23rd February 2011, 06:22 PM
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Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

Can you send me Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

Please send fast


24th February 2011, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?


I am sending some previous year question papers.Just find the attachments below

All the very best
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24th February 2011, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?


Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI:
25th February 2011, 04:30 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Default Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

Total consist of 3 rounds.
1)written test
3)TECH/HR interview

Written test-
1.) Quantitative 25 questions
2.) Analytical 25 questions
Hello friends.....
Section A
1.Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes?
a)2kg b) 2.4kg c) 2.5kg d) none
Answer. C

2.How many 5 digit no. can b formed wit digits 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 which r divisible by 4 and digits not repeated
a)144 b)168 c)192 d) none
Answer. C

3.There is a rectangular Garden whose length and width are 60m X 20m.There is a walkway of uniform width around garden. Area of walkway is 516m^2. Find width of walkway
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
Answer. C

4.If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then
b) x=y/3
c) x=(2/3)y
d) none
Answer. A

5. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.?
d) 146
Answer. B

6. 1,27,125,?,729,1331 find missing number.
Ans: 343

7. Find approx value of 39.987/0.8102+1.987*18.02
a)72 b)56 c)86 d)44
Answer. C

8. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags, such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no. of such bags reqd
a)10 b)17 c)15 d) none
Answer. D

9. If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is the rate?
a)5% b) 10% c)25% d)20%
Ans: D

10. A man engaged a servant on a condition that he,ll pay Rs 90 and also give him a bag at the end of the yr. He served for 9 months and was given a turban and Rs 65. So the price of turban is ?
i)Rs 10 II) Rs 19 iii)Rs 0 iv)Rs 55
Ans: A

11. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.?
i. 147 ii. 148 iii. 149 iv. 146
Ans: B

12. In a race from pt. X to pt Y and back, Jack averages 30miles/hr to pt Y and 10 miles/hr back to pr X.Sandy averages 20 miles/hr in both directions. If Jack and Sandy start race at same tym, who,ll finish 1st ?
Jack/Sandy/they tie/Impossible to tell
Ans: they tie ( check it)

13. 2 men at same tym start walking towards each other from A n B 72 kms apart. sp of A is 4kmph.Sp of B is 2 kmph in 1st hr,2.5 in 2nd, 3 in rd. n so on.when will they meet
i in 7 hrs
ii at 35 kms from A
iii in 10 hrs
iv midway
Ans: D

14. If the ratio of prod of 3 diff comp,s A B & C is 4:7:5 and of overall prod last yr was 4lac tones and if each comp had an increase of 20% in prod level this yr what is the prod of Comp B this yr?
i. 2.1L
Ans: A

15. If 70% of a no. is subtracted from itself it reduces to 81.what is two fifth of that no.?
Ans. A

16. If radius of cylinder and sphere r same and vol of sphere and cylinder r same what is d ratio betn the radius and height of the cylinder
i. R= H
ii. R= (3/4)H
iii. R = (4/3)H
iv. R=2/3H
Ans: C

17. Which one of the foll fractions is arranged in ascending order
i. 9/11,7/9,11/13,13/14
ii 7/8,9/11,11/13,13/14
iii 9/11,11/13,7/8,13/14
iv none
Ans: C

i. 8
ii. 6
iii. 4
iv. none
Ans: C

19. units digit in expansion os 2 raised to 51 is:
Ans: D

20. Three wheels make 36, 24, 60 rev/min. Each has a black mark on it. It is aligned at the start of the qn. When does it align again for the first tym?
14/20/22/5 sec

21.one question on determinant having 4 colm and 3 rows I do not remember what exactly it.
I had not solve it

22. one question on zeometry on triangle one side and angle is given like AD is perpendicular to BC ,BD is Given find AC?
I had not solve it

24. one question on progression , a simple one.

25. one question on share .a tough one.

Section B
Direction for Qn 1-4
An employee has to allocate offices to 6 staff members. The offices are no. 1-6. the offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other by dividers>hence voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one office to another
Miss R needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr. M and Mr. B need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often while working. Miss H is a senior employee and his to be allotted the office no. 5, having the biggest window.
Mr. D requires silence in office next to his. Mr. T, Mr. M and Mr. D are all smokers. Miss H finds tobacco smoke allergic and consecutively the offices next to hers are occupied by non-smokers. Unless specifically stated all the employees maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hrs.
Solution: Arrangements= D T M B H R.
1. The ideal candidate to occupy office farthest from Mr. B will be
i. Miss H
ii. Mr. M
iii. Mr. T
iv. Mr. D
Ans: D

