9th December 2010, 03:09 PM
Shankar Patel
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Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............

27th February 2011, 11:21 PM
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Smile Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Shankar Patel View Post
dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............
this is excellent matter that u already solve big problem of maths and reasoning
plz make ur study continue then u already get big tricks and tips
best of luck
28th February 2011, 01:04 AM
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Smile Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Shankar Patel View Post
dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............
hello friend....

you can solve numerical aptitude in a easy way only when you practice and there is no short cut tricks available for it, only if you refer some books like R.S.Agarwal and work out some questions spending some valuable time for it daily then you cannot crack it easily... so try to pracitce the aptitude questions daily then you can see the change in the way of cracking the aptitude questions...
28th February 2011, 07:49 PM
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to solve mathematics and reasoning the only way is practice. you should practice more and more question paper for reasoning and mathematics then only you will be able to solve problem in examination within time.

there are some short way for different type of mathematics or reasoning problem. but for this you should remember some formula or some rules. in book there are so many rules and formula given.try to remember them. in some good books all formula are written in the starting of the book in one page.

i will give one advice when you will remember the short way and the formula also know the original procedure. some situation may come in the examination hall that you forget the short cut or you have some confusion then if you know the original procedure then you can solve the problem otherwise there is a chance of mistake. so remember the short and long both the way to solve the problem.

before the examination solve some model question paper as like real examination within time. it will help you a lot about the time management in the examination hall.

best wishes.
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28th February 2011, 08:13 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Shankar Patel View Post
dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............

Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

First of all you have to understand the exam syllabus thoroughly.All the bank exam in India consists of four section namely:-
General awareness
Quantitative aptitude and
Reasoning ability

I have suggest you some books which would be helpful for you to prepare.

Objective General English -R.s Agrawal

Arihant Objective General Knowledge -Arihant Publications

Quantitative aptitude -R.S Agrawal

Upkars Quicker Reasoning Test-Upkar Publications

And the most important thing is Regular practice and consistent study of all the subject Equally.And try to solve some previous year question paper thats helps you to boost up your self confidence .
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28th February 2011, 08:13 PM
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well i ll say you to do as much practice as you can try to solve every type of problem

only then you can do good .as you said you are good in mathematics so i don't think that

you will have much problem in solving numerical aptitude .so just work hard iam providing

you some of numerical aptitude problem just practice hard on it .

don't try to mug up problem just learn tricks .

try to solve model papers it will help you .
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Numerical-Reasoning-Questions I.pdf(121.3 KB, 3829 views)
File Type: pdf Numerical-Reasoning-Questions II.pdf(116.1 KB, 1961 views)
File Type: pdf Verbal-Reasoning Questions I.pdf(109.3 KB, 2030 views)
File Type: pdf Verbal-Reasoning Questions II.pdf(97.5 KB, 1757 views)
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28th February 2011, 09:03 PM
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The bank's exam pattern consists of 4 or 5 topics. It differs from bank to bank.

you should start the preparation for the exam 3 to 4 months before...

the best way to prepare for the exam is to buy one or two books from the market, the name for which is given below, and start practicing.

the more you practice the more you will be able to complete the paper in that limited time which is very short to solve all the questions.

so practice is everything to prepare for bank's exam.

the books which you can follow to prepare are given below(buy one or two):

Upkar`s SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

Ramesh`s Bank Clerical Exam(Solved Papers)

Upkar`s SBI PO Examination (Solved Papers)

Ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers

Test of Reasoning/Reasoning Ability by R.S.Agarwal (Verbal & Non-verbal)

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

Guides by Kiran publications.

all the best.
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28th February 2011, 09:25 PM
omprakash sharma
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if you want to give exam you must be solve mathematics and reasoning the only way is practice. you should practice more and more question paper for reasoning and mathematics then only you will be able to solve problem in examination within time.

there are some short way for different type of mathematics or reasoning problem. but for this you should remember some formula or some rules. in book there are so many rules and formula given.try to remember them. in some good books all formula are written in the starting of the book in one page.

