14th February 2010, 12:44 PM
inservice pg cet eligibility?
hi i m dr sandeep dave, medical officer in maharashtra
1) want 2 know wht is d eligibility criteria for inservice pg cet. i m completing my probation period on 20 feb 2011 m i eligible fr 2011 cet? 2) wht is d inservice bond post pg fr inservice candidates and wht is d amount 2 be paid if we do not do d service? pl let me know about d above. thanks. |
15th February 2010, 11:53 PM
hello dr dave the eligibility conditions are as following,,:::
Eligibility Criteria 1) A candidate must be an Indian National. 2) A candidate who has passed final MBBS degree examination from a recognised medical college situated in Maharashtra, affiliated to Non-Agricultural Universities or to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and who has obtained full registration either from the Medical Council of India or from the Maharashtra Medical Council after completing one year internship training, will be eligible for PGM-CET 2010. The Inservice candidates working on the establishment of Directorate of Health Services, Directorate of ESIS and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation will be eligible to apply as per the eligibility criteria prescribed by the concerned establishments. 3) A candidate who is undergoing one year internship training and is likely to complete the same by 31st March, 2010 also will be eligible for PGM-CET 2010 4) A candidate who is domicile of Maharashtra and who got admission under 15% quota of All India Entrance Examination for MBBS and who has obtained the MBBS degree from the University situated outside the state of Maharashtra and has obtained full registration either from Medical Council of India, New Delhi or from the concerned State Medical Council will also be eligible for PGM-CET 2010. 5) For more details regarding eligibility and other rules, please log on to website www.dmer.org and refer to the PGM-CET-2010 information Brochure.. i hope dr dave you must have got your answers and cleared your doubts regarding the eligibility conditions....take care and all the very best .. bye |
17th February 2010, 04:37 PM
To apply for PGD CET a candidate must have done MBBS/BDS from an institute recognized by Medical Council Of India/ Dental Council of India. The candidate who will complete their internship before 31st march can also apply.
18th February 2010, 03:12 PM
visit the link http://www.successcds.net/MedicalEntranceExam/Maharashtra-PGM-PGD-CET.html you will get all your answers here hope this information will work for you best of luck |
18th February 2010, 11:54 PM
Eligibility for In-service candidates will be as per criteria laid down by the Public Health Department for M.M.&H.S. Medical Officer candidates and E.S.I.S. candidates; and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation for BMC candidates.
9th March 2010, 09:22 PM
Eligibility Criteria-
A candidate who fulfills the following stipulations shall be eligible to appear for the entrance test viz. He/She is a Citizen of India. He/She has studied and passed the course leading to the award of MBBS/BDS degree in a college recognized by Medical Council of India /Dental Council of India and Government of India. Candidate must have secured MBBS/BDS degree from a University established by law in India.............Candidate must be less than 45 years of age as on the last date for receipt of application for the entrance test. |
12th May 2010, 07:35 AM
dear friend
visit to the link for more information. //www.successcds.net/ you can get the right information about inservice pg cet eligibility. all the bast for the exam. |
24th June 2010, 08:56 PM
look noboday knows anything here. i am having a GR which says THOSE WHO ARE GOING TO COMPLETE THEIR PROBATIONARY PERIOD TILL THE DATE OF CET IS ELIGIBLE FOR IN SERVICE PG. So by that standard all MPSC medical officers who joined service in 2009 will not be eligible.we will be disqualified because we are not completing probationary period till the date of CET 2011. we are trying that the rule should be THOSE ARE ELIGIBLE WHO COMPLETE THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD TILL THE RESULT OF CET-2011 (result and not the exams). do contact me on [email protected] if u want to have a copy of the relevant GR. dr ashfaque memon
10th September 2010, 07:48 PM
hello drs im serching for probationary period.... for how many yrars we have to work.so dat we r eligible for pg mh-cet.....?????? is dat period varies for trible area" PHC MO OR other areas PHC MO......???? pls do reply.....