2. The three employees who are smokers should be seated in the offices
i. 1 2 4
ii. 2 3 6
iii. 1 2 3
iv. 1 2 3
Ans: C

3. The ideal office for Mr. M would be
i. 2
ii. 6
iii. 1
iv. 3
Ans: D

4. In the event of what occurrence within a period of one month since the assignment of the offices would a request for a change in office be put forth by one or more employees?
i. Mr D quitting smoking
ii. Mr. T taking over duties formally taken care of by Miss R
iii. The installation of a water cooler in Miss H,s office
iv. Mr. B suffering from anemia
Ans: D(check it)

Direction for Qn 5-7
Ten coins are distr. Among 4 people P, Q, R, S such that one of them gets a coin, another gets 2 coins,3rd gets 3 coins, and 4th gets 4 coins. It is known that Q gets more coins than P, and S gets fewer coins than R
5. If the no. of coins distr. To Q is twice the no. distr. to P then which one of the following. is necessarily true?
i. R gets even no. of coins
ii. R gets odd no. of coins
iii. S gets even no. of coins
iv. S gets odd no. of coins
Ans: D

6. If R gets at least two more coins than S which one of the following is necessarily true?
i. Q gets at least 2 more coins than S
ii. Q gets more coins than P
iii. P gets more coins than S
iv. P and Q together get at least five coins
Ans: B

7. If Q gets fewer coins than R, then which one of the following is not necessarily true?
i. P and Q together get at least 4 coins
ii. Q and S together get at least 4 coins
iii.R and S together get at least 5 coins
iv.P and R together get at least 5 coins
Ans: A

Direction for Qn 8-9
Elle is 3 times older than Zaheer. Zaheer is ½ as old as Waheeda. Yogesh is elder than Zaheer.

8. What is sufficient to estimate Elle,s age?
i.Zaheer is 10 yrs old
ii.Yogesh and Waheeda are both older than Zaheer by the same no of yrs.
iii.Both of the above
iv.None of the above
Ans: A

9. Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the info above
i.Yogesh is elder than Waheeda
ii.Elle is older than Waheeda
iii.Elle,s age may be less than that of Waheeda
iv.None of the above

Qns 10-11 are based on situations given below:

7 Uni crick players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on a dais along one side of a single rectangular table.
A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of table, which is closest to exit.
B will receive Man of the Match and must be in the centre chair
C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of Wicket keeper dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible
E and F are best friends and want to seat together.

10.Which of the foll may not be seated at either end of the table?
i. C
ii. D
iii. G
iv. F
Ans: iv

11.Which of the foll pairs may not be seated together?
i. E & A
ii. B & D
iii. C & F
iv. G & D
Ans: i

Direction for Qn 12-13
A robot moves on a graph sheet with x-y axes. The robot is moved by feeding it with a sequence of instructions. The different instructions that can be used in moving it, and their meanings are:
Instruction Meaning
GOTO(x,y) move to pt with co-ord (x,y) no matter where u are currently
WALKX(P) move parallel to x-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve
WALKY(P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve

12. The robot reaches point (5,6) when a sequence of 3 instr. Is executed, the first of which is GOTO(x,y) , WALKX(2), WALKY(4). What are the values of x and y??
i. 2,4
ii. 0,0
iii. 3,2
iv. 2,3
Ans: C

13. The robot is initially at (x.y), x>0 and y<0. The min no. of Instructions needed to be executed to bring it to origin (0,0) if you are prohibited from using GOTO instr. Is:
i. 2
ii. 1
iii. x + y
iv. 0
Ans: A

Direction for Qn 14-17
Five teams participated in Pepsi Cup. Each team played against each other. The top teams played finals. A win fetched 2 pts and a tie 1 point

1) South Africa were in the finals
2) India defeated SA but failed to reach the finals
3) Australia lost only one match in the tournament
4) The match between India and Sri Lanka was a tie
5) The undefeated team in the league matches lost in the finals
6) England was one of the best teams that did not qualify

14.Who were the finalists?
i. SA & India
ii. Aus & SL
iii. SA & SL
iv. none
Ans: C

15. Who won the finals?
i. Aus
ii. SL
iii. SA
iv. Can,t be determined
Ans: C

16. How many matches did India Win?
i. 0
ii. 1
iii. 2
iv. can,t be determined
Ans: D

17.What was the outcome of the India England Match
i. India won
ii. England won
iii. It was a tie
iv. Can,t be determined
Ans: D( check it)

Direction for Qn 18-24.