i will give one advice when you will remember the short way and the formula also know the original procedure. some situation may come in the examination hall that you forget the short cut or you have some confusion then if you know the original procedure then you can solve the problem otherwise there is a chance of mistake. so remember the short and long both the way to solve the problem.

before the examination solve some model question paper as like real examination within time. it will help you a lot about the time management in the examination hall.
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28th February 2011, 09:28 PM
sanjay kumar saini
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In bank exam Reasoning,Aptitude type and general question are asked.For selection in bank clerk exam you should study very well.

If you thought that you can't clear bank exam without join coaching classes you should join coaching classes immediately.

Aptitude type question are most important question which asked almost in every exam as Bank exam,any company entrance test,UPSE entrance exam and other exam.

Best book for preparation of Aptitude type question is R.S Agrawal.if you do preparation from this book your confidence will grow.

For clerk exam you should also make strong your english.This will help you more in entrance exam or at the time of interview.your impression will good if you give your interview in english.

You should try to solve more question in limited time.
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28th February 2011, 10:48 PM
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Smile Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Tricks and Tips !!

dear sir,I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......thnking you............
See the way to Go out of this issue is Only practice, Don't think much about Shortcut tricks because some times they do fails.

Want to solve 50 maths/aptitude problems in just 25 mins then Yes you can but Not through Tricks but through Practice.

Try to solve as many problems you can ! Because If you try hard for practice they familiar Questions gets answer in few seconds in the Exams.

But if you Go for Short cuts then they need some manipulations to Solve them..

I must say Go for practice and Hard work, You will really succeed in your Aim.

As during practice it will take time, But Excessive practice of same kind of questions make you More confidant and Passionate..

Good luck and Hope you will crack the Exam..
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28th February 2011, 11:02 PM
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Written test : The written exam for clerical position will have the following sections,

1) Test of reasoning 2)Numerical Ability 3) Clerical aptitude 4)Test of English

* The Duration for written test would normally be 2 Hrs or 2.5 Hrs.So practice with model question papers /previous year papers.It helps you adjust time & pick up speed.

* Focus on basics & concepts of mathematics for numerical ability as the standard of question will be of secondary level.Read the reasoning/aptitude questions completely & understand it before choosing the correct answer.

* Before answering the questions,plan on the sections that have to be answered first.Start to answer from the paper which you are confident of & move to questions that consume time.
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28th February 2011, 11:35 PM
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Smile Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Hello friend!

There is no trick to solving math.. It is all about practice. All you need to do is dedicate atleast one hour solid to your puzzle and math problems.

Practice with R.S agrawal verbal and aptitude books.

Apart from this also refer to the previous year question .

I have attached the soft copy of R.S agrawal book and some question papers please go through them and practice.

Attached Files
File Type: pdf R S aggarwal verbal reasoning.pdf(803.4 KB, 9550 views)
File Type: doc Bank exam.doc(44.0 KB, 1163 views)
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28th February 2011, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

for Bank exam you have to prepare for atleast one year
there are special coaching classes also
you have to work hard
practise the previous question papers etc
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1st March 2011, 08:50 AM
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Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations
you should practice more and more question paper for reasoning and mathematics then only you will be able to solve problem in examination within time.
there are some short way for different type of mathematics or reasoning problem. but for this you should remember some formula or some rules. in book there are so many rules and formula given.try to remember them. in some good books all formula are written in the starting of the book in one page.
before the examination solve some model question paper as like real examination within time. it will help you a lot about the time management in the examination hall.

good luck
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1st March 2011, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

my caste is mobc.so i want to know what will be my maximum age limit to appear for bank clerical exams
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21st March 2011, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

send me previous years bank question of sbi
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26th March 2011, 05:32 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
send me previous years bank question of sbi

Attached some of the previous year bank exam papers of SBI and common bank exam question pattern paper in this post.. kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation...


