8th February 2022, 03:45 PM
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Retired 10th passed Indian Army personnel can join Police Constable?

Sir i'm 10th passed and retired from Indian army am i eligible for police constable?

9th October 2022, 02:10 PM
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 863
Default Re: Retired 10th passed Indian Army personnel can join Police Constable?

To be a police constable the criteria may very from state to state
But the general common requirement are as follows
The age limit range is between 18 to 22 years for a mail and their maybe are relaxation for some years if you belong to the reserve category
The candidate must be an Indian citizen
There are certain height and weight criteria and also the chest circumference the physical fitness level
The candidate should at least passes 12th standard exam
there are also certain entrance exams conducted by different states which you will have to pass in order to become eligible
So if you fulfill the following criteria than you will be eligible for the post
Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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