5th January 2011, 11:56 AM
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Placement papers for Syntel?

i have interview on 9th jan i need 2 prepare for tat anybody send me syntel 2009-2010 placement paper

19th April 2011, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by vino1 View Post
i have interview on 9th jan i need 2 prepare for tat anybody send me syntel 2009-2010 placement paper

The Syntel exam is conducted in two rounds

1.Written Examination


In the written examination following topics are asked by the candidate

Section I – Verbal – 25 questions – 15 Minutes

Section II – Quantitative Aptitude – 30 questions – 45 Minutes

Section III – Logical Reasoning – 30 questions – 30 Minutes

Total 85 questions – 90 Minutes

The candidates who qualify the written examination will be called for the
Interview only.

I have attached some previous year placement papers of Syntel with this
thread. You can download these papers form below.
Attached Files
File Type: zip SYNTEL PAPERS.zip(94.7 KB, 684 views)
19th April 2011, 11:28 AM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Originally Posted by vino1 View Post
i have interview on 9th jan i need 2 prepare for tat anybody send me syntel 2009-2010 placement paper
The pattern consist of 3 sections:

1. Aptitude(general) test
2. HR Interview
3. Technical Interview

you can get Syntel Campus placement Papers in the given below sites



good luck.
19th April 2011, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Some papers is given in the attachment..
but you have to prepare for the exam then you should know the all activities happen in the country and other subjects related to the papers.
Syntel placement paper.doc
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19th April 2011, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Hello friend !

Here I have given you an excerpt from an interview of a candidate selected for syntel placement & also attached a paper with this post.For more papers and information :

The pattern consist of 3 sections:

1. Aptitude(general) test
2. HR Interview
3. Technical Interview

Written test:

The first thing in written was to manage the time,b’coz there was a bulk of questions(some ques repeat) in written three different parts were there and each having cutoff range.

The first paper was of English:
In English there were 20 ques and you need to complete it in 15 mins.
Those were like paragraphs and synonyms & antonioms.
The cut-off range(I don’t remember properly) was 12.

The second paper was of Maths:-

In maths paper there were 45 ques and needed to complete in 30 mins
The ques were simple logical.
The cut-off range was I think 30.

The third paper was of Aptitude:-

The ques were mostly from R.S.Agrawal.Those were simple.and quite analytical
Some ques are repeated.

I think there were 35 ques and needed to complete in 20 mins.
The cut-off range was I think 20.The paper was not that tough .
Now the toughest time came i.e to wait for interview.
That camp-us was a record campus around 6800 students were appeared for that test.the written was held in 3 shifts.

Interview time:-
As I told you there were 2 interviews hr & technical.
First my technical was taken,and I think I waited for 12 hours for that I’view.
My technical was taken by a mam,who passed out from jss,noida(now at some high place in Syntel).

She asked me for :-
1.was to identify Armstrong no.
3.data structure,
4.acid properties.

Rest I don’t remember but mostly It was from dbms & daa,/ds.

Then it continued with hr/personal I’view.

(state your hobbies about which you know everything)

1.i’s asked for who scored 6 sixes in an over & who was the bowler

Ans:ravi shastri in first class cricket and the bowler was k.krishan something,I’s able to give the ans of 1st part only.

2.diameter of football.

3.why Syntel?

4.% graph of degree.

5.how much you rate yourself in scale of 10.

6.why we should take you.

7.who is the best footballer do you think and why,

8.do you have any girlfriend.

9.if you were given the chance to go abroad and not to your wife then?

10.your expectations from our side…

This interview of mine was taken by company’s V.P. and I was preety confident after this,I went in the interview room by thinking that I have nothing to loose,only I can get something.

And finally…….. I got selected.
Attached Files
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19th April 2011, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Hello Friend,
There are three steps of the Syntel recruitment process
1) Written test
It was conducted online. You have to solve 45 questions in 45 minutes. You can’t go back to the previous question. If you don’t know then guess the answer and go to next question. There is no negative marking. Initial questions were very time consuming puzzles. don’t give extra time to any question. Follow the R. S. Agrawal Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning. All Patterns of questions are given in this book.
2) Group discussion:
It is also an elimination round. Try to correlate topic with different issues. If they give topic “circle” then don’t discuss circle. It is an abstract topic. You can talk about circle of friends and harmony. Show your general awareness don’t sit idle. Be active in GD.
3) Technical & HR interview:
Interviewer aim is not finding very intelligent people. They are seeking people who are confident and know the basics of C/C++, DBMS, Java and mentioned subjects. If you are EC/ME student then also you should have knowledge of C/C++. They don’t compromise with communication skills.

