10th December 2011, 10:24 PM
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Is reservation good for our country?

Is Rservation Is Good For Our Country Or Not ?...please tell me if it is

11th December 2011, 01:48 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is reservation good for our country?

Originally Posted by mayank093 View Post
Is Rservation Is Good For Our Country Or Not ?...please tell me if it is
Is reservation good for our country?

There has always been a case of discussion on this factor. Different person may have different thinking regarding it but according to me it is not right now .

Reservation was introduced in the country to raise the living standard of poors and backward classes like - SC/ST .At that time these peoples were struggling to live and it was a boon for them .

But now the case is different .Today if you see the cut off marks in different exams then you will find a huge difference in the cut-off marks of General Category student and SC/ST. Due to this the standard or quality of workers are decreasing because more qualified and talented general category students
are struggling to get entry and less qualified SC/ST peoples are getting jobs.
This is a major cause of depression among the general category students.

It need to be stopped .The students should be selected on the basis of quality and not on the basis of reservation .The cut-off marks should be common for all category students .If any reservation is needed then it should be based on providing money to the seekers.

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11th December 2011, 02:43 PM
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Smile Re: Is reservation good for our country?

Originally Posted by mayank093 View Post
Is Rservation Is Good For Our Country Or Not ?...please tell me if it is

Is Reservation Good For The Country or Not

Well..according to me..reservation on the basis of caste is not at all right..

The so called backward castes claim reservations for themselves on financial grounds but at present one can see most of the people belonging to the reserved categories are much more financially well off than most of the general category families..and yet they enjoy the leisures of reservation..

In my opinion..reservation should be done on the basis of financial background because the government claims to remove poverty and bring equality after all through these reservations so i would rather suggest that there should be a small reservation for candidates who are actually talented but due to their financial problems and inadequate education are facing problems..

If we want a better India..only pure talent should come to the top level hence i am of the opinion that instead of the reservations for the candidates belongingin to different castes..the government should start a scholarship for the financially backward candidates of all castes so that there is no inequality and all the entrance exams and selections all over the country are based purely on talent..

Well this is just a personal opinion..no offence to any caste..

With Warm Regards
11th December 2011, 02:55 PM
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Hi dear

This is a very critical question.

In my point of view Reservation is necessary . but when this think is utilised only for
political advantages now days .
But this is a very good area where if work properly then our Country is now a gold and top of all the country.

But now a days this Reservation is a new Head-ache because many political party who is ruling party they issue a new rule every day a new reservation category.

For this there is no chance for general category student.

Now a days reservation is on



Most probale 70% is comming on reservation this is not good.

If reservation is occur there is a specific rules on that
then this is a good impact on society.

Good Luck...............
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11th December 2011, 03:02 PM
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Post Re: Is reservation good for our country?

Originally Posted by mayank093 View Post
Is Rservation Is Good For Our Country Or Not ?...please tell me if it is
Is Reservation good for country?

Hi Mayank,

There is a different view of different people on this issue.

I strongly believe that , It is not good for our country.

It was actually done to provide better opportunity to minority and other socially backward class, but now a days instead of purposing these issue, most people causing misuse of that in many ways.

I strongly feel that , every person should get equal opportunity , everything should be based on person's knowledge and capacity whether it is Admission process,recruitment process anything all should be based on person's potential.

Such discrimination based on caste can not be tolerated.

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11th December 2011, 07:04 PM
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India is still a backward country & half a billion are the illiterate ones.At such a stage no doubt all the countrymen wants to upgrade our country in all respects.Reservation in India is a form of affirmative action designed to improve the well being of socially backward and underrepresented communities in India.Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) are the primary beneficiaries of the reservation policies, while there are also reservation policies for women.Such type of reservations create a peace of mind for the unprivileged communities & they will be motivated to do some more efforts than before.

As they are from the poor & illiterate families so if they are not encouraged through this reservation process then definitely they will be demoralized & stop learning & educating themselves.If it happens then again the backward classes will be in a poor state which ultimate harms our economy & country too.

So Reservation is no doubt a good sign for our country but it must be in a limited manner so that the other ones can also gain the seats meant for them.
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11th December 2011, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

Dear pal,
certain people were kept in the depressed state in the past. In order to raise the standard of those people certain measures where made by the government one such is the reservation.
It is not right in arguing that reservation is not good for the progress of India. But it is true that some changes need to be adopted in the reservation scheme. Reservation are made in the admission of the aspirants to the various courses and also during the appointment of aspirants to various posts available in the government department.
But in certain cases it too have draw back. Students who are scoring more marks are not able to get the course in the college despite of their marks due to the reservation.
There are few people who make use of their caste in a wrong way too. There are few who make duplicate certificate in order to make use of reservation. So some changes must be made to avoid there problems. Some other alternative ways also should be made to raise the standards of all the people.
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11th December 2011, 08:25 PM
Snehamay ganguly
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

dear friend,
Reservation , it is a high debate topic..
According to me , reservation is necessary in some fields like-

1.Higher studies
2.Job sectors..

These are the fields where reservation is a must thing..

In higher studies if we don't allot reservation then it will be difficult for the students those are from the backward classes to come forward and pursue higher studies..

In job sectors also it is become very difficult for those students who are from the backward classes to get a job in good sector..

So, reservation is necessary in every sector..
It will give the courage to the poor and backward class students to come forward and lead the life..

All the best..
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15th May 2012, 08:52 AM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

Reservation was introduced in the country to raise the living standard of poors and backward classes like - SC/ST .At that time these peoples were struggling to live and it was a boon for them .the case is different .Today if you see the cut off marks in different exams then you will find a huge difference in the cut-off marks of General Category student and SC/ST. Due to this the standard or quality of workers are decreasing because more qualified and talented general category students
are struggling to get entry and less qualified SC/ST peoples are getting jobs.
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25th October 2012, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

well....according to me reservation is not bad nor good,,,,,,,
all have different thinking,,,,it is a great pleasure to me that iam sharing my views in front of you...
i think reservation is good becoz due to this reservation only backward classes and poor peoples are getting the opportunity to go ahead and to express their views,,,if there will be no reservation ,,offcourse there is no respect for them they are termed as dalits aur untouchables ,,,so you only think if there will be no reservation so there will be nothing to those peoples.

now its my thinking..
anyone of you having any comment to this they are mostly welcomed.
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14th July 2015, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

In the today,s generation why reservation imortant.if important why for the st,sc not for general?
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3rd October 2015, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

I think reservation for job should be changed. in competition there shouldn't have reservation. But upper class people who have lots of money they r selected in securing job in particular field.This is very complicated topic to say line on this.....
firstly background people were discriminated on the basis of caste.
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23rd February 2016, 04:18 AM
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Default Re: Is reservation good for our country?

India is country where corruption is on peak
most of jobs on state level got high payment by govt minister. Every citizens of India fit a setting for B and C category seats. Chief minister and minister relative are first for the
available seat .Max vacancies are open for there relatives or nearby person opened after filling. Reservation is good but having no good results after freedom india survey SC/ST there is negligible growth only 12.5% in FCO.
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