Ans A using I only
Ans B using II only
Ans C using both I and II
Ans D not solvable

18. Raman and Gaurav Brought eggs from a vendor. How many eggs were bought by each of them
i. Raman bought half as many as Gaurav
ii. The dealer had a stock of 500 eggs at the beginning of day
Ans: D

19. What is the age of Ramprakash?
i. Ramprakash was born when his father was 26 yrs old
ii. Ramprakash,s mothers age is 3yrs less than his father,s
Ans: D

20. How much time is reqd for downloading the software?
i. The Data transfer rate is 6 kbps
ii. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes
Ans: C

21. Sanjay and Vijay started their journey from Mumbai to Pune. Who reached Pune first?
i. Sanjay overtakes two times Vijay and Vijay overtakes Sanjay two times
ii. Sanjay started first
Ans: C

22. A boat can ferry 1500 passengers across a river in 12 hrs. How many round trips does it make during the journey?
i. The boat can carry 400 passengers at a time
ii. During its journey, the boat takes 40 mins time each way and 20 mins waiting time at each end.
Ans: C

23. What are the values of m and n?
i. n is an even integer, m is odd integer and m is greater than n.
ii. The product of m and n is 30
Ans: C

24. How much is the weight of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges?
i. 1 orange weighs twice that of 1 mango
ii. 2 mangoes and 3 oranges weigh 2 kg
Ans: B

25. Is the GDP of country X higher than Country Y?
i. GDP,s of X and Y has been increasing at a compounded annual growth rate of 5% and 6% over he past 5 yrs
ii. 5 yrs ago GDP of X was 1.2 times Y
Ans: C.
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26th February 2011, 02:10 PM
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Smile Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

***** Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI *****

want to tell you specially to all MCA students because they are more technically strong but generally avoid to prepare aptitude and gd ,

so be reffer to the latest papers. I was cleared the first 2 rounds but eliminated in the final round.

Total consist of 3 rounds.

1)written test
3)TECH/HR interview

Written test-
1.) Quantitative 25 questions
2.) Analytical 25 questions
Hello friends.....
Section A
1.Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes?
a)2kg b) 2.4kg c) 2.5kg d) none
Answer. C

2.How many 5 digit no. can b formed wit digits 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 which r divisible by 4 and digits not repeated
a)144 b)168 c)192 d) none
Answer. C

3.There is a rectangular Garden whose length and width are 60m X 20m.There is a walkway of uniform width around garden. Area of walkway is 516m^2. Find width of walkway
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
Answer. C

4.If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then
b) x=y/3
c) x=(2/3)y
d) none
Answer. A

5. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.?
d) 146
Answer. B

6. 1,27,125,?,729,1331 find missing number.
Ans: 343

7. Find approx value of 39.987/0.8102+1.987*18.02
a)72 b)56 c)86 d)44
Answer. C

8. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags, such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no. of such bags reqd
a)10 b)17 c)15 d) none
Answer. D

9. If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is the rate?
a)5% b) 10% c)25% d)20%
Ans: D

10. A man engaged a servant on a condition that he,ll pay Rs 90 and also give him a bag at the end of the yr. He served for 9 months and was given a turban and Rs 65. So the price of turban is ?
i)Rs 10 II) Rs 19 iii)Rs 0 iv)Rs 55
Ans: A

11. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.?
i. 147 ii. 148 iii. 149 iv. 146
Ans: B

12. In a race from pt. X to pt Y and back, Jack averages 30miles/hr to pt Y and 10 miles/hr back to pr X.Sandy averages 20 miles/hr in both directions. If Jack and Sandy start race at same tym, who,ll finish 1st ?
Jack/Sandy/they tie/Impossible to tell
Ans: they tie ( check it)

13. 2 men at same tym start walking towards each other from A n B 72 kms apart. sp of A is 4kmph.Sp of B is 2 kmph in 1st hr,2.5 in 2nd, 3 in rd. n so on.when will they meet
i in 7 hrs
ii at 35 kms from A
iii in 10 hrs
iv midway
Ans: D

14. If the ratio of prod of 3 diff comp,s A B & C is 4:7:5 and of overall prod last yr was 4lac tones and if each comp had an increase of 20% in prod level this yr what is the prod of Comp B this yr?
i. 2.1L
Ans: A

15. If 70% of a no. is subtracted from itself it reduces to 81.what is two fifth of that no.?
Ans. A

16. If radius of cylinder and sphere r same and vol of sphere and cylinder r same what is d ratio betn the radius and height of the cylinder
i. R= H
ii. R= (3/4)H
iii. R = (4/3)H
iv. R=2/3H
Ans: C

17. Which one of the foll fractions is arranged in ascending order
i. 9/11,7/9,11/13,13/14
ii 7/8,9/11,11/13,13/14
iii 9/11,11/13,7/8,13/14
iv none
Ans: C

i. 8
ii. 6
iii. 4
iv. none
Ans: C

19. units digit in expansion os 2 raised to 51 is:
Ans: D

20. Three wheels make 36, 24, 60 rev/min. Each has a black mark on it. It is aligned at the start of the qn. When does it align again for the first tym?
14/20/22/5 sec

21.one question on determinant having 4 colm and 3 rows I do not remember what exactly it.
I had not solve it

22. one question on zeometry on triangle one side and angle is given like AD is perpendicular to BC ,BD is Given find AC?
I had not solve it

24. one question on progression , a simple one.

