3rd April 2013, 02:16 PM
Previous years question papers of CHS?
i want to know previous year question of chs 11...pelase send to me the details |
16th September 2016, 01:49 AM
Central Hindu School ( CHS ) is a CBSE affiliated school managed by Banaras Hindu University. It has two branches one only for Boys known as Central Hindu Boy's School and one for the girls known as Central Hindu Girl's School.
To get admission in the same school for Class 11th you will have to appear and qualify an entrance examination known as School Entrance Examination (SET) held by BHU once every year. Also to be eligible for appearing in the same examination you need to have a Class 10th passed certificate with a minimum of 50% aggregate from a recognized board. As far you are concerned about the question papers for SET for Class 11th admission then you can simply visit the link www.bhuonline.in and download your desired question paper as per the stream of your choice which you are looking to opt for Class 11th. From the same link you can also get details about SET examination by downloading SET bulletin. |