24th April 2011, 11:33 AM
Last date of submitting applications for NDA exam?
what is the date of form submit of nda exam
24th April 2011, 01:59 PM
NDA exam is conducted twice in year. This exam is conducted by the
UPSC. To apply for this examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass in any discipline those appeared in the 10+2 exam are also eligible. The NDA I exam for the 2011 is now over. So you can apply for the NDA II exam in this year. The important dates for the NDA II examination is given below: Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011 For latest updates on NDA examination visit the UPSC web site www.upsc.gov.in |
24th April 2011, 02:07 PM
NDA Examination was held 2 times in Year. And the NDA I examination was already Completed On 17/April/2011.
And if you have missed the chance, then please apply for NDA II examination. To apply for NDA II examination, Your Age should Between 16.5 to 19 years, only then you can apply for NDA II examination. The Last date of apply for NDA II examination was 09/May/2011. And the Entrance examination was going to be held on 21/Aug/2011. So, please apply for this examination soon before 09/May/2011. And if you are fullfill the eligiblity criteria, then please apply for This examination Online By visit the official website of UPSC. And if you want to get complete information regarding NDA II Examination, then please visit the official website OR read the given notification - http://www.upsc.gov.in |
24th April 2011, 02:23 PM
The important dates for NDA exams are as below:
DATE OF NOTIFICATION : 9th april 2011 (GOING ON) LAST DATE FOR RECEIVING APPLICATIONS : 9 TH MAY 2011 EXAM DATE: 21ST AUGUST 2011 (THIS YR) pl keep ur self updated thru UPSC website... i also suggest the following links: http://www.successcds.net/UPSCExam/ http://www.successcds.net/UPSCExam/NDA-National-Defence-Academy-Navel.html |
24th April 2011, 02:40 PM
National Defence Academy Exam (II):-
National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II): . Age limit: The age limit is candidates born between 02-07-1993 and 01-01-1996. Educational qualification:- For Army:- candidates pass with 12th in 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent examination conducted by State Education Board or a university. For Air Force, Navy and Naval Academy:- candidates pass with 12th in pattern of school education or equivalent examination conducted by State Education Board or university with physics and mathematics subjects. Application fee:- Candidates those who are applying online cash deposited in any branches of SBI of Rs 50/- (No fee for SC/ST candidates), or online by net banking (OR) by credit/debit. Who are applying Offline Rs 100/- through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (CRFS) only. procedure to apply:- The eligible and interested candidates have to apply through online or offline. Online Application Form:- The interested candidates have applied through online from the website - www.upsconline.nic.in on or before 09-05-2011 up to 11.59 PM. Offline Application Form: The eligible candidates may also apply offline. Application Form can be purchased from designed Head Post Offices or Post Offices through out the country by cash payment of Rs 30/- candidates required to affix the stamp worth of Rs 6/- on the acknowledgement card and forward together with application form. Important dates:- Closing date for online registration:- 09-05-2011, up to 11.59 PM. Last date for receipt of offline application: 09-05-2011, (For far flung areas 16-05-2011). Date of written test will be conducted on: 21-08-2011. |
24th April 2011, 03:09 PM
NDA exam important date:-
Date of form saling-10/4/11 last date of form subission-9/5/11 date of exam-21/8/11 you can fill the form if you are 12th passed. DATE OF NOTIFICATION |
24th April 2011, 03:42 PM
hello dear
Last date of submitting applications for NDA exam 2011 has been over, so you can try for the next year. if do you will have eligibility criteria in the next year. all the best.............. |
24th April 2011, 06:02 PM
NDA II exam is conducted on 21/aug/2011.