13th October 2010, 08:07 PM
Hi everybody,
Despite a very cold response from MPSC medical officers i and dr wakode (along with Dr bhosikar sir who is president of MAGMO nanded branch) met Principal secratory to health minister as well as Director Of health services on 07/10/10.we have given them an idea about the possibility of MPSC medical officers becoming ineligible for PGMCET-2011. They have sympathetically listened to us and took our application (attached along with this mail). One thing is sure as of now only those medical officers who have joined service on or before 16th january 2009 are eligible for PGMCET-2011. With regards dr ashfaque memon ([email protected]) |
17th October 2010, 05:20 PM
what decision dr dakhore has given for eligillity criteria of probation pariod for inservice medical entrance 2011?
my date of joining is 18 feb 2009. what is parcentage of seat reserved for inservice candidate. is new decision i.e. one medical entrnace examination from next year 2011-12. wil affect our admission processes ,if yes how? plz plz answer |
17th October 2010, 05:27 PM
hello sir
my self dr satish gore working as m.o. at phc in yawatmal distric my date of joining is 18feb 2009, am i eligible for inservice medical entrance 2011? what decision dr dakhore has given abt eligilbilty criteria ofinservice medical entrance 2011 examination2011. wht percenatge of seat r avaialabel for inservice medical officer |
17th October 2010, 05:28 PM
hello sir
my self dr satish gore working as m.o. at phc in yawatmal distric my date of joining is 18feb 2009, am i eligible for inservice medical entrance 2011? what decision dr dakhore has given abt eligilbilty criteria ofinservice medical entrance 2011 examination2011. wht percenatge of seat r avaialabel for inservice medical officer |
17th October 2010, 05:31 PM
![]() Quote:
my self dr satish gore working as m.o. at phc in yawatmal distric my date of joining is 18feb 2009, am i eligible for inservice medical entrance 2011? what decision dr dakhore has given abt eligilbilty criteria ofinservice medical entrance 2011 examination2011. wht percenatge of seat r avaialabel for inservice medical officer |
26th October 2010, 02:09 AM
[hi i m dr vishal n i wanted to know how these pg seats are distributed according to college n categorywise means i want to know are there any regulations which seat to be distributed to which college..
which seats ll bj medical college hv in next pgm cet cat egorywise??? |
31st March 2011, 02:41 PM
In Medical PG entrance Examination there wiil reserve Quata for West Bengal Health Servive,West Bengal Public Heath Administrative Candidates who works in Different corners of West Bengal for the benifit of People in Primary Health Tyre(Besic Structure)?
30th April 2011, 04:04 PM
1) A candidate must be an Indian National.
2) A candidate who has passed final MBBS degree examination from a recognised medical college situated in Maharashtra, affiliated to Non-Agricultural Universities or to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and who has obtained full registration either from the Medical Council of India or from the Maharashtra Medical Council after completing one year internship training, will be eligible for PGM-CET 2010. The Inservice candidates working on the establishment of Directorate of Health Services, Directorate of ESIS and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation will be eligible to apply as per the eligibility criteria prescribed by the concerned establishments. 3) A candidate who is undergoing one year internship training and is likely to complete the same by 31st March, 2010 also will be eligible for PGM-CET 2010 4) A candidate who is domicile of Maharashtra and who got admission under 15% quota of All India Entrance Examination for MBBS and who has obtained the MBBS degree from the University situated outside the state of Maharashtra and has obtained full registration either from Medical Council of India, New Delhi or from the concerned State Medical Council will also be eligible for PGM-CET 2010. |
9th May 2011, 09:25 PM
how much % seats r there in maharashtra pg entrance for in service candidates?how extra marks will be given for how many years served in maharashtra public health service in rural,tribal area etc?what r the rules if we becomes eligible in inservice quota?can anybody help me to know the rules?
22nd May 2011, 10:07 PM
![]() Quote:
& for tribal service u r given additional 10 % marks for each year upto maximum 30% of total marks. Rules for inservice Quota can be seen on website of Dmer.org |
1st July 2011, 03:34 PM
hi ,i have joined moship as per mkcl exam and now in dieleme whether to continue as govt policies related to inservice pg r not transparent. hence kindly guide in view of probation period,eligibility after probation to pgcet, trible non trible area an d naxal area reservations, also govt has not asked us of our choices for trible and non trible region so appeares as if the norm is imposed on us
20th July 2011, 05:38 PM
25th September 2011, 12:16 PM
I have applied for esis 95 imo jobs karnataka. I want to know what is the probationary period to get INSERVICE PG SEAT. E-mail [email protected]
3rd December 2011, 12:05 AM
i am onetime absorption medical officer candidate working at phc in osmanabad district from 10 years, can we appear for PG-CET exam in jan-2012? because we have criteria of 6 years probetion period, is our director or dmer gave us permission for entrance exam in coming jan-2012, they said we will allow you for entrance exam, what is the decision? please reply.