10th February 2011, 12:24 AM
Syllabus for M.Sc Biotechnology?
msc biotech syllabus?
10th February 2011, 12:41 PM
Dear Anupama
For your information: Syllabus of Jawaharlal Nehru University MSc Biotechnology - Semester - I BT511 - Mathematics for Biologists BT512 - Biophysical Chemistry BT513 - Computational Biology-I BT514 - Biochemistry BT515 - Enzymology BT516 - Immunology BT517 - Cell Biology BT518 - Laboratory Techniques-I Semester - II BT521 - Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics BT522 - Bioprocess Technology BT523 - Engineering Principles BT524 - Laboratory Techniques-II Semester - III BT531 - Computational Biology-II BT532 - Molecular Biology of Eukaryotic Systems BT533 - Genetic Engineering & Applications BT534 - Immunotechnology Semester - IV BT541 Journal Club-II BT542 Project BT543 Project Presentation For more details you can see the website:www.indiastudycenter.com all the best |
11th February 2011, 10:28 PM
M.Sc is a two year course which is divided in the 4 equal semesters. In each semester students will have to study different subjects. In the 1st semester students will be taught on subjects like General Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Immunology & Medical Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics Lab, English and Computer Awareness. In the 2nd semester the syllabus will take students to more in-depth subjects which will include Cell and Molecular Biology, Industrial Biotechnology, Research Methodology, Instrumentations etc. In the 3rd semester it goes in to subjects like Recombinant DNA technology, Plant and Animal biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology etc. And in the 4th semester the main subjects involved are Commercial Management of Biotechnology and the final project.
18th February 2011, 12:45 PM
BIOLOGY (10+2+3 Standard)
Unit 1:- General Biology Taxonomy; Heredity; Genetic variation; Conservation; Principles of ecology; Evolution; Techniques in modern biology. Unit 2 :-Biochemistry and Physiology Carbohydrates; Proteins; Lipids; Nucleic acids; Enzymes; Vitamins; Hormones; Metabolism; Photosynthesis. Nitrogen Fixation, Fertilization and Osmoregulation; Nervous system; Endocrine system; Vascular system; Immune system; Digestive system, Reproductive System. Unit 3 :-Basic Biotechnology Tissue culture; Application of enzymes; Antigen-antibody interaction; Antibody production; Diagnostic aids. Unit 4 :-Molecular Biology DNA; RNA; Replication; Transcription; Translation; Proteins; Lipids; Membranes; Gene transfer. Unit 5:-Cell Biology Cell cycle; Cytoskeletal elements; Mitochondria; Endoplasmic reticulum; chloroplast; Golgi apparatus; Signaling. Unit 6:-Microbiology Isolation; Cultivation; Characterization and enumeration of virus; Bacteria; Fungi; Protozoa; Pathogenic micro-organisms. CHEMISTRY (10+2+3 Standard) Unit 1 :-Atomic Structure Bohr’s theory and Schrodinger wave equation; Periodicity in properties;Chemical bonding; Properties of s, p, d and f block elements; Complex formation; Coordination compounds; Chemical equilibria; Chemical thermodynamics (first and second law);Chemical kinetics (zero, first, second and third order reactions); Photochemistry; Electrochemistry; Acid-base concepts; Stereochemistry of carbon compounds; Inductive, Electromeric, conjugative effects and resonance. Unit 2 :-Chemistry of Functional Groups Hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines and their derivatives; Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, nitro and amino compounds, phenols, diazonium salts,carboxylic and sulphonic acids; Mechanism of organic reaction; Soaps and detergents; Synthetic polymers; Biomoleculesaminoacids, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates (polysaccharides); Instrumental techniques – chromatography (TLC, HPLC), electrophoresis, UV-Vis-IR and NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, etc. MATHEMATICS (10+2 Standard) Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Induction, Logarithms, Complex numbers, Linear and Quadratic equations, Sequences and Series, Trignometry, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates, Straight lines and Family, Circles, Conic Sections, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Exponential and Logarithmic Series, Mathematical Logic, Statistics, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vectors, Stocks, Shares and Debentures, Average and Partition Values, Index numbers, Matrices and Determinants, Boolean Algebra, Probability, Functions, limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Application of Derivatives, Definite and Indefinite Integrals, Differential Equations, Elementary Statics and Dynamics, Partnership, Bill of Exchange, Linear Programming, Annuities, Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics. PHYSICS (10+2 Standard) Physical World and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power Electrostatics, Current electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Electromagnetics waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations, Atomic Nucleus, Solids and Semiconductor Devices, Principles of Communication,Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves. |
23rd April 2011, 12:23 AM
The whole SYLLABUS is as follows:- Semester - I BT511 - Mathematics for Biologists BT512 - Biophysical Chemistry BT513 - Computational Biology-I BT514 - Biochemistry BT515 - Enzymology BT516 - Immunology BT517 - Cell Biology BT518 - Laboratory Techniques-I Semester - II BT521 - Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics BT522 - Bioprocess Technology BT523 - Engineering Principles BT524 - Laboratory Techniques-II Semester - III BT531 - Computational Biology-II BT532 - Molecular Biology of Eukaryotic Systems BT533 - Genetic Engineering & Applications BT534 - Immunotechnology Semester - IV BT541 Journal Club-II BT542 Project BT543 Project Presentation. Thanks. |
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