The form submission of NDA exam is 09/May/2011 by online or offline. for more information see the employment news of 9 to 14 April 2011: nda22011_english.pdf |
24th April 2011, 06:08 PM
NDA exam will be held twice in a year i.e NDA-I,NDA-II
NDA examination notification for 2011 year. NDA-I exam notification for 2011 year: Date of issuing application form from 16th Oct 2010 to 15th Nov 2010 Exam going to held on 17th April 2011 NDA-II exam notification for 2011 year: Date of issuing application form from 9th April 2011 to 9th May 2011 Exam will be held on 21st Aug 2011 Now you have chance to apply for NDA-II exam.so apply soon... To apply the application form online,then click here If you require more information,then see this attachment |
24th April 2011, 06:20 PM
Dear friend,
NDA exam is conducted by UPSC twice in a year. Called NDA I and NDA II. For NDA I exam normally held in the month of Apr and for NDA II exam held in Sep every year. The important dates related to NDA II are as follows: Date of complete 7-9 pages Notification in Employment News Of: 09.04.2011 Last date for reciept of application: 09.05.2011. Last date for reciept of application for those candidates residing hilly area and staying abroad: 16.05.2011. Date of Exam: 21.08.2011 The eligibility criteria of NDA- 1. Age limit: The age of the candidate must be at least 16 1/2 years and not more than 19 years on January 1st or July 1st of the year subsequent to the year of the exam. 2. Education qualification: The candidates who have completed class 12th and the candidates who are going to appear for the class 12 or its equal exam are also eligible to submit an application for NDA exam. Candidates who are appearing for the NDA exam must be unmarried males. For more details visit website: http://www.nda.nic.in/ All the best............................. |
24th April 2011, 06:56 PM
Hi dear,
LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS : (a) Online The Online Applications can be filled upto 9th May, 2011 till 11.59 PM after which the link will be disabled. (b) Offline All Offline Applications must reach the “Controller of Examinations, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi- 110069” either by hand or by post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the 9th May, 2011. Applications will be received by hand, only one at a time, at the designated counter(s) and not in bulk, till 5 PM only. However, in respect of candidates posting their application from abroad or certain remote areas specified in Para 6 of this Notice the last date for receipt of applications by Post/Speed Post only (not by Hand or by Courier) is 16th May, 2011 Thanks |
24th April 2011, 07:00 PM
NDA i.e National Defence Academy Examination is conducted by upsc twice year.
N.D.A Examination(I) was already over..... N.D.A & N.A Examination(II),2011 Notification was already released. Important dates : Date of Notification : 09.04.11 Last date for receipt of Application : 09.05.11 Date of Examination : 21.08.11 Age limits : 16 1/2 To 19 yrs. Apply online by the using website : www.upsconline.nic.in More details,Visit the official website : www.upsc.gov.in |
24th April 2011, 07:25 PM
As you know NDA is conducted by upsc and it held twice in a year. As NDA1 is over so you can apply for the NDA2. The application form will already issued from 9th April'11. The last date of submission is 9th May'11. The exam will be held on 21-08-2011. So collect the application form as soon as possible and apply for this. You can get online information about application for and criteria from the official website of the upsc that is www.upsc.gov.in |
24th April 2011, 08:25 PM
NDA Examination conducts by UPSC 2 times in Year.
ELIGIBILITY: Age should be between 161/2 to 19 years You must have passed 10+2 examination or waiting for result with any stream qualify for army You must have PCM as subject for navy and air force . IMPORTANT DATES: Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011 To apply online : click here For more information: |
24th April 2011, 11:50 PM
The Union Public Service Commission will hold the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2011 on 21st August, 2011 for admission to Army, Navy, and Air Force Wings of NDA for 128th course and for the 90th Indian Naval Academy course (INAC) commencing from June, 2012
Conditions of eligibility Age limits, sex and marital status:Only unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd July, 1993 and not later than 1st January, 1996 are eligible Educational qualifications For Army Wing of National Defence Academy: 12th class pass of 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent examination conducted by a state education board or a university For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2 cadet entry scheme of the Indian Naval Academy: 12th class pass of the 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics, conducted by a state education board or a university Candidates who are appearing in the 12th class under 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination Physical standards: Candidate must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2011 as given in appendix-V of commission’s notice for the examination published in employment news/rozgar samachar dated 09th April, 2011 How to apply: Candidates may apply online using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in, detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the abovementioned website Candidates may also apply offline in the common application form devised by the commission for its examinations which can be purchased from the designated head post offices/post offices (specified in appendix-III of the notice) throughout the country against cash payment of Rs 20/- (Rs twenty only). Each such form can be used only once and only for one examination In case of any difficulty in obtaining application forms from the designated HPOs/Pos, the candidates should immediately contact the concerned post master or UPSC’s forms supply monitoring cell over Tele 011-23389366/Fax 011-23387310 Fee:Candidates applying online are required to pay a reduced fee of Rs 50/- (Rs fifty) only either by remitting the money in any branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card Candidates applying off-line (through common application form) are required to pay a fee of Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only) through central recruitment fee stamp only SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fee Important Dates Last date for Online Application :09th May, 2011 Off-line: All off-line applications must reach the controller of examinations, UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahajahan road, New Delhi-110069 either by hand or by post/speed post or by courier on or before 09th May, 2011 However, in respect of candidates residing abroad or in certain remote localities specified in the notice the last date for receipt of applications by post/speed post only (not by hand or by courier) is 16th May, 2011 Date/Day of Commencement of Examination -21st August, 2011 |
25th April 2011, 03:47 PM
NDA Examination is conducted by UPSC twice a year as NDA (I) and NDA (II). NDA is an opportunity for 12th pass candidates to join defence forces as an officer. Important dates of NDA examination: NDA (I) exam was held on 17th April 2011 Notification for NDA (II) is declared on 9th April 2011. Last date of submitting application form 9th May 2011. NDA (II) exams is going to be held on 21st Aug 2011. You can apply either online or offline. So, notification was published in employment newspaper and is available at official website of UPSC. http://www.upsc.gov.in All the Best... |
29th April 2011, 02:51 PM
Following are the dates
Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011 For more information you can visit www.upsc.gov.in |
30th April 2011, 02:17 PM
NDA Examination is conducted by UPSC twice a year as NDA (I) and NDA (II). NDA is an opportunity for 12th pass candidates to join defence forces as an officer.