-> Don't reside only on previous year papers, go through the papers and find out the question pattern and prepare for the questions accordingly.

-> Refer some good books to prepare for bank exams. To know about bank exam books CLICK HERE!!!

-> Spend valuable time daily to prepare for the exam for better result.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf 5022_BankPO_2009_SBI.pdf(1.53 MB, 1561 views)
File Type: pdf clerical_exam.pdf(1.21 MB, 1495 views)
File Type: docx SBI 2011.docx(13.7 KB, 547 views)
File Type: pdf State Bank of India Clerical Exam Paper 2.pdf(220.8 KB, 1202 views)
File Type: pdf 5295_Bank_Clerk_Sample_2010.pdf(616.5 KB, 1211 views)
File Type: pdf All Bank PO paper .pdf(153.7 KB, 1042 views)
File Type: pdf Bank-PO-exam-Sample-Paper.pdf(184.5 KB, 815 views)
File Type: pdf po_exam.pdf(1.15 MB, 1218 views)
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27th March 2011, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Shankar Patel View Post
dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............
to know the tricks you can follow R.S.Agarwal book. (aptitude and reasoning)
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29th March 2011, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

respactive sir
please sent me the trics for solve bank clerk exam in minimam time. i am a hindi medium student please help

your pupil
amit jatly
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16th April 2011, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

respactive sir
please sent me the trics for solve bank clerk exam in minimam time. i am a hindi medium student please help

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18th April 2011, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Respected sir,
I have done post graduation in MBA Finance. so i want to grow my career in banking sector now i applied IOB Clerical Exam 2011. I am basically a commerce student so i want to
know the basic concepts i need some suggestions to improve my knowledge in mathematics. kindly help me

thanking you
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30th April 2011, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

i want the sample computre knowledge questions & gk questions sri pls send to this to my mail [email protected]
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30th April 2011, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

i want the sample computre knowledge questions & gk questions sri pls send to this to my mail [email protected]
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8th June 2011, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

sir kindly send the formulas for the reasoning and quantitative aptitude
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15th June 2011, 10:35 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

respected sir

please sent me the tricks for solve bank clerk exam in minimum time. i am a english medium student... please help me.....
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6th July 2011, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

how to prepare for punjab national bank on dy. manager post...plz help me send me the old paper of this post...
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14th July 2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

sir ,the questions are brilliant but I need the answers to verify whether i've done these correctly.please sir,the bank exams are coming up .so please help with the answers
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3rd August 2011, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

you just need to buy
bany clerk exam mantra for 50rs
you will top in exam
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8th August 2011, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

sir, i can't solve math for banking question 25 minute please tell me any book for tricks.
I hope, you will tell me some books for math tricks banking
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2nd September 2011, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

could u suggested me the best book of reasoning for more parctice?
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15th September 2011, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Sir plz give me some reasoning data and tricks.plz send me.
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5th October 2011, 10:32 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by anncie10 View Post
Hello friend!

There is no trick to solving math.. It is all about practice. All you need to do is dedicate atleast one hour solid to your puzzle and math problems.

Practice with R.S agrawal verbal and aptitude books.

Apart from this also refer to the previous year question .

I have attached the soft copy of R.S agrawal book and some question papers please go through them and practice.

Thank you for the soft copy it will be really usefull for us ,thatx sir..
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7th October 2011, 11:17 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

i am going to start the preparetion for bank clerk exam so please give me short cut trick to solv the maths problams, thanks
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15th October 2011, 09:09 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

hi, myself rahul i have only few weeks for preparing ibps clerk bank clerk exam so plz give some trick or cheat for qualifying the exams ok buddy
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22nd November 2011, 02:52 PM
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24th November 2011, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

