25th July 2012, 02:01 PM
Required Rank in PGCET Exam to get admission for M.Tech course in a Government College? How much will be the fee structure for this course?
I am completed B.E in Information science and i wanted to do mtech. what should be the ranking in pgcet entrance exam to get the Govt. mtech college... and What is the fee Structure For Govt & Non Govt Seats, Kindly send all the details to [email protected]
5th August 2012, 10:18 PM
what is the rank to get for a oc category student in klu college
14th August 2012, 02:44 AM
i wish to do mtech in electrical science stream....in govt college.... for that what ll be the need of ranking,,,,? even tell abt fees detail for govt & other collge......please reply to [email protected]
10th September 2012, 07:51 PM
i am b.tech final year student. I want to join in m.tech through pgecet.Please expain about fee structure and about scholorship details
14th September 2012, 02:40 PM
i scored 16002 rank in pgcet 2012...wat is the govt fees and non govt fees ...plz mail me the online counselling schedule [email protected]
20th September 2012, 08:48 PM
I junaid ahmad bhat HAVE DONE B tech in computer science and my KPGCET ranking is 15771 and my roll no is AB117 and marks is 37.so inform inform me weather i am able to get admission through KPGCET or not kindly send me the details on:
[email protected] or call me at:07298559064 |
4th November 2012, 11:39 AM
i am completed B.tech biotechnology and now i want to do m.tech.what should be the rank in pgcet exam to get seat in good clg and send me the details of fee
1st February 2013, 11:23 AM
i want to know about pgcet completly it means what is cutoff? howmany marks can u conducted?
plz send me ur answer my mail id [email protected] |
29th May 2013, 07:59 PM
i got 13000 rank in gate 2013.i am applying m.tech in our andra pradesh.which type of colleges did i get.give me list of colleges?
6th June 2013, 04:51 PM
i got 752 rank in PGECET 2013.i wish to do m.tech in SVU tirupati or JNTU ananthapur....is there any chance of getting seat in those two colleges for the rank what i secured.and also give me details of fee..
please send me the reply for mail id [email protected] |
9th June 2013, 05:28 PM
what is the cutt off rank to get the seat in ou and jntu??how much wiil be the fee structure for top m.tech colleges??
i got 5600 rank in pg.cet 2013.i wish to do m.tech in ou or jntu hyderabad...is there any chance of getting seat in those two colleges for the rank what i secured..and which college can i get the admission after i got 5600 rank.. please send me the rply for mail id [email protected] |
11th June 2013, 06:10 PM
can u plz give me the details about fee structure for m.tech course through pgecet......in private as well as in govt.colleges...
....i am qualified for the pgecet.... mail:[email protected] |
23rd July 2013, 08:02 PM
Can u plz give me the complete fee structure for government and aided college and Wat ranking is permissible to get through government college for 2013
5th August 2013, 05:42 PM
Sir,I am a NCC "c" Certificate holder & my Pgecet rank is 1252 can i get seat in Osmania university & i also want to know the difference between Regular fees & Special fees & i want to about the reimbursement for Regular fees & Special fees please send me information to my email id [email protected]
14th August 2013, 12:44 PM
i got 42 marks in kea pgcet 2013 for mtech electronics branch please tell me how much rank i can expect reply for [email protected]
16th August 2013, 01:08 AM
I have scord rank of 2800 in mtech pgcet 2013 , so plz recommend me some top colleges in banglore with fee structure n schlorship details ,of SC category...my email id is [email protected]
17th August 2013, 11:41 AM
Which college i may get for pgcet ranking 3299, GM cota
Pleasr reply to [email protected] |
28th August 2013, 10:19 PM
i got 1347 rank in pgcet ..ECE student which specialisation s gud... and which colleges i can take ...guide me in choosing colleges and subject pls...send information to [email protected]
14th January 2014, 04:02 PM
what ranking we will get good govt colleges in banglore [email protected]
24th February 2014, 09:43 PM
give me list of cut off ranks of pgcet entrance exam (eee stream) in ap, to get m.tech seat in ap universities.........
Email: [email protected] |
22nd June 2014, 02:40 PM
how much fee for mtech computers?i got 17250 in pgect plz answer me [email protected]
2nd July 2014, 11:51 AM
sir,i got 11000 in pgcet cse stream,did i get seat in govt college ( hyd )nd wt specialization s gud for cse plz answer me [email protected]
16th July 2014, 01:57 AM
sir,I got 78 rank in pgcet in instrumentation stream can i get seat in university or not and mention the university eligible for me and fee structure please reply to [email protected]
30th July 2014, 01:01 PM
sir,i got 34/100 in mtech cse pgcet ,which colleges i may get in karnataka ??please reply [email protected]
7th August 2014, 02:15 PM
I am completed B.E in Information science and i wanted to do mtech. what should be the ranking in pgcet entrance exam to get the Govt. mtech college... and What is the fee Structure For Govt & Non Govt Seats, Kindly send all the details to [email protected]
7th August 2014, 04:04 PM
i got 12186 score in pgcet cse stream,do i get seat in govt or Non Govt college in bangalore or mangalore . and What is the fee Structure For Govt & Non Govt Seats, plz answer me as early as possible [email protected] |
14th June 2016, 07:45 AM
Sir/ madam....
I completed my btech with stream of electronics and communication engg....i want to join in mtech through pgecet...i got 2078 rank in pgecet 2016.. Can i expect any universities..n what is the fee structure?? Plsssssss reply to [email protected] |
17th August 2017, 02:48 PM
Sir/madam.. I completed my B.Tech with stream of electronics and communication engineering.I want join M.Tech through pgecet. I got rank 760 in pgecet 2017.
Can I expect sv university or any university what is fee structure?? Please send me reply to eppanagalakshmi @gmail.com |
15th June 2018, 10:20 PM
Sir I got 2356 rank through pgecet will I get klu ece branch? I belong to SC category
Please send me any information to [email protected] |