Important dates of NDA examination: NDA (I) exam was held on 17th April 2011 Notification for NDA (II) is declared on 9th April 2011. Last date of submitting application form 9th May 2011. NDA (II) exams is going to be held on 21st Aug 2011. You can apply either online or offline. |
30th April 2011, 02:18 PM
(a) Online The Online Applications can be filled upto 9th May, 2011 till 11.59 PM after which the link will be disabled. (b) Offline All Offline Applications must reach the “Controller of Examinations, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi- 110069” either by hand or by post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the 9th May, 2011. applications will be received by hand, only one at a time, at the designated counter(s) and not in bulk, till 5 PM only. However, in respect of candidates posting their application from abroad or certain remote areas specified in Para 6 of this Notice the last date for receipt of applications by Post/Speed Post only (not by Hand or by Courier) is 16th May, 2011. Also I am attach a document regarding information about NDA.nda22011_english.pdf |
30th April 2011, 02:45 PM
NDA exam is going to be conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) twice a year.
Here i am providing the important dates regarding the NDA II exam for the academic year 2011. Date of notification : 09-04-2011 Last date for the receipt of completed applications : 09-05-2011 Date of Exam : 21-08-2011 One can get the updated information in the official website of UPSC. Here it is, http://www.upsc.gov.in/ NDA exam is going to be conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) twice a year. For the academic year 2011, NDA I exam was held on 17-04-2011. Here are the important dates for NDA II exam. Date of Notification :09-04-2011 Last date for the receipt of applications : 09-05-2011 Date of exam : 21-08-2011 For the updated information, you can visit the official website of UPSC. Here it is http://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
30th April 2011, 02:51 PM
Upcoming NDA-2 examination is going to conduct on Sunday 21st August 2011. Application form for this is available from 9th april 2011 to 9th may 2011.
Last date to submit application form is 9th April 2011. |
30th April 2011, 03:14 PM
The NDA exam is conducted twice a year by the UPSC.
The Important dates for NDA II is: Date of notification:09.04.2011 Last date of form submission:09.05.2011 Date of exam:21.08.2011 For details, visit: www.upsc.gov.in |
30th April 2011, 04:30 PM
National Defence Academy examination is conducted by the UPSC twice in a year. To apply for this examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass in any discipline. Those appeared in the 10+2 examination are also eligible to apply for the NDA examination.
The age limit for the NDA exam is between 16.5 to 19 years. The important dates of NDA II exam is given below. Date of Notification for NDA (II) exam 9th April 2011. Last date of submitting application form 9th May 2011. Date of NDA (II) exam 21st Aug 2011. For more information on NDA exam visit at the below web site www.upsc.gov.in |
30th April 2011, 09:06 PM
NDA exam is conducted twice in year. This exam is conducted by the
UPSC. To apply for this examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass in any discipline those appeared in the 10+2 exam are also eligible. The NDA I exam for the 2011 is now over. So you can apply for the NDA II exam in this year. The important dates for the NDA II examination is given below: Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011 For latest updates on NDA examination visit the UPSC web site www.upsc.gov.in 24th April 2011 |
1st May 2011, 01:10 AM
The IMPORTANT DATES are as follows:- Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011. Thanks. |
16th May 2011, 01:47 AM
Hi dear,
NDA exam is conducted twice in year. This exam is conducted by the UPSC. To apply for this examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass in any discipline those appeared in the 10+2 exam are also eligible. The NDA I exam for the 2011 is now over. So you can apply for the NDA II exam in this year. The important dates for the NDA II examination is given below: Date of Notification for exam 09.04.2011 Last Date for Submissions of Application Form 09.05.2011 Date of commencement of Exam 21.08.2011 For latest updates on NDA examination visit the UPSC web site www.upsc.gov.in Thanks |
20th September 2011, 01:40 PM
NDA is conducted twice in an year .
I am providing all the important dates for both the NDA exams - NDA-I(2012) 1.Notification date for exam 31/12/2011 2.Last date to apply is 30/1/2012 3.Exam date is 15/4/2012 NDA-II(2012) 1.Notification date for exam 5/5/2012 2.Last date of application is 4/6/2012 3.Exam date is 19/8/2012 Thank you |
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