16th July 2010, 05:19 PM
Procedure to apply for education loan for higher studies?
Hello sir,
How can I get a education loan/schlorship for higher education. Last edited by ForumStaffOne; 26th February 2011 at 01:39 PM. |
26th February 2011, 04:45 PM
Procedure to apply for education loan for higher studies?
If You Will Face The Money Problem And Interested to Get Education Loan, Then Dont Worry, In Now A Days Manny Banks Provide Education Loans To That Students, Who Are Intrested to Continuing Their Study. But You Will Apply for Education Loan Only When, If You Have Get The Admission In Some Good Colleges, After Getting Admission In Colleges, You Have To Ask Him To Provide The Loan letter Or A Proof Of Admission And Fees details Receipts. And These Given Documents You Have To Submit In The Bank Along With Your Education Details, Only then You Will Get Educational Loan. But Please Make Sure That, Your College Should Be AICTE Or UGC Approved, Only then Banks Will Offer You The Bank Loan On The Behalf of Your College Letter And The bank Makes an Agreement With the Student who Also has to Provide a Guarantee From The Parent Or Third Party. The loan Amount Is Disbursed in Installments And Remitted Directly to the College, After the Necessary Formalities Are Completed. For More Details Please Contact The Banks Or Read the Following Given Attach File - |
26th February 2011, 09:55 PM
if you are studying in a good or the reputed college or the universities then you are likely to get the education loan for the higher studies very easily
only you have to get a letter from the college about all the details of the various fees that has to be paid ....... and also you have to fill the education loan form and along with it you have to submit the college brochure ...... |
10th April 2011, 01:38 PM
hii,, apply directly to banks from a letter from college principal about your problems surely you can access loan , and try for schlorships from goverment,indianoil,....best of luck.
30th April 2011, 08:38 AM
Procedure to apply for education loan for higher studies If You Will Face The Money Problem And Interested to Get Education Loan, Then Dont Worry, In Now A Days Manny Banks Provide Education Loans To That Students, Who Are Intrested to Continuing Their Study. But You Will Apply for Education Loan Only When, If You Have Get The Admission In Some Good Colleges, After Getting Admission In Colleges, You Have To Ask Him To Provide The Loan letter Or A Proof Of Admission And Fees details Receipts. And These Given Documents You Have To Submit In The Bank Along With Your Education Details, Only then You Will Get Educational Loan. But Please Make Sure That, Your College Should Be AICTE Or UGC Approved, Only then Banks Will Offer You The Bank Loan On The Behalf of Your College Letter And The bank Makes an Agreement With the Student who Also has to Provide a Guarantee From The Parent Or Third Party. The loan Amount Is Disbursed in Installments And Remitted Directly to the College, After the Necessary Formalities Are Completed. if you are studying in a good or the reputed college or the universities then you are likely to get the education loan for the higher studies very easily only you have to get a letter from the college about all the details of the various fees that has to be paid . and also you have to fill the education loan form and along with it you have to submit the college brochure good luck |
27th May 2011, 09:50 PM
i took education loan for my B.E. Degree & now i have completed my degree... but now i want to go for M.E. So can i get loan from the same bank for my M.E. ?
please suggest me fast.. my no. is 9096323534 |
6th August 2011, 07:12 PM
hi...plz help me to knw... Is canara bank providing full interest subsidy scheme??? If ny 1 knw den plz mail me on [email protected]
22nd July 2012, 12:43 AM
dear sir,
How to procedure of education loan facilities, l have comp. BCA and appear to MCA second year government engineering college of aurangabad (auto), plz get procedure how to apply this facilities. Regarded to Anil D. Ade Government engineering college aurangabad Contact us :- 9422741366 |
4th September 2012, 10:18 AM
hi, when we should refund the education loan,is'it after completing "mca"? And one the fee paid during admission will be given to us after loan sanction or detecting that amount we get the loan?
30th September 2012, 11:38 PM
please anyone can tell me about loan for b pharmacy i wants study but lack of money it is't possible my all friends r doing study i m a clinician ot technician but work is't better so please tell me in details in hindi language MY MOBILE NUMBER 08529797975
28th June 2013, 08:37 PM
want to know to apply fpr educational loan my email id is [email protected]
10th July 2013, 02:58 AM
Getting education loan is easier said then getting it. No bank gives loan so easily. To get education loan, you need to go and talk to branch manager and he/she will give you the form and all the details. He/she would be asking about the college you are taking admission. The better the college, easier it would be for you to get loan. Try to aim college which are higher in rank to avail education loan easily All the best |
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