25. one question on share .a tough one.

Section B
Direction for Qn 1-4
An employee has to allocate offices to 6 staff members. The offices are no. 1-6. the offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other by dividers>hence voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one office to another
Miss R needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr. M and Mr. B need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often while working. Miss H is a senior employee and his to be allotted the office no. 5, having the biggest window.
Mr. D requires silence in office next to his. Mr. T, Mr. M and Mr. D are all smokers. Miss H finds tobacco smoke allergic and consecutively the offices next to hers are occupied by non-smokers. Unless specifically stated all the employees maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hrs.
Solution: Arrangements= D T M B H R.
1. The ideal candidate to occupy office farthest from Mr. B will be
i. Miss H
ii. Mr. M
iii. Mr. T
iv. Mr. D
Ans: D

2. The three employees who are smokers should be seated in the offices
i. 1 2 4
ii. 2 3 6
iii. 1 2 3
iv. 1 2 3
Ans: C

3. The ideal office for Mr. M would be
i. 2
ii. 6
iii. 1
iv. 3
Ans: D

4. In the event of what occurrence within a period of one month since the assignment of the offices would a request for a change in office be put forth by one or more employees?
i. Mr D quitting smoking
ii. Mr. T taking over duties formally taken care of by Miss R
iii. The installation of a water cooler in Miss H,s office
iv. Mr. B suffering from anemia
Ans: D(check it)

Direction for Qn 5-7
Ten coins are distr. Among 4 people P, Q, R, S such that one of them gets a coin, another gets 2 coins,3rd gets 3 coins, and 4th gets 4 coins. It is known that Q gets more coins than P, and S gets fewer coins than R
5. If the no. of coins distr. To Q is twice the no. distr. to P then which one of the following. is necessarily true?
i. R gets even no. of coins
ii. R gets odd no. of coins
iii. S gets even no. of coins
iv. S gets odd no. of coins
Ans: D

6. If R gets at least two more coins than S which one of the following is necessarily true?
i. Q gets at least 2 more coins than S
ii. Q gets more coins than P
iii. P gets more coins than S
iv. P and Q together get at least five coins
Ans: B

7. If Q gets fewer coins than R, then which one of the following is not necessarily true?
i. P and Q together get at least 4 coins
ii. Q and S together get at least 4 coins
iii.R and S together get at least 5 coins
iv.P and R together get at least 5 coins
Ans: A

Direction for Qn 8-9
Elle is 3 times older than Zaheer. Zaheer is ½ as old as Waheeda. Yogesh is elder than Zaheer.

8. What is sufficient to estimate Elle,s age?
i.Zaheer is 10 yrs old
ii.Yogesh and Waheeda are both older than Zaheer by the same no of yrs.
iii.Both of the above
iv.None of the above
Ans: A

9. Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the info above
i.Yogesh is elder than Waheeda
ii.Elle is older than Waheeda
iii.Elle,s age may be less than that of Waheeda
iv.None of the above

Qns 10-11 are based on situations given below:

7 Uni crick players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on a dais along one side of a single rectangular table.
A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of table, which is closest to exit.
B will receive Man of the Match and must be in the centre chair
C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of Wicket keeper dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible
E and F are best friends and want to seat together.

10.Which of the foll may not be seated at either end of the table?
i. C
ii. D
iii. G
iv. F
Ans: iv

11.Which of the foll pairs may not be seated together?
i. E & A
ii. B & D
iii. C & F
iv. G & D
Ans: i

Direction for Qn 12-13
A robot moves on a graph sheet with x-y axes. The robot is moved by feeding it with a sequence of instructions. The different instructions that can be used in moving it, and their meanings are:
Instruction Meaning
GOTO(x,y) move to pt with co-ord (x,y) no matter where u are currently
WALKX(P) move parallel to x-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve
WALKY(P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve

12. The robot reaches point (5,6) when a sequence of 3 instr. Is executed, the first of which is GOTO(x,y) , WALKX(2), WALKY(4). What are the values of x and y??
i. 2,4
ii. 0,0
iii. 3,2
iv. 2,3
Ans: C