I have attached some previous year placement papers of Syntel with this
thread. You can download them from below.
Attached Files
File Type: docx Syntel1.docx(15.7 KB, 421 views)
File Type: docx Syntel2.docx(15.2 KB, 355 views)
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19th April 2011, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Hello friend !

Since you have qualified for the interview then you must improve your general knowledge on current affairs & other basic things. They will ask questions on matters of general interest & will test your potential ,qualities of leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, power of practical application and integrity of character.

You can can get help by reading the interviews of candidates selected in last few years .Here i have attached one such paper from which you can take help & you can get such papers on the website :
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19th April 2011, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Hello Friend,
There are three steps of the Syntel recruitment process
1) Written test
It was conducted online. You have to solve 45 questions in 45 minutes. You can’t go back to the previous question. If you don’t know then guess the answer and go to next question. There is no negative marking. Initial questions were very time consuming puzzles. don’t give extra time to any question. Follow the R. S. Agrawal Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning. All Patterns of questions are given in this book.
2) Group discussion:
It is also an elimination round. Try to correlate topic with different issues. If they give topic “circle” then don’t discuss circle. It is an abstract topic. You can talk about circle of friends and harmony. Show your general awareness don’t sit idle. Be active in GD.
3) Technical & HR interview:
Interviewer aim is not finding very intelligent people. They are seeking people who are confident and know the basics of C/C++, DBMS, Java and mentioned subjects. If you are EC/ME student then also you should have knowledge of C/C++. They don’t compromise with communication skills.

I have attached some previous year placement papers of Syntel with this
thread. You can download them from below.
Attached Files
File Type: docx Syntel1.docx(23.2 KB, 261 views)
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19th April 2011, 02:50 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

I have attached some previous year placement papers that you could use to prepare for
Attached Files
File Type: docx Syntel-model3.docx(11.8 KB, 322 views)
File Type: docx Syntel-model2.docx(12.5 KB, 302 views)
File Type: docx Syntel-model.docx(13.6 KB, 282 views)
File Type: docx Syntel Placement Paper-2008.docx(12.9 KB, 309 views)
File Type: docx Syntel.docx(16.2 KB, 274 views)
File Type: docx Syntel-model paper2.docx(16.4 KB, 291 views)
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19th April 2011, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Just know the concepts of basic school mathematics then the placement papers is all yours.
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19th April 2011, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

hello friend,
here are few syntel placement papers..


all the best
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30th April 2011, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Paper: Syntel Placement Paper (Aptitude, Verbal & Reasoning)

Part 1: (Verbal/English)


1. equanimity
2. sequester
3. apathetic
4. dislodge
5. sedate

1. celeberate:marriage::
a. window:bedroom b. lument:barevemant
c. potan d. faceenalty
2. neglegent:requirement::
remises:duty cognet:argument
easy:hard carefulosition
3. Germ:disease::
man:women doctor:medicine
war:destrustion shopkeeper:goods
4. bouquet:flower::
skin:body chain:link
product:factory page:book
5. letter:word::
clubeople page:book
product:factory pictureaper

Part II

1. One monkey climbs a poll at the rate of 6mts/min and fell down 3mts in the alternately. Length of the poll is 60 mts , how much time it will take to reach the top? a. 31 b.33 c.37 d.40 (ans: 37)
2. X men work for X days to produce X products, then Y men can produce Y products in - - - - days. (ans: y^3/x^2)
3. sqrt(12 + sqrt(12) + ((sqrt(12) +......................infinity) = ? (ans: 4)
4. consider a square ABCD, in which E is the mid-point of BC & F is that of CD. Now find the ratio of area of triangle AEF to the area of square ABCD. (ans: 3/8)

Part III (Reasoning)

