4th August 2013, 01:11 PM
Last 5 years question papers of intelligence bureau assistant officer grade II?
Sir/ madam,
Pls send me five year previous question of intelligence. Bureau assistant officer grade ll My id. [email protected] |
23rd May 2014, 03:28 PM
Re: Last 5 years question papers of intelligence bureau assistant officer grade II?
Sir/ madam,
Pls send me five year previous question of intelligence. Bureau assistant officer grade ll My id.: [email protected] |
11th January 2015, 10:05 PM
Re: Last 5 years question papers of intelligence bureau assistant officer grade II?
Below are the attachments of IB ACIO Grade II question papers of past few years. Please download them. Apart from that some of the recommended books for IB ACIO Grade II exam where you can get more years solved papers are, Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (General) Grade-II Recruitment Examination Study Guide by GKP Publisher: G.K. Publications Price: Rs. 195 Intelligence Bureau ACIO Grade 2 EXAM by RPH Editorial Board Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House Price: Rs. 310 Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade - Ii Exam Practice Work Book (2009) Publisher: Kiran Prakashan (2009) Author: Kiran Prakashan |