13. The robot is initially at (x.y), x>0 and y<0. The min no. of Instructions needed to be executed to bring it to origin (0,0) if you are prohibited from using GOTO instr. Is:
i. 2
ii. 1
iii. x + y
iv. 0
Ans: A

Direction for Qn 14-17
Five teams participated in Pepsi Cup. Each team played against each other. The top teams played finals. A win fetched 2 pts and a tie 1 point

1) South Africa were in the finals
2) India defeated SA but failed to reach the finals
3) Australia lost only one match in the tournament
4) The match between India and Sri Lanka was a tie
5) The undefeated team in the league matches lost in the finals
6) England was one of the best teams that did not qualify

14.Who were the finalists?
i. SA & India
ii. Aus & SL
iii. SA & SL
iv. none
Ans: C

15. Who won the finals?
i. Aus
ii. SL
iii. SA
iv. Can,t be determined
Ans: C

16. How many matches did India Win?
i. 0
ii. 1
iii. 2
iv. can,t be determined
Ans: D

17.What was the outcome of the India England Match
i. India won
ii. England won
iii. It was a tie
iv. Can,t be determined
Ans: D( check it)

Direction for Qn 18-24.

Ans A using I only
Ans B using II only
Ans C using both I and II
Ans D not solvable

18. Raman and Gaurav Brought eggs from a vendor. How many eggs were bought by each of them
i. Raman bought half as many as Gaurav
ii. The dealer had a stock of 500 eggs at the beginning of day
Ans: D

19. What is the age of Ramprakash?
i. Ramprakash was born when his father was 26 yrs old
ii. Ramprakash,s mothers age is 3yrs less than his father,s
Ans: D

20. How much time is reqd for downloading the software?
i. The Data transfer rate is 6 kbps
ii. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes
Ans: C

21. Sanjay and Vijay started their journey from Mumbai to Pune. Who reached Pune first?
i. Sanjay overtakes two times Vijay and Vijay overtakes Sanjay two times
ii. Sanjay started first
Ans: C

22. A boat can ferry 1500 passengers across a river in 12 hrs. How many round trips does it make during the journey?
i. The boat can carry 400 passengers at a time
ii. During its journey, the boat takes 40 mins time each way and 20 mins waiting time at each end.
Ans: C

23. What are the values of m and n?
i. n is an even integer, m is odd integer and m is greater than n.
ii. The product of m and n is 30
Ans: C

24. How much is the weight of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges?
i. 1 orange weighs twice that of 1 mango
ii. 2 mangoes and 3 oranges weigh 2 kg
Ans: B

25. Is the GDP of country X higher than Country Y?
i. GDP,s of X and Y has been increasing at a compounded annual growth rate of 5% and 6% over he past 5 yrs
ii. 5 yrs ago GDP of X was 1.2 times Y
Ans: C.

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12th March 2013, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

List of Sample Papers
Capgemini Company-Profile

Capgemini Selection-Procedure

Capgemini Placement-Paper Question-Paper Kerala,Mumbai,Delhi -13 Jul 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Interview-HR Interview Latest (2012-2013)-13 Jul 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Interview-Tech Interview latest 2012-13 Jul 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences Mumbai-28 Jan 2013
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences Hyderabad-26 Dec 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences BMST,Bangalore-07 Oct 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences Kerala-16 Sep 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences Bhubneshwar-25 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Aptitude-Analytical B.P Poddar Engineering college,kolkta-14 May 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Aptitude-Analytical bhubneshwar-11 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences Bhubaneswar-10 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Whole-Testpaper Bhubneshwar-11 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Question-Paper Aptitude and Technical 2011,2012-03 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Question-Paper Aptitude,Analytical,Verbal 2012-2013-03 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Whole-Testpaper GNIT, Kolkata 2012-2013-03 Aug 2012
Capgemini Placement-Paper Candidate-Experiences TICT-Rajarhat, Kolkata-09 Jan 2011
Capgemini Placement-Paper Interview-HR Interview Heritage Institute Of Technology,Kolkata-31 May 2011
Capgemini Placement-Paper Aptitude-General Not Specified-07 Oct 2008
Capgemini Placement-Paper Aptitude-General Not Specified-7 Mar 2008
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21st March 2013, 05:04 PM
raj bn
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Bangalore
Posts: 70
Default Re: Previous year papers of CAPGEMINI?

I have attended the interview. you dont need to prepare for written test ass it will basic aptitude questions. and the GD round is very easy you just need to read daily news papers they will give topics on the recent news. Know about the company before going to HR round.
All teh Best.!!!
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