1. There are 4 buses - A,B,C,D. There are 220 students in a school. A can carry 60 students. B can carry 50 students. C can carry 40 students. D can carry 35 students Cost of travelling in the 4 buses were given, A - 160 , B- 140, C- 125 , D- 95 (not exact values)
a) Find the bus combinations, so that all the students can be carried in the minimum cost (One can use any no. of buses of a particular type)
b) Find the min. no. of buses required to carry all students etc.
2. P speakes Italian & French Q speakes Spanish & English R speakes Italian & German S speakes Spanish & French T speakes English & German etc. Find a) Mediator between P & Q b) Most popular language etc
3. All P's are Q's some R's are not C's Some C's are P's & so on ( 5 Q's based on these facts)
4. One Logical Venn diagram problem
5. One simple flow chart
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30th May 2011, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

The pattern consist of 3 sections:

1. Aptitude(general) test
2. HR Interview
3. Technical Interview

you can get Syntel Campus placement Papers in the given below sites


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13th September 2011, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

hello can u plz tell me tht the elegbility criteria for syntel
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13th September 2011, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

now the syntel is taking online test which has the pattern like this

1) Written test

It was conducted online. You have to solve 45 questions in 45 minutes. You can’t go back to the previous question. If you don’t know then guess the answer and go to next question. There is no negative marking. Initial questions were very time consuming puzzles. don’t give extra time to any question. Follow the R. S. Agrawal Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning. All Patterns of questions are given in this book.

2) Group discussion:

It is also an elimination round. Try to correlate topic with different issues. If they give topic “circle” then don’t discuss circle. It is an abstract topic. You can talk about circle of friends and harmony. Show your general awareness don’t sit idle. Be active in GD.

3) Technical & HR interview:

Interviewer aim is not finding very intelligent people. They are seeking people who are confident and know the basics of C/C++, DBMS, Java and mentioned subjects. If you are EC/ME student then also you should have knowledge of C/C++. They don’t compromise with communication skills.
Time: 45 minutes on the whole n timer descends( suddenly some window pops n u r asked to fill in ur parents name - just for verification, but timer wil never stop..so, be fast n careful)

Complexity: very easy (coz, no quants)

Negative marking: no

1. Find the next number in the series-4 problems
they were so easy like:
Increase by 2,4,16,25

2. Find the odd one out-3 problems
All numbers resulted in 9 while adding their digits, except 1
All numbers were divisible by some number say x, except 1

3. Find the correct spelling- 1 problem( i dont remember the word, but it was easy to make out from the option choice)

4. Blood relation-2 problems

5. Reading comprehension -3 questions(from the same passage, appeard on a single page)

6. Find which part of the sentence has error - 3 problems
The sentence was broken and each section was given as an option. Very easy like, basic grammar ( from-since, have been, adverb usage)
7. All diamond rings are blue.
some blue rings are costly.

All diamond rings are blue : 4 questions of this sort, and they ask you to arrange these 3 rules in order
options were a.123, b.231, c.213, 4.132
8. In a certain language, manage is coded as namega, then wats the code for nature?(This is a basic question.2 or 3 tricky ones were there)

4 problems of this sort

9. Alphabetical ordering questions(interesting)-4 problems
abbcccddddeeeeefffff?? (ans:fg)
adg hkm oru ??? (ans:vyb)
10. A Situation explained in a passage..and 3 questions following (say like, arrangement - tough). 12 questions (totally 4 such problems)

11. Direction- 2 problems
like- A is 20m to the south of B who is 20m to the west of C. then wat can u say about A and C?(something of this sort with 4 options including the angle and direction between A and B)
12. Incomplete sentence-3 problems
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2nd October 2011, 09:16 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 1
Question Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

i want placementpaper of syntel.so plz send me. my email id is ria.srivastava00@gmail.com.
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10th October 2011, 02:07 AM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Placement papers of Syntel are attached bellow -

syntel 2.doc

Thank you
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10th October 2011, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

will u provide us some of the tips of facing an interview in Syntel ???
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13th October 2011, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 2
Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

sir pls i want immdeatly syntel model papers pls
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13th October 2011, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Default Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

i need syntel model papers pls tis is anil
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31st October 2011, 05:52 PM
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Smile Re: Placement papers for Syntel?

Originally Posted by vino1 View Post
i have interview on 9th jan i need 2 prepare for tat anybody send me syntel 2009-2010 placement paper

Past Placement Papers of Syntel

I have attached a few past papers of Syntel along with this post..

Just go through them once and you will have an idea of the pattern and the level of the questions asked in the exam..

Be prepared with a computer language like C,C++,JAVA,etc because they might ask questions from that in the interview..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
Attached Files
File Type: pdf syntel_placement_papers.pdf(237.2 KB, 155 views)
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