To get qualified in bank clerical exams you should be strong in the topics like
1.Aptitude and reasoning questions.
2.General awareness questions.
3.General english questions.
The clerk exams consists of nearly 250 questions you have to answer in 3 hours and last 30 minutes will be descriptive section.
1.Learns more formula which is necessary.
2.Solve as many as possible questions you can.
3.Learn shortcuts it will help in saving time.
For shortcuts join in any good coaching institute.You can also learn more models from the websites www.indiabix.com
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24th November 2011, 05:08 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by shankar patel View Post
dear sir,
i have done gravation in bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, i can solve the problems of maths and reasoning. But i want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. And reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
So, i request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, i want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. And numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
Thnking you............
be confident, solve as many questions as you can ... Practice makes a man perfect......try to solve r s aggarwal book for numerical apptitude.
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25th November 2011, 02:31 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i can't solve math for banking question 25 minute please tell me any book for tricks.
I hope, you will tell me some books for math tricks banking
Dear Friend,
I suggest you to read some magazines for preparing well for bank clerical exams. These magazines are Competition Success Review, Pratiyogita Darpan,General Knowledge refresher and Manorama Year Book 2011. These magazines contain solved and unsolved bank and other competitive exam question papers, along with current affairs, which will definitely help you.

With Regards, Your's Truly
Sibojyoti Chakrabarti
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24th January 2012, 06:06 AM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

dear sir / madam
i want sbi clerck exm clear plz some guide .how to prepare the exm .reasoning math and english .my id send your suggistion
[email protected] i hope you tel me some guideline og bankining plzzzzz sir
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25th January 2012, 12:12 PM
sheshadev senapati
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

hello dear
to solve mathematics and reasoning the only way is practice. you should practice more and more question paper for reasoning and mathematics then only you will be able to solve problem in examination within time.

there are some short way for different type of mathematics or reasoning problem. but for this you should remember some formula or some rules. in book there are so many rules and formula given.try to remember them. in some good books all formula are written in the starting of the book in one page.

i will give one advice when you will remember the short way and the formula also know the original procedure. some situation may come in the examination hall that you forget the short cut or you have some confusion then if you know the original procedure then you can solve the problem otherwise there is a chance of mistake. so remember the short and long both the way to solve the problem.

before the examination solve some model question paper as like real examination within time. it will help you a lot about the time management in the examination hall.

best wishes...
thank you
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18th June 2012, 03:51 PM
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respected sir,
i am very hard working student i many times solves questions of math and reasoning but many times i cannot solve the questions tell me some best books which having easy methods and techniques to solve the problems please tell me the books of math, reasoning , gk, english, computer, marketing.
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17th July 2013, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

Originally Posted by Shankar Patel View Post
dear sir,
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............
PLS SEND ME SOME TRICKS EMAIL ID :seth.sana @gmail.com
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11th September 2013, 05:35 PM
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i hv 2 appear govt clerk exam. dont know hw 2 solve reasoning quetions in few minutes. pl help me
my emaid id is: [email protected]
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29th September 2013, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Tips and tricks to prepare for bank clerk examinations

dear Shankar Patel

congrtas yaar if u r solving math at this speed.as far as the speed concern there is no shortcut to rely upon and to learn..its all about your choice and comfort zone which suit you.. and works at the 11th hour..
Now to improve your numerical ability you should be sound in mathematical calculations...i.e.you sould to know multiplication,division squares cubes upto 100.and should have clear concept of the topic.eg consider 'AVERAGE' in my school days my teacher teach it with some tricky concept bt i solve directy and before my teacher.so rely on your basic concept.
You can solve books like R S SENGER ,S K SINGH. etc.
Samrendra Kumar
I have done gravation in Bsc with hindi medium. I am preparing for banking exams, I can solve the problems of Maths and reasoning. But I want to solve numerical aptitude 50 questions in 25 minutes. and reasoning 50 questions in 25 minutes.
so, I request to you, is there any very short cut tricks to solve it?
I have short cut tricks but, I want very short cut tricks. To solve reasoning like syllogisum, series, etc. and numerical aptitude.
I hope, you will tell me some very short cut tricks......
thnking you............[/QUOTE]
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