comfortable to the same.
* Try concentrating on the logics of concepts, rather memorizing the formulas and procedures. Develop your own methodologies to solve a problem; this imparts confidence at the first place.
* Also it is advisable to undergo group discussion with friends and classmates, as such ways will expose you to the other’s alternative methodologies to solve the paper. But try to collaborate with friends, matching up with your frequency; the ultimate objective of such methods is to boost our confidence and energy and not otherwise!
* Concentrate on your speed of solving the problems. Analyze the different categories of possible questions and plan a suitable strategy to solve each one of them.
* Prepare yourself without stress and strain; developing such attitude would fetch you good results, as sound mind could think energetically!
* The ‘out of box thinking’ helps in segmenting the entire preparation process; it also improves the focus of concentration, but not every person does this! When two or more persons bear the same cut-off marks in AIEEE, then the inter-se merit of the students would be determined by the AIEEE by comparing the student’s AIEEE mathematics marks first and followed by their physics marks and their ages; in case of engineering admissions and in case of architectural and planning admissions, it compares the student’s AIEEE aptitude marks first and followed by the mathematics marks and their ages.
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17th December 2010, 04:00 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Originally Posted by aneeskhan View Post
How to study the Physics Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE competitive examinations? is there any trick to solve them correctly in very short span of time?
Dear Friend

Generally, there use to be no tricks as such to solve the problems.

The questions in AIEEE comes from basics and the person who knows those
basics, can solve questions easily.

If your basics are not clear then you can remember some tricks but that won't
be sufficient to qualify the exam.

In present situation I would recommend you to practice from MCQ (Bhrati Bhawan Publication)
and Arihant's objective books for aieee.

You should see the method of solving problems in the books even if you can
solve the problem on your own, so that you can get to know the trick (if there is any).

The key book is always NCERT and all questions comes from this book only.

If you have thoroughly studied NCERT then revise it well. It helps a lot.

Thank You
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17th December 2010, 01:18 PM
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Post Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Originally Posted by aneeskhan View Post
How to study the Physics Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE competitive examinations? is there any trick to solve them correctly in very short span of time?
for very short time you can solve last 10 year question paper of iitjee . it is the only way to get a good rank in aieee. otherwise u a can use abc book for physics, chem, math.
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17th December 2010, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

hi dear, there is no trick to solve mathematics queation because math always wants proof and logic.if you are logical sound than just think on logical base so all maths queation will be easy for you..but logic can develope after solving lots of maths problem.

so i suggest just solve R.S AGRWAL for quantive applitude boo which aviailabe in market.its vey nice book for logic tricks and maths
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17th December 2010, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?


For physics you must learn all the formula's for all chapters. The questions posed in exams are not that much tricky, you just need to get the point behind the question i.e. what-what parameter are needed to answer the question and just go on finding the parameter from the given data.

One thing more you can do is just learn all squares upto 30 and cubes upto 20.Also the log and antilogs for popular or frequent values like pi, various physics constants. Also for large numerical problems you can learn some simple trick given in the vedic maths.

hope this info helps
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17th December 2010, 09:39 PM
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Post Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Originally Posted by aneeskhan View Post
How to study the Physics Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE competitive examinations? is there any trick to solve them correctly in very short span of time?
the only thing u have 2 do is that u have 2 remember the formulas nd know that how that it has come nd know it
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17th December 2010, 11:13 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Dear friend

obviously there is some tricks to solve those questions.I am going to tell you such tricks:
1.your calculation must be fast, for this you should cram the table up-to 20 And do practice for fast and accurate calculation.
2.You should cram all formuli of math,physics and chemistry
3.While solving problem of physics you would find some algebraic result that result should be crammed by you and you can use that result as a formula while solving similar types of problem.
Not that friend, Practice is the main thing and you know that practice makes a man perfect.
Best of luck
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17th December 2010, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Dear friend

obviously there is some tricks to solve those questions.I am going to tell you such tricks:
1.your calculation must be fast, for this you should cram the table up-to 20 And do practice for fast and accurate calculation.
2.You should cram all formuli of math,physics and chemistry
3.While solving problem of physics you would find some algebraic result that result should be crammed by you and you can use that result as a formula while solving similar types of problem.
Not that friend, Practice is the main thing and you know that practice makes a man perfect.
Best of luck
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18th December 2010, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Good question. Even I got the answer just before joining class 12. Here's how:

1. Hard work is second to none. Practice, Practice, Practice!
The sums that you'll face in competition are the application of the concepts that you have learnt. Do not expect plug-and-chug questions. Solving more questions will also help you build confidence.
2. Rewrite formulae on a sheet of paper clearly and legibly, in a form and manner that you can remember them easily
A formula of the type P1.(V1^y) = P2.(V2^y) is more easily written as P.V^y=constant to be remembered.
3. Manage time
Practice old questions to know how much time an average competition sum takes. If a sum is taking more than that time, it is better to move on, come to it later.
4. Learn Vedic Math, A very few formulae though
These pertain to multiplying 2digitx2digit numbers and the sort. They are remarkably fast, I use them.
5. Make approximations
298 Kelvin is better than 297.6 K, 300 K is better still. Competitions rarely contain answers that are too close to one another. Some cunningness in this way might work.

Wishing you a great career ahead
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18th December 2010, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

There are not shortcuts to solving Physics problems. ABACUS can be used only for the pure mathematical calculations. You need to practice as many problems as possible.
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11th February 2011, 09:52 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

whaich is best mhtcet book for physics
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18th February 2011, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

please inform the book for practicing Numerical problems of Physics for MHT-CET after board exam
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20th February 2011, 08:23 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

You will have to make the basics of 11th and 12th very much clear for this purpose and should go through good books which provide very good short tricks(like arihant, r.s.agrawal).
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20th February 2011, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Hello Friend

The questions in AIEEE comes from basics and so.you need to keep your basics strong.Also try to concentrate more on the fundamentals.In present situation I would recommend you to practice from MCQ (Bhrati Bhawan Publication)
and Arihant's objective books for AIEEE.You may solve previous question papers for better preparation.

Best of Luck.......
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15th March 2011, 10:19 PM
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Aieee syllabus ?
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1st April 2011, 07:29 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

any shortcut tricks for math for mhtcet?
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25th April 2011, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

i have not studied any thing till yet and i m not prepared for both MHT-CET& AIEEE. Can u suggest me any thing now?
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13th July 2011, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

thanx sir......i wasif aman got lot of idea from you.....thanx a lott.
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1st August 2011, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

what is the way to prepare physics?
n organic chemistry?
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7th August 2011, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

which books should i prefer for physics and chemistry numericals?
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18th August 2011, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

how to calculate fastly in mathematics and in physics numerical..????
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23rd October 2011, 10:38 PM
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how can cemistry be solved in less time?
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24th October 2011, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

Respected sir,
The AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) forms one of the three ... be really appropriate to allot time to each question, while preparing for the exam. ... methodologies to solve a problem; this imparts confidence at the first place. .... to crack aieee iit jee 2011 preparation tips Aieee 2011 tricks mht cet tricks How
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9th December 2011, 11:12 PM
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what is the shortest method to learn physics ?
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6th March 2013, 11:01 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

How to study for exams like IIT JEE, AIEEE, MHT CET and HSC together? How to manage time?

Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/how-study-numerical-problems-mht-cet-aieee-exams-any-trick-solve-such-problems-short-time-span-61100.html#ixzz2MmIIb1EX
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3rd December 2013, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: How to study the Numerical Problems in MHT-CET or AIEEE exams? Any trick to solve such problems in short time span?

I am weak in mathematics please suggest some technics to improve my study I am a class 11 science student please help
And please suggest how can I expel in PCM cent and jee mains
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